Extinction Rebellion
Rank | Score | |
1 | 10.0 |
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK STILL AN EMERGENCY STILL TIME TO REBEL #ExtinctionRebellion |
2 | 10.0 |
Extinction Rebellion @ExtinctionR Global non-violent direct action movement demanding a response to the climate and ecological emergency. We want #CitizensAssemblies to decide the way forward ⏳ |
3 | 9.4 |
Extinction Rebellion Australia @XRebellionAus In Rebellion. Right Now. ausrebellion.earth |
4 | 8.9 |
Extinction Rebellion NYC 🌎 @XR_NYC Nonviolent direct action to stop #ClimateEmergency & #Ecocide. Meet & join at: xrebellion.nyc/events |
5 | 8.8 |
🌎 We are #ExtinctionRebellion in Cambridge. Proud conscientious protectors. 🌍 We rebel against the government on behalf of all life. Anti-fascists. |
Account Rankings
Rank | Score | |
1 | 9.6 |
Extinction Rebellion Deutschland @ExtinctionR_DE Mit gewaltfreiem zivilem Ungehorsam den nötigen ökosozialen Wandel herbeiführen - #MitDerWissenschaft im Rücken. #StopptDieZerstörung unserer Lebensgrundlagen! |
2 | 9.3 | |
3 | 9.3 |
Extinction Rebellion France 🐝🌺 @xrFrance Mouvement international de désobéissance civile non-violente pour opérer un changement radical afin de minimiser le risque d'effondrement écologique 🐝🌺🌱🦍🐳 |
4 | 9.3 |
Extinction Rebellion Turkey @yokolus_isyani #ExtinctionRebellionTurkey 💌 yokolusisyani@protonmail.com |
5 | 9.2 |
Extinction Rebellion Danmark @ExtinctionRDK Fredelig civil ulydighed som politisk redskab til social forandring. Vi gør oprør for livet! #ExtinctionRebellion |
6 | 9.1 |
XR Rebelión o Extinción Argentina @XrArgentina Esto es una emergencia ⚠️ Estamos en crisis climática y ecológica 🌎⏳ ❇️links⬇️ |
7 | 9.1 |
Extinction Rebellion Berlin 🌍 @XRBerlin Wir rebellieren gegen Klimakrise & Artensterben. Zivil, ungehorsam & gewaltfrei für Klimagerechtigkeit! #StopptdieZerstörung #MitderWissenschaft |
8 | 9.0 |
Extinction Rebellion Gambia @xrgambia Kindly subscribe to our YouTube channel, we will be bringing you the less-told stories about climate change and why we are HFE youtu.be/gJoW4RKqKII |
9 | 9.0 | |
10 | 9.0 |
A group of writers inside XR organising writers to #rebel4life & #ActNow with words & deeds Check out our blog for the latest writing about #ClimateEmergency |
11 | 9.0 |
Supporting eco-activists & protectors of wildlife, woodlands & water from #HS2 destruction & #ecocide. #StopHS2 #HS2Rebellion. hs2rebellion.earth |
12 | 9.0 |
Boots On The Ground News! @bearwitness2019 Real news from real people. I promise I will spend more time in the field than sitting behind a desk and will capture news first hand.The truth always surfaces. |
13 | 8.9 |
Extinction Rebellion Belgium @XR_Belgium We are facing ecological breakdown! Act now! 🌍🔥⌛ |
14 | 8.9 |
Extinction Rebellion Bristol @XRBristol From Covid-19 to systemic racism to climate and ecological breakdown, we need to get out of this toxic system and imagine a better world. #ExtinctionRebellion |
15 | 8.9 |
Christian Climate Action @CClimateAction Christian Climate Action is the Christian arm of Extinction Rebellion. We take non violent direct action to push for justice in this climate emergency. |
16 | 8.9 |
XR Uganda🇺🇬 Strictly✍️ #ClimateChange #ecological emergencies📢could be⚖ solutions🤝🔨 instagram.com/p/B7. extinctionruganda@protonmail.com |
17 | 8.9 |
Extinction Rebellion Italia @XrItaly NON C'È PIÙ TEMPO Ci ribelliamo contro l'inazione dei governi che ci stanno portando all'estinzione Sostieni la Ribellione! |
18 | 8.9 |
Extinction Rebellion Spain @esXrebellion 🌍⏳ Movimiento social que utiliza la desobediencia civil noviolenta contra la inacción política ante la #EmergenciaClimática y ecológica. |
19 | 8.9 |
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead Public intellectual at @uniofeastanglia. New book: ’A Timeline Of The Plague Year’ is OUT NOW. Personal tweets: @rupertread . RTs not necessarily endorsements. |
20 | 8.8 |
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw The global campaign to establish a law of ECOCIDE, making large-scale & systematic destruction of nature an INTERNATIONAL CRIME. Offical account. |
21 | 8.8 |
Scientists for #ExtinctionRebellion. Scientists must rise up to prevent the planetary climate, biodiversity and ecological crisis. #UniteBehindTheScience |
22 | 8.8 |
Extinction Rebellion India @IndiaRebellion #XRIndia rebels fight for survival of living beings. We are in midst of the 6th mass extinction with less than 5 years to act. Join us. Join the rebellion. |
23 | 8.7 |
Extinction Rebellion Madrid @xrmadrid_ ⏳🌍 Desobediencia civil y acción directa noviolenta para hacer que los gobiernos actúen frente a la #EmergenciaClimática y ecológica. |
24 | 8.7 |
Extinction Rebellion Hackney 🚲🐝🌱 @XRHackney News from Extinction Rebellion Hackney! Meetings every 2 weeks online ‘Zoom’ Facebook: facebook.com/XRHackney Insta @xrhackney ⏳💚🌳🌏🐝🦋🦇 |
25 | 8.7 |
Economic anthropologist • Author of THE DIVIDE and LESS IS MORE • Writing in the Guardian, Foreign Policy, AJE • Global inequality and political ecology |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
27 | 8.6 |
"A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right" - Thomas Paine |
28 | 8.6 |
XR 📻 Rebel Radio @xr_rebelradio XR Rebel Radio takes over @sohoradio's culture channel Tuesdays and Fridays at 11am (GMT). Missed a show? Catch up anytime on mixcloud.com/XR_RebelRadio |
29 | 8.6 |
Daniel Christian Wahl @DrDCWahl Catalysing bioregional regeneration & planetary health Book: Designing Regenerative Cultures / Diseñando Culturas Regenerativas in Eng./Port./Spa. soon Ital. |
30 | 8.6 |
Double Down News @DoubleDownNews Join us: patreon.com/DoubleDownNews Support: paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr… |
31 | 8.6 |
Stafford-Baker Taverham Swifts 💙 @JeanStaffordBa1 Vegan. Against cruelty & abuse of all life forms. Education is our hope. Children should be listened to & taught how to question. |
32 | 8.6 | |
33 | 8.6 |
XR UK Citizens’ Assembly Working Group @CitizensXr Extinction Rebellion demands the UK Gov create a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice #EcologicalCollapse #ClimateEmergency #BeyondPolitics |
34 | 8.6 |
Extinction Rebellion Muslims ☪️⏳🐝🌿 @XRmuslims Committed to climate justice. Regular meetings Saturdays at 2pm. Contact: XR.Muslims@gmail.com |
35 | 8.6 |
Extinction Rebellion Switzerland #RiseUpForChange @xrSchweiz Join the Rebellion #JoinXR |
36 | 8.6 |
Revolutionary author for our times of chaos and division where new hope awaits us all. |
37 | 8.5 |
XR Youth Cambridge @xryouthcambs We are the youth of @xr_cambridge. Anti-racist. Anti-fascist. Respect existence or expect resistance. Find out more about us at the link below :) |
38 | 8.5 |
Andrew Boswell
Independent Scientist, Activist & Consultant, #ClimateEmergency Planning & Policy born 314.3ppm CO2 🍃💚🍃 |
39 | 8.5 |
Extinction Rebellion Sri Lanka @XRebellionLK The official Twitter page of the Sri Lankan arm of the Extinction Rebellion. |
40 | 8.5 |
Extinction Rebellion Lausanne @xrlausanne Organisation de désobéissance civile non-violente en lutte contre l’effondrement écologique et le réchauffement climatique.✊🏼⏳💚 |
41 | 8.5 |
Extinction Rebellion Norway @ExtinctionR_NO Opprør for livet! Med ikkevoldelige aksjoner krever vi innsats mot klimaendringer og økologisk krise. Ta kontakt for introduksjonskurs: xr-norge@protonmail.com |
42 | 8.5 |
Extinction Rebellion Austria @XRebellionAT Gewaltfreier ziviler Ungehorsam gegen die Untätigkeit der Regierungen gegenüber dem Kollaps der Natur. Wir sterben aus, oida! |
43 | 8.5 |
Extinction Rebellion Canada @xRebelCanada A last, desperate bid to peacefully force Canadian governments to address the accelerating climate and ecological collapse with the effort it demands. |
44 | 8.5 |
Animal Rebellion @RebelsAnimal We are a mass volunteer movement using non-violent civil disobedience to help the transition to a plant-based food system, in solidarity with @ExtinctionR. |
45 | 8.5 |
Culture Declares Emergency @CultureDeclares Art & Culture Organisations & Individuals declare Climate & Ecological Emergency. Join us! #CultureDeclaresEmergency #LettersToTheEarth : bit.ly/3asVQsR |
46 | 8.5 |
Extinction Rebellion Washington DC @XRebelDC Non-violent direct action to stop the #ClimateEmergency & #Ecocide • Join #ExtinctionRebellion • xrdc.org/get-involved • Stop Line 3 xrdc.org/line3 |
47 | 8.5 |
I Am Incorrigible FCA @ImIncorrigible Libidinous curmudgeon & faux intellectual snob. Not Red or Blue. Merit not Money. Evidence not Ideology.#CSA.Blogger. Existentially Geeky. © Rights reserved. |
48 | 8.4 |
Literature Teacher providing information on the scientific reality of the Ecological-Climate Catastrophe, and urging immediate action to limit the damage. |
49 | 8.3 |
I just like planet earth... alot. The bits that aren't covered in concrete preferably. |
50 | 8.3 |
香港反抗滅絕 (Extinction Rebellion HK) @XRHongKong 國際性的行動組織,以非暴力而直接的行動,促請政府採取行動應對氣候及生態緊急危機。🌏⏳ Int'l mvmt using non-violent direct action to urge govts to act on the climate and ecological emergency. |
51 | 8.3 |
Extinction Rebellion Mainz #WaldStattAsphalt 🌳✊ @XrMainz Setze Dich mit uns aktiv für Wohlergehen & Zukunft aller Lebewesen ein! | #dannibleibt 🌱#heilibleibt | Antifascista, Anticapitalista & Intersektionale XR 🌍 |
52 | 8.2 |
“I love not man the less, but Nature more.” |
53 | 8.2 |
This Ain’t Rock’n’Roll @thisaintrock Mainly tweeting #ExtinctionRebellion but also+ #ThisIsNotADrill + @brixtonpound + #Brixtopia + #FromNopeToHope + ✊🌍 + @BrixtonProject |
54 | 8.2 |
Master Coach, Coach Supervisor, Carbon Literate Coach, XR, Vegan, Founder member of @ClimateCoaching |
55 | 8.2 |
Science Communicator - making videos and sharing news about the climate crisis. Sign up for my newsletter on climate solutions (link in bio). |
56 | 8.1 |
Retired, Climate Activist, Anti Racist, Live Music Lover and Grandfather. He/Him #RebelForLife |
57 | 8.1 |
Raising awareness of the negative impacts of industrial biofuels and bioenergy on biodiversity, human rights, food sovereignty and climate change |
58 | 8.1 |
Award-winning investigative environmental journalism platform (2014-2021), now housed under @DeSmogBlog |
59 | 8.1 |
Climate and environmental activist with Asperger’s Born at 375ppm #ClimateStrike #FridaysForFuture #SchoolStrike4Climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency |
60 | 8.1 |
NASA climate scientist terrified by what I see. Working to revoke fossil fuel's social license. Founder @ClimateAd. Degrowth. Ecosocialist. Opinions mine. |
61 | 8.1 |
Dr Charlie Gardner @CharlieJGardner Conservationist, activist, writer, researcher. Rebelling against extinction |
62 | 8.1 |
Non-violent civil disobeyers for urgent action on the #ClimateEmergency. Islington is a local group of #ExtinctionR ⏳🌍🔥⌛ |
63 | 8.1 |
war replaced with free everything || date of birth: 325.2 ppm CO2 || he/him |
64 | 8.1 |
Survival International @Survival The global movement for #tribalpeoples. We're fighting for tribes, for nature, for all humanity. #DecolonizeConservation #UncontactedTribes #StopBrazilsGenocide |
65 | 8.1 |
Damian Carrington @dpcarrington I'm Environment Editor at the Guardian - DMs open |
66 | 8.1 |
Started outside London Stock Exchange on 15 Oct 2011 as part of the global movement of the 99% reclaiming power from the 1%. Never stopped. whyoccupy.uk |
67 | 8.1 |
David Wallace-Wells @dwallacewells Central Park East, New York magazine, THE UNINHABITABLE EARTH. |
68 | 8.0 |
Winds of Change @WindsOfChange What do you want the Winds of Change to bring? 🌬🎏🪁🦋 #WindsofChange #AnotherWorldisPossible #ChangeisNow #NoGoingBack #ActNow |
69 | 8.0 |
XR SE Climate Justice 🌏 @SEXRCJ This account is an XR South East UK climate justice thread. Please follow @XRSouthEastUK for the general SE regional XR account |
70 | 8.0 |
Extinction Rebellion Nottingham 🏹🌳🌍 @XRNottm The time for denial is over, we know the truth about the Climate & Ecological Emergency, time to Rebel! #DivestNotts #TellTheTruth info@xrnottingham.org |
71 | 8.0 |
CEE Bill Alliance 🌍 @CEEbill_NOW We need a serious plan to tackle the climate-nature emergency. Join the Alliance—ask your MP to back the #CEEbill. |
72 | 8.0 |
Extinction Rebellion Families @XRFamilies If you seek Climate Justice & wish to connect with other families worldwide, look no further. Welcome🌈🤟🏾 🌍 TAG us in your family actions so we can share 💚 |
73 | 8.0 |
Extinction Rebellion Youth @XrYouth We are the next generation. |
74 | 8.0 |
Extinction Rebellion Camden @XRCamden Civil disobedience to protest inaction by government on the climate and ecological emergency! |
75 | 8.0 |
Climate and clean tech author and analyst. Tech, data, science, justice, community. My book Windfall has words and pictures. We are cancelling the apocalypse. |
76 | 7.9 |
Author, Educator, Environmentalist and Founder of 350.org Opinions emphatically my own |
77 | 7.9 |
Climate Camp Scotland @ScotClimateCamp Climate Camp Scotland are an autonomous group organising nationally against fossil fuels and for climate justice in Scotland. |
78 | 7.9 |
XR Rebel Every Day @XRRebelEveryDay Celebrating the actions of local, national and international XR groups, and of climate and eco activists worldwide ✊🏽✊🏻✊🏿 Have you rebelled today? |
79 | 7.9 |
Extinction Rebellion in the London Borough of Wandsworth. We demand action to keep our planet habitable. Sign up at extinctionrebellion.uk/join-us/ |
80 | 7.9 |
EthosLifestyle @EthosLifestyle We are excited about ethonomical living, the idea that everyone can live an ethical life on a small footprint. Explore with us! #actonclimate #carbonfootprint |
81 | 7.9 |
Extinction Rebellion Brighton (⧖) @XRBrighton We are Extinction Rebellion Brighton: we use nonviolent direct action & civil disobedience to challenge the status quo on the climate & ecological crisis |
82 | 7.9 |
Local Futures / Economics of Happiness @localfutures_ Building the Economics of Happiness. Hosts of #WorldLocalizationDay. Founded by Helena Norberg-Hodge. |
83 | 7.9 |
Extinction Symbol @extinctsymbol This symbol represents the extinction crisis. Create it everywhere to raise awareness of the rapidly accelerating collapse of global biodiversity. |
84 | 7.9 |
Co-founder of #ExtinctionRebellion A leader of #BurningPink Author of Common Sense for the 21st Century. Find the book here: rogerhallam.com |
85 | 7.9 |
Massive Attack @MassiveAttackUK This is the official account for Massive Attack |
86 | 7.9 |
Tweeting Climate Change, Renewable Energy and nature news. Director Klima 2020, former UN Director. For contact use svein@klima2020.no |
87 | 7.9 |
Climate Reality @ClimateReality Founded by @algore, we’re bringing the world together to stop climate change and create a healthy and prosperous future powered by clean energy. |
88 | 7.8 |
linda MacCarthy studied Philosophy & Sociology UCD @maccarthy_linda Peace: Human ,Animal, Earth Rights. Vegan. Based on the work of Australian biologist, Jeremy Griffith, the WTM Dublin center was opened in 2020 wtmdublin.com |
89 | 7.8 |
Brian McHugh 🌏🏳️🌈 @BrianMcHugh2011 Climate Crisis 333.98 ppm CO2 Dad, husband, teacher. Just want a healthy world to pass on to my little one. |
90 | 7.8 |
LADP #NHS #ScrapUC #WelfareRebellion #Rebel4Life @LoveDaisyPetals I speak up for all that's just & fair & right & see all the causes we care about as #PetalsOfTheSameDaisy with the same root cause, money, & same solution: LOVE |
91 | 7.8 |
Transport Action Network @TransportActio2 Supporting people getting better transport solutions especially bus services and stopping damaging new roads |
92 | 7.8 |
Extinction Rebellion India @XRebellionInd We’re in the midst of social & ecological breakdowns. We’re here to change an oppressive system for whom nature is just collateral damage. #ActNow #TellTheTruth |
93 | 7.8 |
Grandfather, social conscience, actor/singer, Bomber fan, political activist, GP former Head Public Health Perth |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
95 | 7.7 |
Parent For Future NC 🌍 @UsaParents For parents, grandparents, guardians, step-parents, godparents, aunts, uncles & all who support the youth in their demands for a safe climate future. |
96 | 7.7 |
Christopher Cartwright @chriscartw83 I run the most depressing twitter account around. I simply post data, new research regarding climate change. I will ruin your day, your week-end, your holidays. |
97 | 7.7 |
"Rebel Nerd of Meteorology” –Rolling Stone | Founder @tmrw_hq | thephoenix.substack.com | THE FUTURE EARTH | he/him | ecosocialist🌹🌍❤️ | #actuallyautistic |
98 | 7.7 |
Extinction Rebellion Vic @XR_Vic Extinction Rebellion Victoria (Australia). We are in a climate emergency and must act now. Open DMs - get involved! |
99 | 7.7 |
Extinction Rebellion Western Australia⌛️ @XRebellionWA Climate chaos and ecological breakdown are here. Join the Rebellion. #RiseUp22March |
100 | 7.7 |
We've got a plan to take back our democracy from the hands of the fossil fuel lobby. Are you in? #FundOurFutureNotGas |
101 | 7.7 |
Climate info & tools for immersive learning. We rely on creativity, science, & community, just like NYC. newyork.thecityatlas.org #PlayEnergetic Tweets: R Reiss |
102 | 7.7 |
Eve, system change & #transrightsarehumanrights 🌏 @evemosher #StoryOfTommorow | opinionated cultural change agent | co-founder @works_on_water and @play_groundnyc | unapologetic typos | proud mum of brave soul @zaynecowie |
103 | 7.7 |
Dr. Genevieve Guenther @DoctorVive Founder & Director @EndClimtSilence | Affiliate Faculty @NewSchoolTEDC | Rep @fletcherco | Next book: "The Language of Climate Politics" |
104 | 7.7 |
Extinction Rebellion South Australia @XRSouthAus The Extinction Rebellion is a necessity. We must rise up to ensure action is taken on the climate emergency, avoiding the next mass extinction event. |
105 | 7.6 |
School Strike 4 Climate Australia @StrikeClimate Australian school students striking to demand real action on climate change. 🔥🌲 |
106 | 7.6 |
Stop the killing. Stop the environmental destruction. Stop the looting and the larceny. Stop the exploitation. And *stop the goddam lying*... |
107 | 7.6 |
Julia K. Steinberger
Ecosocialist bluestocking. Immigrant & settler 🇪🇺🇨🇭🇺🇸🇬🇧. Professor in social ecology & ecological economics @unil, semi-isolating in 🇨🇭. She/her. |
108 | 7.6 |
The official Twitter account of the #StopAdani campaign. Authorised by C. Walker, Friends of the Earth Australia, 312 Smith St, Collingwood VIC 3066 |
109 | 7.6 |
A national alliance of farmers, traditional custodians, conservationists and urban people working to protect land & water from invasive gasfields & coal. |
110 | 7.6 |
Not suspicious, just 🇨🇦. Climate scientist, Chief Scientist @nature_org, polisci professor, knitter, pastor's wife, @joinsciencemoms. UN Champion of the Earth |
111 | 7.6 |
Extinction Rebellion Tasmania @XRTasmania This is an emergency ⏳ Non-violent civil disobedience for climate and ecological justice. |
112 | 7.6 |
Arborist • Conservationist • Koala dad • Best selling author • Can’t spell • Sometimes funny • He/him. Media enquiries: @SimonSchusterAU |
113 | 7.5 |
I run a newsletter and podcast and am about to publish a book—all called THE SNAP FORWARD. alexsteffen.substack.com |
114 | 7.5 |
I run a newsletter called Volts, about clean energy & politics. Subscribe & join the community at volts.wtf! |
115 | 7.5 |
Wangan and Jagalingou - Standing Our Ground @WJWarriors We are the Wangan and Jagalingou Tribal Warriors. We are acting to protect our land, water and culture from Adani’s Carmichael Coal Mine #StandingOurGround |
116 | 7.5 |
Stephen Corry @StephenCorrySvl 50 years fighting "might is right" & my society's criminal attack on human diversity, which protects biodiversity. Optimistic about winning! #FightEcofascism🏹 |
117 | 7.5 |
Scientist, mentor, tweeting on #science, #environment, #coral #reefs, #climate change, #conservation, Views are my own |
118 | 7.5 |
Mary Annaïse Heglar
I write, rant, & rave about climate justice (mostly). 🖤💚. Co-host and co-creator of @RealHotTake. She/her. Opinions+ideas=mine. Agent: @adamschear. |
119 | 7.5 |
Director, Fossil Free Media. Instigator, #CleanCreatives and #StopTheMoneyPipeline. Co-founder, @350. Let’s end fossil fuels. |
120 | 7.5 |
Googlers for Climate Action @ClimateGooglers Googlers Want Action on Climate! (🥑GWAC? 🥑) All opinions our own – we do not speak for our employer. ✊🌍❤️ |
121 | 7.5 |
The Actual Reality About Climate (Risk Assessor) @MarkCranfield_ Prep Now! Disasters (Pandemic+Brexit+Economy) will impact all supplies & services. 25-year career professional legal insurance risk analyst/assessor, 52. #FBR |
122 | 7.5 |
💧Fridays For Future Australia 💧 @FFF_Aus Striking weekly FridaysForFuture 'EVERYONE IS WELCOME. EVERYONE IS NEEDED' fb page Fridays for Future Oz fb grp Fridays For Future Australia Persistent Presence |
123 | 7.5 |
Kate_climate_justice_now @act_nowclimate CLIMATE JUSTICE = SOCIAL JUSTICE 💚FFF 🐳 capitals used coz action is URGENT! born@318ppmCO2 |
124 | 7.5 |
Journalist. Environment editor @GuardianAus. Co-founder @TasInquirer. Other things. Email: adam.morton at theguardian.com |
125 | 7.5 |
Climate Council @climatecouncil Providing Australians with a reliable source of information on climate science. |
126 | 7.4 |
@EARTH3R managing editor. @GMGUnion member. @ColumbiaCS lecturer. Open DM haver. Say hi. |
127 | 7.4 |
Born 350 ppm. Climate + Energy nerd at Bloomberg News. Chemistry PhD, University of Oxford. Writing a book on climate solutions. Newsletter bit.ly/bbg-net-zero |
128 | 7.4 |
Sam Kern has hope for the future (somehow) @kernelsamders UX engineer. Ex-Google. She/they. Supporting my peers fighting for tech ethics & climate justice. ✊🌍💖 Tweet me dog photos pls. |
129 | 7.4 |
Original reporting on regional protests, policy & police by independent journalists. DMs open for events/tips/help/licensing. ko-fi.com/nycprotestupda… |
130 | 7.4 |
Extinction Rebellion Sydney @XRSyd This is a climate emergency! We need systems change not climate change! ⏳ This account is temporarily inactive. Please follow @XRebellionAus for updates. |
131 | 7.4 |
Serial agitator, according to @bhp | Climate & environment @AustCCR | He/him | #refugeeswelcome |
132 | 7.4 |
Kendra Pierre-Louis
Now @Gimletmedia @slevittslevitt past @popsci @MIT_sciwrite Anti mayo. Pro The Expanse. Saying the quiet part out loud. All my tweets are subtweets. |
133 | 7.4 |
Larissa Payne @lala_dolce_vita organiser + activist | english lit + history teacher | journalism postgrad + writer | meu português é terrível | Ⓐ ⧖ @xrebellionaus #occupysydney |
134 | 7.4 |
Prof @UCSBpolisci. Author Short Circuiting Policy. Alum @MIT @Columbia @UofT. Host @degreespod. Research climate + energy policy. 🧵Writer. Gardener. Feminist. |
135 | 7.4 |
We make Honest Government Ads. We're on Patreon patreon.com/thejuicemedia Youtube youtube.com/thejuicemedia Store shop.thejuicemedia.com Est. 384ppm |
136 | 7.4 |
Liat Says Repeal The filibuster @Liat_RO Proud public school teacher, born & raised in BK. I organize w/ @bkindivisible @climatekidsclub @beclimateaction & @morecaucusnyc |
137 | 7.4 |
We are a movement of young people uniting to stop climate change and make it a priority in US politics. Volunteer with us to help elect true climate leaders! |
138 | 7.4 |
Extinction Rebellion Silicon Valley @XRSiliconValley This is the Silicon Valley #ExtinctionRebellion chapter 💻 (formerly XR South Bay) California, USA #ClimateEmergency #TellTheTruth *RTs not endorsements* |
139 | 7.4 |
Author of FULLY AUTOMATED LUXURY COMMUNISM. Writer / Journalist / Broadcaster. Co-Founder @novaramedia (He/Him) |
140 | 7.4 |
Dominic Hofstetter @dhofstetter_x #ClimateChange innovator, redesigning climate finance and venture capital @ClimateKIC. Interested in narratives and field building. #TransformationCapital |
141 | 7.4 |
Professional Citizen: Champion of Safe Streets, Transit, Climate Action, Open Space, Gun Sense, Immigrant Rights, Women’s Rights. Adores Poetry/Bikes. BK CB6. |
142 | 7.4 |
EndClimateSilence.org @EndClimtSilence a volunteer organization dedicated to helping the media link stories about climate-change impacts to climate change itself |
143 | 7.4 |
Biologist, science + public health communicator @Columbia, organizer @MarchForScience, climate justice activist #Grist50, host of #LetsGetFACTSinated on YouTube |
144 | 7.4 |
Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
Marine biologist, policy nerd, Brooklyn native. Co-founder @UrbanOceanLab. Co-creator/co-host @how2saveaplanet. Co-editor @AllWeCanSave — link to order!👇🏽 |
145 | 7.4 |
Read Mutual Aid by Dean Spade @JoshuaPotash Earthseed | Abolition | Anti-colonial (he/him) Backup: @jpbackitup |
146 | 7.3 |
Physicist. Citizen. Critical thinking is our most powerful tool. We should use it. Biosphere collapse 'thread of threads': twitter.com/DavidLWindt/st… |
147 | 7.3 |
Coordinator, Climate and Ecology Bill Alliance #CEEBill |
148 | 7.3 |
#BringDownTheGovernment, replace it with citizen decision making. We need #CitizensAssemblies to go #BeyondPolitics for people and planet. Vote @Valerie4London. |
149 | 7.3 |
Run @CriticalFreqPod & @WeAreDrilled. Co-host @realhottake. Ida Tarbell stan. Newsletter: hot-take.ghost.io |
150 | 7.3 |
Water child, earth lover and climate activist @xr_nyc #antispeciesism #antiracist |
151 | 7.3 |
A Green Party activist favoring radical nonviolent change, looking to connect with like-minded people. |
152 | 7.3 |
Extinction Rebellion Boston 🐝⌛🦋 @XRBoston #ExtinctionRebellion of Greater Boston, MA. We demand government action on #Climatebreakdown and #EcologicalCollapse #TellTheTruth xrboston.org/join |
153 | 7.3 |
Extinction Rebellion LA @XRebellionLA CLIMATE CHANGE = MASS MURDER☠️ Non-violent direct action for our planet & future 🌎 On Tongva, Chumash, and Tataviam land in so called Los Angeles |
154 | 7.3 |
Extreme Temperatures Around The World @extremetemps Weather news. Climatic statistics and records. By M. Herrera en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Maxc… |
155 | 7.3 |
EcoDefenders_Brasil @EcodefendersBr Defendendo a Natureza e os Animaizinhos |
156 | 7.3 |
Director Climate & Energy Program @TheAusInstitute All thought bubbles shared are my own |
157 | 7.3 |
gas climate energy finance and the rest/ work with Sunrise Project, takes my own/ proud Canbassador/ fine taste in obscure electronica & Kant scholarship |
158 | 7.3 |
Parent and small business owner being sued by Adani. Member of @withMEAA and @QldGreens. |
159 | 7.3 |
David Shoebridge
Greens NSW MP. Social justice, forests for the future, Treaties, sovereignty and climate justice |
160 | 7.2 |
We are Extinction Rebellion East of England 🌱🌎 XR TV streaming weekly on our Facebook page facebook.com/XREastofEngland #TellTheTruth #ActNow #RebelForLife |
161 | 7.2 |
anti-fascist, intersectional ecofeminist, activist, musician, she/her - 0161 / 1312 |
162 | 7.2 |
Robert Possnett 🌍 🍃💚🍃 @robertpossnett1 Extinction Rebellion activist, solidarity with BLM and the Global South. Literary snob and real ale lover. |
163 | 7.2 |
Life is magical! Neuro-Physics is Divine! Environmental Justice warrior with a passion for social & economic reform. |
164 | 7.2 |
Ecosocialist undergrad biologist at Oxford 🌱 he/him 🌱 #nonviolence & #CitizensAssemblies 🌱 @pb4p 🌱 🇮🇪🇵🇸🏳️🌈 |
165 | 7.2 |
SWE, climate justice, she/her, 🌈, Tiếng Việt | English. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
167 | 7.2 |
i make books 'n i make trouble, plant-based style. Mind you, Black Lives Matter. Of course This Land Is Our Land. Did i mention @XR_NYC? #PFKgrantee |
168 | 7.2 | |
169 | 7.2 |
Climate + comms 🌏🌊🌬️🌄 Move your super to a fossil fuel free fund + ffs switch to renewable energy, it's cheaper! - She/her |
170 | 7.2 |
CounterAct : #facilitation #nonviolence #directaction #campaigning resources & training for environment & social justice activists. Tweets: @peacenicsta |
171 | 7.2 |
Environmentalism and poetry. Living on Awabakal land, Muloobinba. Nolite te bastardes carborundorum. |
172 | 7.2 |
“Enemy of the state”- Peter Dutton |
173 | 7.2 |
Community historian for lostcambridge.wordpress.com, formerly a creature of the Whitehall jungle, custodian of retired Twitter dragon Puffles, #MentalHealth. |
174 | 7.2 |
Geek, Musician,& Climate Activist (⧖) This account has nothing whatsover do do with my day job. Regenerative Culture #Retrocomputing #c64 #amiga #6502 #SID |
175 | 7.1 |
Fridays For Future Sydney @fff_Sydney Youth-led climate strikers striking to demand action on the climate crisis 🌏 #FridaysForFuture Join us every Friday 11am-2pm at Sydney Town Hall! |
176 | 7.1 |
~~ anti-fascist, anti-fossil fuels ~~ he/they ~~ researcher, gardener, unemployed, very pisces, enby & enthusiastically unaustralian |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
178 | 7.1 |
Climate justice activist // founder of @CoffsCoastCAG // solo parenting // living on Gumbaynggirr country // (she/her) |
179 | 7.1 |
Extinction Rebellion - Grey Power @GreyPowerEarth #ExtinctionRebellion #GreyPower #StopAdani #BlockadeAdani |
180 | 7.1 |
Australian Parents for Climate Action @ap4ca Get together with your friends or local Australian Parents for Climate Action group for the May 21 national Climate Strike! |
181 | 7.1 |
The Push is a collective. We oppose Santos' Narrabri Gas Project in the Pilliga, the QHGP & APA Gas Pipelines. We call for a Coal Seam Gas ban in NSW & beyond. |
182 | 7.1 |
Act on Climate Vic @ActOnClimateVic @FoEAustralia's community-powered campaign for action on climate change. Positive Solutions | Climate Justice | #ClimateImpactsVic | #VicClimateSolutions |
183 | 7.1 |
Australian Progress @ausprogress Hosts of #VirtualProgress2020, #Progress2019, #Leadership2019 and #fwdorg. We build the collective capacity of civil society in Australia. |
184 | 7.1 |
Ecological politics in theory & practice. Greens candidate 4 Canberra. I run @institutegreen, set up @GreenMusicAU, play in @FourPlaySQ, tell dad jokes. He/him |
185 | 7.1 |
Donnachadh McCarthy @DonnachadhMc Co-founder Stop Killing Cyclists. Author "The Prostitute State - How Britain's Democracy Was Bought". Eco-auditor. Eco-columnist for Independent. |
186 | 7.1 |
: DREL SOLUTIONS LLC ♆ is focused on design, research, engineering & logistics. |
187 | 7.1 |
We are XR Telford, campaigning both locally and nationally for urgent action on the climate and ecological emergency. |
188 | 7.1 |
Extinction Rebellion Chichester @ChichesterXR We welcome diversity in the Chichester area We've a passion to bring change via #NonViolentDirectAction Join Us Please facebook.com/groups/XRChich… |
189 | 7.1 |
Senior Programme Lead: Research@Climate Outreach. Research Associate, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex. |
190 | 7.1 |
Creative Director, designer, photographer 📸 🎥 🖥📲👨💻 🌲🏔✨🌄🌌 |
191 | 7.1 |
Founder, eand.co. I like disco and the sunlight can kill me, but I repeat myself. |
192 | 7.0 |
Inside every cynic there's an idealist trying to get out. As if. Tech @GreenNetISP. He or they. Mostly tweeting climate mitigation policy as of 2017. |
193 | 7.0 |
A14Alex 💻 a new project @my_own_RESEARCH? @Alex_on_A14 follow/engage with all kinds often with what I don't 'like' both to listen/understand and most importantly sometimes they're right and I CHANGE my mind. . |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
195 | 7.0 |
londoner, acute medicine doctor. climate justice for all. seeking to connect to the collective consciousness. organised criminal. |
196 | 7.0 |
RetroProgress: the possible progress in a living planet. Account created by @jmcampsc #ClimateCrisis #PrecautionaryPrinciple #RetroProgress #RP |
197 | 7.0 |
The East Suffolk & Ipswich branch of Extinction Rebellion |
198 | 7.0 |
Extinction Rebellion Bury St Edmunds 🌍🍃💚🍃 @XR_BSE #RebelForLife #MakeEcocideLaw #ClimateJusticeNOW #TellTheTruth #ActNow #BeyondPolitics #NoPlanetB #StopHS2 #WeWantToLive FB page: facebook.com/BuryStEdsXR/ |
199 | 7.0 |
22. She/her. Archaeology graduate. Digital illustrator. Climate and environmental activist. 🌱 the Daily Mail called me an “Expert Digger” 🌎 |
200 | 7.0 |
Margaret Klein Salamon, PhD @ClimatePsych I help people face the painful truth of the climate emergency and transform their despair, terror, and rage into effective action. ClimateAwakening.org |
201 | 7.0 |
- climate change - fast science - international climate policy - |
202 | 7.0 |
Scottish meteorologist | communicating weather & climate through engaging graphics | data from @nasa, @ecmwf & @noaa | former co-owner of @wxcharts |
203 | 7.0 |
Journalist, co-author of "truly remarkable" Crude Britannia @plutopress ex-Energy Editor @guardiannews. |
204 | 6.2 |
National politics reporter at The New York Times. CNN political analyst. Real one in these streets. astead.herndon@nytimes.com |
205 | 6.2 |
Covering politics for @washingtonpost. daveweigel@gmail.com, 202-334-7387. @CWAUnion member. Buy my book: tinyurl.com/h7wyg2c (Avatar by @damnyouregis) |
206 | 6.1 |
Molly Jong-Fast
Editor at large @thedailybeast. podcasting @newabnormalpod & Wife of @Mattgreenfield & mother of @woketeenageson |
207 | 6.1 |
Tressie McMillan Cottom
For kicks, assume that I know what I am talking about. Subscribe: tressie.substack.com Before you DM, do one of these: tressiemc.com/contact/ #MacFellow |
208 | 6.1 |
Bloomberg Opinion writer. Writes about economics, tweets about rabbits. Newsletter: noahpinion.substack.com |
209 | 6.1 |
Matthew Yglesias
Writer and editor, Slow Boring. Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center. Host of The Weeds. Vaxxed and relaxed. These tweets are worth what you pay for them. |
210 | 6.1 |
My name is Jamelle Bouie. @nytopinion columnist. @CBSNews Analyst. Got more juice than Picasso’s got paint. I don’t live in New York. |
211 | 6.1 |
Co-host of the Odd Lots podcast and 'What'd You Miss?' on Bloomberg TV. Fan of the Bakersfield Sound. |
212 | 6.1 |
Professor, author of "Our Own Worst Enemy." Curmudgeon. Cat guy. Democracy enthusiast. Board of Contributors, @USAToday, Contributing Writer, @TheAtlantic. |
213 | 6.0 |
The Lincoln Project @ProjectLincoln "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” – Abraham Lincoln 🏴☠️ |
214 | 6.0 |
Reporter. Have written for places — buzzfeed, slate, new york, the nation, n+1, the new republic — and would like to write for you. matthew.zeitlin@gmail.com |
215 | 6.0 | |
216 | 6.0 |
Immutable money, infinite frontier, eternal life. #Bitcoin |
217 | 6.0 |
Senior Producer. MSNBC's @TheLastWord. Opinions mine. Suburban women, will you please like me? |
218 | 6.0 |
physician-scientist, author, editor drerictopol.com |
219 | 6.0 |
New York Magazine/HuffPost Contributor Email: currentyashar@gmail.com Direct Messages Open Text/Call/Signal/Confide/WhatsApp: 310-795-2497. AGENTS: UTA |
220 | 5.9 |
I hold the microphone like a grudge |
221 | 5.9 |
Building the American Dream as a service @LambdaSchool: A Computer Science school that costs $0 until you're hired. |
222 | 5.9 |
Liam Kofi Bright
Aspiring philosopher; tolerable human; "amusing combination of sardonic detachment & literally all the feelings felt entirely unironically all at once" [he/his] |
223 | 5.9 |
may you live on and know what it means to be human |
224 | 5.9 |
Janice Griffin @janicelgriffin Teacher and dog lover |
225 | 5.9 |
#BlackLivesMatter Information flow in bio, society, & science. Book *Calling Bullshit*: tinyurl.com/y7ekfkhx I love crows and ravens. he/him |
226 | 5.9 |
robot. friend. |
227 | 5.9 |
Columnist for Insider. Host of KCRW's Left, Right & Center & cohost w/ @popehat of All the President's Lawyers. Instagram: @ joshbarro |
228 | 5.9 |
no |
229 | 5.9 |
Mostly Ken White. I do the RICO. Popehat Report: popehat.substack.com Podcasts: Make No Law, All The Presidents’ Lawyers |
230 | 5.9 |
찌 G 跻 じ MBA, CFA, FRM, CFP, NGMI, HFSP, HENTAI @DegenSpartan AT THERMOPYLAE I HELD ETH $300. WHAT DID YOU DO? Lead Casting Couch Interviewer at @egirl_capital As featured in @CoinTelegraph Ethereum Core Dev Ser / Senpai |
231 | 5.9 |
Writer. Lesbian. Veteran. Texan. Hoya. She/Her. Rep: @lynnjohnstonlit Alum: @HRC | Email: cmclymer@gmail.com | Subscribe: charlotteclymer.substack.com #BLM |
232 | 5.8 |
journalist @voxdotcom. On parental leave until June. |
233 | 5.8 |
Founder and reigning monarch at TPM. Lapsed historian. Polk Award winner. ✡️ |
234 | 5.8 |
Technology reporter ✨ DM tips on anything related to creators/influencers or the online world✨ FOLLOW ME ON IG: Instagram.com/taylorlorenz #skobuffs |
235 | 5.8 |
billionaire media tycoon and mayor of san francisco. vp @foundersfund. ringleader @hereticon. editor-in-chief @ pirate wires 🏴☠️ |
236 | 5.8 |
visa is almost done ✍🏾📖 @visakanv Simple yet radical: focus your time + energy on what you want to see more of. 🌍💪🏾❤️🔥⚡️ buy my ebook FRIENDLY AMBITIOUS NERD gum.co/friendlynerdbo… |
237 | 5.8 |
Veteran Navy intel officer, China analyst |
238 | 5.8 |
comms @coincenter—the cryptocurrency policy think tank | neeraj@coincenter.org | internet censorship substack: neerajka.com |
239 | 5.8 |
Creator + host of Vs Media Podcast on Patreon. Contributor @TheSpectator. Commentary archive at @nro @FoxNews @nypost |
240 | 5.8 |
writing things in places. former @theappeal. @justice_podcast. atlantan. |
241 | 5.8 |
James Lindsay, DARPA for the culture war @ConceptualJames Not-NYT Bestselling author. Math PhD. Founder of New Discourses. Apolitical. Against totalitarianism and supremacy of all kinds. For freedom. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 |
242 | 5.8 |
Dad to Ryan, David and Anya Proud husband of @kateashaw1 Host of @allinwithchris on MSNBC, weeknights at 8pm. #WITHPod Host Cubs fan Insta: chrislhayes |
243 | 5.8 |
White House Sr Advisor for COVID Response - Let’s Work Together to Defeat COVID-19. Past head of Medicare/Medicaid for Obama/Biden. Personal account. |
244 | 5.8 |
Angela Rasmussen
Excessively direct virologist. PI @VIDOInterVac. Affiliate @georgetown_ghss. Emerging virus host responses. 1X Jeopardy! loser. Rep: @anniescranton. she/her |
245 | 5.8 |
Nikole Hannah-Jones
Reporter @nytmag//Slanderous & nasty-minded mulattress//Co-founder idabwellssociety.org //smart&thuggish//Creator #1619Project// |
246 | 5.8 |
Kubernetes SIG Security co-chair, container escape artist, goose in the mainframe. All Computers Are Broken. They/them. Stay punk 🏴 |
247 | 5.8 |
Franklin Leonard
.@theblcklst founder. Film & TV producer. Politics and football (soccer) person. @vanityfair contributing editor. @am_cinematheque board member. |
248 | 5.8 |
Dr. Daphne Wright @daphne765479 Cal Berkeley Medical College of Wisconsin Psychiatrist |
249 | 5.8 |
artist - grassroots organizer - free black woman - scaled 30ft flagpole & removed sc confederate flag in protest on june 27, 2015 - Psalm 27 |
250 | 5.8 |
Kevin Michael Kruse
Historian: White Flight; The New Suburban History; Spaces of the Modern City; Fog of War; One Nation Under God; Fault Lines; Voter Suppression in US Elections. |
251 | 5.8 |
Chief Economist at @Upwork. Opinions my own. |
252 | 5.8 |
Lincoln Project co-founder. Ad guy. NYT #1 bestselling author. We won. He lost. Beware people with strategic patience, money, and lawyers. |
253 | 5.7 |
Science writer at The Atlantic. Pandemic reporter. Polk Award winner. Author of I CONTAIN MULTITUDES. Married to Liz Neeley. edyong.me (he/him) |
254 | 5.7 |
Thomas Chatterton Williams
Words: @NYTMag, @Harpers. Boards: @AmericanAcademy, @JoinPersuasion. Fellowship: @AEI. Speaking: @APBspeakers. Next Book: NOTHING WAS THE SAME: @AAKnopf |
255 | 5.7 |
Stay at home dad of two daughters. Peace activist. Leading with Love but some of y’all really are trying to test me. 🙏 |
256 | 5.7 |
Professor at @FletcherSchool. Contributor to @PostEverything. Co-editor of The Uses and Abuses of Weaponized Interdependence. Shaker of hands with Mel Brooks. |
257 | 5.7 |
Washington correspondent for NYTimes, analyst for CNN. RTs don't imply agreement. maggie.haberman@nytimes.com |
258 | 5.7 |
Scott Lincicome @scottlincicome @CatoInstitute Senior Fellow, @DukeLaw adjunct, @TheDispatch newsletter-er. Chief Neoliberal Shill 2020. CH❤️RTS. You didn't read the article, did you? |
259 | 5.7 |
Building Pomp Investments. Have invested $200M+ in early stage companies, including multiple unicorns. Write a daily letter to 170k investors: pompletter.com |
260 | 5.7 |
Brittany Packnett
less than occasional tweeter these days. Black. saved by grace. activist. #UNDISTRACTED host. @MSNBC contributor. @kidnoble’s +1. she/her. Ferguson forever. |
261 | 5.7 |
bitcoin cultural attaché |
262 | 5.7 |
Staff Writer, @TheAtlantic Ideas. adam@theatlantic.com Preorder THE CRUELTY IS THE POINT out June 29, 2021 here: bit.ly/3psRSrr |
263 | 5.7 |
the List | @habibi_bros |
264 | 5.7 |
⚓️🚢Imani Gandy 🚢⚓️ @AngryBlackLady Senior Editor, Law & Policy @RewireNewsGroup | 1/2 of #TeamLegal | Co-host of #BoomLawyered | Opinions are yours. | The Real Racist™ | Barge enthusiast 🚢⚓️| |
265 | 5.7 |
now: @nytimes. previously: @voxdotcom. Go Blue. |
266 | 5.7 |
Comfortably Smug @ComfortablySmug My Interests: Finance, Whiskey, Politics, Books, Food, Meeting Strangers #altcenter Instagram: ComfortablySmug |
267 | 5.7 |
Anthony Sassano Ξ 🦇🔊 @sassal0x Founder @thedailygwei ⛽ | Co-Founder @ethhub_io / Advisor @setprotocol/@indexcoop, @mstable_, @0xpolygon, @blocknative / #Ethereum $ETH | sassal.eth |
268 | 5.7 |
Antonio García Martínez
Wrote 'Chaos Monkeys' (amzn.to/2ow1CHE). Formerly @facebook, @ycombinator. גם זה יעבור 🇺🇲🇨🇺🇪🇸 |
269 | 5.7 |
Wife of @KaylaPekkala, editor-at-large at @mmfa. Opinions my own, tweets self-destruct. |
270 | 5.7 | |
271 | 5.7 |
I work for the Internet, at @stripe, mostly on accelerating startups. At the moment, volunteering as CEO at Vaccinate The States. All views my own. |
272 | 5.7 |
Tablet columnist, tabletmag.com/tags/meme-wars Author amzn.to/2IxVwv4. Join my corresponding society: patreon.com/wesleyyang |
273 | 5.7 |
Father of the four Irishest Jewish kids on earth. Executive Editor, Washington Examiner Mag. Previous: @nypost, @Commentary. @bethanyshondark is my better half |
274 | 5.7 |
President & Director-Counsel of LDF (NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund), the nation's premier civil rights law organization. Tweets are my own. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
276 | 5.7 | |
277 | 5.7 |
PhD candidate in US history @harvard. Writing about big liberal cities and the people who didn't want them to grow ('50s-'00s). User of various word processors. |
278 | 5.7 |
Justice Correspondent: @thenation Alignment: Neutral Good. Str:12 Dex:8 Con:15 Int:13 Wis:10 Char:14 Class: Paladin. Strong Against: Republicans. |
279 | 5.7 |
Jessica Huseman @JessicaHuseman Editorial director of @VotebeatUS. Texan who refuses to live elsewhere. 2020 @CNN analyst. Teaching: @IBWellsSociety, & @nyu_oj. Breaking: Every jello mold. |
280 | 5.7 | |
281 | 5.7 |
Vitalik Buterin
Ethereum. Fable of the Dragon Tyrant (not mine but it's important): nickbostrom.com/fable/dragon.h… Daylight savings time delenda est. |
282 | 5.7 | |
283 | 5.7 |
Exiled academic Western Civilization is pretty cool The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream |
284 | 5.7 |
she/her, mwana wevhu, fallist | writer, medical sociology PhD from @UCSF studying the Herero + Nama genocide, research fellow at @PRAEyesRight & @research_SPIN |
285 | 5.7 |
Political scientist. Professor. Writer. Mitchell Scholar. Reproached by Mikhail Gorbachev. “You want it to be one way, but it’s the other way.” |
286 | 5.7 |
she/her • proud Oakland native, mom, lawyer, founder, and #1 New York Times bestselling author • BLACK LIVES MATTER |
287 | 5.7 |
Writer/co-EP, Desus & Mero. Make My Day podcast. Tells jokes out loud. Previously, Last Week Tonight. Year round iced coffee drinker. Nice Try available now! |
288 | 5.7 |
Assistant Professor of Finance, @NYUStern. Finance/Real estate/urban newsletter: arpitrage.substack.com. |
289 | 5.7 |
National Correspondent for @TheWeek. Cohost & producer of @LeftAnchor podcast: leftanchor.podbean.com patreon.com/leftanchor |
290 | 5.6 |
See that she chews her food well, and sets her foot down firmly on the ground when she walks, and you're all right. |
291 | 5.6 |
investing at @BananaCap_, prev Chief Meme Officer @GeltVC, intern @AforeVC |
292 | 5.6 |
Shoshana Weissmann, Sloth Committee Chair 🦥 @senatorshoshana Head digital media @RSI & fellow: Occupational licensing reform, Section 230, SCOTUS, social media regulation. Also in @FedSocRTP. Sewing🧵 #PeakBagger🏔 More⬇️ |
293 | 5.6 |
I write @platformer, a publication about big tech and democracy. | 1/8th of #Sidechannel | casey@platformer.news | instagram: @crumbler |
294 | 5.6 |
White House reporter for @washingtonpost, covering Biden and the Hill. @CNN political analyst, proud @politico alum. Email: seungmin.kim@washpost.com |
295 | 5.6 |
Apoorva Mandavilli
Reporter @nytimes on mainly #covid19 Winner 2019 Victor Cohn Prize. Before: Founding EIC @Spectrum, co-founder @CultureDish DMs open OR Apoorva@NYTimes.com |
296 | 5.6 |
Social democrat in the streets, market socialist in the sheets. Welfare, labor, and healthcare policy. VATman. 🧦 Support the California #BOFA package |
297 | 5.6 |
Astronomy, astronautics, meteorology, physics. @Coelum_news columnist. Engineer, trying to build the big picture of #science via pics, videos & links |
298 | 5.6 |
If you were born white, then you’re a racist. Welcome to your new — compassionate, tolerant and diverse world. 🙃 |
299 | 5.6 |
uché blackstock, md @uche_blackstock c & e’s mama • founder & ceo, advancing health equity • @msnbc medical contributor • speaking: @ccmntspeakers • media: @cse_TraciWilkes • ig: @ucheblackstockmd |
300 | 5.6 |
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at @UF specializing in emerging infectious diseases and vaccine study design. @HarvardBiostats PhD. Tweets my own. |
301 | 5.6 |
Follow me to learn about #Bitcoin while having fun | Follow @HaveFunStayPoor for poverty memes | Join HaveFunStayingPoor.com for my long-form posts |
302 | 5.6 |
Charlie Pierce
Feed from The Politics Blog with Charles P. Pierce, Retweets don't (necessarily) mean endorsements. Grand-Da to John Victor. Aging epee hack. Ringsend Cowboy |
303 | 5.6 |
Writer, lawyer, Dodger fan, idealist, hater. nycsouthpaw18 at gmail. RTs = endorsement or scorn. |
304 | 5.6 |
Deputy editor @ForeignPolicy. Wrote Bloody White Baron, The Death of Mao, and upcoming Heaven's Empires. Married to @larsonchristina. DC, ex-Beijing. He/him. |
305 | 5.6 |
she/her | Chief Technology Officer @dccc | Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble. -John Lewis | 💖💙 |
306 | 5.6 |
Producing the most hard-hitting and impactful political videos and content. Because truth is golden. Donate secure.actblue.com/donate/meidast… |
307 | 5.6 |
The original Room Raters. Rating bookcases, backsplashes and hostage videos since April, 2020. Tweets by Jessie & Claude. |
308 | 5.6 |
working on a book about the early 90s / please subscribe to my substack UNPOPULAR FRONT johnganz.substack.com / don't get most notifications |
309 | 5.6 |
Pop Culture scholar. Romcomoisseur™ Yorubaddie™.Bestselling author,LOVE IN COLOUR. #Forbes30Under30. 📚: @julietpickering 📺🇬🇧: @ITG_Ltd 📺🇺🇲: @unitedtalent |
310 | 5.6 |
"You must be bold, brave, and courageous and find a way... to get in good trouble." -John Lewis #TheReidOut ❤️ #reiders. Likes are sometimes just bookmarks. |
311 | 5.6 |
Trying to work out what's going on, and what happens next. Mostly tech. Past lives in equity research, strategy and venture capital. Working on new things. |
312 | 5.6 |
George T. Conway III
Lawyer. Contributing columnist, @WashingtonPost. Aspiring to become an all-Corgi feed. wapo.st/3fvZmal |
313 | 5.6 |
Epidemiologist & Health Economist. Health Policy & Social Justice. Senior Fellow, FAS. Former 16 yrs @Harvard. COVID updates since Jan 2020. |
314 | 5.6 |
I write a daily email breaking down the business and money behind sports. Sign up here: readhuddleup.com |
315 | 5.6 |
CEO of Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change (@TheKingCenter) • Connector • Communicator • Community Builder • Child of Global Leaders |
316 | 5.6 |
Mostly off Twitter for May. Author, @fsgbooks. Former: @NYMag. Cohost @TheBARPod, the first-ever podcast: patreon.com/blockedandrepo… * jesse.r.singal@gmail |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
318 | 5.6 |
Editor-in-Chief, @TheDispatch (TheDispatch.com), LAT columnist. AEI Fellow. Host Remnant Podcast. Majordomo for Zoë and Pippa. |
319 | 5.6 |
We make sense of global news. Substance, not partisan takes, can be satirical (puppets). Sign up for our newsletter, watch GZERO World & listen to the podcast. |
320 | 5.6 |
Dad; husband; anchor of @TheLeadCNN and @CNNSOTU; author of @TheOutpostbook, @TheHellfireClub, and The @Devil_May_Dance: bit.ly/DevilMayDance |
321 | 5.6 |
Fallibilist, optimist. Stripe CEO. 🇮🇪 |
322 | 5.6 |
Reporter at CNN's K-File.🎗️Dad fighting childhood cancer for Francesca on Team Beans. 🇦🇱🇵🇱🇮🇹 Andrew.w.Kaczynski@gmail.com #TeamBeans |
323 | 5.6 |
Back on the Starting Line. Founder @SevenSevenSix Previously @Initialized @Reddit Forever #BusinessDad + #PaidFamilyLeave Advocate ⚽️ @weareangelcity 🎮 @cloud9 |
324 | 5.6 |
Investor via @HaystackVC focused on seed-stage investments // Venture Partner w/ @LightspeedVP |
325 | 5.6 |
Darrell "Pass AB 1401" Owens @IDoTheThinking Policy analyst & data king at @cayimby. De-policing traffic enforcement; de-carbonizing thru housing; saving public transit. |
326 | 5.6 |
investor/village idiot @foundersfund && incubated @vardaspace industries |
327 | 5.6 |
Senior Fellow @jainfamilyinst. former Fed & CEA. Sahm rule. macro policy & inequality. well with bipolar disorder. blog: stayathomemacro.substack.com |
328 | 5.6 |
“say it with me PEOPLE” incubating: @annlab ex/: @mozilla @coralproject seen : Wired/Salon/UN annoyed: often in love: always |
329 | 5.6 |
cryptopunk #294. investor & project advisor. #ethereum, #defi & #nft art. i don't give financial advice. ✍ dcinvestor.substack.com 🖼 gallery.so/dcinvestor |
330 | 5.6 |
Joel D. Anderson @byjoelanderson Writer, @Slate. Host, Seasons 3 & 6 of Slow Burn + Hang Up and Listen + The Last Last Dance. Don't be too familiar. |
331 | 5.6 |
Writing my first book for Norton; @TheDailyBeast Columnist; Senior Fellow @WStatesCenter & @AuburnSeminary; @TheLavinAgency Speaker; wajahatmali@protonmail.com |
332 | 5.6 |
Senior reporter, dystopia beat, @NBCNews. |
333 | 5.6 |
not the darth you are looking for |
334 | 5.6 |
NeverTrump, pro-democracy opinion writer at @WashingtonPost, MSNBC contributor. “If right doesn’t matter, we are lost.” |
335 | 5.6 |
staff writer at @TheAtlantic covering health. I also write Material World, a column on consumerism. Georgia native, Georgia Bulldog. |
336 | 5.6 |
Helen Branswell
Sr writer, infectious diseases @statnews. 2020 Polk Award winner. Niemen '11. Conspiracy theory free zone; I block rude, racist. She/her #Covid #Ebola #flu 🇨🇦 |
337 | 5.6 |
#1 source for breaking news, weather, and sports in the Bay Area. Share photos, vids and tips by tagging tweets #abc7now. You may see them here or on ABC7 News! |
338 | 5.6 |
founder & ceo @eternaltilidie - writing baby checks @boltvc - digital prophecy, divine technologies - hipcityreg.eth |
339 | 5.6 |
Correspondent @60Minutes+/@CBSNews, Sometimes writer @GQMagazine and elsewhere, Contributing editor @MarshallProj wes.j.lowery@gmail.com // loweryw@cbsnews.com |
340 | 5.6 |
Paying water bills @HumanUtility when cities cut off water to poor families. @HowardU @ycombinator alum. Rails dev. Water is a human right. At @StanfordGSB🌈 |
341 | 5.6 |
Personal account. Senior Policy Economist at @WhiteHouseCEA. Formerly Evercore ISI, @USTreasury, @UpshotNYT. |
342 | 5.6 |
meme dealer; invested in startups like @uber @thumbtack @robinhoodapp @desktopmetal @calm; my dealflow thesyndicate.com pods @twistartups @theallinpod |
343 | 5.6 |
Kind of a VC, never been acquired. $WERAMP for the kids. Follow the People’s Portfolio Public.com/RampCapital |
344 | 5.6 |
entrepreneur, investor, contrarian |
345 | 5.6 |
Director of Research at @TheBlock__. Not a journalist or a lawyer. Previously @DiarNewsletter |
346 | 5.6 |
Founder of @interintellect_🧭, lover of ideas, builder of conversations · "I am a part of all that I have met" · annagat.com |
347 | 5.6 |
author of the New York Times/IndieBound bestseller Dreyer’s English and its wee army of worthy spinoffs • he/him/his #CopyeditingProTip |
348 | 5.6 |
Philosophy professor at Kale 🥬 University. Views my own. |
349 | 5.6 |
CTO @tabletmag || Korean BBQ enthusiast || Also post things @ youtube.com/c/neontaster and stream @ twitch.tv/neontaster || opinions always my own |
350 | 5.6 |
Fintech lead seed investor (btv.vc); Albert, Chipper, Ethic, Flexport, Indio, Kin, Starship, Super, Unit, Vayu; cos that make the 🌎 better 🦇 🔊 |
351 | 5.6 |
Columnist for @bopinion. Founder of Peachtree Creek Investments. Geriatric Millennial. Fintwit, demographics/elections, Atlanta. The future is a policy choice. |
352 | 5.6 |
Michael A. Nielsen
Searching for the numinous 🇦🇺 🇨🇦, in 🇺🇸 Current creative interests: Science++; secular Bible; the future of matter; tools that help people think & create |
353 | 5.6 |
Founder @Initialized—PM/designer/eng turned Forbes Midas List Top 100 VC in startups worth over $100B, always before product market fit—YouTube creator |
354 | 5.6 |
Complex systems, wicked problems. Society, technology and more. @UNC professor. Word in @TheAtlantic & @NYTimes. My newsletter is @insight: theinsight.org |
355 | 5.6 |
CEO of @MorningBrew |
356 | 5.6 |
Soledad O'Brien
working mom |
357 | 5.6 |
yearn.fi yearn.vision multichain.xyz chainlist.org keep3r.network crv.finance crv.to |
358 | 5.6 |
Jim OShaughnessy @jposhaughnessy Founder, Chairman & Co-Chief Investment Officer, OSAM LLC. Author, "What Works on Wall Street," Host infiniteloopspodcast.com 🎙 canvas.osam.com/Y |
359 | 5.6 |
egg rolls are a driving around food @BattinAround |
360 | 5.6 |
President & CEO @ResolveTSL | Sr Fellow @CFR_org | Former Director @CDCgov & Cmish @nycHealthy | Focused on saving lives | COVID-19 pandemic response & recovery |
361 | 5.6 |
REAL LIFE: a novel (2020, @riverheadbooks) FILTHY ANIMALS: stories (June 2021) newsletter: sweater weather, blgtylr.substack.com |
362 | 5.6 |
doctor | mom | she/her/hers | @Equity_Quotient |
363 | 5.6 |
Policy editor at @NBCNews. I cover elections and their consequences. Take it off Twitter at Benjy.Sarlin@nbcuni.com. |
364 | 5.6 |
bhoka.eth 💕 a real life girl ✨ internet darling, meta-modern designer, illustrator, artist & writer 💞 lead designer @dispohq 📸 ex adobe lightroom, interlace |
365 | 5.6 |
@washingtonpost games reporter and waifu war correspondent | Email: gene.park@washpost.com | @csuf Titan |
366 | 5.6 |
#1 Internationally bestselling author of The Cartel, The Force, The Border and Savages. Author of 3 New York Times Critics Choice Best books of the Year. |
367 | 5.6 |
A Shady Dame From Seville @SorayaMcDonald inveterate truth-teller. 2020 criticism Pulitzer finalist. scribbling for @TheUndefeated | soraya.mcdonald@espn.com | she/her |
368 | 5.6 |
through meditation i program my heart to beat breakbeats and hum basslines upon exhalation. (works at @facebook, views my own, etc) |
369 | 5.6 |
#Ethereum🧉🇦🇷🐔 |
370 | 5.6 |
Founder, @2PMinc (2pm.inc). I study the ✖️ of media and commerce. @MizzenandMain co-founder. Prev: @GearPatrol, @RogueFitness, @Uncrate, @flosports. |
371 | 5.6 |
NYT tech reporter. tell me stuff at Mike.Isaac@nytimes.com or mjisaac@protonmail.com |
372 | 5.6 |
Nicholas A. Christakis
Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale. Physician. Author of Apollo's Arrow; Blueprint; and Connected. Luckily wed @ErikaChristakis |
373 | 5.6 |
Matthew A. Cherry
Hair Love | The Last Fall | 9 Rides | Young Love |
374 | 5.5 |
Here to shitpost. Day: Product @CarbonHealth. Night: Investing @bloomvp_. Prev: Founder Birch, acquired by @EvenFinancial, Tech Support @OfficeDepot |
375 | 5.5 |
Journalist @TechCrunch. Co-host: @EquityPod. I read some email at alex.wilhelm@techcrunch.com. You rock! He/him #blacklivesmatter |
376 | 5.5 |
Journalist; Author, "Securing Democracy"; Co-Founder, The Intercept; Columnist, @CartaCapital; HOPE Shelter (@abrigo_hope); vegan; Insta: Glenn.11.Greenwald |
377 | 5.5 |
Partner at @initialized. Previously @techcrunch. When life hands me lemons, I make tarte au citron. |
378 | 5.5 |
Conversational account. Writing @ribbonfarm, @breaking_smart, @artofgig. Tweets are 90% vacuous views, apathetically held. Mediocritopian. Hail threadthulhu 🐙 |
379 | 5.5 |
"The Writing Guy" | I tweet about writing, learning and business | My writing school: writeofpassage.school | My writing: perell.com |
380 | 5.5 |
ID Epi & infection prvntn | Asst Prof @ScharSchool | Adjunct @UAZPublicHealth | @georgetown_ghss affiliate | @FAScientists COVIDTaskforce | ELBI |alea iacta est |
381 | 5.5 |
Assistant professor of psychology @Hillsdale All views expressed are my own! Western Civilization. Science. Film. Nature. Birds. @nurturaldis @psyphilopod |
382 | 5.5 |
Fiona Applebum says Block Shaun King 🍎 @WrittenByHanna Where I'll Be When Jack Yeets My Side Account: @_WrittenByHanna CashApp:$WordsByHanna Writer. Lioness. ♌ #CelexaHive (She/Her) http://writtenbyhanna.substack |
383 | 5.5 |
Alice de Queens 🏳️🌈 @AliceFromQueens HER OWN DEVICES, a Substack, coming soon. |
384 | 5.5 |
senior tech reporter @BuzzFeedNews. ryan.mac@buzzfeed.com & rmac18@protonmail.com. DMs open. On Signal--ask for my number |
385 | 5.5 |
Michael Beschloss
PRESIDENTS OF WAR, nine other books. @NBCNews Presidential Historian. PBS @NewsHour. Opinions my own. Born Chicago. Called "normally sober" by Financial Times. |
386 | 5.5 |
Pacific Northwesterner. Survivor. Activist. Fireball. Distance runner. Distance goer. Lover of kitty cats, books, meat, & liberty. |
387 | 5.5 |
White House reporter @CBSNews digital. All things politics and junk food. “Unrepentant candy corn apologist.” Cheez-Its stan account. kathryn.watson@cbsi.com |
388 | 5.5 |
Co-Founder @ProjectLincoln GOP political consultant; Latino voting trends/analysis. Partner at GrassrootsLab. #Georgetown @theAAPC Board Member @Americanatapod |
389 | 5.5 |
Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman
Try Jesus, not me. 🇬🇭. she/her. @kennedy_school • Hot takes, my own. Pre-order: #TheBlackAgendaBook👇🏿 |
390 | 5.5 |
Journeyman, Kirkus Prize-winning author. Books: HOW WE FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES and PRELUDE TO BRUISE. He/him. Represented by @TuesdayAgency and @SheedyLit. |
391 | 5.5 |
Economist, I work on tax policy and/or inequality. Editor of @JPubEcon. Professional skeptic. Anti-illiberal. If vowels are missing, the tweet is in Polish. |
392 | 5.5 |
BS @AuburnEngineers; GC @UCLAengineering; nuclear professional; father of 2 great kids & 1 Yorkie; love Jesus, my wife, family, USA, & all creation. Views own. |
393 | 5.5 |
Newsman @WSJ. Just a lad from Leeds with a lust for markets, economics and history. My views, you're welcome to them. |
394 | 5.5 |
Host, @mehdihasanshow on @MSNBC and NBC's @peacockTV |
395 | 5.5 |
Epidemiology asst prof @BUSPH | Assoc editor for SoMe @amjepi | cohost @casualinfer podcast | @epiCOVIDCorps | #epitwitter | github.com/eleanormurray |
396 | 5.5 |
Founder @JoinPersuasion | Associate Prof @SAISHopkins | Contributing Editor @TheAtlantic | Senior Fellow @CFR_org | Sr. Advisor @protctdemocracy | Opinions mine |
397 | 5.5 |
GP @SusaVentures🦍(seed investor in @RobinhoodApp, @Flexport) Prev: @Caltech; 2nd eng hire @LinkedIn; @Google I ❤️️ b2b, SaaS, & fintech. Cold emails welcome. |
398 | 5.5 |
Dr. Trevon D Logan @TrevonDLogan Distinguished Prof of Economics @OhioState, Assoc Dean @ASCatOSU, Co-Dir @AEAMP1. Economic History, Race, Applied Economics, and #LEGOS. #ADOS Tweets=my own |
399 | 5.5 |
Associate Prof @CarnegieMellon. Energy, climate, automation, NatSec, @Emissions_Index. RAND Senior Adjunct Analyst. @CMUenergy/@payneinstitute Fellow. My views. |
400 | 5.5 |
Epidemiologist, Immunologist, Physician, Harvard Public Health/Medical School. Discuss vaccines, immunity, infectious diseases, public health, and tests |
401 | 5.5 |
Chief Cloud Economist at @DuckbillGroup. Father to @QuinnyPiglet & @theMunchQuinn. he/him Get my snarky take on AWS news: lastweekinaws.com/t/ |
402 | 5.5 |
Editor at Large, Founding Mother @19thnews. Writing a 📖 re: the VP and Black women's political power. Devout Atlantan, practicing Philadelphian. Proverbs 31:31 |
403 | 5.5 |
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
Pronounced Chanda not Shanda. tweets by/for me. all #BlackandSTEM/all Jewish. feminist physicist. queer&agender woman/she. Maker: Decolonising Sci Reading List |
404 | 5.5 |
Russian-Jewish-American. "Voice of reason against the madness." Lover of otters. @ArcDigi @Reason @Newsday @BulwarkOnline @theweek etc. CathyYoung63@gmail |
405 | 5.5 |
You'll find me @homebrew, Seed Stage Venture Fund w @satyap. Previously made products at YouTube, Google & SecondLife. Married to @cbarlerin. |
406 | 5.5 |
Congresswoman, MO-01. Nurse, activist, organizer, single mom, & pastor. Leading with radical love, fighting for regular people. #StLouisStrong (she/her) |
407 | 5.5 |
Executive Associate Dean for Emory at Grady; co-Director of Emory CFAR. Foreign Secretary of NAM. Posted opinions are own. RT not endorsements. |
408 | 5.5 |
Right handed. Acts 26:29. |
409 | 5.5 |
growth md @redpointvc / vols, knicks & young thug fan / @tryramp @crossbeam @braze @pendoio @workato @amplitude_hq @dataiku @kustomer @clubhouseio @redox |
410 | 5.5 |
Editor-in-Chief, @rottentomatoes. Author of 'We're All Going to Die (Especially Me)'. NY by way of Sydney. |
411 | 5.5 |
Ariel Edwards-Levy @aedwardslevy Polling + election analytics editor @CNN; keeping (cross)tabs on public opinion and the news. LA native, formerly @HuffPost. I like puns. |
412 | 5.5 |
One man party round. Investing early at @gcvp. See my best (recent) tweets: zk.cm/tweets |
413 | 5.5 |
Microbiology, genomics, evolution, whimsy. Mostly whimsy, tbh. Now! With added sadness! 50% more sadness than our competitors! |
414 | 5.5 |
Former co-founder/CEO of Runkeeper (acquired by ASICS). Now 100% focused on climate change. Podcast host, community mgr, & investor-in-training at @mcjpod. |
415 | 5.5 |
Psychiatrist.Freelance writer. College & Physician Mental Health. Hate is not a mental illness. #MentalHealth is health. Gif enthusiast. Opinions=My Own |
416 | 5.5 |
@employamerica & @employamericaAF |
417 | 5.5 |
Publisher, Pantheon & Schocken Books. Extracurriculars: Board @Nationalbook / Trustee @ThirteenWNET / National Council @Graywolfpress |
418 | 5.5 |
Living with my feet on the ground, and my heart in the cosmos. | She/Ella | Caribeña 🇩🇴 |
419 | 5.5 |
Ken Klippenstein
Reporter @theintercept. Send tips securely via Signal: 202-510-1268. Views mine |
420 | 5.5 |
token borderer |
421 | 5.5 |
@benchmark investing in software at seed/ series a; gulab jamun enthusiast |
422 | 5.5 |
woman about town. writer @newyorker. writing a book called magpie for @aaknopf + one about letters. somehow also running a penpal service?(penpalooza.com) |
423 | 5.5 |
Gregg Gonsalves @gregggonsalves I work @Yale focusing on operations research/epidemiology for infectious disease. In the real world: been an AIDS activist for ~30 yrs. Assoc. Prof YSPH. |
424 | 5.5 |
Washington Post Ed Board, Columnist. Host "Cape Up." Anchor @PostLive "First Look." Anchor MSNBC @TheSundayShow. Contributor PBS @NewsHour "Brooks & Capehart" |
425 | 5.5 |
internet explorer ⚡️ Build MVPs & custom projects with nocodepros.co ⚡️ Mostly joking but deadly serious⚡️ Ξ seyitaylor.eth |
426 | 5.5 |
History, economics, politics, climate. Columbia University. Director of European Institute. Born UK, raised FRG, live US. Mensch mit Migrationshintergrund. |
427 | 5.5 |
Writer-At-Large @bulwarkonline | Host "Not My Party" on Snapchat | Formerly beating Trump’s ass with RVAT | Nikola Jokic обожавалац | byline @rollingstone | |
428 | 5.5 |
Strident homosexual. Pediatrician who swears. Bylines hither and yon. Beauty’s where you find it. 🌈 I’m just doing my best to be good. he/him |
429 | 5.5 |
Helping crypto startups @ DeFi Alliance. Former entrepreneur @ Messari / trader @ Tower Research. Aging is a disease - we may be able to cure it. |
430 | 5.5 |
@washingtonpost book critic. Immigrant/Peru. Author of WHAT WERE WE THINKING: A Brief Intellectual History of the Trump Era. |
431 | 5.5 |
Statistics PhD student @Harvard. I tweet funny, interesting things about data science and statistics. Some of it is educational. |
432 | 5.5 |
The only host of the only podcast |
433 | 5.5 |
Politics. Hoyas. YMMV. Views expressed are mine alone, obviously. @TheLobbyShopPod |
434 | 5.5 |
Southmayd Prof @YaleLawSch and Philosophy @Yale. Editor, @LegalTheory + Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. "Bad for Yale. Bad for America"—@orinkerr |
435 | 5.5 |
Jennifer Doleac
Econ prof @TAMU. Director @JusticeTechLab. Host of the @ProbCausation pod. I study crime & discrimination. Links: bit.ly/3b6wjZJ Buy me a ☕️: bit.ly/3dGTeuP |
436 | 5.5 |
soon: @businessinsider • past: @qz, @cjr, @globeandmail, @todayintabs • posting reminders at @doomscroll_bot •🇨🇦• she/her |
437 | 5.5 |
Ayanna Pressley
Your Congresswoman. Proudly representing the MA 7th. Here to break concrete ceilings & shake the table. Personal account. She/hers. #ChangeCantWait |
438 | 5.5 | |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
440 | 5.5 |
Andrea Hernández 👁️⃤ @iiiitsandrea a snax seer💫🔮 @thesnaxshot |
441 | 5.5 |
jamaican NOPsled team @Theophite Pronouns in bio. 🚰, more or less. |
442 | 5.5 |
swords jew. journalist. author of CULTURE WARLORDS. Host of @mobydickenergy. say hi talialavinwrites @ gmail dot com |
443 | 5.5 |
BLACK. Founder & Managing Partner @Backstage_Cap, author IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME, host YOUR FIRST MILLION pod, fan @GeneralHospital, MARRIED to @queergermangirl😍 |
444 | 5.5 |
Nat'l Political Correspondent, NY Times. Writing a book w @alexburnsnyt on politics in 2020-2021. Tips or ideas? Email: jonathan.martin-at-nytimes.com |
445 | 5.5 |
degenerate crypto -- @pleasrdao - bk@ngmi.finance - no financial advice |
446 | 5.5 |
VP marketing @investwithLEX: own a piece of a skyscraper. Tech/life science investor. Non-profit artist. |
447 | 5.5 |
Shannon Stirone (angel of the supermarket)💀 @shannonmstirone Writer. Find me in @NYTimes @washingtonpost @Longreads @TheAtlantic @NatGeo @PopSci @Wired @Esquire, others. Showrunner @ScienceHouse Opinions are mine. she/her |
448 | 5.5 |
helping make @glitch • big fan of being a big fan of things • he/him |
449 | 5.5 |
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham @paulgp @YaleSOM professor & Bulls fan. I study consumer finance, and econometrics is a big part of my research identity. @sgil1122’s life-partner. He/him/his |
450 | 5.5 |
I want a tiny baby elephant. You clap, I clap back. i wrote Ayiti, Untamed State, Bad Feminist, Difficult Women, World of Wakanda, Hunger, Not That Bad. she/her |
451 | 5.5 |
Former National Press Secretary for #BernieSanders2020. Co-host @BadFaithPod, Contributing Editor @curaffairs. Former Senior Politics Editor @theintercept |
452 | 5.5 |
Jason ✨BeKind✨ Lemkin ⚫️ @jasonlk GET seed / late seed funded ➡️ SaaStrFund.com 🦄🦄🦄 LEARN SaaS ➡️ SaaStr.University JOIN us ➡️ SaaStrAnnual.com. Founder/ceo #AdobeSign |
453 | 5.5 |
Kaitlyn Greenidge
Features Director @harpersbazaarus Author of "LIBERTIE” and We Love You, Charlie Freeman" (@algonquinbooks) kaitlyngreenidge.substack.com |
454 | 5.5 |
comics @thenib + everywhere // they/them // get my new book out now why not!!! |
455 | 5.5 |
DC bureau chief at The Intercept. Young Turks contributor. ryangrim-at-gmail.com DM for Signal. Author of We've Got People. Views are my own, not yours. |
456 | 5.5 |
🎀 sonya allegedly 🤖 @sonyasupposedly lagomorph studying humans • capricious dilettante 💅 • avatar by @suchaone |
457 | 5.5 |
ΞWoki in Quadratic Lands 🌈🌅 @owocki i spin bits for fun & profit, watch out for my megabyte! 🤖🌱 EVM whisperer & internet citizen at @gitcoin; proudly based in colorado. 🌄🚵♂️ |
458 | 5.5 |
research+writing: @paradigm, general editor: @DeribitInsights, podcast host: uncommoncore.co/podcast/ with @zhusu |
459 | 5.5 |
Adam Parkhomenko
Democratic Strategist, Consultant, Political Adviser. Dad. Ukrainian-American. Whatever order, son Cameron's my life. @MooseSimba. Join: BigStuff.us |
460 | 5.5 |
-4.00 in my right eye. charming succubus in training. emma frost correspondent for vox. header by: @smartthrob |
461 | 5.5 |
Love my beautiful boy Cody. Not on speaking terms with my twin daughters Jenna & Amantha. Co-host of @ChapoTrapHouse podcast. |
462 | 5.5 |
Director of News @TheBlock__. Previously reporting @BusinessInsider, comms @Nasdaq. I cover bitcoin, DeFi, and market structure. Host of @thescooppod |
463 | 5.5 |
Pradheep J. Shanker @Neoavatara Radiologist and Public Health Policy. CEO @Neoavatara Foundation Occasional contributor to @NRO, @Ricochet, @AmSpectator |
464 | 5.5 |
Independent political strategist, author and campaign veteran. Co-Founder, @ProjectLincoln. |
465 | 5.5 |
Director, defendingdemocracytogether.org. Editor at large, thebulwark.com. Host, conversationswithbillkristol.org. Fellow, @HarvardIOP. |
466 | 5.5 |
Senior Advisor at Council of Economic Advisers. Used to post labor market charts/Fire Elmos, now I tweet about theater and Philadelphia. Personal opinions. |
467 | 5.5 |
Macro-energy systems engineering, optimization, and policy w/a focus on electricity. Prof @EPrinceton (MAE) & @AndlingerCenter. PI of ZERO Lab. Personal account |
468 | 5.5 |
she/her/hers Digital Strategist • Comms Dir @WeJoinFrontline Hire/Book: lesliemac.com/contact |
469 | 5.4 | |
470 | 5.4 |
hanging out on the edges of the internet // @ludlowventures |
471 | 5.4 |
Rapper. Author. Podcaster. Coach. Oxford Uni Graduate. 💪🏾 'Strong Advice' fitness eBook gumroad.com/l/zubyfitness | All links 👉🏾 linktr.ee/zubymusic |
472 | 5.4 |
Columnist. Novelist. J-prof. Author of NYT/IndieBound bestseller The Daughters of Erietown. Won Pulitzer, but my dogs don’t care. P.S. I love @SenSherrodBrown. |
473 | 5.4 |
bon vivant, !@#$ *occasionally paid* political strategist "He seems intent on outclevering everyone." NYT Review Of Bonks |
474 | 5.4 |
Cosmologist, pilot, connoisseur of cosmic catastrophes. @TEDFellow. Author: "The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)". Personal account. She/her. Dr. |
475 | 5.4 |
A stream of consciousness from the Neoliberal Project. Consequentialist. Radically pragmatic. A project of @CNLiberalism and @PPI |
476 | 5.4 |
Geoffrey F. Miller
Psychology professor; wrote The Mating Mind, Spent, Mate, & Virtue Signaling. Themes: Evolution, sentience, civilization, EA, X risk, crypto. Wife: @sentientist |
477 | 5.4 |
You didn’t go up there to fish. |
478 | 5.4 |
I cut movies and TV. Host of @thenabeshow and guy on the internet. #Orioles |
479 | 5.4 |
CEO @EZPR. EIC @thefuturebuzz British, 2x author, Top 50 @Businessinsider Tech PR 4x ez.substack.com - The Joker of Vegas |
480 | 5.4 |
Web developer, movie buff, and pretty much the best guy you know. Married to @operaqueenie. |
481 | 5.4 |
On maternity leave. Health-tech investor @OMERSVentures/ author of “Second Opinion.” Former journalist. Londoner living in CA. Angel investor. Mum 👶 🐱 🐱 |
482 | 5.4 |
Do you wanna make money or do you wanna be right |
483 | 5.4 |
Research Director @theMMTNetwork.I write a newsletter on the Coronavirus Depression, Macroeconomics and Money called Notes on the Crises. |
484 | 5.4 |
Peter McObnoxious @PeterMcCormack #Bitcoin + Metal |
485 | 5.4 |
Berkeley professor, former Secretary of Labor. Co-founder, Inequality Media. New book: The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It. |
486 | 5.4 |
Prof Econ & Educ @michiganstateu. Econ, ed pol expert. Co-editor @J_HumanResource. #autismspeaks #autismdad |
487 | 5.4 |
Liminal Warmth ❤️ @liminal_warmth perpetual denizen of the liminal / professional dilettante / soul proprietor / writing / coding / magic / crypto / desert life 💕 🏳️🌈 |
488 | 5.4 |
Managing Partner @GGVCapital, $9B global venture capital firm, 2X founder, 4X Dad, praying for @Dartmouth 🏀 return to Final Four #golong |
489 | 5.4 |
Reporter for CNN, fact-checking the president and others. |
490 | 5.4 |
Scientist & author; Distinguished Prof of Atmospheric Science & Director of Earth System Science Center, Penn State; National Academy of Sciences; Tyler Prize |
491 | 5.4 |
CEO of @FTX_Official and Alameda Research. ftx.com. Not investment advice. FTX Services and FTT not available in the United States or prohibited jurisdictions. |
492 | 5.4 |
Lizzie O'Leary
Her desultory air perplexed him. host, What Next TBD @slate. columnist for @wealthsimple |
493 | 5.4 |
Fighting for industrial literacy. I write about the history of technology at @rootsofprogress. Part-time tech consultant to @OurWorldInData. Former tech founder |
494 | 5.4 |
Kelsey D. Atherton @AthertonKD War robots & other bad futures. Military technology writer, opinions my own. Cohosted @PHOTORpod. Unitarian Universalist. He/him. Fam: @alymaybe, @stellahthedog |
495 | 5.4 |
Norman Ornstein is an emeritus scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a contributing editor for the Atlantic. |
496 | 5.4 |
#bitcoin i like sci fi books, bitcoin, and talking with my hands. i identify as a corporation. disclaimers @CoinSharesCo. |
497 | 5.4 |
Writer. Author of God Land from @IUpress. Belabored from @BoldTypeBooks. She/her. Sweetheart & leftist harpie. Rep @annasproul |
498 | 5.4 |
kilgore trout, junky horse @KT_So_It_Goes turnip shepherd & bad person |
499 | 5.4 |
The light inside is broken, but I still work. The Cadillac of online bookmarking sites. Alleged nocoiner. pinboard.in maciej@ceglowski.com +1 415 610 0231 |
500 | 5.4 |
Hi. I work at the American Economic Liberties Project. Also, I wrote the book Goliath, and I write a monopoly-focused newsletter BIG: mattstoller.substack.com |
501 | 5.4 |
See my best selling books here: tinyurl.com/y6frruf7 My special and dangerous content is on Locals: bit.ly/2Ygv2tf |
502 | 5.4 |
Writer. Previous lives: Editor, buro chief, columnist, reporter @guardianus @wsj @financialnews @marketplace. Every day above ground is a good one. She/her. Hi. |
503 | 5.4 |
karbonpilled |
504 | 5.4 |
The Other One. @Crookedmedia co-founder. @PodSaveAmerica co-host. @barackobama speechwriter. |
505 | 5.4 |
@NYTimes national political correspondent. @CNN political analyst. |
506 | 5.4 |
Husband to @jehabig & Dad to Nico. Principal @50p1 & ED @morethanavote. Fmr CM @CoryBooker & @GavinNewsom. @ShannonSharpe once called me a heavy hitter. He/him. |
507 | 5.4 |
1. Substacker: jeetheer.substack.com 2. Columnist, The Nation 3. email: jeetheer1967 at gmail dot com 5. Twitter essayist 6. Drawn by Joe Ollmann |
508 | 5.4 |
#OscarsSoWhite & #ReignyDayJobs Creator. Co-Founder of @SistaSCOTUS. @Sephora Equity Advisor. Diversity & Inclusion Advocate, Culture Commentator. #SheWillRise |
509 | 5.4 |
Programmer. SFFH writer (A.L. Goldfuss). Genderfluid, but she/her is fine. I use @blockpartyapp_ and might not see your replies. Nothing personal. |
510 | 5.4 |
I'm an actor, director and producer. |
511 | 5.4 |
Managing editor, Washington and politics, Politico. RT means it's interesting. Don’t send me your op-ed pitches. |
512 | 5.4 |
General Partner @VariantFund ◦ Creator @OurNetwork__ |
513 | 5.4 |
✨ About investing in community-driven cos + supporting our underestimated founder/investor fam. GP @thecommunityvc Scout @lightspeedvp Frmly @backstage_cap |
514 | 5.4 |
Data to understand the big global problems and research that helps to make progress against them. • @UniOfOxford researcher • @OurWorldInData founder |
515 | 5.4 |
ongoing core dump |
516 | 5.4 |
Co-founder @Villageglobal & @beondeck. Hiring: beondeck.com/careers |
517 | 5.4 |
Rui emerges from the ground screaming @rzhongnotes 🇨🇳-🇺🇸 relations, tech, nationalism & painting. tweets here mine. Words in @larbchina @foreignpolicy @techreview @monkeycageblog ;🖼 by @itsjanemahoney |
518 | 5.4 |
Author of “Alienated America.” Columnist Washington Examiner. Resident fellow, AEI. Husband. Dad of six. T-ball coach. Disclosure: bit.ly/3hkOSe6 |
519 | 5.4 |
Study genetic conflicts professionally. Try to avoid conflicts in personal life (with mixed results). @OfficialSMBE @HutchBasicSci @fredhutch @HHMINEWS. He/him |
520 | 5.4 |
I fix problems and promote health. ER doc @Brown_Emergency🔸️ Director @BrownDigiHealth🔸️ Cofounder @researchaffirm @getusppe #ThisIsOurLane |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
522 | 5.4 |
@MarquetteU polsci prof. Blogger. Elections, coffee, sharp sticks. She/her. Pod: politicsinquestion.com Write: @misoffact, @fivethirtyeight, etc. |
523 | 5.4 |
Professor at Georgetown, Visiting Prof at Oxford & Aarhus. Immigrant. Views my own. Administrative burdens guy: amazon.com/dp/087154444X/… |
524 | 5.4 |
Climate @NiskanenCenter | Scientist. Advocate. Dad. | Net-zero by Retirement |
525 | 5.4 |
Director of Competition Policy at @LawEconCenter. Editor of worksinprogress.co and Senior Fellow at @ASI. Neoliberal. |
526 | 5.4 |
Drew Savicki 🦖🦕🦖 @SenhorRaposa Formerly: contributor @270toWin . I (sometimes) write about elections. CT-IL-NC. Be prepared for bad food takes #ActuallyAutistic🧙♂️🗺️ He/Him |
527 | 5.4 |
Matt Darling 🌐💸🌇 @besttrousers Vice President @ideas42, a behavioral economics R+D lab. @hampshirecolg grad. World-renowned procrastination expert. Opinions my own, not my employer's. |
528 | 5.4 |
DeFi Dad ⟠ defidad.eth @DeFi_Dad ⟠ DeFi super-user educating on digital money apps on #Ethereum 📺 DeFi Tutorials with DeFi Dad ⚡️ Core team at @Zapper_fi 🎙Host of Zapper TV by @zapper_learn |
529 | 5.4 |
My dad likes my tweets | dave.jorgenson@washpost.com |
530 | 5.4 |
Lifelong educator. Military mother. Grandmother. Sister. Wife to @JoeBiden. |
531 | 5.4 |
National security & political warfare, plenty of jazz, vinyl and hifi audio, bodybuilding. “Right-wing Twitter pugilist”—Politico |
532 | 5.4 |
Frankie Huang 黄秋隐 @ourobororoboruo Beijing儿 American changeling, feminist, writist, artist @theatlantic @nytimes @guardian @mcsweeneys +more @EncoreOrg @TheOpEdProject Public Voice Fellow she/her |
533 | 5.4 |
deputy director, breaking news @BuzzFeedNews. ex @abcnews @triplej buzzfeednews.com/author/davidma… |
534 | 5.4 |
Evolution, population genetics, machine learning. he/him 🇺🇸 |
535 | 5.4 |
BrooklynDad_Defiant! @mmpadellan Proud papa. Perpetually pissed. #BlueWave2022, #Feminist. #TheResistance, #BLM Author of The Liddle'est President. 👉Sr. Advisor, @ReallyAmerican1👈👀 |
536 | 5.4 |
Dad. Economist. Cheap talker. In stochastic order. Indian-American He/him UMass Amherst. || @nberpubs Minimum Wage. Monopsony. Unemployment Insurance. |
537 | 5.4 |
Associate Professor of Economics at University of Memphis and Research Fellow at @iza_bonn. Trying to follow Jesus. |
538 | 5.4 |
Jeff B. tried to do his best, but he could not @EsotericCD Atty+friendly RINO. Polls, politics, postpunk. Cohost of @Political_Beats at @NRO. Dedicated to you, but you weren't listening. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
540 | 5.4 |
larry "white boy" summers🌹 @uhshanti leg + comms director @tenantstogether • board @sf_clt • @dsa_sf • commish @sflafco • alum @berniesanders • marxist-yinzerist • opinions my own • she/her |
541 | 5.4 |
David Weissman @davidmweissman US Army Vet, American Jew, former Republican, former Trump supporter, Liberal Democrat, columnist for #Demcast. |
542 | 5.4 |
I invest @a16z. I co-host @GoodTimeShowCH w/ @aarthir. You can find my writing at sriramk.com and interviews at theobservereffect.org. |
543 | 5.4 |
egirl @egirl_capital Yats at @TheMadYatter |
544 | 5.4 |
Richard Grenell
I’m stronger after cancer. my dog runs my life. imperfect follower of Christ. instagram.com/richardgrenell |
545 | 5.4 |
I have been very lucky to work on or invest in many products I still use today. Let’s Build! |
546 | 5.4 |
I'm a @niemanfdn Fellow until May ‘21 | Normally I'm a reporter @BuzzFeedNews | | I’d love to hear from you — yes, you! |
547 | 5.4 |
Hakeem Jefferson @hakeemjefferson Assistant professor of political science @stanfordpolisci. Race is the central organizing feature of American politics. Nothing else comes close. Pro-democracy. |
548 | 5.4 |
I remain skeptical about Twitter. Also: White House buro chief for @washingtonpost. @MSNBC and @NBCNews senior political analyst. And @nytimes alum. |
549 | 5.4 |
known as the ditto couch | @egirl_capital | @pleasrdao |
550 | 5.4 |
Florian Krammer
Viruses, viruses, viruses and vaccines. V2=vaccinated twice Professor at the Department of Microbiology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai |
551 | 5.4 |
Entrepreneur, Dad, Champion of a Human-Centered Economy, and running to be the next Mayor of NYC. Help fund our campaign: y4ny.com/donate |
552 | 5.4 |
DOJ & Investigations @DCExaminer — Faith Without Works Is Dead — The Dogma Lives Loudly — John 8:32 — AMDG — CLEVELAND — OHIO — JDunleavy@WashingtonExaminer.com |
553 | 5.4 |
Assoc Prof at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and Gooner. Currently cosplaying Dr Rieux in some weird re-enactment of La Peste. Tweets are personal |
554 | 5.4 |
Philosophy PhD student. very powerful. love birds (she/her) 🍒 |
555 | 5.4 |
He sits motionless, like a spider in the center of its web, but that web has a thousand radiations, and he knows well every quiver of each of them. |
556 | 5.4 |
Partner at Lux Capital: @DesktopMetal, @appliedint, @NozomiNetworks, @EvolvTechnology, @Orbital_Insight, @ZededaEdge, @Saildrone, @fiddlerlabs, @happiestbaby... |
557 | 5.4 |
Kurt Schlichter
Former armed carwash operator | 💥 THE SPLIT💥(Kelly Turnbull 6 - Coming June '21 amzn.to/3vw1WUk | Sr Columnist @Townhallcom | Lawyer | Army COL(R) |
558 | 5.4 |
Francois Balloux
Director @UGI_at_UCL. Currently aspiring to challenge equally those who believe the COVID-19 pandemic is the end times and those denying its existence. |
559 | 5.4 |
Welcome to my WordPress blog! I’m 35 and live in NYC. This is where I post my trivial musings, jokes and links. Comments section is open — but play nice! :^) |
560 | 5.4 |
island of misfit poise @misfitpoise Schemer. Day Dreamer. Exiled Princess. Falls hard for mad bomber types. Elegant, well mannered shoulder devil. Endearing weirdo. OOAK. go/screw |
561 | 5.4 |
wassie connoisseur turned smol ting. (Just one of those 'joined many years ago' - yet somehow brand new - clout chasers) #2_weeks_lifespan_gang it/that |
562 | 5.4 |
Global Opinions @WashingtonPost | karen.attiah@washpost.com | NABJ Journalist of the Year | Human companion of Artemis the 😺 |
563 | 5.4 |
Columnist, Lead Independent Director of Finance Twitter. Portfolio Mangler. Take each tweet with a grain of sea salt. Not the opinions of Bridgewater LLC. |
564 | 5.4 |
DavidHoffman.eth Ξ🦇🔊💰 @TrustlessState Founding Father @banklesshq Nation🏴 Ethereum side of @POVCryptopod ☯👀 CEO of EIP1559 🔥 Recruiting an army to slay Moloch 🔪👹 Crypto culture is tight 🤝 |
565 | 5.4 |
Anthony Michael Kreis @AnthonyMKreis Law professor @GeorgiaStateLaw | Constitutional law, civil rights, employment discrimination, SCOTUS, American political development | ❤️ Georgia | 🏳️🌈 |
566 | 5.4 |
Neil Lewis, Jr., PhD @NeilLewisJr Behavioral scientist & assistant prof @Cornell & @WeillCornell studying (in)equity in education, health, & environment. 📝 @ScienceCareers & @FiveThirtyEight. |
567 | 5.4 |
Founder @Quillette. Contributor @Australian. |
568 | 5.4 |
Finance, Schelling Points, lost causes, reading more than the abstract, urbanization. Married to the former Foursquare Mayor of the Union Square Babies-R-Us |
569 | 5.4 |
Edward Ongweso Jr
“like a terrorist attacking an innocent family” | tech & labor @motherboard | co-host @machinekillspod | friendly neighborhood Luddite | he/him | DM for Signal |
570 | 5.4 |
Writer. Editor. Subtweeter. Now: @Slate's Dear Prudence & @NYTOpinion Contributing Opinion Writer. Then: @JSKStanford @Voxdotcom @TheRoot @Harvard Law @HowardU |
571 | 5.4 |
Journalist & historian. Pub musician. Dad. Husband. I also do dishes. My book: #TheBrightAges bit.ly/3x8L8nP. Subscribe: patreon.com/lollardfish. |
572 | 5.4 |
Founder: mightyapp.com - @mightyapp Pizzatarian, programmer, & music maker |
573 | 5.4 |
Founder, EIC @FiveThirtyEight. Author, The Signal and the Noise (amzn.to/QdyFYV). Sports/politics/food geek. Not a virologist. |
574 | 5.4 |
Proud husband & dad to 2 awesome kids. Bush 41/McCain/Kasich strategist. @projectlincoln. Aggie. #ChiefsKingdom Retweets interesting |
575 | 5.4 |
economist | inequality & education | 1st-gen coll grad | my snark | now @UMich incoming @Harvard | @nytimes columns at tinyurl.com/y42su798 |
576 | 5.4 |
Asst. Prof/PhD/JD @StJohnsLaw • @YaleISP • Online speech, governance, law, empirics & cog psych • Co-host @inlieuoffunshow |
577 | 5.4 |
@CapitalXCompany investing in early stage startups. Prev seeds to 6 Unicorns. Sometimes SPV/Growth Fund later stage. Twitter doesn't let me correct typos😇 |
578 | 5.4 |
Senior Editor @TheDispatch, Columnist @Time, Co-host, Advisory Opinions podcast, Iraq vet, married to @NancyAFrench. “A real problem” -Rush Limbaugh. |
579 | 5.4 |
RYAN SΞAN ADAMS - rsa.eth 🦇🔊 @RyanSAdams Crypto investor going bankless 🏴. Sign up for the Bankless newsletter to level up on crypto. newsletter.banklesshq.com |
580 | 5.4 |
Interested in human nature. Sharing what I learn. | PhD candidate | Veteran | Website: robkhenderson.com |
581 | 5.4 |
President of CAP, liberal, Indian American, feminist, mom, wife. Not in that order. Views expressed are most definitely my own. |
582 | 5.4 |
Freelance Science Journalist - National Geographic, BBC, Scientific American, NBC News, PopSci, Gizmodo, Earther, Dame, WIRED and others. Fact Checker. she/her |
583 | 5.4 |
A web developer. Data analyst at @Netlify. Comedy-historian. Co-founded @npmjs, started lgbtq.technology. @heyjovo's husband. He/him. 🏳️🌈🇹🇹🇬🇧🇺🇸 |
584 | 5.4 |
average against the machine |
585 | 5.4 |
Roving journalist, friend to all dogs mtracey@protonmail.com |
586 | 5.4 |
Hamilton Place Strategies; CNBC Contrib; frmr US Treasury & WH. Board: @WFPUSA, @CGDev, CARE Action, UPitt’s @GSPIA, @domcabral. |
587 | 5.4 |
NAKED FACE ☩☣️ bullbitcoin.com @francispouliot_ CEO @BullBitcoin_ @mybylls. Founder @cyphernode_io Bitcoin Embassy 2013-2017 Building Bitcoin Infrastructure Pleb/Chad/King Bitcoin Remnant Preacher |
588 | 5.4 |
Economic history @Princeton. Mom x3. Jew. Talmud @leah_dafyomi. |
589 | 5.4 |
Eric Michael Garcia @EricMGarcia Tar Heel. Author: We're Not Broken (2021). Words: @washingtonpost @theweek @newrepublic. "The People's Blue Check." He/Him. EMGarcia2009@gmail.com |
590 | 5.4 |
economist working on a cure for baldness that involves linear regression and wine |
591 | 5.4 |
Professor. michaelmcfaul.com |
592 | 5.4 |
Writer at @TheAtlantic. Host of podcast CRAZY/GENIUS. Author of book HIT MAKERS. Talker on NPR's @hereandnow and @CBSNews. derek[at]theatlantic[dot]com |
593 | 5.4 |
Washington Correspondent, New York Magazine. Writing a book with @RyanLizza for Simon & Schuster’s Avid Reader about 2020. 📩 Olivia.Nuzzi@NYMag.com |
594 | 5.4 |
political scientist, author, teach at columbia sipa, columnist at time, president @eurasiagroup, @gzeromedia. if you lived here, you'd be home now. |
595 | 5.4 |
Professor, interested in plagues, pestilences and politics. I am, literally, a Fish who needs a bicycle. |
596 | 5.4 |
CEO @thebabylonbee, the world's most trusted, factually accurate news source. |
597 | 5.4 |
Biz editor @Axios. Pro Rata newsletter and @AxiosReCap podcast. Dan@axios.com. DMs are open, or send me anonymous info via tips.axios.com. |
598 | 5.4 |
Author of Tell Your Children. Revolting. Who's zooming who? |
599 | 5.4 |
Political editor of @townhallcom, @FoxNews contributor, @GuyBensonShow (M-F, 3-6pm ET) host, @NorthwesternU alum. Spring 2021 @GUPolitics Fellow. 🇺🇸 |
600 | 5.4 |
Political scientist, @UofDenver/@CAPatDU. Writer at @MisOfFact, @fivethirtyeight, @denverpost. Wrote "Learning from Loss: The Democrats 2016-20." He/him/his. |
601 | 5.4 |
Economics and Ethics. UMass Amherst. |
602 | 5.4 |
I write Galaxy Brain, a newsletter about tech and culture. formerly @nytopinion. charliewarzel@gmail DMs open. ig for dog pictures: cwarzel |
603 | 5.4 |
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Professor of African American Studies, Princeton, Pulitzer finalist, Contributing Writer @NewYorker, former Contributing Opinion Writer @nytopinion |
604 | 5.4 |
Senior Writer @AmerIndependent. Prev @mmfa. Get news daily at oliverwillis.com |
605 | 5.4 |
Founder/CEO @ Stedi.com (programmable EDI) & previously Proforged (acq by Huron Cap), serverless enthusiast, occasional blogger, all-around nerd. |
606 | 5.4 |
Storyteller. Ignyte, Nebula, Hugo finalist. Work in @strangehorizons, @firesidefiction, @podcastle_org etc. Asst Editor @escapepodcast. He/His. shivramdas.net. |
607 | 5.4 |
New Yorker staff writer and Houston Rockets fan; formerly a staff writer at Slate and senior editor at The New Republic. |
608 | 5.4 |
@NYTclimate | This Is the Year I Put My Financial Life in Order goo.gl/Z8QzUR | Galveston BOI | Goofball | tips: jswatz@nytimes.com |
609 | 5.4 |
Patrick OShaughnessy @patrick_oshag Mapping the world’s business & investing knowledge: @OSAMResearch 🧬 / @psumvc 🟣 / @capitalcamp ⛺️ / @joincolossus 🔎 |
610 | 5.4 |
Physician and clinical/translational vaccine researcher |
611 | 5.4 |
Award-winning science educator, molecular biologist, rapper & fashionista. Good trouble & shenanigans @SmartyPantsGear @STEMbassy @BlackInSciComm she/her/AKA 💕 |
612 | 5.4 |
Founder of @punchbowlnews. @nbcnews/@msnbc. Phish/Dead fan. Author of NYT best seller, “The Hill To Die On”. |
613 | 5.4 |
"Having said that, it’s not easy to repeat . . . you can’t be happy every year, you understand. It happens from time to time." -- Used to write at @SBnation |
614 | 5.4 |
Culture editor at The Bulwark. Washington Post contributing columnist. Pods: @SubBeacon; Bulwark Goes to Hollywood; Across the Movie Aisle. "Centrist edgelord.” |
615 | 5.4 |
Dr. Clement Chow 周恩慈 @ClementYChow henfluencer - #stopasianhate #asians4blacklives - #Coronavirus/#COVID19 survivor - ride or die AZN - emotional eater™️- child of immigrants - he/him - @chowlab |
616 | 5.4 |
Fred Guttenberg
My children are Jesse & Jaime. Jaime was murdered in the Parkland school shooting. My life is dedicated to saving lives fighting for gun safety in America. |
617 | 5.4 |
Scott Barry Kaufman
Cognitive scientist exploring the mind, creativity, and the depths of human potential | Latest book: Transcend 📕| Host @psychpodcast🎙| #neurodiversity 🧠 |
618 | 5.4 |
Chief Political Correspondent, Financial Times (and occasional photographer jimpickard.picfair.com) |
619 | 5.4 |
@ksvesq’s husband; father of daughters; Charles Alan Wright Chair in Federal Courts @UTexasLaw; @NSLpodcast & @inlocoparents co-host; @CNN’s #SCOTUS nerd; #LGM |
620 | 5.4 |
comedian and writer at whom nobody has ever been mad. thin and popular in the relatable way. |
621 | 5.4 |
Staff writer, @NewYorker. @CNN global affairs analyst. Proud wife of @peterbakernyt and coauthor, The Man Who Ran Washington: the Life and Times of Jim Baker |
622 | 5.4 |
Private sector economic advisor, part-time adjunct professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, on US-China relations. |
623 | 5.4 |
writer of tweets |
624 | 5.4 |
Congressman for #NY16. Former middle school principal. Causing problems for the status quo. Fighting for jobs and education, not bombs and incarceration. |
625 | 5.4 |
Internet Person™⭐️ @TimHerrera Gossip Girl stan account (also Smarter Living at @nytimes) |
626 | 5.4 |
staff writer @newyorker | never underestimate the power of I'LL. SHOW. YOU. -- eli roth to harvey levin | my name is pronounced "nomi" just like in showgirls |
627 | 5.4 | |
628 | 5.4 |
Delta husband. Winner of the 2019 Pulitzer Prize. Let’s take it nice and smooth - I’m in a Philly mood. |
629 | 5.4 |
@worklifevc: @webflow @hopin @stir @public & @joinclubhouse building new homes w/ @newstorycharity 🤍 tech optimist building the future of work |
630 | 5.4 |
When They See Us, 13th, Wrinkle in Time, Selma, Queen Sugar, Middle of Nowhere, Venus Versus, My Mic Sounds Nice, I Will Follow, This is The Life |
631 | 5.3 |
Texan. Procrastinator. Loud. Also host of an @NPR show called "It's Been A Minute." @NPRItsBeenAMin Repped by @unitedtalent Instagram: samsanders |
632 | 5.3 |
Joyce White Vance
@UALawSchool Prof |Legal analyst @MSNBC @NBCNews |Podcasts #SistersInLaw & Cafe Insider|Obama US Atty |25 year fed'l prosecutor |Wife & Mom of 4 |Knits a lot |
633 | 5.3 |
🇮🇳🇬🇧 🇦🇷Parsi. Editor-in-chief @AreoMagazine. patreon.com/Areo subscribestar.com/areo-magazine Views purely personal. |
634 | 5.3 |
@BOpinion. Previously NY Daily News, NY Post; comics nerd, improviser, pun-dit, overthinker, undersharer, Trini-Dad jokes, etc. |
635 | 5.3 |
Michael Brendan Dougherty @michaelbd author of My Father Left Me Ireland. Senior Writer, National Review. Visiting Fellow for the Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies division at AEI. |
636 | 5.3 |
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Flaneur: probability (philosophy, mathematics), probability (real life), Phoenician wine, deadlifts & dead languages Greco-Levantine #RWRI Uber rating ~4.9 |
637 | 5.3 |
Founder: @Counter_weight_ Liberal humanist. Mother. Doglover. Foodmasher. For me: helen@counterweightsupport.com |
638 | 5.3 |
#Ethereum and #DeFi | Co-founder @ethhub_io | Investor @parsec_finance @nansen_ai | Advisor @element_fi | Co-author EIP-1559 | $ETH is money |
639 | 5.3 |
Mom, Wife, Senior Meteorologist @foxnews, NYT bestselling author of Mostly Sunny, Freddy @frogcaster and Make Your Own Sunshine. Opinions are all mine. |
640 | 5.3 |
I study how flies are made & how fungi control their behavior. I fight to make science open and fair. EIC of eLife. He/him. My conflicts bit.ly/2uC3FNF |
641 | 5.3 |
CEO/CIO at Three Arrows Capital | Investing in ETH, BTC, DOT, MINA, @DeribitExchange, @DeFianceCapital, DeFi, prev EM FX | anchor.fm/uncommoncore |
642 | 5.3 |
The Babylon Bee @TheBabylonBee Trafficking in misinformation under the guise of satire since 2016. |
643 | 5.3 |
Dr. Elizabeth Sacha Baroness Cohen @alixabeth Professor of Politics/Rockefeller Fellow @ Center for Human Values, Princeton University/Associate Editor, American Journal of Political Science/amzn.to/2M97kby |
644 | 5.3 |
Democratic Conservative and capitalist libertine |
645 | 5.3 |
senior political reporter @TheDailyBeast. FEVER DREAMS podcast host. @vikingbooks author. Rolling Stones fan. On Signal, etc. asawin.suebsaeng@thedailybeast.com |
646 | 5.3 |
Juan Moreno-Cruz 🇨🇴🇨🇦 @jmorenocruz Associate Professor SEED and Canada Research Chair in Energy Transitions. Co-Editor Contemporary Economic Policy He/Him |
647 | 5.3 |
Senior Fellow & SVP, Google AI (Research and Health). Co-designer/implementor of software systems like @TensorFlow, MapReduce, Bigtable, Spanner, .. |
648 | 5.3 |
Blockchain utility token trader - Dabble in non fundable tokens - Hopium dealer - PhD in ponzinomics - Pronouns: #dogecoin/ $doge |
649 | 5.3 |
she/her. trying to make coffee fun & approachable at @coupletcoffee ☕️ |
650 | 5.3 |
White House economics reporter for The Washington Post. Founder of @IthacaVoice. NYR fan. Jeffrey.stein@washpost.com, Signal: 9178872891. |
651 | 5.3 |
Brandy Zadrozny
Senior Reporter @NBCNews — Internet, Platforms, Politics. I used to be a librarian ❤️ DMs open / Signal 5512470630 / Brandy.Zadrozny@nbcuni.com |
652 | 5.3 |
Founder, @house__of__Wise (luxury CBD + community for women) | Single mom x 3 | Midwest 🔜 MIAMI bitclout.com/u/AmandaGoetz |
653 | 5.3 |
investing in calm companies at @earnestcapital. organizer @foundersummit 👋 earnestcapital.com/start/ |
654 | 5.3 |
ChainLinkGod.eth 2.0 @ChainLinkGod Chainlink Community Ambassador 🦆🦆🦆 Decentralized Middleware Realist 🌐⛓️ Co-author @SmartContent777, opinions are my own, derived from in-depth research |
655 | 5.3 |
Scott Gottlieb
Resident Fellow @AEI. Partner @NEA. Contributor @CNBC. 23rd Commissioner @US_FDA 2017 to 2019. Boards: @Pfizer @Illumina @AetionInc @TempusLabs |
656 | 5.3 |
Director of Technology Policy @ppi |
657 | 5.3 |
Chitty-chatter. Subscribe to Sway: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/swa… and to the Pivot podcast: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/piv… |
658 | 5.3 |
a nice lady |
659 | 5.3 |
I work as a senior fellow in energy with @RSI, but I speak for myself. |
660 | 5.3 |
Bethany Albertson @AlbertsonB2 Associate Prof at UT Austin. Political psychologist. |
661 | 5.3 |
Writer. Illustrator. Joto. ¡Hola Papi! @substackinc. My book with @simonbooks is available for preorder now. Rep'd by @AnnieAHwang |
662 | 5.3 |
NFL analyst @ ESPN, crossword enthusiast, hater of the goal line fade. Wins are not a QB stat✌️ |
663 | 5.3 |
internet entertainer, i say stuff to make people laugh, pls don't take it seriously. supercycle customer support manager. @uponlytv |
664 | 5.3 |
Journalist, storyteller, lifelong reader. Texan by birth and by choice. Author of STEADY steady.substack.com and WHAT UNITES US #WhatUnitesUs |
665 | 5.3 |
Corey A. DeAngelis @DeAngelisCorey National Director of Research, @SchoolChoiceNow; Adjunct Scholar, @CatoInstitute; Senior Fellow, @ReasonFdn; Exec. Director, @EF_Institute; Forbes 30 Under 30 |
666 | 5.3 |
G. Elliott Morris
Data journalist @TheEconomist. Book about polls and democracy forthcoming @wwnorton. My blog/newsletter on public opinion, data, &c: gelliottmorris.substack.com |
667 | 5.3 |
Now: @msnbc/@peacock. Before: @newrepublic, @motherjones, @deptofdefense, these Huggies, and whatever cash you got. adamweinsteinwriter@gmail.com |
668 | 5.3 |
Lefteris Karapetsas | Hiring for @rotkiapp @LefterisJP Founder of @rotkiapp🐦, the portfolio tracker that protects your privacy. #Berlin. University of Tokyo graduate. Marathon runner. #ethereum developer. #birding |
669 | 5.3 |
Ethereum developer, Inventor of the @Uniswap Protocol hayden.eth |
670 | 5.3 | |
671 | 5.3 |
The Hoarse Whisperer @TheRealHoarse “A Twitter rando” - Rolling Stone mag. Beer money happily accepted here: ko-fi.com/therealhoarse Instagram: instagram.com/therealhoarse/ |
672 | 5.3 |
Akilah Hughes
I miss Neopets. | Host of ‘What a Day’ from @crookedmedia | @SundanceOrg Alum | OBVIOUSLY is out NOW💚📗 |
673 | 5.3 |
i’m just the note taker. she/her. the cop reading this is wasting tax dollars |
674 | 5.3 |
US editor, @newstatesman. Writer, THE INFLUENCE OF SOROS, out now, & BAD JEWS, out '22, @harperbooks. Emily.Tamkin@newstatesman.co.uk. I now delete my tweets. |
675 | 5.3 |
Carl Quintanilla
@CNBC @NBCNews Anchor / @WSJ alum / @NYCityCenter board member / “There’s only one rule that I know of — ‘Goddamn it, you’ve got to be kind.’” - Vonnegut |
676 | 5.3 |
Data Scientist. Token God / CΞO @nansen_ai. Art @PleasrDAO. Stake @LidoFinance. |
677 | 5.3 |
Writer for New York magazine. Tweets with links are intended as prompts to read the linked story, not self-contained arguments substituting for the linked story |
678 | 5.3 |
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Director-General of the World Health Organization. Retweets are not endorsements |
679 | 5.3 |
Editor in Chief of Marty's Ƀent, a daily newsletter about #Bitcoin. Host of @TFTC21, a podcast about Bitcoin. Subscribe. Bringing Market to Molecule - @GAMdotAI |
680 | 5.3 |
Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Georgetown University. Words in: @Africasacountry, @TheAtlantic, @BostonReview, @DissentMag, etc |
681 | 5.3 |
"The world has seen its…silver age, its golden age….This is the age of shoddy." - New York Herald |
682 | 5.3 |
Contributing writer for The ATLANTIC. Host of the “Jemele Hill is Unbothered,” podcast for Spotify. Born and raised in Detroit. Grew up at Michigan State. |
683 | 5.3 |
Write stuff, read stuff, build stuff. Check out my newsletter on politics and current affairs with @ShantMM. Subscribe here: inquiremore.com |
684 | 5.3 |
#bitcoin; it’s the money, stupid. (warning following me may expose you to grilling and cause hunger) |
685 | 5.3 |
Former buy-side gone corporate. Still know a thing or three. Interests include: finance, economics, global trade, sports, gambling, etc #FCOTY #FriedEggTwitter |
686 | 5.3 | |
687 | 5.3 |
I’m an opinion columnist at the New York Times. DMs open. signl: 415-604-2709 farhad@nytimes.com. they/them/he/him. |
688 | 5.3 |
Senior writer, Bloomberg @economics. Ex @FT. Aussie member Red Sox nation. RTs not endorsements. sdonnan@bloomberg.net |
689 | 5.3 |
he/him |
690 | 5.3 |
Reinstated Doorknob Licker @agraybee Anarcho-Karenist. Alt-Centrism or barbarism. No pods, no casters |
691 | 5.3 |
Pseudonym. Rastafari. Computer Science PhD. Chess. Dad jokes. Arsenal FC. I love to talk about politics, racism, science, and parenting. |
692 | 5.3 |
Cell biologist. Associate Professor @dartmouth @GeiselMed. President @ASAPbio_. Director @eLife. Steering committee @resbiom. she/her |
693 | 5.3 |
the real hidden features are the friends we made along the way 👩💻 |
694 | 5.3 |
cofounder @defipulse (strategy) and @SlingshotCrypto (mech design and strategy) boostrapping @code423n4 and @hyypeHQ 1 Cryptopunk = 1 Cryptopunk |
695 | 5.3 |
CEO @SocialCapital Chairman @VirginGalactic Owner @Warriors Bestie @theallinpod 🇱🇰/🇨🇦/🇺🇸 |
696 | 5.3 |
VC @benchmark, Investor: @grubhub, @zillow, @uber, @stitchfix, @nextdoor, @glassdoor, @hacker0x01, @solvhealth, @roverdotcom, @goodeggs, @instawork |
697 | 5.3 |
Yair Rosenberg @Yair_Rosenberg Senior writer, @tabletmag. Teller of stories, troller of Nazis. Politics, religion, culture. Newsletter: yair.substack.com Music: spoti.fi/3gcoPo5 |
698 | 5.3 |
Applied Econ PhD student at U of Minnesota |
699 | 5.3 |
I like the work about the work. Places practiced include: Blogger, Google, Twitter, Obvious, Medium, the Obama White House, San Francisco and New York. (he/him) |
700 | 5.3 |
Bridget Phetasy
Verified nobody. My tribe is tribeless. Find another hero. |
701 | 5.3 |
the Patrick Condon Program @TribTowerViews Let those who hold land retain, buy & sell or bequeath it. Let them even continue to call it "their" land. We may leave them the shell, if we take the kernel. |
702 | 5.3 |
Senior Editor, @FDRLST. Senior Journalism Fellow, @Hillsdale. Fox News Contributor. Lots of Babylon Bee retweets. |
703 | 5.3 |
Steve Schlafman / schlaf.eth 🌎 @schlaf Coach & Founder of @HighOutput_. Angel Investor in 40+ startups. I help the creators of tomorrow realize their full potential as humans and leaders. |
704 | 5.3 |
Politics stuff at The Daily Beast. Take these tweets seriously but not literally. |
705 | 5.3 |
Managing Partner @RareBreedVC | underrepresented founders | Hacker turned Hustler | Recovering Entrepreneur | #NewMe12 EIR| Vampire | Former Gamer | @inside |
706 | 5.3 |
Developer, Crypto, Finance #Bitcoin #DeFi Featured in New York Times Trending Topic @CryptoWhaleBot |
707 | 5.3 |
Physician, researcher, advocate for the notion that an ounce of data is worth a thousand pounds of opinion Views here surely my own Professor, Dean @Brown_SPH |
708 | 5.3 |
Dadaist. Tweeting for the benefit of all sentient beings. No longer an earthly form. Builds @thlpr in between tweets. |
709 | 5.3 |
U.S. Senator fighting for the families and future of Massachusetts. Malden native, Red Sox fan, #netneutrality defender, co-author of the #GreenNewDeal (he/him) |
710 | 5.3 |
Correspondent, @GQMagazine. Working on a book.@TheLavinAgency speaker. All views my own. Retweets not endorsements. Void where prohibited. jioffe@protonmail.com |
711 | 5.3 |
Senior politics reporter covering elections & voting @thisisinsider. @InsiderUnion hype woman. Bad speller. RTs/likes=👀 not 👍🏼 send tips gpanetta@insider.com |
712 | 5.3 |
virologist. husband. dad. reader. writer. fixer. bad typist. learner. in no order. facts referenced. opinions mine alone. not medical advice or endorsement. |
713 | 5.3 |
Behavioral Economist, data scientist, Economists Do It With Models, We the Economy, Homer-Economicus. Not too old to be a figure skater. |
714 | 5.3 |
Market Urbanism @MarketUrbanism Tweets by @smithsj / smithsj@gmail.com |
715 | 5.3 |
I write/edit @techdirt. I survived for 12 years without a bio on Twitter, but now I've added one. |
716 | 5.3 |
Jeremy Konyndyk @JeremyKonyndyk Dad, baker, beer snob. COVID-19 @USAID. Personal account. 🏊♂️🚴♂️🏃♂️ |
717 | 5.3 |
Proud father of J & L, husband of C, CEO, TRG, host, Deep State Radio; new book-"Traitor"; contributing columnist, Daily Beast, board of contributors, USA Today |
718 | 5.3 |
Founder @ Summa (acq. @CeloOrg) | Curry Enthusiast | 🦀 | invented BETH | Opinions and fights are my own, not my employer |
719 | 5.3 |
BUM CHILLUPS AKA SPENCER HALL @edsbs Kickin' it in Hattiesburg linktr.ee/spencerhall |
720 | 5.3 |
just a mexican with an internet connection |
721 | 5.3 |
Cypherpunk · Co-founder & CTO @CasaHODL · @BTC Times Editor · @INXLimited Advisor · creator of statoshi.info, bitcoin.page, lightning.how |
722 | 5.3 |
Jacob T Levy, Tomlinson Prof of Political Theory, McGill. RPF amzn.to/1osWYDC Niskanen tinyurl.com/gpu3rzw American-Canadian; opinions are mine. not McGill's. |
723 | 5.3 |
Reporter for @latimes · President of @MediaGuildWest · May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house. |
724 | 5.3 |
Prof @TelAvivUni studying memory inheritance, Dead Sea Scrolls’ ancient DNA, irrational worms & engineered brain parasites @TEDx youtu.be/SMbrASDmXXk |
725 | 5.3 |
Meme Speculator | I’m only 64% sure about the stuff I tweet| Research @TheBlock__ | Chief Capital Loser @ngmifund |
726 | 5.3 |
streetwear analyst @retool, lowest ftp on the block. this is a parody account |
727 | 5.3 |
Shadow Empress Marras @WeftOfSoul Top 0.02% apex predator 🖤🔪🕳 Art account @WarpOfSoul Messenger to @OracularMode |
728 | 5.3 |
C.E.O. Larp_Capital | C.E. @realhxro | C.S. graduate | I dump in prod | Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer | APE TOGETHER STRONG |
729 | 5.3 |
Know them? Are you kidding? Man, I know these people in my goddamn blood! |
730 | 5.3 |
freelance writer |
731 | 5.3 |
POLITICO Chief Economic Correspondent and Morning Money columnist. CNBC contributor. Encrypted email: benjaminjohnwhite@protonmail.com. DM for Signal. |
732 | 5.3 |
Law professor at Cal @BerkeleyLaw. law.berkeley.edu/our-faculty/fa… |
733 | 5.3 |
William Barber II
President & senior lecturer @BRepairers, architect of #MoralMondays #MoralMovement & co-chair @UniteThePoor #PoorPeoplesCampaign - Join us: Text MORAL to 66539 |
734 | 5.3 |
Investor & Founder @ChapterOne, Former VP Product, Revenue @Tinder. |
735 | 5.3 |
popgen, pathogen evolution, Python. starting a PhD this fall @ UofO! roommates with a lizard. she/her 🏳️🌈 |
736 | 5.3 |
I say the quiet part out loud. |
737 | 5.3 |
✨ cryptohippie artist, musician, technologist & coach 🌍 @cosmiccomlab 🎨 foundation.app/gold 🎸 catalog.works/gold 🤠$CABIN 🌈 they / he |
738 | 5.3 |
U.S. House editor of the nonpartisan @CookPolitical Report & @NBCNews contributor. Nerd for 🗺️ maps, 📈 data, ⛷️ ski slopes & 🎻 trad tunes. Has seen enough. |
739 | 5.3 |
Senior Director for Industrial Emissions at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Faculty @ASU_SFIS. Research Affiliate @InSIS. Views my own. |
740 | 5.3 |
Dad. Economist. Current: @ucabusiness @ucabears @acre_uca. Former: @BuenaVistaUniv @StLawrenceU @MasonEconomics |
741 | 5.3 |
Writer. Podcast host. She/Her. Dance 10, Looks 3. ✨ Somebody's Daughter coming June 1 ✨ Rep: @beotiscreative ✨ Email arianne@ashleycford.com for work stuff! |
742 | 5.3 |
cypherpunk, cryptographer, privacy/ecash, inventor hashcash (used in Bitcoin mining) PhD Comp Sci adam3.us Co-Founder/CEO blockstream.com |
743 | 5.3 |
@crookedmedia | Takeline | ALL CAPS | ex- @binge_mode ⚡️| the connect | nba desktop | he/him | insta: x_netw3rk_x | twitch: x__netw3rk__x | |
744 | 5.3 |
@visualizevalue, @value (RIP) |
745 | 5.3 |
Mom, Refugee and Congresswoman for #MN05. Progressive Caucus Whip. Fighting for a more just world. Join our grassroots funded progressive movement ✨ |
746 | 5.3 |
Thinkboi Making healthcare understandable through memes, shitposts, and novelty products: outofpocket.health Investing: airtable.com/shr47tOPd6pVwf… |
747 | 5.3 |
stani.eth 👻 =(⬤_⬤)= 👻 @StaniKulechov Founder @AaveAave Venture Partner @VariantFund Contributor @FlamingoDAO thisisaito.xyz/stani - Opinions my own |
748 | 5.3 |
Professor of Law, University of California, Hastings • Technology & Society • Work Law • Precarity • Race • Personal Account • Not Legal Advice • she/her |
749 | 5.3 |
Matt Negrin, HOST OF HARDBALL AT 7PM ON MSNBC @MattNegrin @TheDailyShow; blocked by @MeetThePress; mysteriously unblocked by @MeetThePress; here to remind you @seanspicer is a liar. Host of @hardball at 7pm on @MSNBC. |
750 | 5.3 |
Robert H. & Nancy Dedman Trustee Prof of Econ at @SMU, husband, son, proud papa, baseball junkie, Carroll Dragon. Blog: dlm-econometrics.blogspot.com |
751 | 5.3 |
Covering education policy, politics & more for @nytimes' D.C buro. B-More born. @baltimoresun bred. Reppin @edwriters. Human. Mommy. erica.green@nytimes.com. |
752 | 5.3 |
Historically minded social scientist | 🦜🦜 | Immigrant | 🇨🇦| हिंदी बोलनेवाला |
753 | 5.3 |
I write about religion for @NYTMetro. @OPCofAmerica board. Cairo 2005-2012. Khawaga-at-large. Mural above by @Ganzeer. liam.stack@nytimes.com |
754 | 5.3 |
CEO at @SpankChain, Cofounder @reflexerfinance, Summoner of @MolochDAO, Blood Mage at @VENTURE_DAO, General Partner at @TheLAOOfficial, Heretic |
755 | 5.3 |
DeFi Investor. I invest in DeFi eating TradFi. Fundamental research & active participation Investing at @DeFianceCapital Tweets are not financial advice. |
756 | 5.3 |
Interested in technology. |
757 | 5.3 |
The Nothing |
758 | 5.3 |
Evolutionary biologist. Managing Editor @Quillette. Lover of whisk(e)y, fitness, cats, and ideas. Newsletter: colinwright.substack.com Gmail: cwright1859 |
759 | 5.3 |
"Don't you have better things to do?" -- Martin Wolf | Economics Commentator @barronsonline | co-author (with @michaelxpettis) of TRADE WARS ARE CLASS WARS |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
761 | 5.3 |
Mom, wife, grandma, sister, lawyer, advocate for equality & justice | IG: @mayaharris_ |
762 | 5.3 |
Writes Sinocism China Newsletter sinocism.com/about Co-founded Marketwatch.com in a different era, investor in Substack |
763 | 5.3 |
Andrea Matranga @andreamatranga Economic history, GIS. Views 🇮🇹🎸⛵👪💑 and opinions expressed are mine and not Chapman University's. |
764 | 5.3 |
Professor of Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics @unibirmingham, Genomics Adviser @PHE_UK - mainly tweet about pathogen genomics, epidemiology, bioinformatics |
765 | 5.3 |
Three-time stimulus check recipient 🏆🏆🏆 |
766 | 5.3 |
Lawyer. @DemocracyDocket Founder. My dog's name is Bode. |
767 | 5.3 |
Health Policy/Management @YaleSOM @YaleMed @YaleSPH; M.D./M.B.A.; Former U.S. Senate Staff; #Covid19 🏳️🌈 If you can't find my typos, you aren't trying. |
768 | 5.3 |
any minute now |
769 | 5.3 |
VC & Software Engineer. Partner at @rootvc investing in hard tech: devtools & AI. Former CTO/VP Eng & t-shirt model. @OlinCollege Alum & Trustee. 🏳️🌈 he/him |
770 | 5.3 |
Senior Writer @NRO. Reaganite, Catholic, Mets fan, ex-lawyer. Opinions 100% my own, but you can share them. Not the Cardinals broadcaster. |
771 | 5.3 |
Proud descendant of Hex Throwing Goons. Amazons, Abolitionists and Activists & NYT and Indie Bestseller Hood Feminism. Plays with fire. Rep @jillgrinberglit |
772 | 5.3 |
Co-owner/flannel dipshit at @DefectorMedia, co-founder of @Classical, turtle owner. Not the one from Van Halen or magic. Header art by Vicki Nerino. |
773 | 5.3 |
broti gupta |
774 | 5.3 |
Washington Post reporter. Something retweets something something. Views here are my own, not my employer's. Instagram: OlivierKnox1970 |
775 | 5.3 |
z.cash / I use the block button liberally, even accounts that seem sincere but just not great. This is to respect the time of my followers. |
776 | 5.3 |
Alex Tabarrok is a professor of economics at George Mason University and with Tyler Cowen a founder of the online education platform MRU.org. |
777 | 5.3 |
new liver same eagles |
778 | 5.3 |
blackness everdeen 🐺🏞 @traceyecorder Righteous Fighter. Fringe anti-capitalist. 1/2 of @whatshesaidpc. |
779 | 5.3 |
jersey. democrat. news junkie. lover of puns. Lebanese. hot head. mom. geek. Blocked by Chachi. jojofromjerz.com. @ShutUpTabbouleh podcast. |
780 | 5.3 |
Sherilyn on #BigShot, Shirley on #Community, Helen on #DrakeAndJosh, #CaptainTully on #ChickenSquad! ❤️ Wrote #AlwaysABridesmaid on DVD & streaming on @bet! |
781 | 5.3 |
coming soon... |
782 | 5.3 |
Aaron Reichlin-Melnick @ReichlinMelnick Policy Counsel at @immcouncil. Formerly immigration lawyer at @LegalAidNYC through @IJCorps. Views expressed here are my own. RTs =/= endorsements. |
783 | 5.3 |
Usually tired. Cat pictures, tech & much 🙄🙄. Occasionally on telly/radio. Owner of @Raspberry_Pi-powered tweeting catflap @daphneflap Opinions mine, all mine |
784 | 5.3 |
#Bitcoin Make sats the standard |
785 | 5.3 |
Writing and events at STAT. This is biology's century; Every data point has a face. |
786 | 5.3 |
Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings 🎤 @twentyminutevc, 🏦 @Stride_VC & @20vcfund, 😇 @superhuman @digits @roamresearch @fast @hopin @revenuecat @clubhouse @linktree_ |
787 | 5.3 |
You may know me from such roles as cloud advocate at @microsoft, streamer, space lover, 90s historian, or clippy enthusiast. 👽💖💾💅🚀☁️ |
788 | 5.3 |
Host @MSNBC's @CrossConnection Author: Say It Louder! Black Voters, White Narratives & Saving Our Democracy Previously: Resident Fellow/Harvard Kennedy School |
789 | 5.3 |
Cognitive scientist at Harvard. |
790 | 5.3 |
Vinay Prasad MD MPH @VPrasadMDMPH Prof, Progressive, Physician, @vkprasadlab @ucsf_epibiostat, Podcast @Plenary_Session, book: Malignant (2020); Ending Medical Reversal (2015); Views obv my own |
791 | 5.3 |
Follow me to learn about bitcoin and mining | 📝 @miningmemo |
792 | 5.3 |
Economist, @UNCG PhD, labor and time use researcher, @AU_SPA adjunct prof. Examining generations, cities, inequality. Views are my own and not any employer's. |
793 | 5.3 |
Executive editor @theprospect. Author, Monopolized, Chain of Title. First 100 newsletter only at prospect.org. #D1A Tips: ddayen-at-prospect-dot-org |
794 | 5.3 |
Author of Nonzero, The Moral Animal, The Evolution of God, Why Buddhism Is True. EIC @Bloggingheads, @MeaningLifeTV, @NonzeroNews: nonzero.substack.com |
795 | 5.3 |
science journalist. molecular biologist. curious. contributing correspondent at @sciencemagazine part of @pandemiapodcast, all things #blue |
796 | 5.3 |
Consumer-Focused | "Its a bull market, you know" | "Great investment opportunities come around when excellent companies are surrounded by unusual circumstances" |
797 | 5.3 |
Anne Helen Petersen
I write Culture Study (subscribe!) & wrote CAN’T EVEN: HOW MILLENNIALS BECAME THE BURNOUT GENERATION. IG: annehelenpetersen // email: same @ gmail |
798 | 5.3 |
Macro Strategist | Econ, macro & home cooking | Prev @Canada, @DukeFOOTBALL | Even the blind squirrel get a nut sometime | Long Live Jail Support |
799 | 5.3 |
Poli science prof @ Tulane U. Gender + local + state + climate politics Founder of #feministmafia & #MHAWS. she/her |
800 | 5.3 |
Financial economist (corporate finance ⚭ labor) ✨ Asst. Prof. at @Babson ✨ Research, teaching, childcare, #tfhtech ✨ On short Twitter hiatus, sort of ✨ He/him |
801 | 5.3 |
Kristian G. Andersen
Infectious diseases & genomics. Immunologist in (voluntary) exile. Minimal sarcasm. Fierce HOA (Hater of Acronyms). |
802 | 5.3 |
QC 💉 HIMBO☆SUMMER @QiaochuYuan vaccinated and single | bad at sex and excited to learn | DMs open! |
803 | 5.3 |
nuanced opinion guy @charles_kinbote I'm the nuanced opinion guy |
804 | 5.3 |
Decarbonizing power markets with @RockyMtnInst; Previously @LevelTenEnergy and @CCRSolar. My tweets don't even represent me. |
805 | 5.3 |
emergency doc @NorthwesternEM | Digital Media Editor @JAMANetworkOpen | opinions ≠ my employers' or med advice |
806 | 5.3 |
Monetary economist and historian, Director of @CatoCMFA, and NGDP mug collector. I promise not to waste our time by saying things you expect me to say. |
807 | 5.3 |
Chelsea Parlett-Pelleriti @ChelseaParlett Ph.D, stats lover/writer✍🏼, #statistics #scicomm #datascience #statstiktok 👩🏻💻 she/her |
808 | 5.3 |
Dr. Oni Blackstock @oni_blackstock Black • womxn • queer • O’s (👦🏾) mom • Primary care & HIV physician • Equity & Justice Consultant • Founder & Executive Director, #HealthJustice• she/her(s) |
809 | 5.3 |
Politics reporter at HuffPost. California raised, Bosnia born. Former Chargers fan. igor.bobic@huffpost.com |
810 | 5.3 |
Gbenga Ajilore @gbenga_ajilore Economist. Sports/Movie nerd. Half-marathoner. Bassoonist (as heard on NPR). Personal account. All views & opinions my own; RT=/=endorsement. |
811 | 5.3 |
I write for The New York Times at @UpshotNYT. I cover elections, polling, and demographics. Northwest expat. |
812 | 5.3 |
political reporter @CBSNews | all pop culture takes objectively correct | @HothTakes co-host | cat mom 😻 | Philippians 4:4-9 | grace.segers@cbsi.com |
813 | 5.3 |
lover, not-fighter. building and funding startups: @kindredventures |
814 | 5.3 |
Robert M. Wachter
Chair, UCSF Dept of Medicine. Career: What happens when a poli sci major becomes an academic physician. Author: "The Digital Doctor". Hubby/Dad/Golfer. |
815 | 5.3 |
Author of 21Lessons.com | Working on 21WaysBook.com and @Seetee_io | Curating bitcoin-resources.com | Co-hosting @_einundzwanzig_ | Religiously stacking amoeba |
816 | 5.3 |
Steve Schmidt
"No man can tame a tiger into a kitten by stroking it” Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States |
817 | 5.3 |
I teach journalism at NYU, critique the press, direct @membershippzzle. PressThink is the name of my subject and my site. Started blogging in 2003. Still at it. |
818 | 5.3 |
Former Candidate for President. Former Congressman. Author, “F*ck Silence.” Radio host, gabradionetwork.com, Patriot, Husband, Father, Brother, Son. #BeBrave |
819 | 5.3 |
Steve Stewart-Williams @SteveStuWill Psychology, evolution, science, etc. Author of "The Ape That Understood the Universe" (2018) and "Darwin, God and the Meaning of Life" (2010). |
820 | 5.3 |
Senior editor at @Forbes covering VC and tech. I edit the Midas List, Cloud 100 and Midas Touch newsletter. Plus one to @N_Sportelli. email: akonrad@forbes.com |
821 | 5.3 |
@hustlefundvc. Democratizing wealth via entrepreneurship. Entrepreneur-investor. SF Bay Area native. Sign up for my email newsletter at elizabethyin.com |
822 | 5.3 |
@Dartmouth poli sci professor, @UpshotNYT contributor, @BrightLineWatch co-organizer. Before: @fordschool @umich / @CJR / Spinsanity / All the President's Spin. |
823 | 5.3 |
Founder of @ProductHunt, @WeekendFund investor. Real likes, no gimmicks. ✌️😸 |
824 | 5.3 |
I've leaned in and I can't get up |
825 | 5.3 |
Will Chamberlain @willchamberlain Lawyer. Co-Publisher of @HumanEvents. Senior Counsel at @The_IAP, the @Article3Project, and @UnsilencedOrg. |
826 | 5.3 |
Founder of @WorkBionic. Crypto/DeFi investor. |
827 | 5.3 |
I do stuff. Cohost of @sayswhopodcast, do impeachment.fyi, formerly @opennews, made @MayorEmanuel, founder of Punk Planet (RIP), #1 Candle King of Kickstarter. |
828 | 5.3 |
ARCHAEOLOGY FROM SPACE @Global_Xplorer, Professor, Egyptologist, mom, award-winning author, speaking requests @tuesdayagency she/her |
829 | 5.3 |
Adam Kucharski @AdamJKucharski Mathematician/epidemiologist at @LSHTM. @WellcomeTrust fellow and @TEDFellow. Author of The Rules of Contagion. Views own. |
830 | 5.3 |
Writer at @IBMResearch. Raised in Britain with a Brooklyn accent. Views mine. |
831 | 5.3 |
I cover the Yankees for The Athletic. "Twitter is the playground of idiots." -Noel Gallagher |
832 | 5.3 |
Academic economist. Innovation, growth, finance. Obama WH aide. Director, @AEASPmsu. #Spelman, @UniofOxford, #Berkeley alum. @nberpubs #DST Views mine. She|Her. |
833 | 5.3 |
Columnist at the Washington Post. Opinions my own. Email me: Megan.McArdle -at- washpost.com Buy my book, The Up Side of Down amzn.to/1a3i2tK |
834 | 5.3 |
@propublica reporter + @NYTMag staff writer. Texas-based criminal justice reporter, storyteller, curious person. At work on a new book for @randomhouse. |
835 | 5.3 |
Board Partner @FirstRound. Technology historian and futurist. Student of business. Collector. |
836 | 5.3 |
Founder, Applied Complexity Science LLC @AppliedComplex AppliedComplexity.io, RealWorldRisk.com, Necsi.edu Complexity, Localism, Homesteading |
837 | 5.3 |
doctor @brighamwomens @harvardmed | next @stanford division of infectious diseases & geographic medicine |
838 | 5.3 |
🤺, agitator, organizer, fmr sr. advisor @berniesanders 2020, co-founder @people4bernie,♟ |
839 | 5.3 |
Kristen Johnston
actress, writer, recovery advocate & dog freak. |
840 | 5.3 |
Office of the Governor of California @CAgovernor The Office of the California Governor Gavin Newsom. #CaliforniaForAll 📍Get vaccinated. Wear a mask. CA is set to fully reopen on June 15. myturn.ca.gov |
841 | 5.3 |
Staff Writer | @newrepublic |
842 | 5.3 |
research scientist at google brain 🧠 香港人 🏴 |
843 | 5.3 |
Erin Gloria Ryan
“very bad statements on Twitter” 🤠 I write & talk: #Hysteria from @crookedmedia @TheDailyBeast, etc |
844 | 5.3 |
Founder of @MomsDemand, grassroots army of @Everytown. Worst nightmare of the NRA. Author of Fight Like a Mother. Californian. IG: @ shannonrwatts #MizzouMade |
845 | 5.3 |
I like to post and see posts. Director of Research @FutureNowUSA, all views my own, RTs aren't endorsements, the tweet you got mad at was a joke, I swear. |
846 | 5.3 |
Anchor of @ReliableSources and @CNN's chief media correspondent. My book HOAX, about Trump & Fox News, comes out in paperback June 8. Email: bstelter@gmail.com |
847 | 5.3 |
clear intentions, lightly held • Alexander Technique teacher • strangely earnest, playful vibes • cultivating an oasis at expandingawareness.org 👀🏝 |
848 | 5.3 |
Scientist, safecracker, writer, professor. 280 is the new 140 is the new 1536. He/him |
849 | 5.3 |
#DeFi made simple |
850 | 5.3 |
Founder & CEO of @MyCrypto |
851 | 5.3 |
I passed the CFA & CAIA exams. Now I produce crypto content for a living. Memecoin minimalist. Bearish on 🧟🧟♀️🧟♂️ zombiechains. Pronouns: wei/gwei |
852 | 5.3 |
Entrepreneur and Investor |
853 | 5.3 |
Political editor @NewStatesman Chair of @BoardofDeputies Commission on Racial Inclusivity, Columnist in @theipaper Political Writer in Residence at @SussexUni |
854 | 5.3 |
PhD student in phil bio, cogsci, mind. Organisms, evolution, cognition, complexity, AI & ALife, models, machine learning, the FEP. They/Them/Theirs. |
855 | 5.3 |
Political Scientist @KelloggCSSI | Alum: @UMich PhD @SunlightLabs @OiiOxford | Congress | Science | Interest Groups | Elites | Text | Networks he/him bad tweets |
856 | 5.3 |
Downtown Brandi Frown 😾 @ItsTheBrandi Fmr Co-host:Bill Corbett's Funhouse. other blogs:Heathcliff, For Why?, @mnfaircliches.co-founder #SnackCaucus.Eph. I hate RCV. venmo/cashapp:itsthebrandi |
857 | 5.3 |
🇺🇸🗽Staff writer for The New Yorker. “I Like to Watch: Arguing My Way Through The TV Revolution.” emilynussbaum.com |
858 | 5.3 |
Recuperating. Used to be CEO @EPG_edu; Exec Director at @TeachFirst and Senior Policy Adviser at DFE. Tweets on education, politics + general nerdery. |
859 | 5.3 |
Quick! Somebody call an anthropologist! Assoc prof @ Northwestern. MedAnthro. African studies. Pop culture. Politics. She/her. book: goo.gl/fZalMo |
860 | 5.3 |
Follow me to learn about #Bitcoin. Growth @Krakenfx | Prior @InterchangeHQ (acq by @Krakenfx), Growth @Uber, PM @Blockchain, @ZeroBlock (acq by @Blockchain) |
861 | 5.3 |
Writer, about law especially; @CatoInstitute. Blogged at Overlawyered (1999-2020). Election law and Maryland civic stuff. |
862 | 5.3 |
#1 Body Transformation Coach to Entrepreneurs | 41 yrs | Fitness & Fatherhood Changed My Life | Want to Get in Shape? Book Your Free Health Accelerator Call 👇 |
863 | 5.3 |
the only thing is everything |
864 | 5.3 |
Economista argentino trabajando en MIT. |
865 | 5.3 |
im ready to talk regular. @podaboutlist |
866 | 5.3 |
Dina D. Pomeranz @DinaPomeranz Econ prof @econ_uzh, formerly @HarvardHBS. Board member @EvidenceAction, @HelvetasCH, IIPF, @EEAnews, @gain_network_. Affiliate @CGDev @JPAL @cepr_org @The_IGC |
867 | 5.3 |
writer, she/her — hunteryharris@gmail.com |
868 | 5.3 |
profit maximalist. - |
869 | 5.2 | |
870 | 5.2 |
Let’s skip witty repartee & discuss fundamental questions. Views are mine, not GMU’s or Virginia’s. Books: ageofem.com, elephantinthebrain.com |
871 | 5.2 |
scoopy trooples @scupytrooples Tech and Futurism enthusiast. Web3 Dev. Etherean. Bitcoiner. Open France Maximalist. @AlchemixFi Co-Founder. @egirl_capital member. 錬金術師 |
872 | 5.2 | |
873 | 5.2 |
Raffi Melkonian @RMFifthCircuit Appellate lawyer at Wright, Close & Barger LLP, in Houston, TX with a Fifth Circuit (and Texas) appellate practice. So-called Dean, #appellatetwitter |
874 | 5.2 |
Opinion journalist, Washington Post. Author of Rise of the Warrior Cop, and The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist. Honorary Duckmaster (3/24/18). |
875 | 5.2 |
Partner, @Sequoia. Proficient in the Microsoft Office suite. |
876 | 5.2 | |
877 | 5.2 |
thinking fast and @slow |
878 | 5.2 |
Conor White-Sullivan 𐃏🇺🇸 @Conaw Co-founder of @RoamResearch. Believer in tools for thought. |
879 | 5.2 |
Psychology prof and researcher; I study addiction, personality, and sex. Most of my twitter is just really bad jokes. |
880 | 5.2 |
Co-founder of Three Arrows Capital, nothing I tweet is financial advice, all opinions are my own, assets mentioned may be owned by Three Arrows Capital |
881 | 5.2 |
“Another guy that has a newsletter, the name escapes me.” — Ben Thompson ||| Writing Not Boring: notboring.co |
882 | 5.2 |
Used to blog about sovereign debt, trade imbalances, and capital flows, among other topics |
883 | 5.2 |
Standup. Late nite writer. Podcast- Jackie and Laurie Show. Future Buddhist. CONAN set: tinyurl.com/utjonzh |
884 | 5.2 |
we shouldn't have this much access to each other. |
885 | 5.2 |
economics + computer science professor @NorthwesternU; networks (learning, coordination, contagions, etc.); past: @Harvard @Stanford'12 @Quora @Caltech'07 |
886 | 5.2 |
tv writer and number one guy in this group |
887 | 5.2 |
Tinkerer. Angel investor. Founder of del.icio.us. He/him. More art: instagram.com/jodhus |
888 | 5.2 |
@PBS Anchor and Reporter. @WashingtonWeek Moderator. @NewsHour White House Correspondent. @NBCNews & @MSNBC Political Contributor. Email: yamiche@newshour.org |
889 | 5.2 |
InflationLindzon @howardlindzon GP @socialleverage, CEO $SLAC the SPAC, co-founder @stocktwits founded Wallstrip (acquired by CBS), seed @robinhoodapp @onrallyrd @koyfin @etoro @alpacahq |
890 | 5.2 |
Author, journalist, activist. My latest is ATTACK SURFACE attacksurface.com Books: craphound.com Blog: pluralistic.net. |
891 | 5.2 |
Buying all the hotdogs and giving them to the good people. Contributing Editor @fullerproject. Runs The Shitshow Room. Priors: The Markup, BuzzFeed News, NYT. |
892 | 5.2 |
Jessica Valenti
Feminist author (All in Her Head, coming soon) Come hang out with me at allinherhead.com |
893 | 5.2 |
freelance politics writer / columnist @msnbc / born on the bayou / once described as a “sharp-tongued lass” |
894 | 5.2 |
Chase Anderson, MD, MS (K.C. Ardem) 🦸🏽♂️🏳️🌈 @ChaseTMAnderson An AA, gay, rainbow-phoenix psychiatrist @UCSFMedicine spreading love + justice throughout the world. Welcome aboard. Views are mine|not med advice 👑💖🦄. |
895 | 5.2 |
all about the clean energy transition. developing next gen geothermal 🌋⚡️ as CEO at @FervoEnergy. Fellow: @activatefellows, @Energy_Leaders. Texan. |
896 | 5.2 |
Housing 🏠 and transportation 🚎 advocate on the Peninsula. Views are my own (and occasionally those of the lizard people). Left YIMBY. |
897 | 5.2 |
Author of The #Bitcoin Standard, out in 24 languages. Working on the sequel, The Fiat Standard & an economics textbook. Subscribe to receive new chapters weekly |
898 | 5.2 |
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein @platobooktour Philosopher and novelist; 2014 National Humanities Medal |
899 | 5.2 |
bettina makalintal @bettinamak i'm just a kid and life is a nightmare / food + culture staff writer @munchies @vice / filipino american, she/her |
900 | 5.2 |
Zachary D. Carter @zachdcarter Writer in Residence, @OmidyarNetwork + @Hewlett_Found. Author, THE PRICE OF PEACE: MONEY, DEMOCRACY, AND THE LIFE OF JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES: bit.ly/2RnpLyV |
901 | 5.2 |
rax ‘preorder TACKY 💋’ king @RaxKingIsDead girl writer / woman podcaster / TACKY (vintage 2021) 💋 |
902 | 5.2 |
Writer, critic, activist. @EFF @CIHR_eu @coenatolin @ifex. Views mine. She/they. |
903 | 5.2 |
Monica McLemore PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN #Blaccinated @mclemoremr Badass thinker, RN, scientist, geek, wino. Repro Justice. Tweets mine. GenX she/her @aphasrh @actionsprogram @prioritystudy @cerish_ucsf @blkmamasmatter #FIVE |
904 | 5.2 |
Hardware / software necromancer, collector of Weird Stuff, maker of Death Generators. (they/them) Patreon: patreon.com/foone ko-fi: ko-fi.com/fooneturing |
905 | 5.2 |
Views expressed here only represent myself. |
906 | 5.2 |
Global Editor @TBIJ. Author (see pinned tweet). Columnist @TheNewEuropean. Trustee @EJNetwork and @TheMediaSociety. Other stuff. Personal account. 🏳️🌈 |
907 | 5.2 |
Mollie Goodfellow @hansmollman a writer for tv things. she's becoming isolated and weird. it’s probably a joke. she/her. |
908 | 5.2 |
Law Professor at the Western New England University School of Law and author of the new book BIG DIRTY MONEY (Viking 2020). |
909 | 5.2 |
Read more at TheAtlantic.com and at DavidFrum.com Reach me via davidfrum.com/page/contact |
910 | 5.2 |
🐺 New York State Assemblymember @AMYuhLineNiou | proud CUNY Baruch bearcat | loves dogs 🐕 and anything dogs do 🐾 (personal account) she/her/hers |
911 | 5.2 |
Founder & CEO @getTeamflow, ex eng, PM @Uber, Jump |
912 | 5.2 |
I write on speaking, sales & storytelling most of the time. | Performative Speaking | robbiecrab.substack.com |
913 | 5.2 |
Writing • Angel investing • Advising | 👉 LennysNewsletter.com • LennysNewsletter.com/jobs 👈 |
914 | 5.2 |
Craig Spencer MD MPH @Craig_A_Spencer NYC ER doctor | Ebola Survivor | Director of Global Health in Emergency Medicine @ColumbiaMed | Teach Public Health @ColumbiaMSPH | @MSF_USA Board of Directors |
915 | 5.2 |
Operator. Founder of Flatiron Health (acq @Roche for $2b) & Invite Media (acq @Google for $81m). Investor: OperatorPartners.com Bar owner: 74Wythe.com |
916 | 5.2 |
Lead Magician (and CEO) at Box (@box); Huge ABBA fan. I don't fully endorse anything I say below. Go ☁ |
917 | 5.2 |
Author of NYT bestseller “Unmasked”: centerstreet.com/titles/andy-ng… Editor-at-large @TPostMillennial. |
918 | 5.2 |
Head of Marketing @Fast • Previously early team @Opendoor • Betting on early-stage founders @ParadoxVC • Exploring on the #ParadoxPodcast |
919 | 5.2 |
Boards: Code for America, VotingWorks, Figma, Caffeine, Nuro, Crew, Clockwise, Lecturer at Stanford GSB. Dad, husband, son, nerd. |
920 | 5.2 |
Activist, feminist, author. The Weekly List website, podcast theweeklylist.org & book. POLITICO 50. Pres of @TheNewAgenda. Fmr Wall Street exec. She/her. |
921 | 5.2 |
Co-Founder & Executive Director @TheDemCoalition. @DworkinReport pod. Journalist. Investigator. Author. Musician. Obama alum. #TheResistance forever. |
922 | 5.2 |
Social psychologist. Assistant professor @KelloggSchool. @Yale & @UCLA alumna. Tweets: race, feminism, current events, academia, amusing things |
923 | 5.2 |
Murtaza M. Hussain @MazMHussain Focused on the social applications of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and clean energy technology. Also writes on foreign policy @theintercept. فارسی/اردو/EN |
924 | 5.2 |
delightfully unhinged data @washingtonpost @wpinvestigates | board @ire_nicar | woodwork @databaewoodshop | pay study @postguild | databae.substack.com |
925 | 5.2 |
Eric Weinstein
Math guy. MD at Thiel Capital. Host of The Portal at podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the… YT: youtube.com/ericweinsteinp… |
926 | 5.2 |
National correspondent for The Washington Post. Please don't tell me how to tweet. philip.bump@washpost.com pbump@protonmail.com |
927 | 5.2 |
theocratic fascist, tyrant, beekeeper |
928 | 5.2 |
Xavier Bonilla @xavierbonilla87 Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Family, Music Lover. All views expressed are my own. 😎 |
929 | 5.2 |
Andrew Charles Baker @Andrew___Baker A jurisprüde |
930 | 5.2 |
Senior editor, @TexasMonthly. Let me explain something to you, Walsh. This business requires a certain amount of finesse. |
931 | 5.2 |
Omni-American, staff writer at The Atlantic, founding editor of The Best of Journalism–subscribe here: ponyexpress.io/subscribe/theb… |
932 | 5.2 |
detroit native. senior front page editor @huffpost. |
933 | 5.2 |
art & code @eff. clearly these are not my employer's views. latinoamericana 🏴 |
934 | 5.2 |
Arrianna Marie Planey, MA PhD @Arrianna_Planey Medical Geographer & Health Services Researcher \ Asst Prof @UNCpublichealth \ social theory, health justice \ @Cal @UChicago @Illinois_Alma alum \ Tweets mine |
935 | 5.2 |
Asst. Prof. @Umichlaw. Con law & fed courts. Cohost @StrictScrutiny_ blogs @shalltakecare co-founder @womenknowlaw. tweets about enforcing the VRA & my dog 🐾 |
936 | 5.2 |
(wannabe) Ƀreaker of (the Bad) Loops @generativist Lapsed computational social scientist. Blasphemous orthodox jester with Discordian allegiances, nerdy habits, burrito affinities, and a big computer. 🇺🇸 |
937 | 5.2 |
I write HEATED, a punky climate newsletter. Amateur drummer, equal-opportunity garbage collector. Contributor @MSNBCdaily. Tips: Emily@heated.world |
938 | 5.2 |
Staff writer at @jezebel. Hates mint chocolate. Got the girlies pressed. 💌ashley.reese@jezebel.com |
939 | 5.2 |
Studying the world's most interesting people & companies. Founder & author of @ProfileRead at readtheprofile.com // former writer at @fortunemagazine |
940 | 5.2 |
Janine Sickmeyer @myfriendjanine 💸 Founding Partner at @OverlookedVC 👩🏻💻 SaaS Tech Founder (bootstrapped ➡️ exit '19) 🦄 Mom of 4 #twinmom 🗣More transparency in VC |
941 | 5.2 |
Principal @ Very Little Gravitas. Make friends, break silos, build bridges. DMs open & newsletter at newsletter.danhon.com |
942 | 5.2 |
I wrote a book called Dignity about poverty, faith, & McDonald's. Writing another book called. Not sure what it's called. Tweets auto-delete quickly |
943 | 5.2 |
outsider scientist. nontrepreneur. professor intern. crackpot. he/him. disorderlylabs.github.io on ohlone land |
944 | 5.2 |
melissa “cancel student debt” byrne @mcbyrne always fighting for someone i don’t know. alum @berniesanders’16’20. banned from trump tower. organizer. free college.#cancelstudentdebt |
945 | 5.2 |
writer @TheAtlantic, cofounder @Covid19Tracking, visiting fellow @UChiEnergy. covering climate, energy, COVID-19. subscribe to my newsletter: |
946 | 5.2 |
"Science will, in the future, turn increasingly from problems of intensity, substance, and energy, to those of structure, organization, information and control" |
947 | 5.2 |
Emily Gorcenski
Push off, and sitting well in order smite The sounding furrows. Opinions only mine. |
948 | 5.2 |
Comms @Glossier✨ Beauty by way of venture capital and enterprise software. New York by way of San Francisco. Angel and scout. She/her. |
949 | 5.2 |
Climate scientist working on temp records, climate and energy system models. Director of Climate and Energy @TheBTI. Also: @CarbonBrief, @BerkeleyEarth. He/him. |
950 | 5.2 |
lil uzi veritas is on hiatus @nadirahdixit I was dreaming when I wrote this; forgive me if it goes astray. now: recovering ivy leaguer. 5ever: Classics nerd, dei sub numine viget, survivor, PhD, ayibobo |
951 | 5.2 |
Sr. Elections Analyst, RCP. @osupolisci. @aei. Recovering Att'y. Married to @emytrende, dad to 3. You shall love your crooked neighbor, with your crooked heart. |
952 | 5.2 |
Books: Nexus Series / The Infinite Resource. Faculty @SingularityU. Energy, climate, & innovation wonk. Optimist. |
953 | 5.2 |
mikedemarais.eth @mikedemarais 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈cofounder of @rainbowdotme, $SOCKS enthusiast |
954 | 5.2 |
Daniel Nichanian. criminal justice, voting rights, local politics, pol. theory. Editorial director, @TheAppeal's Political Report. Creator, What's on the Ballot |
955 | 5.2 |
Malcolm Harris @BigMeanInternet writer KIDS THESE DAYS, SHIT IS FUCKED UP AND BULLSHIT, and THE PALO ALTO SYSTEM (2022) malcolmpharris@gmail California communist (him) |
956 | 5.2 |
Professor @NYULaw; Faculty Director of @bwln_nyu; co-host of @StrictScrutiny_ podcast; occasional talking head @MSNBC; views mine. RT not an endorsement. |
957 | 5.2 |
Sunrise Movement 🌅 @sunrisemvmt We are building a movement of young people to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process ☀️ #GreenNewDeal #GoodJobsForAll |
958 | 5.2 |
City Nolan (get your 💉!!!) @ndhapple City Hall for The New York Post. Under that cynical shell (and mask), a sentimentalist. Hook’em🤘. 🏳️🌈. nhicks@nypost; DMs; Signal/WhatsApp. |
959 | 5.2 |
BuzzFeed News immigration reporter. @sfchronicle alum. Email: hamed.aleaziz (@) buzzfeed.com. DMs open -- tips welcome. |
960 | 5.2 |
noor khan’s big brother. doing my best, I swear. he/him. please do not @ me. |
961 | 5.2 |
rooting for everybody resisting oppression letmumiaout.com |
962 | 5.2 |
石來民 Lutheran. Husband. Dad. Kentuckian. Demographer. @DemographicNTEL @FamStudies @AEI @NovakFellows doing PhD at McGill. lymanrstone at gmail dot com |
963 | 5.2 |
Puff the Magic Hater @MsKellyMHayes Menominee writer and organizer. Host of @truthout's Movement Memos podcast: truthout.org/series/movemen… Patreon: patreon.com/KellyHayes |
964 | 5.2 |
He/Him. Man of the people, not above but equal. Husband. MMT's Dad. Author. Youngest Mayor ever. Not throwing away my shot. Openly Black. #UpsetTheSetup. |
965 | 5.2 |
Author of Dear Reader, The New Right & The Anarchist Handbook Host of "YOUR WELCOME" Subject of Ego & Hubris by Harvey Pekar He/Him ⚑ |
966 | 5.2 |
Sandra E. Garcia @S_Evangelina Harlemite. Reportera bilingüe @NYTStyles. Your ideas lack adobo. |
967 | 5.2 |
United States Senator from Hawaii. Dad. Climate Hawk. Chair of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. Chief Deputy Whip. |
968 | 5.2 |
It’s-a Tyler Dinucci 🤌🏼 @TylerDinucci tv writer | is there parking? he/him |
969 | 5.2 |
Sage from South Central; Larry Elder Show; youtube.com/channel/UCZmkv…; (888) 971-SAGE; instagram.com/larryeldershow/ |
970 | 5.2 |
CEO, Sino Global Capital @sinoglobalcap. Managing General Partner, Liquid Value. Digital Assets, China, Blockchain. I will eat your Hot Pot. |
971 | 5.2 |
Editorial Director, @TheAppeal. / Columnist, @MSNBC. / Ideas? crgeidner@gmail.com / Sober. Queer. Bipolar. Buckeye. Law Dork. / Tweets are my own. |
972 | 5.2 |
CEO/cofounder @fintechtoday_. Running a fintech syndicate on the side. Ex PM @acorns, ex @qz. Follow me if you like fintech, crypto, the NBA & rap. |
973 | 5.2 |
Host of NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour. Author, NYT Bestseller EVVIE DRAKE STARTS OVER. thisislindaholmes.com IG: lindaholmes97 |
974 | 5.2 |
Andrew Fleischman @ASFleischman I work on behalf of the wrongfully or unfairly convicted for @rossandpines. Constitutional cultist. Opinions are my own. |
975 | 5.2 |
she/her. building @foodsupplyxyz. words @allraise, @cherrybombemag |
976 | 5.2 |
Patriotic American & proud immigrant. @Springsteen fan. Banned by Putin, fired by Trump. Former US Atty, SDNY. Host of "Stay Tuned" doingjusticebook.com |
977 | 5.2 |
Historian of the intelligentsia. Adored by little statesmen & philosophers & divines. VP of Programs @berggrueninst, Deputy Editor @NoemaMag Tweets are my own. |
978 | 5.2 |
migration, cities, justice. contributor @fullerproject @citylab. Also in Roll Call, The Guardian, The Atlantic, NPR, BBC, etc. do i know things? let's find out! |
979 | 5.2 |
Father, fisherman, motorcycle enthusiast, 56th Governor of New York |
980 | 5.2 |
building @blockpartyapp_ to solve online harassment, cofounder @projectinclude, previously eng @pinterest @usds @quora. instagram.com/exhaustedfemal… |
981 | 5.2 |
Writer/editor with @MSNBC Daily. Previously: @buzzfeednews. I make dumb jokes for smart people. As such, my tweets vary in quality. He/him. |
982 | 5.2 |
Michele Norris
Big World. Lotta Stories. Founding Director, The Race Card Project, Columnist at the Washington Post, Former NPR Host. Author, The Grace of Silence. MamaBear |
983 | 5.2 |
✊🏽🏳️🌈 Small business owner. Receipts archiver and provider. Movie live-tweeter. Professional Inquiries: chris@notcapnamerica.com |
984 | 5.2 |
Abundant tweets about civil liberties & national security *** "You're like a human Westlaw” *** She/her *** Legendary potty mouth *** 🗽 |
985 | 5.2 |
Christopher Michel @chrismichel Photographer, explorer & science nerd. Artist-in-Residence at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. |
986 | 5.2 |
Anglo writer in Poland. @TheSpectator, @UnHerd, @Quillette, @AmConMag, @ArcDigi and others. My newsletter: bensixsmith.substack.com |
987 | 5.2 |
NYT bestselling author. | CAUL BABY: a novel (out now!) @harperbooks | Senior Culture Editor for @espn's @theundefeated | morgan.s.jerkins@espn.com |
988 | 5.2 |
The Volatile Mermaid @OhNoSheTwitnt Jewish American Disney Princess. Siren. @HarlanCoben once compared me to a whiskey sour without the whiskey. |
989 | 5.2 |
Karla Monterroso 💉💉🎉 @karlitaliliana Coach, strategist, empathy worker. Board @WeAreAlluma, former @Code2040, @HealthLeadsNatl, @PeerForward,@CollegeTrack. @USC #WiseLatina 🇬🇹🇲🇽PN: she/her/ella |
990 | 5.2 |
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center @TheKingCenter The official living memorial to #MLK, founded by #CorettaScottKing to educate on nonviolence & create the #BelovedCommunity. #Nonviolence365 • CEO: @BerniceKing |
991 | 5.2 |
Jon Cooper 🇺🇸 @joncoopertweets Formerly National Finance Chair of Draft Biden 2016; Long Island Campaign Chair for @BarackObama; Majority Leader of Suffolk County Legislature, NY. @DukeU alum |
992 | 5.2 |
she/her |
993 | 5.2 |
liberty • humility • discovery |
994 | 5.2 |
Subways, transit, NYC. The official Twitter account of what mayoral sources once called an obscure transportation blog. Tweets by @bkabak. DMs open. |
995 | 5.2 |
José Luis Ricón Fernández de la Puente @ArtirKel Making Science Great Again. 私も気になります! // Blogging at nintil.com // Meme engineering here. Now thinking about: longevity. 🇪🇸➡🇬🇧➡🇺🇸 |
996 | 5.2 |
Family first. 🦚 Executive Producer @msnbc @ruhleonmsnbc 9am. Bigger sports fan than your girlfriend. Bleed Dodger Blue. @Cronkite_ASU alum. Sevilla NO8DO. |
997 | 5.2 |
A blog about politics, politics, and politics |
998 | 5.2 |
David Beckworth @DavidBeckworth Senior Research Fellow @mercatus || Podcast Host at macromusings.libsyn.com || Former U.S. Treasury Economist |
999 | 5.2 |
cryptoLawyer pursuing next stage of personal evolution... #LeXpunK lexnode.substack.com lex-node.medium.com disclosure: rb.gy/enuwrx |
1000 | 5.2 |
Justin Zimmerman @JZPhilosophy Scholar @NorthwesternU studying Black political thought and political behavior. Daddy to Miles, the recalcitrant preemie. #rolltide |
Mediums | vs. baseline | influence |
forge.medium.com | 3.2x | 3.5% |
onezero.medium.com | 2.7x | 59.9% |
elemental.medium.com | 0.9x | 3.5% |
gen.medium.com | 0.8x | 10.5% |
coronavirus.medium.com | 0.8x | 1.9% |
marker.medium.com | 0.5x | 3.6% |
stafflettertosenate.medium.com | 0.5x | 0.7% |
teambeans.medium.com | 0.4x | 0.7% |
zora.medium.com | 0.4x | 0.7% |
.arcdigital.media | 0.3x | 7.1% |
repraskin.medium.com | 0.2x | 2.3% |
Substacks | vs. baseline | influence |
thephoenix.substack.com | 332.8x | 7.8% |
radicalreimagining.substack.com | 332.8x | 4.9% |
scrapfacts.substack.com | 214.0x | 0.5% |
alexhern.substack.com | 181.1x | 1.7% |
scioffi.substack.com | 167.0x | 0.7% |
dianabutlerbass.substack.com | 125.1x | 3.2% |
realhottake.substack.com | 116.4x | 11.6% |
theprofile.substack.com | 34.0x | 0.9% |
heated.world | 10.6x | 20.8% |
diff.substack.com | 10.6x | 0.8% |
bankless.substack.com | 2.9x | 0.6% |
eriktorenberg.substack.com | 2.5x | 0.8% |
pullrequest.substack.com | 1.3x | 0.7% |
patrickwyman.substack.com | 1.3x | 0.9% |
astralcodexten.substack.com | 0.6x | 0.6% |
greenwald.substack.com | 0.6x | 0.5% |
noahpinion.substack.com | 0.4x | 2.6% |
taibbi.substack.com | 0.4x | 2.1% |
slowboring.com | 0.3x | 1.8% |
onposting.substack.com | 0.3x | 1.5% |
andrewsullivan.substack.com | 0.3x | 0.6% |
annehelen.substack.com | 0.2x | 0.5% |
persuasion.community | 0.2x | 0.7% |
thedispatch.com | 0.1x | 2.0% |
youvebeenwarmed.substack.com | N/Ax | 12.2% |
GitHub | vs. baseline | influence |
github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum | 11.5x | 1.3% |
github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin | 10.8x | 1.9% |
github.com/yam-finance/yam-protocol | 6.3x | 0.6% |
github.com/ethereum/eth2.0-specs | 4.3x | 1.0% |
github.com/ethereum/research | 1.6x | 1.5% |
github.com/lastmjs/eth-total-supply | 1.5x | 0.5% |
github.com/sigp/lighthouse | 1.5x | 1.1% |
github.com/ethereum/eips | 1.2x | 7.9% |
github.com/stripe/stripe-cli | 1.1x | 0.6% |
github.com/stripe/react-stripe-js | 1.0x | 1.8% |
github.com/fonsp/pluto.jl | 1.0x | 0.7% |
github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow | 0.9x | 0.9% |
github.com/paulgp/applied-methods-phd | 0.8x | 2.7% |
github.com/uo-ec607/lectures | 0.4x | 0.9% |
github.com/nomadj1s/ucpddata | 0.3x | 0.6% |
github.com/ethereum/pm | N/Ax | 1.4% |
github.com/rotki/rotki | N/Ax | 1.4% |
github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1 | N/Ax | 1.3% |
github.com/iearn-finance/yearn-protocol | N/Ax | 0.7% |
github.com/gitcoinco/web | N/Ax | 0.6% |
github.com/npm/npm | N/Ax | 0.6% |
github.com/features/codespaces | N/Ax | 0.5% |
github.com/anandpawara/real_time_image_animation | N/Ax | 0.5% |
Subreddits | vs. baseline | influence |
/r/natureisfuckinglit | 37.4x | 1.1% |
/r/damnthatsinteresting | 25.1x | 0.5% |
/r/pics | 15.1x | 12.7% |
/r/theexpanse | 7.5x | 3.8% |
/r/ethereum | 5.4x | 4.6% |
/r/btc | 4.9x | 0.6% |
/r/joerogan | 4.1x | 0.5% |
/r/beamazed | 4.0x | 5.0% |
/r/bitcoin | 3.0x | 2.2% |
/r/interestingasfuck | 2.4x | 1.2% |
/r/themotte | 2.4x | 0.9% |
/r/slatestarcodex | 1.9x | 1.1% |
/r/dataisbeautiful | 1.6x | 8.2% |
/r/iama | 1.4x | 11.9% |
/r/politicalhumor | 1.0x | 0.5% |
/r/outoftheloop | 0.9x | 0.7% |
/r/amitheasshole | 0.6x | 2.0% |
/r/wallstreetbets | 0.5x | 5.3% |
/r/worldnews | 0.4x | 2.0% |
/r/askreddit | 0.4x | 2.9% |
/r/aww | 0.3x | 0.6% |
/r/nyc | 0.3x | 0.6% |
/r/mapporn | 0.2x | 0.5% |
/r/politics | 0.1x | 0.6% |
/r/rareinsults | N/Ax | 2.6% |
/r/singapore | N/Ax | 0.7% |
/r/hostilefactchecks | N/Ax | 0.5% |
Apple Podcasts | vs. baseline | influence |
id1506207997 | 259.0x | 7.0% |
id1508000723 | 259.0x | 7.0% |
id1158028749 | 159.9x | 2.6% |
id1439735906 | 131.3x | 12.5% |
id1346207297 | 103.9x | 2.6% |
id1516334245 | 84.8x | 3.2% |
id663379413 | 54.8x | 3.9% |
id1488414960 | 41.5x | 5.2% |
id1316769266 | 6.6x | 0.6% |
id1081584611 | 5.0x | 10.3% |
id1502871393 | 2.6x | 0.7% |
id1504128553 | 0.8x | 2.4% |
id1382983397 | 0.4x | 0.7% |
id1056200096 | 0.3x | 2.4% |
id1508202790 | 0.3x | 3.6% |
id1291144720 | 0.1x | 0.9% |
id1298460455 | N/Ax | 18.7% |
id1523501364 | N/Ax | 0.8% |
Patreons | vs. baseline | influence |
drilled | 27.2x | 6.7% |
badfaithpodcast | 0.2x | 0.5% |
shivramdas?fan_landing=true | 0.1x | 1.0% |
blockedandreported | 0.1x | 0.7% |
lubchansky | 0.1x | 2.6% |
wesleyyang | 0.1x | 0.6% |
doubledownnews | N/Ax | 75.7% |
rogerhallam | N/Ax | 6.1% |
visakanv | N/Ax | 0.9% |
YouTube Channels | vs. baseline | influence |
theyearsproject | 204.0x | 37.0% |
thebeatles-topic | 1.9x | 0.7% |
asiwind | 1.5x | 1.1% |
jeriellsworth | 1.5x | 0.7% |
simonegiertz | 0.7x | 0.5% |
movieclips | 0.2x | 0.6% |
berniesanders | N/Ax | 20.4% |
revkin | N/Ax | 20.4% |
peppersarmy | N/Ax | 0.9% |