Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?

Nick HK

Nick HK


Lens Rankings

Culture and Political Economy

#361 0.000378 Works in Progress
#679 0.000176 Rationality
#2533 0.000048 Progress Studies
#2805 0.000045 Arnold Kling's Fantasy Intellectual Teams
#3916 0.000004 Effective Altruism
#8030 0.000006 Ecomodernists
#9970 0.000000 Environmental Journalists

Think Tanks

#368 0.000352 Peterson Institute for International Economics
#674 0.000236 Mercatus Center
#1653 0.000090 Brookings
#2729 0.000013 Niskanen Center
#4446 0.000018 Columbia SIPA Center for Energy Policy
#5674 0.000020 American Enterprise Institute
#5674 0.000020 National Bureau of Economic Research


#543 0.000257 EconTwitter


#655 0.000191 Ars Technica
#2729 0.000013 Foreign Policy
#9616 0.000000 OANN
#9642 0.000000 Newsmax


#1111 0.000099 Reality-Based Community


#9847 0.000000 Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

Software Engineering

#9779 0.000000 Zig

Automatically Detected Communities