Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?



Category: Science
Common Ground With Other Lenses


Weighting Method: equal
Rank Score
1 10.0

Paul Krugman @paulkrugman

2 9.0

Xavier Sala-i-Martin @XSalaimartin

3 9.0

Stavros Zenios @StavrosZenios

4 8.9

Joseph E. Stiglitz @JosephEStiglitz

5 8.9

Alejandro Gaviria @agaviriau

6 8.8

Max Roser @MaxCRoser

7 8.8

Justin Wolfers @JustinWolfers

8 8.7

Dani Rodrik @rodrikdani

9 8.7

Ricardo Hausmann @ricardo_hausman

10 8.7

Erik Brynjolfsson @erikbryn

11 8.7

Macario Schettino @macariomx

12 8.7

Richard Thaler @R_Thaler

13 8.7

Kaushik Basu @kaushikcbasu

14 8.7

Branko Milanović @BrankoMilan

15 8.6

Thomas Piketty @PikettyLeMonde

16 8.6

Laura Carvalho @lauraabcarvalho

17 8.6

Mariana Mazzucato @MazzucatoM

18 8.6

Richard D. Wolff @profwolff

19 8.6

Robert J. Shiller @RobertJShiller

20 8.6

Lawrence Summers @LHSummers

21 8.6

Dina D. Pomeranz @DinaPomeranz

22 8.6

Julia Cagé @CageJulia

23 8.6

Austan Goolsbee @Austan_Goolsbee

24 8.5

Stephanie Kelton @StephanieKelton

25 8.5

Arvind Subramanian @arvindsubraman

26 8.5

David Harvey @profdavidharvey

27 8.5

Refet Gürkaynak @RefetGurkaynak

28 8.4

William Easterly @bill_easterly

29 8.4

Gita Gopinath @GitaGopinath

30 8.4

Adam Ozimek @ModeledBehavior

31 8.4

Atif Mian @AtifRMian

32 8.4

scott cunningham @causalinf

33 8.4

Claudia Sahm @Claudia_Sahm

34 8.4

Carlos Rodríguez Braun @rodriguezbraun

35 8.4

Sergei Guriev @sguriev

36 8.4

Ivan Werning @IvanWerning

37 8.4

Thomas Porcher @PorcherThomas

38 8.4

Michael Clemens @m_clem

39 8.4

Alex Tabarrok @ATabarrok

40 8.4

Chris Blattman @cblatts

41 8.3

Olivier Blanchard @ojblanchard1

42 8.3

Leah Boustan @leah_boustan

43 8.3

Susan Dynarski @dynarski

44 8.3

Miguel Angel Santos @miguelsantos12

45 8.3

Luis Garicano @lugaricano

46 8.3

Jodi Beggs @jodiecongirl

47 8.3

Daron Acemoğlu @DrDaronAcemoglu

48 8.3

Jennifer Doleac @jenniferdoleac

49 8.3

Christophe Barraud🛢 @C_Barraud

50 8.3

Riccardo Puglisi @ricpuglisi

51 8.3

Justin Sandefur @JustinSandefur

52 8.3

Jonathan Portes @jdportes

53 8.3

David Rothschild @DavMicRot

54 8.3

Danny Blanchflower economist and fisherman @D_Blanchflower

55 8.3

Germà Bel @gebelque

56 8.2

Wojtek Kopczuk @wwwojtekk

57 8.2

Steve Keen @ProfSteveKeen

58 8.2

Ernie Tedeschi @ernietedeschi

59 8.2

Dr. Lisa D. Cook @drlisadcook

60 8.2

Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham @paulgp

61 8.2

Linda Yueh @lindayueh

62 8.2

Behavioral Finance @victorricciardi

63 8.2

Thomas Conti #UsePFF2 #VacinaJá @ThomasVConti

64 8.2

Betsey Stevenson @BetseyStevenson

65 8.2

Gabriel Zucman @gabriel_zucman

66 8.2

Elisenda Paluzie @epaluzie

67 8.2

Richard Baldwin @BaldwinRE

68 8.2

Chad P. Bown @ChadBown

69 8.1

Arpit Gupta @arpitrage

70 8.1

Rodrigo Zeidan @RodZeidan

71 8.1

Johannes Haushofer @jhaushofer

72 8.1

Damon Jones @nomadj1s

73 8.1

Paul De Grauwe @pdegrauwe

74 8.1

Carlos Góes #UsePFF2 😷 @goescarlos

75 8.1

Michele Boldrin @micheleboldrin

76 8.1

Claudio Ferraz @claudferraz

77 8.1

Michael Pettis @michaelxpettis

78 8.1

Hugo Ñopo @hugonopo

79 8.1

Joshua Gans @joshgans

80 8.1

Ugo Panizza @upanizza

81 8.0

Adam Posen @AdamPosen

82 8.0

Ibrahim M. Turhan @ibrahimmturhan2

83 8.0

Benjamin Golub @ben_golub

84 8.0

Sandy Darity, Retweets do not mean endorsement. @SandyDarity

85 8.0

Gray Kimbrough @graykimbrough

86 8.0

Andrew Leigh @ALeighMP

87 8.0

Jaime Saavedra @JaimeSaavedra22

88 8.0

eduardo yeyati @eduardoyeyati

89 8.0

Dany Bahar @dany_bahar

90 8.0

Rachel Glennerster @rglenner

91 8.0

Mark Thoma @MarkThoma

92 8.0

Rudi Bachmann @BachmannRudi

93 8.0

Seema Jayachandran @seema_econ

94 8.0

Glen Peters @Peters_Glen

95 8.0

Stephen Kinsella @stephenkinsella

96 8.0

César A. Hidalgo @cesifoti

97 8.0

Leo Monasterio @lmonasterio

98 8.0

⑆Luke Stein⑈ @lukestein

99 8.0

simon wren-lewis @sjwrenlewis

100 8.0

Jonathan Malagón González @JoMalagon

101 7.9

Steven Hamilton @SHamiltonian

102 7.9

Constantin Gurdgiev @GTCost

103 7.9

David Kaplan @David_S_Kaplan

104 7.9

Ryan Edwards @ryanbedwards

105 7.9

Andrew Leach @andrew_leach

106 7.9

Carlo Stagnaro @CarloStagnaro

107 7.9

Fabio Ghironi @FabioGhironi

108 7.9

𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐡𝐢𝐥 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 @m_sendhil

109 7.9

Juan Moreno-Cruz 🇨🇴🇨🇦 @jmorenocruz

110 7.9

David Clingingsmith @dclingi

111 7.9

Charles Kenny @charlesjkenny

112 7.9

Barry Eichengreen @B_Eichengreen

113 7.9

Katherine L Milkman @katy_milkman

114 7.9

John Horton @johnjhorton

115 7.9

Amir Sufi @profsufi

116 7.9

Angel Ubide @AngelUbide

117 7.9

John Van Reenen @johnvanreenen

118 7.9

Trevor Tombe @trevortombe

119 7.9

Imran Rasul @ImranRasul3

120 7.9

David Andolfatto @dandolfa

121 7.9

Gary King @kinggary

122 7.9

Diane Coyle @DianeCoyle1859

123 7.9

Dr. Peter Q. Blair @pqblair

124 7.9

Victoria Bateman @vnbateman

125 7.9

Lionel Page @page_eco

126 7.9

Marcel Fratzscher @MFratzscher

127 7.9

Edward Miguel @tedmiguel

128 7.9

Marshall Steinbaum @Econ_Marshall

129 7.9

Isabel Schnabel @Isabel_Schnabel

130 7.9

Florian Ederer @florianederer

131 7.9

Nadeem Haque @nadeemhaque

132 7.8

Arthur Charpentier @freakonometrics

133 7.8

Beatrice Cherrier @Undercoverhist

134 7.8

Claudia Kemfert @CKemfert

135 7.8

Eli Dourado @elidourado

136 7.8

Hyun-Song Shin @HyunSongShin

137 7.8

Nelson Barbosa @nelsonhbarbosa

138 7.8

Jorge Restrepo @JorgeARestrepo

139 7.8

Michael R. Strain @MichaelRStrain

140 7.8

Susan Athey @Susan_Athey

141 7.8

Robert Went @went1955

142 7.8

Daniel Millimet @dlmillimet

143 7.8

Nathan Lane @straightedge

144 7.8

Simon Hedlin @simonhedlin

145 7.8

Raphael Bergoeing @RBergoeingV

146 7.8

Fabio Sabatini @FabbioSabatini

147 7.8

Luis Monroy-Gómez-Franco @MGF91

148 7.8

Daniel Mejia @DanielMejiaL

149 7.8

Shelly Lundberg @ShellyJLundberg

150 7.8

Jeremy Horpedahl 🍞🔕 @jmhorp

151 7.8

Sony Kapoor @SonyKapoor

152 7.8

Nicolas Cachanosky @n_cachanosky

153 7.8

Hans-Werner Sinn @HansWernerSinn

154 7.8

Ioana Marinescu @mioana

155 7.8

Finn Tarp @FinnsAngle

156 7.8

Carolina Alves @cacrisalves

157 7.8

Lawrence F. Katz @lkatz42

158 7.7

Zingales @zingales

159 7.7

Markus Brunnermeier @MarkusEconomist

160 7.7

Miles Kimball @mileskimball

161 7.7

Tom Orlik @TomOrlik

162 7.7

Ricardo Reis @R2Rsquared

163 7.7

Dr. Mike P. Moffatt 🇨🇦🏅🏅 @MikePMoffatt

164 7.7

Ronan Lyons @ronanlyons

165 7.7

Heather Boushey @HBoushey

166 7.7

Ole Peters @ole_b_peters

167 7.7

Lyman Stone @lymanstoneky

168 7.7

Peter Boettke @PeterBoettke

169 7.7

Elizabeth Pancotti @ENPancotti

170 7.7

Scott H. Irwin @ScottIrwinUI

171 7.7

Benjamin Hansen @benconomics

172 7.7

Pamela Jakiela @PJakiela

173 7.7

Leonardo Becchetti @Leonardobecchet

174 7.7

Prof. James Heckman @heckmanequation

175 7.7

Marcela Meléndez @MelendezMarcela

176 7.7

Ashwini_Deshpande @AshwDeshpande

177 7.7

Tony Addison @TonysAngle

178 7.7

Arash Kolahi @ArashKolahi

179 7.7

Sarah Jacobson @SarahJacobsonEc

180 7.7

Sebastian Dullien @SDullien

181 7.7

Marcelo Medeiros @marcelo_meds

182 7.7

Per Bylund @PerBylund

183 7.7

Gbenga Ajilore @gbenga_ajilore

184 7.7

Tommaso Nannicini @TNannicini

185 7.7

Achim Truger @AchimTruger

186 7.7

Philipp Heimberger @heimbergecon

187 7.7

Kenneth Rogoff @krogoff

188 7.7

Vincent (Economic History) Geloso @VincentGeloso

189 7.6

Marc Hofstetter @mahofste

190 7.6

Sarah Cohodes @SarahCohodes

191 7.6

Karl Whelan @WhelanKarl

192 7.6

Jonathan A. Parker @ProfJAParker

193 7.6

Paul Hünermund @PHuenermund

194 7.6

Michael Kofoed @mikekofoed

195 7.6

Jeffrey Brown @IlliniBizDean

196 7.6

Aaron Sojourner @aaronsojourner

197 7.6

Doug Campbell @TradeandMoney

198 7.6

Marc F. Bellemare @marcfbellemare

199 7.6

Leopoldo Fergusson @LeopoldoTweets

200 7.6

Dr. Martha Olney 🏳️‍🌈 @MarthaOlney

201 7.6

Dean Karlan @deankarlan

202 7.6

Devin Pope @Devin_G_Pope

203 7.6

Francesco Trebbi @xftrebbi

204 7.6

Filipe Campante @FilipeCampante

205 7.6

Thomas Roulet @thomroulet

206 7.6

Nicolas Véron @nicolas_veron

207 7.6

Ana María Ibáñez @anamibanez

208 7.6

Diego Castañeda @DiegoCastaneda

209 7.6

John B. Taylor @EconomicsOne

210 7.6

Dean Eckles @deaneckles

211 7.6

Jan Schnellenbach @schnellenbachj

212 7.6

Ingrid H. Kvangraven @ingridharvold

213 7.6

Guntram Wolff @GuntramWolff

214 7.6

Constantino Hevia @constant_hevia

215 7.6

Berk Özler @BerkOzler12

216 7.6

Joshua Angrist @metrics52

217 7.6

Kevin Milligan @kevinmilligan

218 7.6

Martin Gaynor @MartinSGaynor

219 7.6

Sandra Black @Econ_Sandy

220 7.6

Stijn Baert @Stijn_Baert

221 7.6

Gernot Wagner @GernotWagner

222 7.6

alberto bisin @albertobisin

223 7.6

Jon Schwabish @jschwabish

224 7.6

Santiago Tobón @SantiagoTobon

225 7.6

J.I. Conde-Ruiz @conderuiz

226 7.6

Melissa S. Kearney @kearney_melissa

227 7.6

Jens Suedekum @jsuedekum

228 7.6

Jo Michell @JoMicheII

229 7.6

Manuel Hidalgo @Manuj_Hidalgo

230 7.6

Carmen Reinhart @carmenmreinhart

231 7.6

Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan @avgevorkyan

232 7.6

Martin Ravallion @MartinRavallion

233 7.6

Blake Shaffer 📊 @bcshaffer

234 7.6

Roger Farmer @farmerrf

235 7.6

Dr Lindsay 'I am so Tired' Tedds🇨🇦🇬🇧🇮🇪🇪🇺 @LindsayTedds

236 7.6

Matt Collin @aidthoughts

237 7.6

Pascaline Dupas @DupasPascaline

238 7.6

J&J Vaccinee @GarettJones

239 7.5

Joshua Goodman @JoshuaSGoodman

240 7.5

Karthik Muralidharan @karthik_econ

241 7.5

Andreas Backhaus @AndreasShrugged

242 7.5

Peter G. Klein @petergklein

243 7.5

Dr. Tammy Schirle 🍺 @tammyschirle

244 7.5

Stephen Gordon @stephenfgordon

245 7.5

João P. Romero @Joao_P_Romero

246 7.5

Ismael Sanz @sanz_ismael

247 7.5

Jay C. Shambaugh @JayCShambaugh

248 7.5

Analisa Packham @analisapackham

249 7.5

Rafael Domenech @rdomenechv

250 7.5

Matthew E. Kahn @mattkahn1966

251 7.5

Harry A. Patrinos @hpatrinos

252 7.5

Lee Crawfurd @leecrawfurd

253 7.5

Nick HK @nickchk

254 7.5

Richard Tol @RichardTol

255 7.5

Rani .H @RaniElhusseini

256 7.5

Paul Novosad @paulnovosad

257 7.5

Andrzej Klimczuk @AndrzejKlimczuk

258 7.5

Kimberly A. Clausing @KClausing

259 7.5

Colin Williams @Colin_CWilliams

260 7.5

Juan F. Jimeno @jfjimenoserrano

261 7.5

Tim Bartik @TimBartik

262 7.5

Ceyhun Elgin @CeyhunElgin

263 7.5

Kamiar Mohaddes @KamiarMohaddes

264 7.5

Benoit Coeuré @BCoeure

265 7.5

Christopher A. Neilson @ChrisANeilson

266 7.5

chloe gibbs @chloergibbs

267 7.5

Ariel Ortiz-Bobea @ArielOrtizBobea

268 7.5

Martin Kocher @MagratheanTimes

269 7.5

Andrea Presbitero @a_presbitero

270 7.5

Pol Antràs @pol_antras

271 7.5

Annamaria Lusardi @Dr_AnnaLusardi

272 7.5

Peter Hull @instrumenthull

273 7.5

philippe martin @martinph01

274 7.5

Nico Ajzenman @Nicolas_Ajz

275 7.5

Stephen Williamson @1954swilliamson

276 7.5

Andreas Peichl @APeichl

277 7.5

Rafael H.M. Pereira 🚡 Urban Demographics @UrbanDemog

278 7.4

Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke @kevinhorourke

279 7.4

𝐀𝐲𝐤𝐮𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜̧𝐢𝐨𝐠̆𝐥𝐮 @akibritcioglu

280 7.4

Alex Cobham @alexcobham

281 7.4

Ana Maria Tribin, Ph.D. @atribinu

282 7.4

Rob J Hyndman @robjhyndman

283 7.4

Steven Berry @steventberry

284 7.4

Mika Maliranta @Maliranta

285 7.4

Frau Prof. Dr. hc mult Olivia S. Mitchell, PhD @OS_Mitchell

286 7.4

Flavio Comim @FComim

287 7.4

Dr. Alicia Sasser Modestino @SasserModestino

288 7.4

Ludovic Subran @Ludovic_Subran

289 7.4

Mark Koyama @MarkKoyama

290 7.4

Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran @jcs_mbf

291 7.4

JohnQuiggin @JohnQuiggin

292 7.4

Arianto Patunru @acopatunru

293 7.4

David McKenzie @dmckenzie001

294 7.4

Jenny Schuetz @jenny_schuetz

295 7.4

Benito Arruñada @BenitoArrunada

296 7.4

Nonso Obikili @nonso2

297 7.4

Sonia Cabral @soncabral

298 7.4

Anton Muscatelli @UofGVC

299 7.4

Gregory Daco @GregDaco

300 7.4

Mike "Exempt from Disclosure" Munger @mungowitz

301 7.4

Jared Rubin @jaredcrubin

302 7.4

Matt McCaffrey @libertarianpprs

303 7.4

David A. Jaeger @DavidAJaeger

304 7.4

Robert Dur @DurRobert

305 7.4

Dominika Langenmayr @D_Langenmayr

306 7.4

Douglas Webber @dougwebberecon

307 7.4

Sascha O. Becker @essobecker

308 7.4

Lucian Cernat @Lucian_Cernat

309 7.4

Zack Cooper @zackcooperYale

310 7.4

Erin Hengel @erinhengel

311 7.4

Mariacristina De Nardi @M_De_Nardi

312 7.4

Antonio Cabrales @cabralestweet

313 7.4

Professor Marina Adshade @MarinaAdshade

314 7.4

Monika Köppl Turyna @monikaturyna

315 7.3

Joel Wood @JoelWWood

316 7.3

Josh Hendrickson @RebelEconProf

317 7.3

Kamil Yılmaz @kamilyilmaz_

318 7.3

Danila Serra @danilaserra_eco

319 7.3

Avi Goldfarb @avicgoldfarb

320 7.3

John B. Chilton @uaeeconomist

321 7.3

Florin Bilbiie @FlorinBilbiie

322 7.3

d f stone @d_f_stone

323 7.3

Joze P. Damijan @jdamijan

324 7.3

Luis Carlos Reyes @luiscrh

325 7.3

Dennis A V Dittrich @davdittrich

326 7.3

Nathan Nunn @DrNathanNunn

327 7.3

Angus “5 million shots a day" Grier @ez_angus

328 7.3

Paul Niehaus @PaulFNiehaus

329 7.3

Agnès Bénassy-Quéré @agnesbq1

330 7.3

Olivier Simard-Casanova 🏳️‍🌈🇫🇷 @simardcasanova

331 7.3

Stephen Tapp 🇨🇦 🌎 @stephen_tapp

332 7.3

Owen Zidar @omzidar

333 7.3

Dr Mia Mikic @miamikic

334 7.3

Liam Delaney @LiamDelaney2020

335 7.3

Matthias Doepke @mdoepke

336 7.3

Nick Rowe @MacRoweNick

337 7.3

Raffaella Sadun @raffasadun

338 7.3

Raymundo Campos V @rmcamposvazquez

339 7.3

Tommaso Valletti @TomValletti

340 7.3

Stefan Szymanski @sszy

341 7.3

Jayson Lusk @JaysonLusk

342 7.3

Ángel Talavera @atalaveraEcon

343 7.3

Francisco Mejía @franciscome

344 7.3

Jim Cust @jimcust

345 7.3

Mario Macis @Mario_Macis

346 7.3

Robert Metcalfe @RDMetcalfe

347 7.3

Jonas Vlachos @jonasvlachos

348 7.3

Dirk Willem te Velde @DWteVelde

349 7.3

Frank Jotzo @frankjotzo

350 7.3

Diane Schanzenbach @dwschanz

351 7.3

Morten O. Ravn @MortenORavn

352 7.3

Barbara Biasi @BarbaraBiasi

353 7.3

Emilia Tjernström @etjernst

354 7.3

Kim Holder @cubegrl

355 7.3

chris berg @chrisberg

356 7.3

Julia Braga @juliambraga

357 7.3

Abhijeet Singh @singhabhi

358 7.3

José Luis Ferreira @JL_Ferr

359 7.3

David Tuesta Cárdenas @tuestadavid

360 7.3

Joshua B. Miller @jben0

361 7.2

Juan Vargas @juanf_vargas

362 7.2

Hélène Rey @helene_rey

363 7.2

Justus Haucap @haucap

364 7.2

Michael McMahon @mcmahonecon

365 7.2

Tim Leunig @timleunig

366 7.2

Catherine L. Mann @CLMannEcon

367 7.2

Juan Pablo Zorrilla Salgador 🌊 @jp_economics

368 7.2

Shoshana Grossbard @econoflove

369 7.2

Economic thought @economicthought

370 7.2

Bichler & Nitzan @BichlerNitzan

371 7.2

Andrea Roventini @AndreaRoventini

372 7.2

Miles Corak @MilesCorak

373 7.2

Jonathan Morduch @JMorduch

374 7.2

Christian Bayer @christianbaye13

375 7.2

Steve Trost @trostecon

376 7.2

Jadrian Wooten @Wootenomics

377 7.2

Maximilian Kasy @maxkasy

378 7.2

Jason #VaccinateTheWorld Kerwin @jt_kerwin

379 7.2

Andrew Watt @AndrewWattEU

380 7.2

Andrew Batson @andrewbatson

381 7.2

Kevin Rinz @kevinrinz

382 7.2

Peterrrrrrrrr Bell @PeterNBell

383 7.2

Rajiv Sethi @rajivatbarnard

384 7.2

Diane Lim @economistmom

385 7.2

Laurent Franckx 🇧🇪🇪🇺 @LaurentFranckx

386 7.2

Elina Ribakova @elinaribakova

387 7.2

Rob Gillezeau @robgillezeau

388 7.2

Dr. Sandile Hlatshwayo @femme_economics

389 7.2

Steven Glazerman @EduGlaze

390 7.2

Antonio Fatas @AntonioFatas

391 7.2

Tyler Ransom @tyleransom

392 7.2

Lars Peter Hansen @UncertainLars

393 7.2

David Berri @wagesofwins

394 7.2

Raphael Auer @RaphAuer

395 7.2

M. Aykut Attar @maattar

396 7.2

Pedro S. Martins @pmrsmartins

397 7.2

Alfredo Paloyo @AlfredoPaloyo

398 7.2

Jose Caraballo-Cueto @CaraballoCueto

399 7.2

William J. Luther @WilliamJLuther

400 7.2

Nelson Essiane @EssianeNelson

401 7.2

Matthew A. Kraft @MatthewAKraft

402 7.2

Francesco Saraceno @fsaraceno

403 7.2

Meredith Crowley @MeredithCrowle1

404 7.2

Santiago Carbó @scarboval

405 7.2

Dr. Abdullah Al Bahrani @DrAAlBahrani

406 7.2

Felipe Valencia C. @felipev84

407 7.2

Oswaldo Molina @OswaldoMolinaC

408 7.2

Menzie Chinn @menzie_chinn

409 7.1

Frances Woolley @franceswoolley

410 7.1

Stefania Albanesi @stef_alba

411 7.1

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose @rodriguez_pose

412 7.1

Dr. Gema Zamarro @gema_zamarro

413 7.1

Daron Acemoglu @NarrowCorridor

414 7.1

Marcin Piatkowski @mmpiatkowski

415 7.1

yahya m. madra @ymadra

416 7.1

Paulina Restrepo-Echavarria @paures12

417 7.1

Louis-Philippe Rochon @Lprochon

418 7.1

J.C. Bradbury @jc_bradbury

419 7.1

Trade Diversion (Jonathan Dingel) @TradeDiversion

420 7.1

Erik Angner @ErikAngner

421 7.1

Antoni-Italo de Moragas @moragasai

422 7.1

Felipe Barrera-Osorio @felbarrera

423 7.1

Asli Demirgüç-Kunt @ademirguckunt

424 7.1

Matthias Schnetzer @matschnetzer

425 7.1

Brad Humphreys @humphreys_brad

426 7.1

Claudio Lucinda @claudiolucinda

427 7.1

Guillaume Allègre @g_allegre

428 7.1

Dave Vanness @djvanness

429 7.1

Toni Whited @toniwhited

430 7.1

Andreas Loeschel @andreasloeschel

431 7.1

Michael Madowitz @mikemadowitz

432 7.1

Francisco H. G. Ferreira @fhgferreira

433 7.1

John Whitehead @johnwhitehead81

434 7.1

Jill McCluskey @jjmccluskey

435 7.1

Miguel Faria e Castro @mfariacastro

436 7.1

Juliana Londoño-Vélez @juliana_londono

437 7.1

Jeffrey Lin @jeffrlin

438 7.1

Floren Felgueroso @ffelgueroso

439 7.1

Victor V Claar 🌴 @VictorClaar

440 7.1

G.C. Pieters, PhD @ProfPieters

441 7.1

Prolific Incomprehensible Vanguard @szarka

442 7.1

Mauricio Romero @marome1

443 7.1

Kasey Buckles @Kasey_Buckles

444 7.1

Kweku Opoku-Agyemang @KwekuOA

445 7.1

John Cawley @cawley_john

446 7.1

Manuel González @manugonzalez76

447 7.1

Jeffrey P. Clemens @jeffreypclemens

448 7.1

Eva O. Arceo-Gomez @EvaOArceo

449 7.1

Aaron Hedlund @aaron_hedlund

450 7.1

Johanna Rickne @johannarickne

451 7.1

Mario Holzner @MarioHolzner

452 7.1

Judy Stephenson @judyzara

453 7.1

Social Finance, David Hirshleifer @4misceldah

454 7.1

Helmut Reisen @HrReisen

455 7.1

Jonathan Benchimol @Benchimolium

456 7.1

Jeffrey Dorfman @DorfmanJeffrey

457 7.1

Brian Albrecht @BrianCAlbrecht

458 7.1

Leigh Caldwell @leighblue

459 7.1

Jonathan Haskel @haskelecon

460 7.1

Rafa de Hoyos @rafadehoyos

461 7.1

Jess Hoel @Jess_Hoel

462 7.1

Harald Oberhofer @HO2604

463 7.1

Kurt MIT-shock-man @SorryToBeKurt

464 7.1

David Khoudour 🇫🇷 🇪🇺🌎 @DavidKhoudour

465 7.1

N. Emrah Aydınonat @aydinonat

466 7.1

Soledad Zignago @SZignago

467 7.1

Nora Lustig @noralustig

468 7.1

Trey Malone @DrTreyMalone

469 7.1

Amanda Y. Agan @AmandaYAgan

470 7.1

Owen Ozier @OwenOzier

471 7.1

Amy W. Ando @AmyEcon

472 7.1

Lars E.O. Svensson @leosven

473 7.1

Chris Barrett @cbb2cornell

474 7.1

Jonathan Heathcote @Jonheathcote

475 7.1

Margit Schratzenstaller @MargitSchratz

476 7.1

Cléo Chassonnery-Zaïgouche @CleoCZ

477 7.0

Ryan Decker @UpdatedPriors

478 7.0

Juan Carlos Suárez @J_C_Suarez

479 7.0

NonFungible Jason Potts @profjasonpotts

480 7.0

Miriam Rehm @MiriamRehm

481 7.0

samir huseynov @huseynovecon

482 7.0

Mike Makowsky @mikemakowsky

483 7.0

Christian Zimmermann @CZimm_economist

484 7.0

Valentino Larcinese @vlarcinese

485 7.0

Plamen V Nikolov 🌐 @pnikolov

486 7.0

Peter Whiteford @WhitefordPeter

487 7.0

Javier Mejia @JavierMejiaC

488 7.0

Nauro Campos @NauroCampos

489 7.0

Jeff Denning @JeffDenning

490 7.0

Iikka Korhonen @IikkaKorhonen

491 7.0

Fatih Guvenen @fatihguvenen

492 7.0

Dr. Isabel Z. Martínez @IZMartinez86

493 7.0

Lisa Kramer @LisaKramer

Account Rankings

Rank Score
1 9.4

digby @digby56

2 9.4

Josh Marshall @joshtpm

3 9.3

makarious Njuguna @MarkAchiever

4 9.2

New York Times Opinion @nytopinion

5 9.1

Maggie Haberman @maggieNYT

6 9.0

Jeffrey S. Thompson @JThom7248

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
9 9.0

Christopher Cerrone @chriscerrone

10 9.0

SIGWITCH⛧ @lindseybieda

11 9.0

Alex Garner @AlexGarnerArt

12 9.0 @BudgetHawks

13 9.0

Erica Chenoweth @EricaChenoweth

14 8.9

Richard L. Hasen @rickhasen

15 8.9

Frank Thorp V @frankthorp

16 8.9

Ronald Brownstein @RonBrownstein

17 8.9

Jon Ralston @RalstonReports

18 8.9

Propane Jane™ @docrocktex26

19 8.9

John Harwood @JohnJHarwood

20 8.9

Tom Nichols @RadioFreeTom

21 8.9

Greg Sargent @ThePlumLineGS

22 8.9

World Inequality Lab | @WIL_inequality

23 8.9

Daniel Dale @ddale8

24 8.7

Democracy At Work @democracyatwrk

25 8.7

FT World News @ftworldnews

26 8.5

Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose @IIPP_UCL

27 8.5

Noah Smith 🐇 @Noahpinion

28 8.4

Jason Zweig @jasonzweigwsj

29 8.4

James Schneider @a_f13nd

30 8.4

Kristalina Georgieva @KGeorgieva

31 8.3

Arindrajit Dube @arindube

32 8.3

Project Syndicate @ProSyn

33 8.2

Adam Tooze @adam_tooze

34 8.2

Alice Evans @_alice_evans

35 8.2

Koenfucius @koenfucius

36 8.2

Roosevelt Institute @rooseveltinst

37 8.1

Joan Laporta @JoanLaportaFCB

38 8.1

Anecdotal @anecdotal

39 8.1 @BillMoyers

40 8.1

Dr. Trevon D Logan @TrevonDLogan

41 8.1

Celestin Monga @CelestinMonga

42 8.1

Hannah Ritchie @_HannahRitchie

43 8.1

Cyrille Lachèvre @CyrilleLachevre

44 8.0

Suresh @snaidunl

45 8.0

Business Insider @BusinessInsider

46 8.0

NBER @nberpubs

47 8.0

Colin Camerer @CFCamerer

48 8.0

Rachael Meager @economeager

49 8.0

Edouard Mathieu @redouad

50 8.0

Calvin and Hobbes @Calvinn_Hobbes

51 8.0

Sewell Chan @sewellchan

52 8.0

Eric Topol @EricTopol

53 8.0

Jeff Mosenkis @mosenkis

54 8.0

Matteo Maggiori @m_maggiori

55 8.0

Gabriela Montero @monterogabriela

56 8.0

Joanna Hausmann @Joannahausmann

57 8.0

Carl Bergstrom @CT_Bergstrom

58 8.0

Tasty @tasty

59 7.9

Martha Gimbel @marthagimbel

60 7.9

Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias

61 7.9

Matthew C. Klein @M_C_Klein

62 7.9

Milan Vaishnav @MilanV

63 7.9

Scott Imberman @imbernomics

64 7.9

David Evans @DaveEvansPhD

65 7.9

Saleha Mohsin @SalehaMohsin

66 7.9

Institute for New Economic Thinking @INETeconomics

67 7.9

Martin Aragoneses @m_aragoneses

68 7.9

Mário Centeno @mariofcenteno

69 7.9

Bank of Jamaica @CentralBankJA

70 7.9

J-PAL South Asia @JPAL_SA

71 7.9

Dr Christine Cheng 鄭穎茵 @cheng_christine

72 7.9

Emily Oster @ProfEmilyOster

73 7.9

Jamin Speer @JaminSpeer

74 7.9

Sam @Samir_Madani

75 7.9

Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak @mushfiq_econ

76 7.9

Marginal Revolution @MargRev

77 7.9

Peterson Institute @PIIE

78 7.9

Dr Arvind Mayaram اروند مایارام अरविंद मायाराम @MayaramArvind

79 7.9

Jason Furman @jasonfurman

80 7.9

Enric @Enricpg

81 7.9

Carme Subias Farré @SubiasCarme

82 7.9

Imma Fantoba @IFantoba

83 7.9

Joan Alberich @Joan1899

84 7.9

Ester Baiget i Bonany.🎗️ @EsterBaiget

85 7.9

Susanne Trimbath PhD @SusanneTrimbath

86 7.9

petete🎗 @petete_0007

87 7.9

Gemma 🌼||*|| 🎗 @ishkra2

88 7.9


89 7.9

Ivo Güell i Torné #Neuroventa #Mentoring @IdeIConsultores

90 7.9

Angela Baggetta @angelabaggetta

91 7.9

Cass Sunstein @CassSunstein

92 7.9

Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman @itsafronomics

93 7.8

Andrea Matranga @andreamatranga

94 7.8

Jaume Alonso-Cuevillas @JACS_JaumeACS

95 7.8

Columbia B-School @Columbia_Biz

96 7.8

Charlie Davis @CSDDavis

97 7.8

Harvard's Growth Lab @HarvardGrwthLab

98 7.8

Francisco J. Monaldi @fmonaldi

99 7.8

Douglas Irwin @D_A_Irwin

100 7.8

Rob Howse @howserob

101 7.8

Joe Weisenthal @TheStalwart

102 7.8

Paul Graham @paulg

103 7.8

Catherine Rampell @crampell

104 7.8

Todd Moss @toddjmoss

105 7.8

franceleclerc @franceleclerc

106 7.8

David Lammy @DavidLammy

107 7.8

Truthout @truthout

108 7.8

Brad Setser @Brad_Setser

109 7.8

Nicholas A. Christakis @NAChristakis

110 7.8

Don Robotham @dondee_don

111 7.8

Oxfam International @Oxfam

112 7.8

Steve Stewart-Williams @SteveStuWill

113 7.8

James Surowiecki @JamesSurowiecki

114 7.8

Ernesto Talvi @ernesto_talvi

115 7.8

Anna Gelpern @AGelpern

116 7.8

Marcie Bianco @MarcieBianco

117 7.8

Nathan Tankus @NathanTankus

118 7.8

Ben White @morningmoneyben

119 7.8

Jason Crawford @jasoncrawford

120 7.8

Judy Chevalier @judy_chevalier

121 7.8

Sarah Chaney Cambon @sechaney

122 7.8

Khoa Vu @KhoaVuUmn

123 7.8

Sam🔔 @sam_a_bell

124 7.8

Itai Sher @itaisher

125 7.8

Natalie E. Dean @nataliexdean

126 7.7

Stefanie Stantcheva @S_Stantcheva

127 7.7

Vala Afshar @ValaAfshar

128 7.7

Matthew Martin @hyperplanes

129 7.7

Christian G @ProfGlupker

130 7.7

Martin Sandbu @MESandbu

131 7.7

IPA @poverty_action

132 7.7

Molly Jong-Fast @MollyJongFast

133 7.7

ROAR Magazine @ROAR_Magazine

134 7.7

Scott Fullwiler @stf18

135 7.7

Romesh Vaitilingam @econromesh

136 7.7

Dilip Soman 🇨🇦 @dilipsoman

137 7.7

George Selgin @GeorgeSelgin

138 7.7

Anne Sinclair @anne_sinclair

139 7.7

Casey Mulligan @caseybmulligan

140 7.7

Puja Mehra @pujamehra

141 7.7

Scott Lincicome @scottlincicome

142 7.7

Anand @anandavardhanan

143 7.7

David Roodman @davidroodman

144 7.7

Ben Casselman @bencasselman

145 7.7

Shashank Nayak @ShazCoder

146 7.7

Danielle DiMartino Booth @DiMartinoBooth

147 7.7

Diane Swonk @DianeSwonk

148 7.7

Alex Imas @alexoimas

149 7.7

Samuel Hammond 🌐🏛 @hamandcheese

150 7.7

Michael Barr @Michael_S_Barr

151 7.7

Stephany Griffith-Jones @stephanygj

152 7.7

Emily Nix @EmilyNix100

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
158 7.7

bsense @bsenser

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
164 7.7

Jordi Cabezas Mula @JordiMula

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
168 7.7

Bon Vent @BonVent10

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
180 7.7

(((Ja-Golo))) ll*ll @Ja_Golo

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
184 7.7

Rosal·lina 🎗 @rosatgn

185 7.7

Víctor Herrero Pérez @VctorHerrero5

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
188 7.7

Neus Tumul•ltuària @NTumultuaria

189 7.7

Francesc, MD, PhD @FrankMDPhD1

(Temporarily missing user profile)
191 7.7

Ramachandra Guha @Ram_Guha

192 7.7

Columbia | CGEG @ColumbiaCGEG

193 7.7

Monica Lewinsky @MonicaLewinsky

194 7.7

Berggruen Institute @berggruenInst

195 7.7

Matt Darling 🌐💸🌇 @besttrousers

196 7.7

Columbia Univ Press @ColumbiaUP

197 7.7

Kiko Llaneras @kikollan

198 7.7

Paul M. Romer @paulmromer

199 7.7

Steven Hail @StevenHailAus

200 7.7

akaAKP @Oceanus_11693

201 7.7

Brendan Nyhan @BrendanNyhan

202 7.7

Mauricio Cárdenas S. @MauricioCard

203 7.7

Megan McArdle @asymmetricinfo

204 7.7

Conor Sen @conorsen

205 7.7

Marco Piani @Marco_Piani

206 7.6

Neera Tanden @neeratanden

207 7.6

Neoliberal 🌐 @ne0liberal

208 7.6

Rohan Grey @rohangrey

209 7.6

Dr Anton Howes @antonhowes

210 7.6

Steven Pinker @sapinker

211 7.6

Carolyn McClanahan @CarolynMcC

212 7.6

Shawn Donnan @sdonnan

213 7.6

Signor Ernesto @SignorErnesto

214 7.6

James Lindsay, DARPA for the culture war @ConceptualJames

215 7.6

World Economic Forum @wef

216 7.6

Michael A. Nielsen @michael_nielsen

217 7.6

Saskia Sassen @SaskiaSassen

218 7.6

Ryan Briggs @ryancbriggs

219 7.6

saliltripathi @saliltripathi

(Temporarily missing user profile)
221 7.6

Neale Mahoney @nealemahoney

222 7.6

Samuel Moyn @samuelmoyn

223 7.6

Binyamin Appelbaum @BCAppelbaum

224 7.6

Patrick Collison @patrickc

225 7.6

Democracy Now! @democracynow

226 7.6

Richard Murphy @RichardJMurphy

227 7.6

Amy Thoma Tan @amyjane12

228 7.6

Richard Holden @profholden

229 7.6

Kevin Michael Kruse @KevinMKruse

230 7.6

Yascha Mounk @Yascha_Mounk

231 7.6

zerohedge @zerohedge

232 7.6

Lucio Martelli @LucioMM1

233 7.6

C. Kirabo Jackson @KiraboJackson

234 7.6

Carlos Vecchio @carlosvecchio

235 7.6

David Meyer Wessel @davidmwessel

236 7.6

Sadanand Dhume @dhume

237 7.6

Marshall Auerback @Mauerback

238 7.6

David Beckworth @DavidBeckworth

239 7.6

Marc Benioff @Benioff

240 7.6

Jon.Schwartz @JonSchw73589513

241 7.6

Jean Pisani-Ferry @pisaniferry

242 7.6

Tressie McMillan Cottom @tressiemcphd

243 7.6

Rinny @RinnyTheGopher

244 7.6

Dow @mark_dow

245 7.6

Petra Moser @PMoserEcon

246 7.6

Abdoulaye Ndiaye @and_joy_

247 7.6 @HumanProgress

248 7.6

Michael Hayden @GenMhayden

249 7.6

Devashish Mitra @DevashishMitra_

250 7.6

Daniel Bergstresser @dbergstresser

251 7.6

Angus Armstrong @angusarmstrong8

252 7.5

Paul Sliker @psliker

253 7.5

Sam Lowe @SamuelMarcLowe

254 7.5

CNN Business @CNNBusiness

255 7.5

Jonah Gelbach @gelbach

256 7.5

Left Out 🎧 @leftoutpodcast

257 7.5

Alfredo Duque de Caixas @AlfredoLopPce

258 7.5

Ryan Bourne @MrRBourne

259 7.5

Tim Harcourt @TimHarcourt

260 7.5

Pablo Malo @pitiklinov

261 7.5

Harold Pollack @haroldpollack

262 7.5

Bank for International Settlements @BIS_org

263 7.5

Barry Ritholtz @ritholtz

264 7.5

George Wu @geowu

265 7.5

Esteban Ortiz-Ospina @EOrtizOspina

266 7.5

Gene Sperling @genebsperling

267 7.5

Chris Edmond @chrisedmond

268 7.5

Adam Kucharski @AdamJKucharski

269 7.5

Matt O'Brien @ObsoleteDogma

270 7.5

John Arnold @JohnArnoldFndtn

271 7.5

Peter Doyle @retepelyod

272 7.5

James Pethokoukis @JimPethokoukis

273 7.5

Gary Burtless @GBurtless

274 7.5

Lisa Tozzi @lisatozzi

(Temporarily missing user profile)
276 7.5


(Temporarily missing user profile)
278 7.5

David Herzig @professortax

279 7.5

TakingHayekSeriously🧨 @FriedrichHayek

280 7.5

Washington Post Opinions @PostOpinions

281 7.5

Craig Shapiro 👾 @cshapiro

282 7.5

Paula Ebben @PaulaEbben

283 7.5

Rachel Bovard @rachelbovard

284 7.5

Royal Commonwealth Society @RoyalCWSociety

285 7.5

Brookings Econ @BrookingsEcon

286 7.5

Brendan Duke @Brendan_Duke

287 7.5

POPDUST @Popdust

288 7.5

Ilyana Kuziemko @ikuziemko

289 7.5

The Currency @thecurrency

290 7.5

Pseudoerasmus @pseudoerasmus

291 7.5


292 7.5

Saagar Enjeti @esaagar

293 7.5

Shane Wright @swrighteconomy

294 7.5

Ian Bremmer @ianbremmer

295 7.5

Soutik Biswas @soutikBBC

296 7.5

Mitali Mukherjee @MitaliLive

297 7.5

J. Bradford DeLong @delong

298 7.5

E. J. Dionne @EJDionne

299 7.5

Tom Lyons @TomLyonsBiz

300 7.5

Ken Opalo @kopalo

301 7.5

Fred @WaywardWinifred

302 7.5

TV Finance @TV_Finance

303 7.5

Black Socialists in America @BlackSocialists

304 7.5

Josh Ryan-Collins @jryancollins

305 7.5

Cliff Pickover @pickover

306 7.5

𝙰𝚍𝚊𝚖 𝙳𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚍 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚘𝚗 @AdamDavidMorton

307 7.5

David Gollaher @davidgollaher

308 7.5

Tony Yates @t0nyyates

309 7.5

Ellora Derenoncourt @EDerenoncourt

310 7.5

Aaron Rupar @atrupar

311 7.5

Verso Books @VersoBooks

312 7.5

Jared Bernstein @econjared

313 7.5

Laurie Macfarlane @L__Macfarlane

314 7.5

Fareed Zakaria @FareedZakaria

315 7.5

ideas42 @ideas42

316 7.5

Principia Marsupia @pmarsupia

317 7.5

Cherie Antoinette @sheriantoinette

318 7.5

Stephen Wertheim @stephenwertheim

319 7.5

Prospect Magazine @prospect_uk

320 7.5

Stephanie Ruhle @SRuhle

(Temporarily missing user profile)
322 7.5

Todd N. Tucker @toddntucker

323 7.5

Gabriele Iuvinale - EX ⚠️ @GabrieleIuvina1

324 7.5

#FreePalestine @Simon_A_Wood

325 7.5

Austin L. Wright @austinlwright

326 7.5

Ciudadanos 🇪🇸🇪🇺 @CiudadanosCs

327 7.5

Reuben M. Wambui 🏇🏿 @reubenmuhindi

328 7.5

Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin

329 7.5

John Podhoretz @jpodhoretz

330 7.5

Frances Coppola @Frances_Coppola

331 7.5

Lee Camp @LeeCamp

332 7.4

Fausto Panunzi @FPanunzi

333 7.4

Pritish Nandy @PritishNandy

334 7.4

Harvard Book Store @HarvardBooks

335 7.4

Jacques Crémer @jcremer

336 7.4

Francesca Cassano 🇪🇺🇮🇹🇬🇧 @UKITAEU

337 7.4

Dmitry Pozhidaev @DDPozhidaev

338 7.4

Polyamorous Tantric Sex Guru @BethLynch2020

339 7.4

⚡🛢️Erick Sánchez S. @erickussalas

340 7.4

Derek Thompson @DKThomp

341 7.4

Gonzalo Monroy @GMonroyEnergy

342 7.4

Carlos Moedas @Moedas

343 7.4

Kate Bahn @LipstickEcon

344 7.4

Corinne Low @femonomics

345 7.4

Simon Küstenmacher @simongerman600

346 7.4

Robert Wiblin @robertwiblin

347 7.4

A Marm Kilpatrick @DiseaseEcology

348 7.4

Philip E. Tetlock @PTetlock

349 7.4

Center for Global Development @CGDev

350 7.4

Inés Arrimadas @InesArrimadas

351 7.4

LSE Events @LSEpublicevents

352 7.4

Sara Nelson @FlyingWithSara

353 7.4

Andrew McAfee @amcafee

354 7.4

Randall Parker #VaccinesForMoreViruses @futurepundit

(Temporarily missing user profile)
356 7.4

Marla Spivack @MarlaSpivack

357 7.4

Harry Garretsen @garretsen_h

358 7.4

Keshava Guha @keshavaguha

359 7.4

Alex is declustering crises @alxrdk

360 7.4

Katharina Pistor @KatharinaPistor

361 7.4

Boston Review @BostonReview

362 7.4

Michael E. Mann @MichaelEMann

363 7.4

Econ Films @econfilm

364 7.4

World Bank @WorldBank

365 7.4

Pratap Bhanu Mehta @pbmehta

366 7.4

alex peysakhovich 🤖 @alex_peys

367 7.4

Columbia | SIPA @ColumbiaSIPA

368 7.4

Francis Fukuyama @FukuyamaFrancis

369 7.4

suman ghosh @SumanGhosh1530

370 7.4

Ranjit Hoskote @ranjithoskote

371 7.4

Frederik Ducrozet @fwred

372 7.4

GhoseSpot @SandipGhose

373 7.4

Scott Ashworth @soashworth

374 7.4

Tom Chivers @TomChivers

375 7.4

Michael McFaul @McFaul

376 7.4

Christopher Flavelle @cflav

377 7.4

Mike Konczal @rortybomb

378 7.4

André Kühnlenz @KeineWunder

379 7.4

John Burn-Murdoch @jburnmurdoch

380 7.4

Jennifer Cohn ✍🏻 📢 @jennycohn1

381 7.4

Joe Hasell @JoeHasell

382 7.4

Gummi 🤖 @gummihaf

383 7.4

Daniel Drezner @dandrezner

384 7.4

João Caetano Leite @jcaetanoleite

385 7.4

Andrew Palmer @andrewtpalmer

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
390 7.4

Francisco Gutiérrez @FranciscoGutti1

391 7.4

maxlawsontin @maxlawsontin

392 7.4

Steve Scott @SteveScottNEWS

393 7.4

Hillary Was Right About Everything Ⓥ @NYAnna22

394 7.4

Lynn Parramore @LynnParramore

(Temporarily missing user profile)
396 7.4

Embassy of Argentina in USA @ARGinUSA

397 7.4

FT Economics @fteconomics

398 7.4

Vonnie Quinn @VonnieQuinn

399 7.4

Peter Orszag @porszag

400 7.4

László Andor @LaszloAndorEU

401 7.4

William Barber II @RevDrBarber

402 7.4

Here & Now @hereandnow

403 7.4

George Magnus @georgemagnus1

404 7.4

Trudeau Googles @TrudeauGoogles

405 7.4

Jason Furman NARA @CEAChair44

406 7.4

Caroline Fiennes @carolinefiennes

407 7.4

BFM Business @bfmbusiness

408 7.4

Mary Lovely @melovely_max

409 7.4

LucanusLonginusIı*ıI @LucanusLonginus

410 7.4

Littlefoot @LTF_01

411 7.4

Jamie McGeever @ReutersJamie

412 7.4

Stefan Schubert @StefanFSchubert

413 7.4

John Hawks @johnhawks

414 7.4

Tim Duy @TimDuy

415 7.4

Dacian Cioloș @CiolosDacian

416 7.4

Martín Guzmán @Martin_M_Guzman

417 7.4

Dr. Julia Coronado @jc_econ

418 7.4

Asim Ijaz Khwaja @aikhwaja

419 7.4

Marco Llinás @marcollinas

420 7.4

Nancy Birdsall @nancymbirdsall

421 7.4

Jonathan Colmer @JonathanColmer

422 7.4

Soumaya Keynes @SoumayaKeynes

423 7.4

Matthew Zeitlin @MattZeitlin

424 7.4

Maitreesh Ghatak @maitreesh

425 7.4

David Henig @DavidHenigUK

426 7.4

W. W. Norton & Company @wwnorton

427 7.4

México, ¿cómo vamos? @MexicoComoVamos

428 7.4

David Neumark @NeumarkDN

429 7.4

Michael Enz @enz_mike

430 7.4

CBC British Columbia @cbcnewsbc

431 7.4

Ramón Piñango @rapinango

432 7.4

Jose Ignacio Hernández G. @ignandez

433 7.4

Andrew Whitby @EconAndrew

434 7.4

Upstream @UpstreamPodcast

435 7.4

Madhu Pai, MD, PhD @paimadhu

436 7.3

Samira Asma @DrSamira_Asma

437 7.3

Jonathan Haidt @JonHaidt

438 7.3

Stephan Guyenet, PhD @whsource

439 7.3

Rodrigo Oliveira @rod_coliveira

440 7.3

edutopia @edutopia

441 7.3

Vincent Rajkumar @VincentRK

442 7.3

Sherman Putterman @Sherman4713

443 7.3

Un Bout du Monde @unboutdumonde_

444 7.3

Brian Levy @Brianlevy387

445 7.3

SB @BrarSukhie

446 7.3

Rahil Khan @rkecon

447 7.3

Ryan D. Enos @RyanDEnos

448 7.3

Tunku Varadarajan @tunkuv

449 7.3

Ramez Naam @ramez

450 7.3

literland @literlandweb1

451 7.3

Mike Bird @Birdyword

(Temporarily missing user profile)
453 7.3

Erik Fossing Nielsen @ErikFossing

454 7.3

María Ramírez @mariaramirezNY

455 7.3

Mark Schieritz @schieritz

456 7.3

Pramila Jayapal @PramilaJayapal

457 7.3

Tim Kehoe @TimTkehoe

458 7.3

Stanford HAI @StanfordHAI

459 7.3

Adam Davidson @adamdavidson

460 7.3

pascalb🧶uvier ≠ @pascalbouvier

461 7.3

Dmitry Grozoubinski @DmitryOpines

462 7.3

Cardiff Garcia @CardiffGarcia

463 7.3

Maite Pagazaurtundúa @maitepagaza

464 7.3

Michael P. McDonald @ElectProject

465 7.3

EconomicsinTen @EconomicsinTen

466 7.3


467 7.3

Mark Price @price_laborecon

468 7.3

Cleò @quinonsischerza

469 7.3

Stewart Brand @stewartbrand

470 7.3

Rory Cellan-Jones @ruskin147

471 7.3

Centre for Economic Performance @CEP_LSE

472 7.3

LSE IDEAS @lseideas

473 7.3

John B. Holbein @JohnHolbein1

474 7.3

Mikal Skuterud @mikalskuterud

475 7.3

nick kokonas @nickkokonas

476 7.3

Margaret Echelbarger @tweetsbymidge

477 7.3

Nicola Giocoli @ngiocoli

478 7.3

Caleb Watney @calebwatney

479 7.3

Stefano DellaVigna @sdellavi

480 7.3

Carlota Perez @CarlotaPrzPerez

481 7.3

Claire Berlinski @ClaireBerlinski

482 7.3

Vitor Constâncio @VMRConstancio

483 7.3

Balaji Srinivasan @balajis

484 7.3

José Luis Ricón Fernández de la Puente @ArtirKel

485 7.3

cristian mesiano @Cr1st14nM3s14n0

486 7.3

Rohini Singh @rohini_sgh

487 7.3

Stacey Garratt @staceygarratt

488 7.3

European Central Bank @ecb

489 7.3

Tim Harford @TimHarford

490 7.3

Tim O'Reilly @timoreilly

491 7.3

Paddy Carter @CarterPaddy

492 7.3

Samantha Power @SamanthaJPower

493 7.3

Josh Barro @jbarro

494 7.3

San Francisco Fed @sffed

495 7.3

Boston Fed @BostonFed

496 7.3

Neil Lewis, Jr., PhD @NeilLewisJr

497 7.3

The Alex Nowrasteh @AlexNowrasteh

498 7.3

Aurelio Asiain @aasiain

499 7.3

Daryl Morey @dmorey

500 7.3

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw @kiranshaw

501 7.3

Center for Decision Research @CDR_Booth

502 7.3

Mario Romero Zavala @mariorz

503 7.3

Seth Abramson @SethAbramson

504 7.3

Chilecracia @chilecracia

(Temporarily missing user profile)
506 7.3

Ananias Oliveira @ananias_1979

507 7.3

Sanjay Bhattacharyya @SecySanjay

508 7.3


509 7.3

Samantha Rose Hill @Samantharhill

510 7.3

James Kierstead @Kleisthenes2

511 7.3

Karl T. Muth 🌐✈️📊 @KarlMuth

512 7.3

Luis Gonzali @LuisGonzali

513 7.3

Seamus Blackley @SeamusBlackley

514 7.3

Alfonso Araujo @Alf_ArGzz

515 7.3

Tom Nelson @tan123

516 7.3

J. F. Carpio @jfcarpio

517 7.3

The Bartlett @BartlettUCL

518 7.3

(((Oscar Gastélum))) @RockStroke

519 7.3

Bob Hennelly @stucknation

(Temporarily missing user profile)
521 7.3

Victor Ramirez C. @vicfc7

522 7.3

MapPorn @MapPornTweet

523 7.3

Soni Razdan @Soni_Razdan

524 7.3

Alan Beattie @alanbeattie

525 7.3

Erik Meyersson @emeyersson

526 7.3

Federico Ronchetti @f_ronchetti

527 7.3

Giles Wilkes @Gilesyb

528 7.3

Rupa Subramanya @rupasubramanya

529 7.3

Trade Talks 🎧 Podcast @Trade__Talks

530 7.3

Melanie Fox @mehconomics

531 7.3

Carole Cadwalladr @carolecadwalla

532 7.3

Will Wilkinson 🌐 @willwilkinson

533 7.3

Jeff Dean @JeffDean

534 7.3

Jeff Stein @JStein_WaPo

535 7.3

Holger Zschaepitz @Schuldensuehner

536 7.3

Brian Karem @BrianKarem

537 7.3

David Bauer @davidbauer

538 7.3

Jessica Trisko Darden @triskodarden

539 7.3

Joao @KimJoaoUn

540 7.3

Agnes Callard @AgnesCallard

541 7.3

Jorge Guajardo @jorge_guajardo

542 7.3

GC CUNY Anthropology @GCcunyAnthro

543 7.3

Susannah Hares @susannahhares

(Temporarily missing user profile)
545 7.3

Idalin Bobé @IdalinBobe

546 7.3

Tamar Haspel @TamarHaspel

547 7.3

Benjamin Kunkel @kunktation

548 7.3

Nate Silver @NateSilver538

549 7.3

Jason Coupet @ProfessaJay

550 7.3

Ludwig Straub @ludwigstraub

551 7.3

Five Books @five_books

552 7.3

Brad Shapiro @btshapir

553 7.3

Aaron Bastani @AaronBastani

554 7.3

Nirupama Rao @NMenonRao

555 7.3

Tony Fratto @TonyFratto

556 7.3

Simon Lester @snlester

557 7.3

Politbüro 🇦🇹, Generalsekretariat #Ottakring @StephanEwald

558 7.3

UCL News @uclnews

559 7.3

Moshik Temkin @moshik_temkin

560 7.3

Luke Kawa @LJKawa

561 7.3

Kevin P. Gallagher @KevinPGallagher

562 7.3

Arnob 'missile defense is a scam' Alam 🌐 @arnoblalam

563 7.3

Franak Viacorka @franakviacorka

564 7.3

Joshua Cohen @jcohen570

565 7.3

Hanna C. Norberg @TradeEconomista

566 7.3

Senior Data Masseuse @ryxcommar

567 7.3

Felippe Hermes @Felippe_Hermes

568 7.3

Ken Boessenkool @KenBoessenkool

569 7.3

William E. Spriggs @WSpriggs

570 7.3

Asish Jha @ashishkjha

571 7.3

Sahil Bloom @SahilBloom

572 7.3

Christiane Amanpour @camanpour

573 7.3

insanedreamer @insanedreamer

574 7.3

Boston Cream 🍩 @itsbostoncream

575 7.3

Jelena Zarkovic @JelenaZarkovic5

576 7.2

Roberto Cachanosky @RCachanosky

577 7.2

Jacobin @jacobin

578 7.2

Marcello Graziano @Uptheleft

579 7.2


580 7.2

Jason Lindo @jasonmlindo

581 7.2

PaolaLL @PaolaLL7

582 7.2

George Peretz QC @GeorgePeretzQC

583 7.2

James Medlock @jdcmedlock

584 7.2

Rainer Kattel @rainerkattel

585 7.2

Giovanni Staunovo🛢 @staunovo

586 7.2

Marta Martín Llaguno @martamartirio

587 7.2

Gerard Roland.(Dignity - and vaccines - for all). @gerardrolanducb

588 7.2

Shengwu Li @ShengwuLi

589 7.2

Soledad O'Brien @soledadobrien

590 7.2

Marc Goldwein - GET VAXXED @MarcGoldwein

591 7.2

Lucas Guttenberg @lucasguttenberg

592 7.2

Andrew Charles Baker @Andrew___Baker

593 7.2

Masha Krupenkin @MashaKrupenkin

594 7.2

Anthony Lee Zhang @AnthonyLeeZhang

595 7.2

Ernesto Filardi @HacheFilardi

596 7.2

John Rentoul @JohnRentoul

597 7.2

Antonio Vents Venturini @VperVents

598 7.2

Kirsten Smith @kirst_nicole

599 7.2

Rory Sutherland @rorysutherland

600 7.2

The Pearson Institute @PearsonInst

601 7.2

Anup Malani @anup_malani

602 7.2

Carlos Lozada @CarlosLozadaWP

603 7.2

Austen Allred @Austen

604 7.2

Miquel Roig @miquelroig

605 7.2

Fadhel Kaboub @FadhelKaboub

606 7.2

Jacob F Kirkegaard @jfkirkegaard

607 7.2

Carlos Mucha @mucha_carlos

608 7.2

Zeke Hausfather @hausfath

609 7.2

Nils Gilman @nils_gilman

610 7.2

Lydia Ashton @lydia_ashton

611 7.2

Christian Odendahl @OdendahlC

612 7.2

Nistula Hebbar @nistula

613 7.2

Niranjan Rajadhyaksha @CafeEconomics

614 7.2

Long Now Foundation @longnow

615 7.2

Stylstc Clmnst @Sime0nStylites

616 7.2

Calestous Juma @calestous

617 7.2

Eve Ewing @eveewing

618 7.2

Molly Kinder @MollyKinder

619 7.2

Don Winslow @donwinslow

620 7.2

Nicholas Kristof @NickKristof

621 7.2

Eric Weinberger @eric_weinberger

622 7.2

Jason Abaluck @Jabaluck

623 7.2

Renew Europe @RenewEurope

624 7.2

Henry Farrell @henryfarrell

625 7.2

Lachlan McCall @lachlanmccall

626 7.2

Paul Gambles @PaulGambles2

627 7.2

Andrew Goodman-Bacon @agoodmanbacon

628 7.2

Intelligence Squared @intelligence2

629 7.2

The Indig Mthn Found @IndigMaraProjct

630 7.2

Craig Garthwaite @C_Garthwaite

631 7.2

Ruth E Levine @RuthLevine5

632 7.2

Stefan Gerlach @HmsGerlach

633 7.2

Thom Hartmann @Thom_Hartmann

634 7.2

Sebastian Galiani @SFGaliani

635 7.2

Economía Uniandes @EconomiaUAndes

636 7.2

Viperous Robespierre @SasaSpasojevic

637 7.2

Liz Ann Sonders @LizAnnSonders

638 7.2

Roberto Sáez @robertosaezm

639 7.2

Salvador Fajardo @sfajardoo

640 7.2

Mi nombre es Erre, José Erre. @Jose_R_YR

641 7.2

Bloomberg Opinion @bopinion

642 7.2

Románico en España @RomanicoEspana

643 7.2

Drew Dickson @AlbertBridgeCap

644 7.2

Flavio Toxvaerd @toxvaerd1

645 7.2

Incunabula @incunabula

646 7.2

Evan Jenkins @ejenk

647 7.2

Alex Deam @someotheralex

648 7.2

David Hall @davidhall75

649 7.2

Kevin Volpp @kevin_volpp

650 7.2

Becker Friedman Institute for Economics @BeckerFriedman

(Temporarily missing user profile)
652 7.2

Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

653 7.2

Marcel Gerber @MarcelGerber9

654 7.2

Xavier Tello @StratCons

655 7.2

Gerardo Rodriguez R @g_rodriguez_r

656 7.2

Giovanni B. Ponzetto @gbponz

657 7.2

Soraya Rodríguez @sorayarr_

658 7.2

Ric Fulop 🚀 @ricfulop

659 7.2

Pablo Majluf @pablo_majluf

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
662 7.2

Charles Shapiro @shapiro_WAC

663 7.2

doug rivers @doug_rivers

664 7.2

Larry Mishel @LarryMishel

665 7.2

Victor Chernozhukov @VC31415

666 7.2


667 7.2

Qasim Rashid @QasimRashid

668 7.2

Alejandro Hope @ahope71

669 7.2

Vitalba Azzollini @vitalbaa

670 7.2

Mirya R. Holman @prof_mirya

671 7.2

Alejandro Rosas @arr1910

672 7.2

Ivan the K™ @IvanTheK

673 7.2

Brian Romanchuk @RomanchukBrian

674 7.2

Paul Tulloch @ptullochott

675 7.2

davidallengreen @davidallengreen

676 7.2

Paul Fairie @paulisci

677 7.2

Jeni Armstrong @jrmstrong

678 7.2

Javier Solana @javiersolana

(Temporarily missing user profile)
680 7.2

José Miguel Vivanco @JMVivancoHRW

681 7.2

Darrick Hamilton @DarrickHamilton

682 7.2

Raúl Carrillo @RaulACarrillo

683 7.2

Bill Kristol @BillKristol

684 7.2

Guy Verhofstadt @guyverhofstadt

685 7.2

Anthea Roberts @AntheaERoberts

686 7.2

Sumarium @sumariumcom

687 7.2

Chris Anderson @chr1sa

688 7.2

John Voorheis @john_voorheis

689 7.2

Sharmila Sen @_sen_sharmila

690 7.2

Thersites🌷 @cargiov

691 7.2

Srdjan Garcevic @SrdjanGarcevic

692 7.2

Matt Cone @mattcone2

693 7.2

Rakesh Kadam @Rakkkadam

694 7.2

Robert Wolf @robertwolf32

695 7.2

Sunit Arora @sunitarora

696 7.2

Neelam Kapur @NeelamKapur

697 7.2

Quartz @qz

698 7.2

David Cutler @Cutler_econ

699 7.2

Lucio Di Gaetano @luciodigaetano

700 7.2

AP Noticias @AP_Noticias

701 7.2

Nidhi Razdan @Nidhi

702 7.2

Chi Onwurah @ChiOnwurah

703 7.2

Barkha Dutt @BDUTT

704 7.2

Youyang Gu @youyanggu

705 7.2

Ketan Joshi @KetanJ0

706 7.2

Alessandro Armaroli @a_armaroli

(Temporarily missing user profile)
708 7.2

rathin roy @EmergingRoy

709 7.2

graeme totten @gratott

710 7.2

Economist's View @EconomistsView

711 7.2

Sharmistha Mukherjee @Sharmistha_GK

712 7.2

Ana Navarro @ananavarro

713 7.2

Bruegel @Bruegel_org

714 7.2

Lewis Goodall @lewis_goodall

715 7.2

Alexander William Salter @alexwsalter

716 7.2

Rick Wilson @TheRickWilson

717 7.2

Armin Wolf @ArminWolf

718 7.2

Elysse Morgan @ElysseMorgan

719 7.1

Iyad Rahwan @iyadrahwan

720 7.1

Paul Lewis @PaulLew16394851

(Temporarily missing user profile)
722 7.1

Gregor Samsa @macromon

723 7.1

Dr. Pam Davis-Kean, Ph.D. @pdakean

724 7.1

Rebecca Quick @BeckyQuick

725 7.1

Marcelo Freixo @MarceloFreixo

726 7.1

Tom Keene @tomkeene

727 7.1

Sri Thiruvadanthai @teasri

728 7.1

Marian Vidal-Fernandez @MVidalfdez

729 7.1

Stacey Vanek Smith @svaneksmith

730 7.1

Stefan Bach @SBachTax

731 7.1

Andrés Edery @otravezandres

732 7.1

Centre for Progressive Policy - WE ARE HIRING @CentreProPolicy

733 7.1

Christopher Vecchio, CFA @CVecchioFX

734 7.1

davidrieff @davidrieff

735 7.1

lil uzi veritas is on hiatus @nadirahdixit

736 7.1

Melanie Mitchell @MelMitchell1

737 7.1

Ben Labaschin @EconoBen

738 7.1

Ryan_Lanham @Ryan_Lanham

739 7.1

Dr. Asatar Bair @asatarbair

740 7.1

Oriana Bandiera @orianabandiera

741 7.1

Eneko Axpe @enekoaxpe

742 7.1

MacroPru😷 @MacroPru

743 7.1

Pascal Beltrán del Río @beltrandelrio

744 7.1

Grant McDermott @grant_mcdermott

745 7.1

Yasser Latif Hamdani @theRealYLH

746 7.1

Pedro Nicolaci da Costa @pdacosta

747 7.1

Mehreen @MehreenKhn

748 7.1

Massimo @Rainmaker1973

749 7.1

Our World in Data @OurWorldInData

750 7.1

Ms Laurie @laurie_ms

751 7.1

The Passenger @gordonschuecker

752 7.1

Edmundo Bal Francés @BalEdmundo

753 7.1

Daniela Gabor @DanielaGabor

754 7.1

Willow 🍞+🎪 @RockShrimp

755 7.1

VoxEU @voxeu

756 7.1

Joe Kernen @JoeSquawk

757 7.1

Daniel Gilbert @DanTGilbert

758 7.1

Josh Merfeld @Josh_Merfeld

759 7.1

Carlos @cnavarreteliz

760 7.1

Faheem Younus, MD @FaheemYounus

761 7.1

Daniel Uhlfelder @DWUhlfelderLaw

762 7.1

Vijay Gurbaxani @GurbaxaniVijay

763 7.1

John Aravosis @aravosis

764 7.1

James Palmer @BeijingPalmer

765 7.1

Lauren Gilbert @notanastronomer

766 7.1

MIT Sloan Experts @mitsloanexperts

767 7.1

Stadtpolizei Zürich @StadtpolizeiZH

768 7.1

Russell Roberts @EconTalker

769 7.1

George Pearkes @pearkes

770 7.1

Jay Van Bavel @jayvanbavel

771 7.1

Cathy Young @CathyYoung63

772 7.1

Francesca Bria @francesca_bria

773 7.1

Quinn Slobodian @zeithistoriker

774 7.1

Steven N. Durlauf @sndurlauf

775 7.1

Mary Waters @McwWaters

776 7.1

Pelle G. Hansen @Peguha

777 7.1

Bloomberg @business

778 7.1

Cade Massey @bcmassey

779 7.1

Greg Ip @greg_ip

780 7.1

Owain Service @owainservice

781 7.1

Alec Stapp @AlecStapp

782 7.1

Sarah Carey @sarahcareyIRL

783 7.1

Michael David Smith @MichaelDavSmith

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
787 7.1

Jennifer Rubin @JRubinBlogger

788 7.1

Chris Arnade @Chris_arnade

789 7.1

Auke Hoekstra @AukeHoekstra

790 7.1

Berkeley Economics @berkeleyecon

791 7.1

Left Forum @LeftForum

792 7.1

Karl Smith @karlbykarlsmith

793 7.1

Ricardo Ceneviva @cenevivaricardo

794 7.1

Gabriel Mathy @gabriel_mathy

795 7.1

Gerard Brady @GerardBrady100

796 7.1

Enrique Krauze @EnriqueKrauze

797 7.1

Victor Shih @vshih2

798 7.1

Tania #hovotatoNo ho scelto la democrazia @GuisaTania

799 7.1

Matteo Schiavon @MatteoSchiavo18

800 7.1

Lenuccia @lenuccia82

801 7.1

Hilary Hoynes @HilaryHoynes

802 7.1

Mellanie Fontes-Dutra, PhD 💉😷 @mellziland

803 7.1

Renan Pieri @renanpieri

804 7.1

Dave Robertson @mrdaverobbo

805 7.1

Haymarket Books @haymarketbooks

806 7.1

Henry L. Li @henrylsl

807 7.1

David Price @DavidPriceUCL

808 7.1

Darren Chester @DarrenChesterMP

(Temporarily missing user profile)
810 7.1

Kate Cronin-Furman @kcroninfurman

811 7.1

Jack Glaser @JackGlaserPhD

812 7.1

Cristiano M. Gaston @cmgaston

813 7.1

Michelle @arrow_michelle

814 7.1

Miguel Guerra @SamuraiElf

815 7.1

Doggonomics @doggonomics

816 7.1

Scott Dworkin @funder

817 7.1

Amartya Lahiri @AmartyaLahiri

818 7.1

Ramathan Ggoobi @rggoobi

819 7.1

Khurram Zafar @kayzafar

820 7.1

Jo Swinson @joswinson

821 7.1

Tribune @tribunemagazine

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
825 7.1

Violentina Kauma⚡🖤 @EnnaPas

826 7.1

Jordan T. Camp @Jordan_T_Camp

827 7.1

OctoberBooks @OctoberBooks

828 7.1

Anwar Shaikh @shaikhecon

829 7.1

Renegade Inc. @Renegade_Inc

830 7.1

The People's Forum @PeoplesForumNYC

831 7.1

BComu Global @BComuGlobal

(Temporarily missing user profile)
833 7.1

Jodie Evans @MsJodieEvans

(Temporarily missing user profile)
835 7.1

Zoë McLaren @ZoeMcLaren

836 7.1

The Graduate Center @GC_CUNY

837 7.1

The World Transformed @TWT_NOW

838 7.1

Transnational Institute @TNInstitute

839 7.1

Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs

840 7.1

Pete Buttigieg @PeteButtigieg

841 7.1

Alex Usher @AlexUsherHESA

(Temporarily missing user profile)
843 7.1

Heidi Shierholz @hshierholz

844 7.1

Real Time with Bill Maher @RealTimers

845 7.1

MIT Technology Review @techreview

846 7.1

Ranil Dissanayake @scepticalranil

847 7.1

Arash Molavi Vasséi @ArashMV

848 7.1

Amarinder Singh @capt_amarinder

849 7.1

Alon (they/them) @alon_levy

850 7.1

Ethan Mollick @emollick

851 7.1

Boitempo @editoraboitempo

852 7.1

Beril Sirmacek 🦋🇳🇱🌱 #climate #animalrights @berilsirmacek

853 7.1

Kevin Roose @kevinroose

854 7.1

Harvard University @Harvard

855 7.1

(((Zoe Williams))) @zoesqwilliams

856 7.1

The Chaser @chaser

857 7.1

Ashis Basu @BasuAshis

858 7.1

Jorge Bustos @JorgeBustos1

859 7.1

Conrad Hackett @conradhackett

860 7.1

Badri Narayan @badri_is

861 7.1

Dr. Parviz Dabir-Alai 🕷 @dabir_alai

862 7.1

NN Ojha @nnojha

863 7.1

RJ @nesoron

864 7.1

Sandeep Chakravorty @sandiplomat

865 7.1

Joanna Slater @jslaternyc

866 7.1

Rishabh Kumar @Kumar_EconIneq

867 7.1

Gabriel Demombynes @gdemom

868 7.1

David Axelrod @davidaxelrod

869 7.1

Dan Davies @dsquareddigest

870 7.1

Nishith Prakash @Prof_Nishith_P

871 7.1

Jose Gallucci-Neto @josegallucci

872 7.1

Sam Altman @sama

873 7.1

Manav @manavnair29

874 7.1

Wolfgang Schmidt @W_Schmidt_

875 7.1

Nick Bunker @nick_bunker

876 7.1

Leah Stokes @leahstokes

877 7.1

Jon Favreau @jonfavs

878 7.1

Myles Udland @MylesUdland

879 7.1

Chris Giles @ChrisGiles_

880 7.1

Rob de Castella @deek207

881 7.1

Cameron Murray @DrCameronMurray

882 7.1

M. Jibran Nasir @MJibranNasir

883 7.1

Pietro Biroli @pietrobiroli

884 7.1

John Tasioulas @JTasioulas

885 7.1

Bilyana Petrova @bilyanakpetrova

886 7.1

Antonio Roldán Monés @toniroldanm

887 7.1

Graham Fox @foxgw

888 7.1

Stephen Punwasi @StephenPunwasi

889 7.1

Simon Mongey @Simon_Mongey

890 7.1

Vass Bednar @VassB

891 7.1

Jen Gerson @jengerson

892 7.1

gianluca c 🏴‍☠️🇻🇪 #TeamFauci #MaskUp #no papers @gianlucac1

893 7.1

Bart Bonikowski @bartbonikowski

894 7.1

Jonathan Chait