Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?

Salman 🦊

Salman 🦊


Lens Rankings

Venture Capital

#528 0.000303 Village Global
#5264 0.000018 A16Z

Culture and Political Economy

#1290 0.000090 Bismark Analysis
#2170 0.000048 Social Epistemology
#3018 0.000036 Progress Studies
#4326 0.000014 Rationality
#5558 0.000008 The Long Now Foundation
#6080 0.000012 Ecomodernists


#1423 0.000041 Cosmos
#2551 0.000039 IDEO Founder Collective
#4092 0.000007 Crypto Investing
#5442 0.000011 Crypto VC
#5646 0.000007 Crypto Infrastructure

Think Tanks

#3124 0.000039 Mercatus Center
#5735 0.000003 Adam Smith Institute


#4947 0.000019 Ars Technica

Automatically Detected Communities