Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism
Rank | Score | |
1 | 10.0 |
Happily married to Doug, crazy in love with my children Yates, Yardley, and Thatcher, journalist. |
2 | 9.5 |
Cognitive scientist at Harvard. |
3 | 9.2 |
Human rights activist, founder @AHAFoundation, fellow @HooverInst and host of the Ayaan Hirsi Ali Podcast. New book 'Prey' is available now. Opinions my own. |
4 | 9.1 |
Writing on Substack. Former @nytimes, @WSJ, @tabletmag. Head of @nelliebowles fan club. |
5 | 9.1 |
Thomas Chatterton Williams
Words: @NYTMag, @Harpers. Boards: @AmericanAcademy, @JoinPersuasion. Fellowship: @AEI. Speaking: @APBspeakers. Next Book: NOTHING WAS THE SAME: @AAKnopf |
6 | 9.0 |
Here for the articles. |
7 | 8.9 |
John McWhorter
Linguist at Columbia, Slate's Lexicon Valley, Contributing Ed. at the Atlantic. Next books: 9 NASTY WORDS, THE ELECT. For hot takes, |
8 | 8.9 |
Michael Shermer
Author Giving the Devil His Due, Host Science Salon Podcast, Publisher Skeptic Magazine, Presidential Fellow Chapman University. |
9 | 8.9 |
Host of Conversations w/Coleman Podcast Forbes 30 Under 30 |
10 | 8.8 |
Journalist @SpectatorUSA + Managing Director @IdeasB2 + Advisory Board @FAIRForAll_org Email: |
11 | 8.8 |
Writer and comedian. Author of “Free Speech and Why It Matters”. Soon to be on @GBNews. Enquiries to |
12 | 8.7 |
Peter Boghossian
Waging ideological warfare against the enemies of western civilization. |
13 | 8.7 |
Write stuff, read stuff, build stuff. Check out my newsletter on politics and current affairs with @ShantMM. Subscribe here: |
14 | 8.7 |
Founder: @Counter_weight_ Liberal humanist. Mother. Doglover. Foodmasher. For me: |
15 | 8.7 |
Merton P. Stoltz Professor, @WatsonInstitute, @BrownUniversity. Writes about race and inequality in US and throughout the world. ( |
16 | 8.6 |
Journalist, Author:… Tips: |
17 | 8.4 |
Wilfred Reilly @wil_da_beast630 A college professor now, I am a former corporate executive, freedom rider, law student, and poor kid. |
18 | 8.3 |
Glenn Loury 2.0 Darker, Gayer, Different @justabloodygame Revolution, Microfiction and Dicks Dicks Dicks! (he/him) |
19 | 8.2 |
Jonathan Hoffman @ChiefPentSpox45 Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs (May 20, 2019). Follow for breaking news, statements & updates from @DeptofDefense. |
20 | 7.5 |
Free speech and due process lawyer. Partner, Allen Harris PLLC. Opinions here are my own. |
Account Rankings
Rank | Score | |
1 | 9.0 |
Author of Nonzero, The Moral Animal, The Evolution of God, Why Buddhism Is True. EIC @Bloggingheads, @MeaningLifeTV, @NonzeroNews: |
2 | 9.0 |
Creator + host of Vs Media Podcast on Patreon. Contributor @TheSpectator. Commentary archive at @nro @FoxNews @nypost |
3 | 9.0 |
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein @platobooktour Philosopher and novelist; 2014 National Humanities Medal |
4 | 8.9 |
Mom, Wife, Senior Meteorologist @foxnews, NYT bestselling author of Mostly Sunny, Freddy @frogcaster and Make Your Own Sunshine. Opinions are all mine. |
5 | 8.8 |
Writer, nerd, Magnum P.I. super-fan. Ed. dir. @realDailyWire. WWII buff. Catholic matchmaker. Mom of 3. @Ladybrainscast-er. Opinions my own but should be yours. |
6 | 8.8 |
Sage from South Central; Larry Elder Show;…; (888) 971-SAGE; |
7 | 8.8 |
Political editor of @townhallcom, @FoxNews contributor, @GuyBensonShow (M-F, 3-6pm ET) host, @NorthwesternU alum. Spring 2021 @GUPolitics Fellow. 🇺🇸 |
8 | 8.7 |
James Lindsay, DARPA for the culture war @ConceptualJames Not-NYT Bestselling author. Math PhD. Founder of New Discourses. Apolitical. Against totalitarianism and supremacy of all kinds. For freedom. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 |
9 | 8.7 |
Views expressed here only represent myself. |
10 | 8.7 |
John Tierney is the co-author of "The Power of Bad" and "Willpower." He is a contributing editor at City Journal and contributing science columnist at the NYT. |
11 | 8.7 |
Father of the four Irishest Jewish kids on earth. Executive Editor, Washington Examiner Mag. Previous: @nypost, @Commentary. @bethanyshondark is my better half |
12 | 8.7 |
CTO @tabletmag || Korean BBQ enthusiast || Also post things @ and stream @ || opinions always my own |
13 | 8.6 |
Founder @enchanttheory, the best antiracism training ever. Business inquiries: |
14 | 8.6 |
Editor-in-Chief, @TheDispatch (, LAT columnist. AEI Fellow. Host Remnant Podcast. Majordomo for Zoë and Pippa. |
15 | 8.6 |
Right handed. Acts 26:29. |
16 | 8.6 |
Born USSR | raised Brooklyn. Columnist @nypost, Contributor @SpectatorUSA, Contributing Writer @dcexaminer magazine. |
17 | 8.6 |
Bridget Phetasy
Verified nobody. My tribe is tribeless. Find another hero. |
18 | 8.6 |
Melissa Francis
News anchor, mom & wife, slurpee drinker, best selling author, comedy writer. Not a member of any party; I consider every issue on a case by case basis. |
19 | 8.5 |
Tablet columnist, Author Join my corresponding society: |
20 | 8.5 |
New York Magazine/HuffPost Contributor Email: Direct Messages Open Text/Call/Signal/Confide/WhatsApp: 310-795-2497. AGENTS: UTA |
21 | 8.5 |
Bethany Mandel
Wife to @sethamandel | SAHM homeschooling momma to 👩🏻🦰🧑🏻🦰🧑🏻👶🤰 + 🐕 | Editor @Ricochet | Contributing writer @DeseretNews / @DeseretMagazine |
22 | 8.5 |
Director @EthicsInAI and Professor @PhilFacOx at the University of Oxford. Senior Research Fellow @BalliolOxford. |
23 | 8.5 |
Retired NBA Superstar |
24 | 8.5 |
New York Times DC correspondent, ex-POLITICO, ex-Newsday, ex-City Limits. Win-win lose-lose. |
25 | 8.5 |
Geoffrey F. Miller
Psychology professor; wrote The Mating Mind, Spent, Mate, & Virtue Signaling. Themes: Evolution, sentience, civilization, EA, X risk, crypto. Wife: @sentientist |
26 | 8.5 |
The only host of the only podcast |
27 | 8.5 |
the List | @habibi_bros |
28 | 8.4 |
Founder @JoinPersuasion | Associate Prof @SAISHopkins | Contributing Editor @TheAtlantic | Senior Fellow @CFR_org | Sr. Advisor @protctdemocracy | Opinions mine |
29 | 8.4 |
National Correspondent for @TheWeek. Cohost & producer of @LeftAnchor podcast: |
30 | 8.4 |
Russian-Jewish-American. "Voice of reason against the madness." Lover of otters. @ArcDigi @Reason @Newsday @BulwarkOnline @theweek etc. CathyYoung63@gmail |
31 | 8.4 |
(((Christian JB))) 🐌 @christianjbdev Humanist & secular-liberal. I try to avoid tribal thinking. Fan of narrow-mouthed whorl snail and the kākāpō (fat NZ parrot). |
32 | 8.4 |
Mostly off Twitter for May. Author, @fsgbooks. Former: @NYMag. Cohost @TheBARPod, the first-ever podcast:… * jesse.r.singal@gmail |
33 | 8.4 |
Editor Emeritus,, host of "The Ben Shapiro Show,” NYT bestsellers "The Right Side of History" and "How To Destroy America In Three Easy Steps" |
34 | 8.4 |
now: @nytimes. previously: @voxdotcom. Go Blue. |
35 | 8.4 |
Just a person |
36 | 8.4 |
twitter attorney to all the pups |
37 | 8.4 |
Author of “The Case for Nationalism”: Editor of National Review. Speaking opps: |
38 | 8.4 |
Rapper. Author. Podcaster. Coach. Oxford Uni Graduate. 💪🏾 'Strong Advice' fitness eBook | All links 👉🏾 |
39 | 8.4 |
Senior Editor, @FDRLST. Senior Journalism Fellow, @Hillsdale. Fox News Contributor. Lots of Babylon Bee retweets. |
40 | 8.4 |
Jag Bhalla—Text & NanoSalad Maker @hangingnoodles Writer…Short Exoteric Essays…Entrepreneur…NanoSalad…DC Basic-By-Design Eco Biz—Sneaky Science Gift Book—I’m Not Hanging Noodles on Your Ears…RT≠love |
41 | 8.4 |
Exiled academic Western Civilization is pretty cool The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream |
42 | 8.4 |
The End of Equality [1992, Basic Books] "The venerable liberal crusade for income equality is doomed. ... Time [to] try a different strategy." |
43 | 8.4 |
Rabble rouser. Mountain mama. Conservative cohost @TheView 🇺🇸🌵 |
44 | 8.4 |
Writer of 1491, 1493, and The Wizard and the Prophet |
45 | 8.4 |
I'm not Thomas Sowell, but I own all of his books and tweet quotes from them. All tweets are direct quotes - @tsowellquotes. Get his latest book below. |
46 | 8.4 |
Nicholas A. Christakis
Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale. Physician. Author of Apollo's Arrow; Blueprint; and Connected. Luckily wed @ErikaChristakis |
47 | 8.4 |
Christina Hoff Sommers
Resident scholar, AEI. Former philosophy professor. Author of War Against Boys and Who Stole Feminism? Host of YouTube’s The Factual Feminist. |
48 | 8.3 |
Senior Editor @TheDispatch, Columnist @Time, Co-host, Advisory Opinions podcast, Iraq vet, married to @NancyAFrench. “A real problem” -Rush Limbaugh. |
49 | 8.3 |
Pacific Northwesterner. Survivor. Activist. Fireball. Distance runner. Distance goer. Lover of kitty cats, books, meat, & liberty. |
50 | 8.3 |
Andy McCarthy @AndrewCMcCarthy Bestselling author. Contributing Editor at National Review & Fellow at NR Inst. Fox News Contributor. Former Chief Asst. U.S. Attorney |
51 | 8.3 |
Where great minds don't think alike. Patreon:… |
52 | 8.3 |
Mark Murray is the senior political editor for NBC News, as well as diehard Texas Longhorn fan. |
53 | 8.3 |
Managing editor, Washington and politics, Politico. RT means it's interesting. Don’t send me your op-ed pitches. |
54 | 8.3 |
Landscape Architect & Architect; 2014 National Humanities Medalist; Fellow American Society of Landscape Architects; nationally recognized consultant |
55 | 8.3 |
Columnist for The Federalist and the New York Post. “Charade” out 6/21 with Bombardier Books. Morrissey fan. blueboxdave@gmail. |
56 | 8.3 |
Omni-American, staff writer at The Atlantic, founding editor of The Best of Journalism–subscribe here:… |
57 | 8.3 |
NBC News Climate & Weather Unit, Certified Broadcast Meteorologist NBC/MSNBC - since 2004 Rest of the time: Kids, dog, triathlons & anything outside! |
58 | 8.3 |
Jason Howerton @jason_howerton A dad first, Texas ‘till I die. |
59 | 8.3 |
Clean. Articulate. Punching Up @freethinkmedia Punching Down @wethefifth • Sharpening My Oyster Knife #MLIDAIDDS |
60 | 8.2 |
Senior Writer at RealClearInvestigations. "After all these years of professional experience, why can’t I write good?" Husband of @MZHemingway. |
61 | 8.2 |
AlecBaldwin(HABF) @AlecBaldwin Hilaria and Alec Baldwin Foundation. Supporting the arts + artists, amateur + professional.… |
62 | 8.2 |
I've leaned in and I can't get up |
63 | 8.2 |
theocratic fascist, tyrant, beekeeper |
64 | 8.2 |
Katie Prejean McGrady @KatiePrejean Wife to Tom. Mom to🌹& 🐻. @siriusxm radio host. Catholic Speaker, Writer, & Host of Ave Explores. Award winning author. Frequent flyer. Novice Baker. |
65 | 8.2 |
Host of Kennedy on Fox Business Network; Author The Kennedy Chronicles: The Golden Age of MTV Through Rose Colored Glasses |
66 | 8.2 |
VP, Executive Editor, Broadside Books & Harper. Libertarian Quaker. Author of OH, THE MEETINGS YOU’LL GO TO! Okay to DM book ideas. Never sealioning. |
67 | 8.2 |
I hold the microphone like a grudge |
68 | 8.2 |
Caitlin Flanagan
Thought Crimes for All Occasions. No Charge. |
69 | 8.2 |
Scott Barry Kaufman
Cognitive scientist exploring the mind, creativity, and the depths of human potential | Latest book: Transcend 📕| Host @psychpodcast🎙| #neurodiversity 🧠 |
70 | 8.2 |
Pradheep J. Shanker @Neoavatara Radiologist and Public Health Policy. CEO @Neoavatara Foundation Occasional contributor to @NRO, @Ricochet, @AmSpectator |
71 | 8.2 |
Against the Grain columnist at National Journal. Political reporting & analysis, without fear or favor. (Opinions expressed here are my own.) |
72 | 8.2 |
Nigel Warburton #RejoinEU @philosophybites Freelance philosopher. A Little History of Philosophy and other books. Philosophy Bites @aeonmag @thenewphil @five_books. |
73 | 8.2 |
Politico columnist. Formerly Reuters, Slate, SFWeekly, @WCP, Inquiry. Email list: New RSS: |
74 | 8.2 |
Journalist; Author, "Securing Democracy"; Co-Founder, The Intercept; Columnist, @CartaCapital; HOPE Shelter (@abrigo_hope); vegan; Insta: Glenn.11.Greenwald |
75 | 8.2 |
American Enterprise Institute | Yale School of Medicine | Website: |
76 | 8.2 |
senior editor at Reason magazine and syndicated columnist covering drug policy, criminal justice, & civil liberties |
77 | 8.2 |
Bridget McGraw 🗽 @McGrawBridget @Thingfully • Enchanted Book & Thingfully things |
78 | 8.2 |
@reason senior editor. 2016 @forbes 30 Under 30 list. Author of "Panic Attack: Young Radicals in the Age of Trump." Available now: |
79 | 8.2 |
Ron Kampeas is JTA's Washington bureau chief. RT="People who follow a JTA reporter might find this interesting/amusing, nothing more." |
80 | 8.2 |
Senior writer, @NRO. Also, @nypost. Syndicated columnist. Author. Music snob. |
81 | 8.2 |
Author of “Alienated America.” Columnist Washington Examiner. Resident fellow, AEI. Husband. Dad of six. T-ball coach. Disclosure: |
82 | 8.2 |
Roving journalist, friend to all dogs |
83 | 8.2 |
Old-Time Baseball Photos @OTBaseballPhoto Celebrating baseball from the ages through the eyes of old baseball photos. SABR Member |
84 | 8.2 |
The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. Winston Churchill |
85 | 8.1 |
Senior Fellow for Health Policy, The @EmpireCenter. Recovering journalist. Mansplainer. Kid from Baltimore. Solely responsible for what I tweet. |
86 | 8.1 |
Senior Writer @NRO. Reaganite, Catholic, Mets fan, ex-lawyer. Opinions 100% my own, but you can share them. Not the Cardinals broadcaster. |
87 | 8.1 |
Jessica O’Donnell @heckyessica Jesus is King. social media editor @theblaze. texas aggie. |
88 | 8.1 |
Public safety coverage from Chicago's North Side. Please support our work via our tip jar: |
89 | 8.1 |
Comfortably Smug @ComfortablySmug My Interests: Finance, Whiskey, Politics, Books, Food, Meeting Strangers #altcenter Instagram: ComfortablySmug |
90 | 8.1 |
High Muckety Muck at Le Grand Fromage. Registered Independent, Dog and Cat Owner, Stock Trader 📈 |
91 | 8.1 |
The Nonzero Newsletter @NonzeroNews Politics, psychology and tips on averting the apocalypse from author and journalist @robertwrighter |
92 | 8.1 |
DarkHorse Podcast. Professor in Exile. Evolutionary Trade-Offs. Telomeres. Emoticons imply irony. Reluctant Radical. Game~B/Fourth Frontier #Unity2020 |
93 | 8.1 |
Karma's janitor |
94 | 8.1 | for all you need to know. Join #MugClub. Instagram: louderwithcrowder |
95 | 8.1 |
@EPE_Movement founder, author, interdisciplinary theoretician (EPE theory, unjust appreciation/minor injustices...), @k2haber columnist (political philosophy) |
96 | 8.1 |
I say the quiet part out loud. |
97 | 8.1 |
🇮🇳🇬🇧 🇦🇷Parsi. Editor-in-chief @AreoMagazine. Views purely personal. |
98 | 8.1 |
Writing on Free Speech & Intellectual Debate. Former cabbie, tenant organizer & doorman. Brooklyn w 2 boyz. Author of "Canyon Dreams" |
99 | 8.1 |
Comms strategist. Blunt ('16). Walker ('12-'15). Rand Paul ('13). Perry ('12) Fiorina ('10); former RNC Online Comms Director; Tory; libertarian; Arsenal fan. |
100 | 8.1 |
Pamela Paresky (Habits of a Free Mind) @PamelaParesky Vstng Sr. Rsrch Assoc, @SIFKnow @UChicago; Sr Scholar @ncri_io; Rsrchr, Coddling of the American Mind; @HabitsFreeMind; Mom; Opinions mine but they often change |
101 | 8.1 |
Someone you probably hate. Account restricted by Twitter. |
102 | 8.1 |
Jeremy Boreing
Co-Founder, Co-CEO, and lowercase god-king of @realDailyWire, host of Backstage, Exec. Producer of the Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan and Michael Knowles shows. |
103 | 8.1 |
Official Twitter of the NYPD 19th Precinct, Upper East Side, Manhattan │ Deputy Inspector Melissa A. Eger, Commanding Officer | User policy: |
104 | 8.1 |
DOJ & Investigations @DCExaminer — Faith Without Works Is Dead — The Dogma Lives Loudly — John 8:32 — AMDG — CLEVELAND — OHIO — |
105 | 8.1 |
Columnist @TheWeek / Author: The Theocons; The Religious Test / "To the right of the left & the left of the right" |
106 | 8.1 |
Author of Living Memento Mori: My Journey Through the Stations of the Cross! Double lung tx recipient, Jane Austen fan girl, tea lover, Catholic, hockey fan. |
107 | 8.1 |
Stop scolding me, I'm vaccinated @jtLOL Get vaccinated. Or don't. What do I care? You leave me alone, I leave you alone. |
108 | 8.1 |
Hartley’s mama. TV host. Author. Former teacher/academic dean. |
109 | 8.1 |
Physics, philosophy, complexity; thinking, writing, talking. @Caltech & @SFIscience. Host, #MindscapePodcast. Married to @JenLucPiquant. He/him. |
110 | 8.1 |
Senior fellow @BrookingsInst; Contributing writer @TheAtlantic; Editor @WCrowdsLive; Author of ISLAMIC EXCEPTIONALISM and TEMPTATIONS OF POWER: |
111 | 8.1 |
Associate Editor @Commentary. MSNBC/NBC News contributor. Author "Unjust: Social Justice and the Unmaking of America" |
112 | 8.1 |
catholic. wife and mother. coffee drinker. speechwriter. editor. reader. pro-life. em dash lover. expert dishwasher loader. more in sarcasm than outrage. |
113 | 8.1 |
Market analyst, Levy Institute researcher, tragic follower of Toronto sports teams (& SF49ers for good measure):… |
114 | 8.1 |
Managing Editor @dcexaminer Mag | Past: Dallas Morning News Editorial | Seen in The Atlantic, Daily Beast, NRO. | “Oligarch apologist” |
115 | 8.1 |
Chief Impact Officer BT @back_ttys Conservative Kentuckian, Christian, I intend to help create impact in people’s lives. |
116 | 8.1 |
Author of NYT bestseller “Unmasked”:… Editor-at-large @TPostMillennial. |
117 | 8.1 |
Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science @rdfrs Promoting scientific literacy, fighting the influence of religion in science education and policy, and ending the stigma of atheism. Part of the @center4inquiry |
118 | 8.0 |
My goal is to live life as intensely and purposefully as possible |
119 | 8.0 |
Technology Innovation Lead at @CEDRDigital (Crowd Emergency & Disaster Response). Technologist & social media pioneer: aka N.Z. Bear, Blog Ecosystem guy. |
120 | 8.0 |
Oklahoman. Attorney. I write at many places. My husband (the DH) thinks ya'll need to calm down. |
121 | 8.0 |
Professor, author of "Our Own Worst Enemy." Curmudgeon. Cat guy. Democracy enthusiast. Board of Contributors, @USAToday, Contributing Writer, @TheAtlantic. |
122 | 8.0 |
Founder @Quillette. Contributor @Australian. |
123 | 8.0 |
Entrepreneur, Dad, Champion of a Human-Centered Economy, and running to be the next Mayor of NYC. Help fund our campaign: |
124 | 8.0 |
So you want to run a purity-test based society? Cool. Are you perfect? No? Start there. |
125 | 8.0 |
Sean Gallagher 高老鼠 🐭💻⚒ @thepacketrat Threat researcher @SophosLabs, natsec/IT editor emeritus @arstechnica, @BSidesCharm village coord, @USNavy vet. Follow for natsec, infosec, s*!tposts, catpix. |
126 | 8.0 |
Bloomberg Opinion writer. Writes about economics, tweets about rabbits. Newsletter: |
127 | 8.0 |
Michael Brendan Dougherty @michaelbd author of My Father Left Me Ireland. Senior Writer, National Review. Visiting Fellow for the Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies division at AEI. |
128 | 8.0 |
Molly Jong-Fast
Editor at large @thedailybeast. podcasting @newabnormalpod & Wife of @Mattgreenfield & mother of @woketeenageson |
129 | 8.0 |
Domenico Montanaro @DomenicoNPR NPR Senior Political Editor And Correspondent. “We can't put on things we can't verify." |
130 | 8.0 |
Mom. Writer. Media Strategist + Trainer. Activist. @TED curator. @USAToday contributor. Author of #TheOppositeOfHate. Human. Being. |
131 | 8.0 |
Real-time news, intelligence and analysis on the forces reshaping the global and national economies. |
132 | 8.0 |
Hoover Institution @HooverInst The Hoover Institution, within Stanford University, is a public policy research center promoting the principles of individual, economic, and political freedom. |
133 | 8.0 |
resisting the democratisation of truth - nolite te bastardes carborundorum |
134 | 8.0 |
Jonathan Falcon @JonathanFalcons I swear to Bod that I’m not a got. Leading expert on combatting Blue Anon |
135 | 8.0 |
Author of YOU’RE FIRED! The Perfect Guide to Beating Donald Trump. CNN contributor. Counselor to President Clinton. “Dopey flunky,” according to Trump. |
136 | 8.0 |
Commentary @DCExaminer. Contributor @TheFirstonTV. Formerly @NRO, @USC_Econ Review. Kafkaesque. Don't say I didn't warn you. ig: @TianaTheFirst |
137 | 8.0 |
Breaking news, on-the-scene reporting & balanced analysis of the business day’s biggest stories. |
138 | 8.0 |
Cassini imaging lead. Visiting Scholar UC Berkeley. National Geographic Eliza Scidmore awardee. I think. I speak. I write. Opinions are my own. |
139 | 8.0 |
Resident Fellow - American Enterprise Institute. Work and mobility are my beat. @BulwarkOnline, @USAToday, @LawLiberty, @thehill, @TheDispatch |
140 | 8.0 |
Author of The End of Faith, FreeWill, and other bestselling books; host of the Making Sense podcast; and creator of the Waking Up app (@wakingup). |
141 | 8.0 |
Cosmologist, pilot, connoisseur of cosmic catastrophes. @TEDFellow. Author: "The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)". Personal account. She/her. Dr. |
142 | 8.0 |
@NRO, @Bopinion, @AEI. Husband of @aprilponnuru. Trying not to argue with you here. |
143 | 8.0 |
Sr. Political Analyst, Fox News Channel. Arguments welcome. Name callers & verbal abusers blocked. Parler Acct: BritHumeFoxNews |
144 | 8.0 |
Washington Examiner @dcexaminer Political news and commentary from the Washington Examiner. |
145 | 8.0 |
Ex-NYPost editor/reporter/columnist;chronicled NY's decline over 4 decades,6 govs--A.Cuomo=worst.Many awards;longtime radio host,"Live from the State Capitol." |
146 | 8.0 |
book: WELL, THIS IS EXHAUSTING (July 2021) | sex & relationships for GQ | Newsletter: HERE'S THE THING… | she/her |
147 | 8.0 |
Evolutionary biologist. Managing Editor @Quillette. Lover of whisk(e)y, fitness, cats, and ideas. Newsletter: Gmail: cwright1859 |
148 | 8.0 |
Lisa Marie Boothe
📺 @FoxNews | 🎙 The Truth with Lisa Boothe @iHeartradio & @Gingrich360 |
149 | 8.0 |
News & entertainment for people who love America. Watch @LevinTV, @GlennBeck, @SCrowder, @RubinReport, @DuckCommanderPR, @JaseDuckman & many more! |
150 | 8.0 |
Maciej @ Pawełex @Maciej_Pawelex Chief Creative @ Pawełex / motiondesigner / visual terrorist |
151 | 8.0 |
Stephen Knight 🔊 📺 @GSpellchecker Host of The Godless Spellchecker Podcast & The Knight Tube | Public Speaker | Blogger | Free Speech | Scepticism | Secularism | |
152 | 8.0 |
The First is a FREE network with fresh voices and true ideas. No censorship, no frills & no cost. On your phone, computer, and TV. |
153 | 8.0 |
NR senior political correspondent by day, dad by day and night. Author. Three Martini Lunch podcast. Intermittent cable news talking head. #TJAMS |
154 | 8.0 |
You can tell a man’s vices by his friends, his virtues by his enemies. |
155 | 8.0 |
Better Nursing Homes for New York State @NYNHCARE Advocating for better nursing home care in New York State. New York must establish safe staffing ratios (nurse to resident and CNA to resident). |
156 | 8.0 |
Alice de Queens 🏳️🌈 @AliceFromQueens HER OWN DEVICES, a Substack, coming soon. |
157 | 8.0 |
Lyndsey Fifield @lyndseyfifield Podcasting @ricochet @LadyBrainsCast; Advocating for children at @NationalCASAGAL; Senior contributor @AFEmpowers Digital @Heritage — these are MY opinions |
158 | 8.0 |
Biologist and writer. Author of Red Queen, Rational Optimist, and most recently How Innovation Works (now in paperback): |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
160 | 8.0 |
// 🦔 |
161 | 7.9 |
Angel Eduardo @StrangelEdweird Writer | Musician | Photographer | Designer Be kind; we're all first drafts. |
162 | 7.9 |
Classically liberal hot takes and other musings. Formerly Capitol Hill, currently think tank. Massachusetts native inside the Beltway. Opinions are mine alone. |
163 | 7.9 |
Author of The War on Small Business (pre-order:…); Advocate for Big Hair + Small Biz; Entrepreneur/Play Myself on TV |
164 | 7.9 |
Promotes civil liberties, women's rights, liberalism, atheism. Views own, obviously. |
165 | 7.9 |
Jonathan Turley
Shapiro Chair of Public Interest Law at George Washington University, criminal defense attorney, and legal analyst. Blog: |
166 | 7.9 |
Yair Rosenberg @Yair_Rosenberg Senior writer, @tabletmag. Teller of stories, troller of Nazis. Politics, religion, culture. Newsletter: Music: |
167 | 7.9 |
(((Grace Colucci))) @gccolucci Views are mine. Retweets/follows do not=endorsement. |
168 | 7.9 |
Thomas Sowell Quotes @TSowellQuotes Sources for quotes by @ThomasSowell. Tap ‘Tweets & Replies’ for quotes and sources. |
169 | 7.9 |
Yasmine Mohammed
The function of freedom is to free someone else ~Toni Morrison | Author of Unveiled | Founder of #FreeHeartsFreeMinds | #FreeFromHijab | Think outside the 🕋 |
170 | 7.9 |
documentary filmmaker |
171 | 7.9 |
Brown, with purple nipples Second half of the Habibi Bros. I got a talent for being randomly selected at airports. Pronouns: eat/ass |
172 | 7.9 |
🍄 🔊 ▶️… |
173 | 7.9 |
Basketball, bitcoin, Covid, foreign policy, philosophy Transparency for governments Privacy for people #JustSayNo #UnitedNonCompliance |
174 | 7.9 |
Arielle Scarcella @ArielleScarcell Queen of “controversial” conversations. Lesbian. |
175 | 7.9 |
We envision a society where women’s and girls’ rights are promoted and protected, and they can live their lives free from the threat of violence. |
176 | 7.9 |
Cricket fan. Father. Fogey. Hala Madrid. Anti-Peking. Anti-Hindutva. Patloon Inglistani. Fellow, AEI. Fellow, CLI, NYU Law School. @WSJ Contributor. Immigrant. |
177 | 7.9 |
Chief Technology and Innovation Officer @NASAPL JPL's @GuyFieri prof @USCViterbi Author #MachineLearning w @TensorFlow 2ed tweets my own |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
179 | 7.9 |
Host of ‘I’m Right’ on The First. Host of the nationally syndicated Jesse Kelly Show. Anti-Communist. Community college credits. |
180 | 7.9 |
Economics professor, AEI scholar, and blogger. CH❤️RTs. Former (recovering) musician. He/Him/His Excellency |
181 | 7.9 |
Richard Grenell
I’m stronger after cancer. my dog runs my life. imperfect follower of Christ. |
182 | 7.9 |
Brad Polumbo 🇺🇸⚽️ 🏳️🌈 @brad_polumbo Policy Correspondent, (@feeonline) | Contributor @DCExaminer & @NRO | Senior Contributor @YoungVoicesOrg | Views My Own | |
183 | 7.9 |
The man with the golden stethoscope. Amateur Jew. Aspiring house husband. Scourge of the seas. |
184 | 7.9 |
@BOpinion. Previously NY Daily News, NY Post; comics nerd, improviser, pun-dit, overthinker, undersharer, Trini-Dad jokes, etc. |
185 | 7.9 |
US and European political commentary with the occasional BravoTV analysis. |
186 | 7.9 |
Mother, actress, Lover of CAPS, lemurs and off color language, host of "KIRSTIE ALLEY On The Verge" |
187 | 7.9 |
#1 Body Transformation Coach to Entrepreneurs | 41 yrs | Fitness & Fatherhood Changed My Life | Want to Get in Shape? Book Your Free Health Accelerator Call 👇 |
188 | 7.9 |
Kurt Schlichter
Former armed carwash operator | 💥 THE SPLIT💥(Kelly Turnbull 6 - Coming June '21 | Sr Columnist @Townhallcom | Lawyer | Army COL(R) |
189 | 7.9 |
Oyster farmer. James Beard winning Washington Post columnist. General nuisance. |
190 | 7.9 |
Singer, Actress and proud Mom! |
191 | 7.9 |
Anti-war, immigration restrictionist, environmentalist. Obama to Trump voter. |
192 | 7.9 |
Conservative, Orthodox Christian, Southerner, Europhile, eclecticist. Author of 'The Benedict Option', 'Live Not By Lies'. Sr editor, The American Conservative |
193 | 7.9 |
Fox Business▪️Fox News▪️Rescue a dog! |
194 | 7.9 |
Representing #UT04 in Congress, Super Bowl XV Champion |
195 | 7.9 |
Columnist at the Washington Post. Opinions my own. Email me: Megan.McArdle -at- Buy my book, The Up Side of Down |
196 | 7.9 |
Opinion journalist, Washington Post. Author of Rise of the Warrior Cop, and The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist. Honorary Duckmaster (3/24/18). |
197 | 7.9 |
Dr. Michael Siegel is a physician and researcher in the Department of Community Health Sciences at the Boston University School of Public Health. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
199 | 7.9 |
Studies primates...mostly human | Sometimes left & sometimes right but always opposed to authoritarianism. #polisci #psychology #rstats |
200 | 7.9 |
Co-Founder & President of RealClearPolitics |
201 | 7.9 |
♕Deborah Mayo♕ @learnfromerror professor of philosophy of science, logic, experiment, statistical inference; now an independent philosopher & stock trader; split time in NYC & Va (and London) |
202 | 7.9 |
sententiae antiquae @sentantiq Antiquity Curated, Modernity juxtaposed. Translations from Ancient Greece and Rome. "Glorious Nerds." Go to the Blog for full citations and author information. |
203 | 7.9 |
A warm-hearted, old-school gentleman explorer with really cool toys. Browncoat. Snapchat: treyratcliff |
204 | 7.9 |
Mordechai Angel de Cordoba @NathanWurtzel Antisemitic? Move along. Liar (either party)? Move along. Excusing Communist China's death camps? Move along. Trump face avatar? Instant block. I'm nobody. |
205 | 7.9 |
@FoxNews contributor, @foxnation Outdoors, Fox News Pod “Proud American” host, brick mason, forklift operator, ret Marine, Board Member @bootcampaign Hee/Haw |
206 | 7.9 |
News and entertainment for people who love America |
207 | 7.9 |
Layah Heilpern 🎬 @LayahHeilpern Journalist/Presenter: Bitcoin. Politics. Motivation. 🎙 Host of The Layah Heilpern Show: | Consulting Advisor | DM for enquiries |
208 | 7.9 |
Dad, Husband, NYC Councilman, Staten Islander, adjunct prof, spox @newyorkGOP, crappy history writer. |
209 | 7.9 |
Gorgeous fashion, expert beauty advice, inspirational entertaining ideas, plus intelligent writing on issues that matter to you. |
210 | 7.9 |
The Babylon Bee @TheBabylonBee Trafficking in misinformation under the guise of satire since 2016. |
211 | 7.9 | |
212 | 7.9 | |
213 | 7.9 |
Director @JusticeIsGlobal, a @PplsAction project | #PeoplesVaccine | Progressive internationalist 🇺🇸🇨🇳 strategy | Always bet on solidarity | He/him |
214 | 7.9 |
Columnist for @Bopinion. National Security Journalism Fellow at @ClementCenter Read my longer stuff at @commentary and @readliberties |
215 | 7.9 |
Syndicated op-ed columnist @washingtonpost, commentator @cnn, special correspondent @newshour. Previously econ/theater NYT. Econ, immigration, tax, politics etc |
216 | 7.9 |
Editor of WSJ Weekend Review |
217 | 7.9 |
island of misfit poise @misfitpoise Schemer. Day Dreamer. Exiled Princess. Falls hard for mad bomber types. Elegant, well mannered shoulder devil. Endearing weirdo. OOAK. go/screw |
218 | 7.9 |
Matthew Yglesias
Writer and editor, Slow Boring. Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center. Host of The Weeds. Vaxxed and relaxed. These tweets are worth what you pay for them. |
219 | 7.9 |
Communications, policy & campaign pro with 15+ yrs in #NYC #Albany politics, government & journalism. Former @nypost @nysenate @nysenategop. Tweets are my own. |
220 | 7.9 |
“the Dalai Lama of shitty leftist cold takes” "isn’t he some herbivore gay Muslim centrist?” “one of the worst irony weirdos" “that guy has brain damage” |
221 | 7.9 |
VP @DefendingEd | @WSJ alum | @DPearlProject @HarperOneBooks author | Fmr @Georgetown Cofounder @theMuslimReform | OpenDM | PI @APBSpeakers |
222 | 7.9 |
Manhattan Institute fellow, Wall Street Journal columnist, Fox News commentator. Latest book, MAVERICK: A BIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS SOWELL |
223 | 7.9 |
Jeff B. tried to do his best, but he could not @EsotericCD Atty+friendly RINO. Polls, politics, postpunk. Cohost of @Political_Beats at @NRO. Dedicated to you, but you weren't listening. |
224 | 7.9 |
Professor, Evolutionary Behavioral Scientist, Author. Opinions are mine alone. Retweets do not necessarily imply an endorsement. |
225 | 7.8 |
Moderator of @meetthepress and @nbcnews political director; Covering politics since '92; And, yes, I tweet about sports too. |
226 | 7.8 |
Kathryn Jean Lopez
sign up for weekly newsletter here:… |
227 | 7.8 |
Matthew Betley 🇺🇸 @MatthewBetley Former Marine * Recovering Alcoholic * Thriller Writer * AMIRA Out 6 April * Advocate for Victims of Burn Pits * Living My Best Sarcastic Life |
228 | 7.8 |
Ayishat Akanbi @Ayishat_Akanbi Garment selecta. Writer. Psychologically eccentric. Very indoorsy. I identify as exhausted. |
229 | 7.8 |
Scott Lincicome @scottlincicome @CatoInstitute Senior Fellow, @DukeLaw adjunct, @TheDispatch newsletter-er. Chief Neoliberal Shill 2020. CH❤️RTS. You didn't read the article, did you? |
230 | 7.8 |
Alexandra DeSanctis Marr @xan_desanctis writer at National Review, fellow at EPPC. Notre Dame alum. wife to a wise, Twitter-less man. writing can be found in my diary and elsewhere. Romans 8:38 |
231 | 7.8 |
Former WH Press Secretary. FOX News contributor. Yankees and Dolphins fan. “Afleischer” on Parler. |
232 | 7.8 |
National security & political warfare, plenty of jazz, vinyl and hifi audio, bodybuilding. “Right-wing Twitter pugilist”—Politico |
233 | 7.8 |
Aeon is a magazine of ideas and culture. Psyche is our new sister magazine focused on the human condition. Visit and for more. |
234 | 7.8 |
Adjacent Enabler Consciously biased Your offence does not supersede my right to free speech |
235 | 7.8 |
Conservative energy/science policy wonk. Co-founder of #TheHonorProject and #redhead emoji advocate. Tweets and opinions are my own. 👩🏻🦰 #GoHoos |
236 | 7.8 |
political irrealist, illogical positivist, censer of phosphorus, calyx of hesperus, one chanting star among the millions perfect | header an original @0ddette |
237 | 7.8 |
White House Correspondent @FoxNews formerly @nbcnews @espn Likes/RTs ≠ endorsements. KAΨ ♦️Instagram @kevincorke |
238 | 7.8 |
See my best selling books here: My special and dangerous content is on Locals: |
239 | 7.8 |
Claire Fox is director of @instofideas, author of 'I find that Offensive!', former MEP; now Baroness Fox of Buckley (!!!) #CP4G |
240 | 7.8 |
Ryan James Girdusky @RyanGirdusky Native New Yorker. Roman Catholic. My book: My newsletter: |
241 | 7.8 |
Tulip Elf Queen 🌷 @Strangeland_Elf ‘I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend' |
242 | 7.8 |
Senior Fellow of Wearing American Flag shirts. Ed. Mediaite. Write/Pub'd Blaze, PJM, USA Today, AmSpec, DW, RedState, NRO, fortune cookies, manifestos, napkins. |
243 | 7.8 | |
244 | 7.8 |
sounds sOUndS SOUnDS SOUNDS |
245 | 7.8 |
Stay at home dad of two daughters. Peace activist. Leading with Love but some of y’all really are trying to test me. 🙏 |
246 | 7.8 |
Omar Baddar عمر بدّار @OmarBaddar Political analyst (U.S./Middle East, Palestine/Israel). Secularist. Former Dep. Director @AAIUSA, former producer/presenter @AJStream. Into MMA. Views are mine. |
247 | 7.8 |
Douglas Murray
Bestselling author of six books, including 'The Madness of Crowds' and 'The Strange Death of Europe'. Associate Editor @ The Spectator |
248 | 7.8 |
Assistant professor of psychology @Hillsdale All views expressed are my own! Western Civilization. Science. Film. Nature. Birds. @nurturaldis @psyphilopod |
249 | 7.8 |
Pursuing stories with moral force. Send us things: Newsletter: |
250 | 7.8 |
White House reporter @CBSNews digital. All things politics and junk food. “Unrepentant candy corn apologist.” Cheez-Its stan account. |
251 | 7.8 |
Host of the Sinica Podcast, a weekly discussion of current affairs in China now at @SupChinaNews |
252 | 7.8 |
existence: exist stance; exit stance. @orangemodels |
253 | 7.8 |
Philosopher, writer, spouse. |
254 | 7.8 |
Trying to keep Twitter from hacking my brain |
255 | 7.8 |
writer, educator, lover & critic of Jewish literature & film; author of READING MICHAEL CHABON; IDENTITY PAPERS: CONTEMPORARY NARRATIVES OF AMERICAN JEWISHNESS |
256 | 7.8 |
Yael Goldstein Love @ygoldlove Novelist, editor, friend to books. Editorial director @plympton |
257 | 7.8 |
retired English professor, secular humanist, poet, progressive, animal lover, handful of dust |
258 | 7.8 |
Well-read in minutes a day. Available now on iPhone. From the @DailyLit/@Plympton team. For support: @roostersupport |
259 | 7.8 |
Sr. Fellow @ManhattanInst. Sen. Portman chief economist (2011-17), Fellow @Heritage (2001-11), Past budget/spending architect for 4 prez campaigns. Tweets mine. |
260 | 7.8 |
Sharing movie finds, quotes, links; on themes of art, artistic freedom, philosophy, science and anti-censorship. Tweets by JSL. |
261 | 7.8 |
Faculty, Carnegie Mellon University & the Santa Fe Institute. Runs the Laboratory for Social Minds. |
262 | 7.8 |
Husband & father. Catholic. Director of Comms @ActonInstitute. Former radio show host. Percussionist. @MillikinU alum. “Adolescent at best” - Facebook commenter |
263 | 7.8 |
Math professor at Wisconsin. Number enthusiast. Author of HOW NOT TO BE WRONG and SHAPE (May 2021) |
264 | 7.8 |
MLB Cathedrals ⚾️ @MLBcathedrals Photo history, everything MLB ballparks, past and present. Listed as Top Follow by: @TheAthletic, @SINow, @sportingnews, @WSJ & @MensHealthMag. Not aff. w/@MLB. |
265 | 7.8 | |
266 | 7.8 |
Konstantin Kisin @KonstantinKisin Comedian, Co-Host of @triggerpod, 'Centrist Chad'. Book: 'An Immigrant's Love Letter to the West' in 2022. Agent: |
267 | 7.8 |
Advocate for Children with Special Needs, Homeschool Mom, Political Junkie, Firm believer that we have more in common than what divides us. I BLOCK ANTIFA. |
268 | 7.8 |
4 hit shows; 5 NYTs bestsellers & also ridiculously good looking. Watch Gutfeld! check out… |
269 | 7.8 |
American. Anti-feminist. Champagne capitalist. 🥂 @IWF // @FDRLST // @ClaremontInst Lincoln Fellow. @JarrettStepman's wife. My tweets. |
270 | 7.8 |
To make sure you get our NEW video each week, sign up for video alerts here: |
271 | 7.8 |
@tpcarney’s better half. Mom of 6 kids and 2 dogs. Townie. Former staffer and researcher. Expect many typos & grammatical errors from the wife of an editor. |
272 | 7.8 | |
273 | 7.8 |
Husband. Dad. Davidson College Batten professor. Harvard Nieman Fellow. I don't drink alcohol but drown my sorrows in sweet tea. |
274 | 7.8 |
RockinRaptorJess🇺🇸❤👀 @RaptorJess Female, Velociraptor. (Parler: @RaptorRexJess) Pronouns: Rawr/ Growl/ Scree I identify as a Human. Music is soul! Heavy Metal Rules! SJWs are Tasty. MAGA! |
275 | 7.8 |
Columnist for Insider. Host of KCRW's Left, Right & Center & cohost w/ @popehat of All the President's Lawyers. Instagram: @ joshbarro |
276 | 7.8 |
TakingHayekSeriously🧨 @FriedrichHayek Everyday *Taking Hayek Seriously* provides you with the graduate seminar on Friedrich Hayek you cannot get at Harvard or Stanford. |
277 | 7.8 |
Husband. Father of four. @AmerComm and @Comm4Prosperity president. Syndicated columnist. IFC chairman. Mets fan. |
278 | 7.8 |
Undisputed king of stuff. Editor-in-Chief, @Ricochet. Contributor, @azcentral. Dread Sovereign, King of Stuff podcast. “Worst of the worst,” Bulwark. IC XC NIKA |
279 | 7.8 |
Former Chairman of the FCC. Dad, husband, Indian-American, Kansan, @Chiefs fan, assistant to Ginger (@alotofbulldog). I own a big mug. RT/L ≠ E. Views my own. |
280 | 7.8 |
Journalist, Disaffected Liberal, Commentator, Filmmaker, Skateboarder, Musician | Former VICE, Fusion |
281 | 7.8 |
Culture writer, novelist, co-author of Stan Lee's ALLIANCES, and one half of @femchaospod. New book, NO ONE WILL MISS HER, coming 10-12-2021. |
282 | 7.8 |
billionaire media tycoon and mayor of san francisco. vp @foundersfund. ringleader @hereticon. editor-in-chief @ pirate wires 🏴☠️ |
283 | 7.8 |
Conservative communitarian. Ethno-nationalist with about 100 caveats. It’s not as bad as it sounds. Don’t dox me, bro. |
284 | 7.8 |
TʜᴀᴛOɴᴇGɪʀʟ𝓜𝓮𝓵🐝 @OneGirlMelissa Anti-Woke. Centrist. Agnostic. Rational not radical. Free speech supporting lover of nuance. |
285 | 7.8 |
Monetization, Content, Comms, & Viral Video // 🚀 Ballistic Social // PREVIOUSLY: Director of Content @TargetedVictory + @theIJR // Instagram: @CalebJHull |
286 | 7.8 |
Chad Felix Greene 🇮🇱 @chadfelixg Author of Without Context: Evaluating the Anti-LGBT Claims Against the Trump Administration | @TPostMillennial | @FDRLST | 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🇮🇱 |
287 | 7.8 |
Veteran Navy intel officer, China analyst |
288 | 7.8 |
I talk @JayCaruso in to, and out of, good and bad ideas. Pro-life. Former writer/editor. Oxford comma stan account. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
290 | 7.8 |
Transsexual man with a female past/Human Rights /Innovator/Pride Wellness cannabis company-#FORBES #love #tranpa #gratitude #freedomfighter 18+ |
291 | 7.8 |
Early Twitter non-adopter, journalist, author and so on |
292 | 7.8 |
Charles Gasparino joined FOX Business Network (FBN) in February 2010 as Senior Correspondent. God, Country, Pullups and Vodka in that order |
293 | 7.8 |
Read more at and at Reach me via |
294 | 7.8 |
Husband, father, social scientist, writer, Madisonian. Or maybe right-wing ideologue, pseudoscientist, evil. Opinions differ. |
295 | 7.8 |
Lost Ballparks @lost_ballparks History of baseball's lost ballparks. |
296 | 7.8 |
Teacher |
297 | 7.8 |
Richard Hanania @RichardHanania President, @CSPICenterOrg. Research Fellow, Defense Priorities. Former @ColumbiaSIPA. Post pictures from books. |
298 | 7.8 |
Priest of the Congregation of Holy Cross. Rector, Zahm House, University of Notre Dame. Thomas More Fellow, ND Center for Ethics & Culture. |
299 | 7.8 |
God's Ventriloquist @godsven3loquist God's not mysterious, he's my puppet. Science enthusiast, fallibilist, engineer, 'black' anti-racIALIST (1 human race), anti-identitarian politics of all kinds. |
300 | 7.8 |
Family first. 🦚 Executive Producer @msnbc @ruhleonmsnbc 9am. Bigger sports fan than your girlfriend. Bleed Dodger Blue. @Cronkite_ASU alum. Sevilla NO8DO. |
301 | 7.8 |
Secular Animist @SecularAnimaI Seagulls is HOUNGRY |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
303 | 7.7 |
Eric Weinstein
Math guy. MD at Thiel Capital. Host of The Portal at… YT:… |
304 | 7.7 |
Christine "Go Donate Blood" Rousselle @crousselle Mainer. Catholic. DC Correspondent at @cnalive/@ewtn. @providencecol alumna. Irish dancer. likes bagels, the Habs, and Minnie Mouse. John 21:12. |
305 | 7.7 | |
306 | 7.7 | |
307 | 7.7 |
🍃🌿🎶 Madly Jane 🎶🍃🌿 @GirlsandGoblins I write. I read a lot more. Dating Percy Shelley. #Gothic #Romanticism & Melancholia. Victorian Literature & People. French Romanticism. #BrianMolko Geek. |
308 | 7.7 |
Diplomatic correspondent & Senior Contributing Editor, The Jerusalem Post, podcast host, ex Knesset reporter. Proud Jew and Zionist. Wears pink on Wednesdays. |
309 | 7.7 |
Sandra Mackey Chair Dir., Center of Mid East St. & Farzaneh Center of Iran St. Univ of Ok Fellow at @QuincyInst Past Pres of Syria Studies Ass. |
310 | 7.7 |
Investigative Journalist. @theintercept email Views here are my own. Send tips to me directly by email or Signal at (202) 394-9170 |
311 | 7.7 |
Filmmaker. Fond of the politically neutral. YT - - IG - - Building a platform for unfettered conversation - . |
312 | 7.7 |
Chief Strategist, @RandPaul for Senate/RANDPAC. Opinions here belong to someone who hacked into my account, obviously. |
313 | 7.7 |
Allie Beth Stuckey
Host of "Relatable" wherever you get your pods. Author, “You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love.” Order: |
314 | 7.7 |
Novelist. Professor & Director of Creative Writing @brynmawrcollege. 2x National Jewish Book Award winner. BOOMER1, out in paperback from @picador. |
315 | 7.7 |
Dad x2, husband, managing editor/meteorologist for @SpaceCityWx in #Houston. @RutgersU alum. Weather, history, books, sports, politics. Opinions are mine alone. |
316 | 7.7 |
BaseballHistoryNut @nut_history Baseball History Nut *I do not claim to own any of these images* 🇨🇦 Not perfect by any means. Contact: |
317 | 7.7 |
Author of Tell Your Children. Revolting. Who's zooming who? |
318 | 7.7 |
Philip Klotzbach @philklotzbach Meteorologist at CSU specializing in Atlantic basin seasonal hurricane forecasts. Avid runner, cyclist and hiker. Appalachian Trail thru-hiker in 2002. |
319 | 7.7 |
Michael J. Knowles
Host: "The Michael Knowles Show" @realDailyWire, "Book Club" @PragerU, "Verdict w/ @TedCruz"; pre-order SPEECHLESS before it's canceled: |
320 | 7.7 |
Standing athwart history, yelling Stop. A magazine founded by the late William F. Buckley Jr. To send tips: Instagram: NationalReview |
321 | 7.7 |
Meteorologist (PhD)🌡Forecasting 🌎 Weather & Climate | Follow the Science | @WhiteHouse45 | Climate Intelligence Analyst |
322 | 7.7 |
Xavier Bonilla @xavierbonilla87 Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Family, Music Lover. All views expressed are my own. 😎 |
323 | 7.7 |
Baseball History | Digital Artist Photo Editing/Restoration/Colorization ~ Vintage image content enhanced by @BSmile |
324 | 7.7 |
Johnny Normality (Still Spooky Mode) @Probgoblin I will one day combine the powers of an AK-47 and a Hello Kitty hat. Do not retweet me. |
325 | 7.7 |
Filmmaker. PGP Fingerprint 6FA6 DE2D D31A CB56 79D4 1D96 8F68 9FC2 6563 9377. Key… |
326 | 7.7 |
Contributing editor @antiwarcom, Contributor @RStatecraft, Subscribe to Eunomia: |
327 | 7.7 |
Shoshana Weissmann, Sloth Committee Chair 🦥 @senatorshoshana Head digital media @RSI & fellow: Occupational licensing reform, Section 230, SCOTUS, social media regulation. Also in @FedSocRTP. Sewing🧵 #PeakBagger🏔 More⬇️ |
328 | 7.7 |
I'm an actor, director and producer. |
329 | 7.7 |
practical mind. rebel heart. gypsy spirit. |
330 | 7.7 |
Apple Alumnus. Public Speaker. 3D Graphics. Data Visualization. iOS Dev. JS Dev. Journey: NYC. Amherst. Chapel Hill. Cupertino. Reykjavik. Boston. |
331 | 7.7 |
Humanist. Midlander. Quondam Classicist. Chief Exec @Humanists_UK | President @HumanistsInt | Books: VSI Secularism; Little Book of Humanism |
332 | 7.7 | |
333 | 7.7 |
Dividing time between emotional instability and hyper-rationality. Lover of timeless themes and good satire. Bored more often than not. Just Rollin. |
334 | 7.7 | |
335 | 7.7 |
Shaikha AlHashem شيخة الهاشم @AlHashemShaikha PhD Researcher- @EuroGradSchool | On Feminism | On Gender | On Critical Theory | Strategist by Day | Philosopher by Night. |
336 | 7.7 |
Press @nysenategop // THINGS here are MY opinions. |
337 | 7.7 |
Emily Willoughby @eawilloughby Research, paleoart, birds. PhD in behavior genetics from U of Minnesota, current postdoc. Author of an anti-creationism book. (2nd ed.) |
338 | 7.7 |
Washington correspondent for NYTimes, analyst for CNN. RTs don't imply agreement. |
339 | 7.7 |
Father | Husband| Chef | Restaurant Owner 🍕 🐟 🇺🇸 - Host FYI TV | Judge on Food Network | Co-Host SoCal Restaurant Show |
340 | 7.7 |
Investigative reporter at The Washington Free Beacon. Previously: The Daily Caller. Email tips to Ross (@) |
341 | 7.7 |
Steven H. Strogatz
Mathematician, writer, Cornell professor. All cards on the table, face up, all the time. he/him |
342 | 7.7 |
Science-based syndicated columnist. Mediator. Latest “science-help” book: Unf*ckology (How to scuttle fear & live w/guts & confidence) |
343 | 7.7 |
Stephen Wertheim @stephenwertheim America in the world. Director of Grand Strategy, @QuincyInst. Author, @TomoTheWorld. History PhD, @Columbia. Likes sloths. Views are my own. |
344 | 7.7 |
Benjamin🪤Boyce @BenjaminABoyce Agreeable contrarian • Producer of agenda-fluid homebrew media • Mostly here for the sentences • |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
346 | 7.7 |
Leftish, liberal, occasionally reactionary crank |
347 | 7.7 |
Author of the forthcoming children’s book, The Handsome Little Cygnet, the story of a family of swans in Central Park! Also wrote Mehan’s Mythical Mammals! |
348 | 7.7 |
DC comms, ex-Hill. Freelance commentary writer. Words: @nytimes @NRO @washingtonpost @foxnews @FDRLST etc. Views my own. Keeper of receipts. Maker of🧵threads🧵 |
349 | 7.7 |
@FoxNews Contributor, @FoxNation Host, Italian. Scottish. Bookish. “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.” -Anaïs Nin |
350 | 7.7 |
Midway upon our journey through life/ I found myself within a forest dark |
351 | 7.7 |
Husband. Father. Son. Dutchess County Executive. 2018 Candidate for Governor, earned 2.2 million votes. |
352 | 7.7 |
New York state politics reporter for Spectrum News. Candy corn enthusiast. Send tips and complaints to nick dot reisman at charter dot com. |
353 | 7.7 |
Author of Dear Reader, The New Right & The Anarchist Handbook Host of "YOUR WELCOME" Subject of Ego & Hubris by Harvey Pekar He/Him ⚑ |
354 | 7.7 |
the wizard ⋆ libertarian ⋆ video & socials @thebabylonbee |
355 | 7.7 |
@reason @newsweek @wsj @palomamedia |
356 | 7.7 |
Senior Adviser @QuincyInst. Investigative Journalist at Large @RStatecraft. Send tips to my secure email: |
357 | 7.7 |
Culpability Jones @ShineboxHukster Bourgeois pastoralist, puer aeternus & rent-seeking solipsist. Liberal center extremist. Block me baby, block me all night long. My snowflake is fragile & rare. |
358 | 7.7 |
Unchained At Last @UnchainedAtLast Only org dedicated to ending #forcedmarriage & #childmarriage in the U.S. via direct services & advocacy. #EndForcedMarriage #EndChildMarriage #18NoExceptions |
359 | 7.7 |
Host: @watchstadium IG: sports is life & part time political junkie 🇺🇸@USMC veteran #SemperFidelis |
360 | 7.7 |
Host @NatConTalk | Author of The Virtue of Nationalism, Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture | |
361 | 7.7 |
Shawn Kemps on the peddle, I’m a kamikaze |
362 | 7.7 |
Yousef Munayyer
Baba. Poli Sci PhD. Thinks outside tanks, laughs at hasbara, stops pucks. Mid East, Social Justice & Sports Opinions Mine. I block trolls. |
363 | 7.7 |
Awenydd Is The President Elect @Awenydd2 Yarn dyer with a penchant for sparkly tiaras and destroying bad ideologies. I identify as a grumpy old man; my sole pronoun is GRR. |
364 | 7.7 | |
365 | 7.7 |
Sawubona. |
366 | 7.7 |
Shall I at least set my lands in order... |
367 | 7.7 | |
368 | 7.7 |
medicare for all. green new deal. |
369 | 7.7 | @MeaningLifeTV Conversations among journalists, authors and scholars on philosophy, science, religion and spirituality. Patreon:… |
370 | 7.7 |
reformed faith and practice |
371 | 7.7 |
(((Steve Chapman))) @SteveChapman13 Columnist and editorial writer, Chicago Tribune. Vaguely libertarian. I always heed my doubts. |
372 | 7.7 |
Director of Foreign Policy Studies at the Cato Institute. |
373 | 7.7 |
Jenna STIMULUS NOW @MomForProgress #Bernie2020 I am woman: strong & evolving. Interests: social justice, affordable housing, health & empowerment. #UniteProgressives |
374 | 7.7 |
National Hurricane Center @NHC_Atlantic This is the primary official Twitter account for the National Hurricane Center, focusing on the Atlantic basin. For more details: |
375 | 7.7 |
Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons @GuthrieGF Religion and politics expert | Fellow at the Center for American Progress | Author of “Just Faith: Reclaiming Progressive Christianity” |
376 | 7.7 |
Culture editor at The Bulwark. Washington Post contributing columnist. Pods: @SubBeacon; Bulwark Goes to Hollywood; Across the Movie Aisle. "Centrist edgelord.” |
377 | 7.7 |
Staff writer, @TheAtlantic. Lecturer, @Yale political science. Once upon a time: @CFR_org, @newrepublic, @perryworldhouse, @DeutschePostDHL |
378 | 7.7 |
Melissa Mackenzie @MelissaTweets Work with legends @AmSpectator. Email at #God #Family #Country #Israel #Autism #AplasticAnemia #GivePlatelets #BeTheMatch |
379 | 7.7 |
Internet super genius. (we/them) |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
381 | 7.7 |
Harry McCracken
Boy journalist. Bon vivant. @FastCompany tech editor. Sign up for my Technologizer newsletter: |
382 | 7.7 |
Author of GRIFTOPIA, THE DIVIDE, THE BUSINESS SECRETS OF DRUG DEALING, and HATE INC. Podcast, Useful Idiots: UsefulIdiots.Substack.Com |
383 | 7.7 |
Ibuprofen Hippo 🪓🌲🔪🐋 @JimJamitis thought criminal | artist | wood sculptor | writer | humorist | politically homeless |@JJWoodSculpture on IG |
384 | 7.7 |
Meteorologist/Host of AMHQ at The Weather Channel. sunrise, sunset, & dew point obsession. Big fan of country music & the beach. snapchat Jen.Carfagno |
385 | 7.7 |
Writer for New York magazine. Tweets with links are intended as prompts to read the linked story, not self-contained arguments substituting for the linked story |
386 | 7.6 |
I'm a writer who got pulled into the TV world 20 years ago and never left! |
387 | 7.6 |
Director | Producer | Writer @DilemmaPodcast Islam and The Future of Tolerance. Opposite Field. All Rise. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
389 | 7.6 |
Rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, author, columnist. |
390 | 7.6 |
liberty • humility • discovery |
391 | 7.6 |
Charlie Pierce
Feed from The Politics Blog with Charles P. Pierce, Retweets don't (necessarily) mean endorsements. Grand-Da to John Victor. Aging epee hack. Ringsend Cowboy |
392 | 7.6 |
I disavow everything & everyone. IG: @thelaurenchen E-mail: Telegram: |
393 | 7.6 |
Richard Dawkins
UK biologist & writer. Richard Dawkins Foundation monthly donor: RTs don’t imply endorsement, nor exhaustive research of tweeter |
394 | 7.6 |
FiveThirtyEight @FiveThirtyEight Data-driven news and analysis from Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight |
395 | 7.6 | |
396 | 7.6 |
i write short stories please be polite to me. |
397 | 7.6 |
@FoxNews Co-Anchor "America Reports". Fmr Chief White House Correspondent. Husband to the amazing @KyraPhillips 👩❤️💋👨ABC correspondent #MarryingUp |
398 | 7.6 |
Editor of @NRO. Author of Fear Your Future, Overcoming Obamacare. Formerly Executive Editor, @dcexaminer |
399 | 7.6 |
Yankee Doodle Dandys @USAFoodTruck NYC's own all-American food concept. Food stamps➡️Who Wants to be a Millionaire ➡️ food trucks ➡️ restaurant(s). The American Dream is real. Don’t ever give up. |
400 | 7.6 |
Covering politics for @washingtonpost., 202-334-7387. @CWAUnion member. Buy my book: (Avatar by @damnyouregis) |
401 | 7.6 |
Fundación Internacional para la Libertad (FIL) @FundacionFIL La FIL, presidida por MARIO VARGAS LLOSA, tiene como principales objetivos la promoción de la libertad, la democracia y el Estado de Derecho en Iberoamérica. |
402 | 7.6 |
Diana S. Fleischman @sentientist #Sentientist & Evolutionary Psychologist Currently on retreat. Take my Science of Sex Differences Seminar in June… |
403 | 7.6 |
Writer, about law especially; @CatoInstitute. Blogged at Overlawyered (1999-2020). Election law and Maryland civic stuff. |
404 | 7.6 |
Let's try evidence, reason + compassion for all sentient beings. #Sentientist 🌱 YTube: Pod: Group ✊: |
405 | 7.6 |
Oldtime Sports, Old Time Entertainment.Mets,Yankees,Rangers,Old Time Baseball,music and John Wayne. |
406 | 7.6 |
Author, Paris banlieue resident, swing jazz violinist, NYT Ed Board alumna. Auteure, banlieusarde, violoniste, ex éditorialiste NYT. |
407 | 7.6 |
Graig Kreindler
Graig paints dead baseball players. Though not OF them dead. Not that there's anything wrong with the dead. In fact, Graig loves the Dead. |
408 | 7.6 |
Public intellectual? Something like a politician? Singer and musician, kind of. Philosophically inclined. Hero complex. National ambassador @BraverAngels. |
409 | 7.6 |
Husband, father, cancer survivor, Congressman from the Great State of Texas. Freedom works. |
410 | 7.6 |
Heather Heying
Evolutionary biologist. Seeker and communicator of truths. Visiting Fellow at Princeton. Spends time in the Amazon. Rhymes with flying. |
411 | 7.6 |
Immutable money, infinite frontier, eternal life. #Bitcoin |
412 | 7.6 |
413 | 7.6 |
I tweet. Follow me or don't I don't care. I do comms stuff. Live your life according to what is best for Twitter content |
414 | 7.6 |
Founder & CEO @Justitiaorg, Visiting Fellow @thefireorg #Freespeech, #Tech creator of @capd_freespeech, writing book on history of free speech @basicbooks |
415 | 7.6 |
Senior Columnist for @TheDailyBeast. Podcaster @MattLewisPod. Co-host @DMZShow. Speaker @LAIspeakers |
416 | 7.6 |
R.J. Lehmann is Editor-in-Chief of @LawEconCenter. Cofounder of @RSI. Newark native. Portuguese citizen. Syracuse Newhouse/Maxwell alum. I know insurance stuff. |
417 | 7.6 |
Uncommon Knowledge @uncknowledge Uncommon Knowledge is a bi-weekly show with host Peter Robinson. He seeks to engage guests in lively, informative discussions about public policy. |
418 | 7.6 |
OBSESSION: INSIDE THE WASHINGTON ESTABLISHMENT'S NEVER-ENDING WAR ON TRUMP out 9/8/20. Chief political correspondent, Washington Examiner. Fox News contributor. |
419 | 7.6 |
Leonydus Johnson (leave/me/alone) @LeonydusJohnson Host of Informed Dissent | Christian | Pro-Life | Pro-Sowellism | Writer | Actor | SLP | Advocate for Post-Racial Identity |
420 | 7.6 |
Editor of Commentary. Columnist, New York Post. Co-Founder of the murdered Weekly Standard. Overuser of the phrase "blithering idiot." |
421 | 7.6 |
Mostly Ken White. I do the RICO. Popehat Report: Podcasts: Make No Law, All The Presidents’ Lawyers |
422 | 7.6 |
CNN, Immune to Mommy shaming & mobs. Damn Good Dawg. Author of “End of Discussion,” I have resting smirk face, & disagree w people for a living. |
423 | 7.6 |
@HooverInst research fellow/VA Hobbs Carpenter Fellow in Journalism. California politics & governing. @washingtonpost contributing columnist. Views are my own. |
424 | 7.6 |
Karlyn Borysenko, most dangerous knitter alive 🧶 @DrKarlynB Org psychologist. Coach. Unwoke activist. “The most dangerous knitter alive" -Dave Rubin I'm on Locals and Gab/Minds/Parler @ Karlyn |
425 | 7.6 |
Author, Host, Comedian, @WashTimes Columnist, @SiriusXMPatriot personality ... Instagram/Parler/Gab: @TimRunsHisMouth. Booking and Contact: |
426 | 7.6 |
National politics reporter at The New York Times. CNN political analyst. Real one in these streets. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
428 | 7.6 |
Happily married 💕 Blessed to have been born & raised in Upstate SC. Imperfect Christian, Proud American, #1A #2A #ALLIN, #ArmyMom |
429 | 7.6 |
The Warrior Queen ~Rangers FC ~ ❤️Jesus, Catholic, Hubby, dogs~ PhD~ walking the Path~Made in America~🇺🇸 |
430 | 7.6 |
Founder and reigning monarch at TPM. Lapsed historian. Polk Award winner. ✡️ |
431 | 7.6 |
Senior Editor @RealDailyWire. Married to @PoliticalShort. Senior Political Columnist @Observer. Senior Contributor @FDRLST. Send tips |
432 | 7.6 |
Editor @newcriterion Publisher @EncounterBooks columnist \ @theamgreatness @spectatorUSA @EpochTimes Bio Books |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
434 | 7.6 |
Lawyer, and occasional writer about the law and related matters. Tweets are never legal advice.… |
435 | 7.6 |
Michael Bench-Capon @MikeBenchCapon I have a PhD in philosophy. Now I work in a library. He/him. |
436 | 7.6 |
most mediocre of peoples @mizroba 'Man errs as long as he strives' - Goethe interests: evo bio, epistemology, ethics, history, and everything else |
437 | 7.6 |
I am a person trying to understand what that means. Ask me any question |
438 | 7.6 | |
439 | 7.6 |
I’m really not the “Abomination of Desolation”. Just a regular guy trying to make sense of this crazy world. |
440 | 7.6 |
Pseudo Socrates @pseudo_socrates unknow the self in order to know the self |
441 | 7.6 |
Attorney. Writer. Reader. Personal account. |
442 | 7.6 |
Pratik Panchal @pratikpanchal06 Fin, Education Consultant;studied journalism. Love to discuss politics, philosophy; respect Gods, wife. Like romantic Hollywood movies. Proud of being Indian. |
443 | 7.6 |
slow-motion thinker |
444 | 7.6 |
TrueSciPhi / Kelly Truelove @TrueSciPhi A window on science, philosophy, and mathematics communities on social media, by Kelly Truelove (physics PhD). Lists: Images: |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
446 | 7.6 |
be good to others. // incoming progressive prosecutor // @templelaw, @baylor alum // #NOLA; #FirstGen; #blackish |
447 | 7.6 |
Dad. Writer @ Vox. Sisyphus stan. Email: |
448 | 7.6 |
Steven Strauss
Visiting Professor at Princeton. Contributing columnist USA Today. RTs are not endorsements, Likes mean my thumb slipped. |
449 | 7.6 |
Host of @TheUnspeakPod. Author of THE PROBLEM WITH EVERYTHING, THE UNSPEAKABLE, MY MISSPENT YOUTH, and more. Now in the merch biz. Nuanced AF. (Just like you.) |
450 | 7.6 |
@NBC & @MSNBC Legal Contributor | Trial Lawyer at ✨ Phang & Feldman, P.A. | WEAR A MASK 😷 | Stop AAPI Hate 🇰🇷 | RTs and ❤️ ≠ endorsements |
451 | 7.6 |
he/him/his. word alchemist. storyteller. art-maker. dream-weaver. thought-shifter. #TheBronxMadeMe #GirlDad |
452 | 7.6 |
Jevon, thinks you're going to want to buckle up. @JevonConroy Lawyer, Blue Devil. Anti-Authoritarian Popularis. On a long enough Twitter timeline, everyone will be blocked by Nassim Taleb. Views entirely my own. |
453 | 7.6 |
Dedicated to the principle that conclusions drawn and decisions made should be based on hard evidence and verifiable facts. More about me at |
454 | 7.6 |
Photographer / Filmmaker / Art deserves an audience.. |
455 | 7.6 |
"What if I step outside my home and a piano falls on my head?" |
456 | 7.6 |
A New Radical Centrism @a_centrism Data, culture, realism. I'm against PC, blank slate, and dogma. I'm for free speech and cognitive decoupling. "IDW's most unimportant but provocative tweeter." |
457 | 7.6 |
Pro Reason. Tribeless. Graphite pencil artist ✍️ 🇦🇺 IG: |
458 | 7.6 |
Mark Wright, marketing writer. Maladroit doofus. I believe in democracy, and I refuse to sweep the events of 1/6 under the rug. |
459 | 7.6 |
The original Room Raters. Rating bookcases, backsplashes and hostage videos since April, 2020. Tweets by Jessie & Claude. |
460 | 7.6 |
John O'Sullivan @JohnOSullivanNR Author of The President, the Pope, and the Prime Minister, Adviser to Lady Thatcher, NR's Editor at Large, and Commander of the Order of the British Empire |
461 | 7.6 |
My daughter was diagnosed with T1D in 2011, at 2 years old. This has been a challenging journey, I have learned so much and I am always here to help💙 |
462 | 7.6 |
VoicesForSeniors @Voices4Seniors A voice for the vulnerable and voiceless, advocating for accountability, change and reform for our seniors. #PROTECTOURSENIORS |
463 | 7.6 |
Weather obsessed, GIS nerd, mother, wife. Contributor for @ustornadoes, |
464 | 7.6 |
deputy editor, @dcexaminer magazine | past: education policy, @aei | read in: @wsj @nationalaffairs @nro @quillette @insidehighered, others | go Hogs 'n stuff |
465 | 7.6 |
This account has been archived. You can follow former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at @mikepompeo. For U.S. State Department updates, follow @StateDept. |
466 | 7.6 |
Pardon me while I have a strange interlude Avi by: @Invisichad |
467 | 7.6 | |
468 | 7.6 |
We promote American values through the creative use of digital media. |
469 | 7.6 |
Father. Filmmaker. Freedom. Family. Won't tweet anything I wouldn't say to your face. RT≠endorsement. Truth, Justice, and the American Way. |
470 | 7.6 |
Interested in human nature. Sharing what I learn. | PhD candidate | Veteran | Website: |
471 | 7.6 |
Like all 80s kids, I was so busy being told how special I was, I didn't get that it went for everybody else, too. Now I'm sad I'm not more important. |
472 | 7.6 |
The Lincoln Project @ProjectLincoln "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” – Abraham Lincoln 🏴☠️ |
473 | 7.6 |
Man of Leisure. |
474 | 7.6 |
Randi Mayem Singer
Screenwriter of Mrs. Doubtfire, some other stuff you didn't see and lots of stuff my name isn't on. Now writing INVISIBLE WOMEN for Sony TV. Opinions correct. |
475 | 7.6 |
The official New York City Fire Department feed. Call 911 for all emergencies, 311 for non-emergencies. Account is not monitored 24/7 |
476 | 7.6 |
Antonio García Martínez
Wrote 'Chaos Monkeys' ( Formerly @facebook, @ycombinator. גם זה יעבור 🇺🇲🇨🇺🇪🇸 |
477 | 7.6 | |
478 | 7.6 |
The world's largest gathering of free minds. Join us at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, South Dakota Wednesday, July 21 - Saturday, July 24. #FFest21 |
479 | 7.5 |
Media/Political Columnist, The Hill. FNC contributor. Husband of Jean. Dad of Cameron & Liam & Chase. RTs may be endorsements. Then again, they may not... |
480 | 7.5 |
Official Twitter feed of The Daily Wire. for assistance. |
481 | 7.5 |
Washington Correspondent, New York Magazine. Writing a book with @RyanLizza for Simon & Schuster’s Avid Reader about 2020. 📩 |
482 | 7.5 |
Quilliam is the world’s first counter-extremism organisation. Based in London, its staff include former leading members of Islamist organisations. |
483 | 7.5 | |
484 | 7.5 |
meh |
485 | 7.5 |
I wrote a book called Dignity about poverty, faith, & McDonald's. Writing another book called. Not sure what it's called. Tweets auto-delete quickly |
486 | 7.5 |
Podcaster, author, filmmaker I block people who assume the worst of me w/o knowing or caring what I actually believe or say. |
487 | 7.5 | |
488 | 7.5 |
Grow a high-profit online business | Join Sovereign University's waitlist: | Podcast: |
489 | 7.5 |
Screenwriter (Thor, X-Men: First Class, The Flash, Booster Gold, Rim of the World, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous.) Novelist. |
490 | 7.5 |
Wokal Distance @wokal_distance I won't shut up because silence is complicity. |
491 | 7.5 |
Rukhsana Sukhan @RukhsanaSukhan A strange Lovecraftian Creature with a penchant for olives, cats & punk music. Oh Bondage, Up Yours! Asperger's Autist. Ret’d RN. Words @Quillette @UGMediaLtd. |
492 | 7.5 |
Katharine Birbalsingh @Miss_Snuffy Headmistress/Founder Michaela: free/charter school doing it differently. Freedom from state, truth on race, small c conservative. Won @contrarianprize 2019. |
493 | 7.5 |
The internet’s definitive fact-checking resource. |
494 | 7.5 |
Christian. Patriot.🇺🇸 Former FAA- ATC. Educator. #2A. I use sarcasm, A LOT. I drink a lot of ☕. “You are never too old to set another goal ...” C.S. Lewis |
495 | 7.5 |
I know...the...the thing. |
496 | 7.5 |
Editor at large, @Reason. Co-conspirator, @wethefifth. Books:… Music:… |
497 | 7.5 |
A biped, ungrateful. Ravenclaw with Slytherin rising. "Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV." |
498 | 7.5 |
matt’s idea shop @MattsIdeaShop Come for the good memes, stay for the bad memes. content for @realDailyWire. Frasier enthusiast. My great opinions are my own. YNWA. |
499 | 7.5 |
I want a tiny baby elephant. You clap, I clap back. i wrote Ayiti, Untamed State, Bad Feminist, Difficult Women, World of Wakanda, Hunger, Not That Bad. she/her |
500 | 7.5 |
“America’s Newsroom” 9-11am ET @foxnews Tell a million people. We take all viewers. Instagram: @billhemmer |
501 | 7.5 |
A Starting Point: @ASP |
502 | 7.5 |
Asa Nisi Masa |
503 | 7.5 |
Don't Divide Us @DontDivideUsNow We will not be divided – by racists or culture warriors – who refuse to see us as individuals beyond our skin colour. Contact us via the website. #DontDivideUs |
504 | 7.5 |
Head of Research @Bustle, @foxnews contributor, defender of Democrats, #1 fan of nephew Harry. For speaking: |
505 | 7.5 |
New York Times columnist, National Review film critic, author of The Decadent Society (2020). |
506 | 7.5 |
Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen
Ambassador of Hungary to the Holy See and the Sovereign Order of Malta. Tweets are private opinion. |
507 | 7.5 |
Staff writer @TheAtlantic. Senior Fellow @SAISHopkins and @SNFAgoraJHU. My new book is Twilight of Democracy: the Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism |
508 | 7.5 |
Dr. Matt Esq, 2 Time Academy Award Winning Viewer @MatthewGalanty HR and Diversity Trainer at Oberlin |
509 | 7.5 |
Nicholas Clairmont @NickClairmont1 Associate Editor @ArcDigi, Word of the Week writer at Washington Examiner Mag, book reviewer. Formerly @TheAtlantic @aminterest. |
510 | 7.5 |
Michigan State political scientist & @ippsr Director; @niskanencenter @fivethirtyeight @MSU_poli_sci; Next book: How Social Science Got Better |
511 | 7.5 |
TV writer. Past words in @fdrlst and @townhallcom. Certified sommelier. Opinions are all mine. My middle name is 'Underscore' |
512 | 7.5 |
David McCarter @davidashleywall British conservative with a small 'c', lover not fighter, hates BS. Political orphan Annie! Into dudes 😉 Swearing happens post 10pm |
513 | 7.5 |
National Correspondent, @Slate. Question everything. |
514 | 7.5 |, @outkick @foxsportsradio 6-9 am et & @foxbetlive TV show 5 et, author, Republicans Buy Sneakers Too, dad of three boys, lawyer |
515 | 7.5 |
Disloyal (((Globalist))), rootless cosmopolitan with New York Values | 🏳️🌈 ✡︎ |
516 | 7.5 |
Fan of catallaxy, amateur psephologist, kosher foodie, history buff, husband of @DoctorIma and dad. I also do finance things. I run, but never when chased. |
517 | 7.5 |
I criticize Critical Theory and Social Justice. Trump is also a nightmare. it is pretty insane out there. |
518 | 7.5 |
"a real asshole" - his mother |
519 | 7.5 |
Two-time Academy Award viewer. |
520 | 7.5 |
Writer-At-Large @bulwarkonline | Host "Not My Party" on Snapchat | Formerly beating Trump’s ass with RVAT | Nikola Jokic обожавалац | byline @rollingstone | |
521 | 7.5 |
Archibald Heatherington Nastyface @ArchibaldHeath1 Poet. Musician. Curmudgeon. Religio quae Anglice 》lockdown《 dicitur non intellectum sed potestatem quaerit. RT == saving to read later. |
522 | 7.5 |
Wife to 👨🏻, Mom to 🐝, Owner of 🐩, Legal Assistant + Notary 📑, Fighting Scot & DAR. 🇺🇸💚🏒 |
523 | 7.5 | |
524 | 7.5 |
Director of @parrotheadmovie with @jimmybuffett🦜🍹& @AfterPornEnds 1&2. BBQ sauce maker #ECU🏴☠️I am one with The Force. The Force is with me. |
525 | 7.5 |
aka Joe-verthinking™ Catholic husband and father of 5 • Conservative 🇺🇸 Comms / Strategy / PR / Digital media • #MinorHockey coach #FlyFishing #MementoMori ☠️ |
526 | 7.5 |
mom/joo/conservatarian/saucy wench/work in progress. mrs. @punchenstein. afraid of spiders and naked people. pronouns: monet/manet/tippy-tippy-day-day |
527 | 7.5 |
I have talking points. #EndCitizensUnited #BLM Rehab @SDRR Jules’ Dad @euphoriahbo @startrekcbs Maddox #characteractor #GirlDad |
528 | 7.5 |
Comedian🍍Entrepretainer 🍍 Motivator🍍 Digital Renegade🍍 Over a billion video views and thankful! Pronouns: Boss / GOAT #GOTEAM🇨🇦🇺🇸 |
529 | 7.5 |
Fundación Libertad @FundLibertadRos Desde hace más de 30 años trabajamos en defensa de la #Libertad, la #Democracia, el Estado de Derecho y el libre mercado. |
530 | 7.5 |
Girls Not Brides @GirlsNotBrides Girls Not Brides is a global partnership of 1500+ organisations committed to ending child marriage & enabling girls to fulfil their potential. #EndChildMarriage |
531 | 7.5 |
Michael David Smith @MichaelDavSmith Managing Editor, Pro Football Talk |
532 | 7.5 |
Kathleen McKinley @KatMcKinley Featured political blogger for The Houston Chron for 10 yrs. Fox26 political pundit. Compassionate Catholic conservative. |
533 | 7.5 |
Author of Passing for Who You Really Are: Essays in Support of Multiracial Whiteness. |
534 | 7.5 | |
535 | 7.5 |
| Free thinker | Artist | Libertine | Fin de siècle time | |
536 | 7.5 |
Professor @IowaLawSchool. Views mine only. Interests: administrative law, constitutional law, tax law, politics, jokes, memes, nonsense. (Grey-wall) |
537 | 7.5 |
ZippyTheChicken@GAB 🇺🇸 @ZippyTheChicken Free Hugs :o) |
538 | 7.5 |
What a time to be alive. |
539 | 7.5 | |
540 | 7.5 |
Lincoln Project co-founder. Ad guy. NYT #1 bestselling author. We won. He lost. Beware people with strategic patience, money, and lawyers. |
541 | 7.5 |
"The mass of Twitter lead lives of noisy desperation" ~ Thoreau (probably) |
542 | 7.5 |
Dad, Husband, Attorney |
543 | 7.5 |
Fordham Prep and U, Delbarton, Notre Dame, Foot Doc. Happily married to MJ with two great sons! Blessed. |
544 | 7.5 |
Victims Rights NY PAC @victimsrightsNY Dedicated to supporting victims of violent crimes through advocacy, activism, education & awareness |
545 | 7.5 |
Be the difference! |
546 | 7.5 |
Born free 🇺🇸 Si se pwodway! |
547 | 7.5 |
Jamal Jennings 😌 @jamaljennings_ A positive guy that is not afraid to put things in its proper perspective |
548 | 7.5 |
Infectious Diseases PharmD at OSUMC for over 25 years. Global advocate for Antimicrobial Stewardship, TedX speaker, Mentor, photographer, triathlete |
549 | 7.5 |
Chris Churchill @chris_churchill Husband and father. Albany Times Union columnist. |
550 | 7.5 |
Meteorologist for @NBCNews🦚, EVP @monarchweather🦋. Emmy Award-Winning. Former @WeatherChannel @capitalweather @ustornadoes🌪. MS & CCM #GoHokies! Views my own |
551 | 7.5 |
WSJ reporter covering New York politics & government. Papa to the RVs and husband to KN. Upstate American. Views are my own. jimmy dot vielkind at wsj dot com |
552 | 7.5 |
Chief Meteorologist for WPDE ABC-15. Amateur photographer. North Carolina State grad. |
553 | 7.5 |
Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ @realchrisrufo Writer, filmmaker, rabble-rouser. Senior fellow, @ManhattanInst. Married to @skprufo. Watch my new film for free: |
554 | 7.5 |
Fearless, adversarial journalism. Join our newsletter to get our best investigative reporting delivered to you: |
555 | 7.5 |
Chief Political Anchor @FoxNews. Anchor & Executive Editor of @SpecialReport. NYT bestselling author. To Rescue The Republic available for pre-order now. |
556 | 7.5 |
Gretchen McCulloch
Internet Linguist. NYT bestselling author of BECAUSE INTERNET, a book about internet language. Resident Linguist @WIRED. Podcast @lingthusiasm. she/her |
557 | 7.5 |
Hoover Institution Library & Archives @HooverArchives Collecting library and archival material on war, revolution, and peace since 1919. Open to all. |
558 | 7.5 |
Join RDI! @Renew_Democracy. Chairman of the Human Rights Foundation (@HRF). Author, speaker, 13th World Chess Champion |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
560 | 7.5 |
Welcome to my Twitter Cafe! Police focused. I'm nice. The bouncer, however, has a mean temper and blocks fast, sometimes just for bad vibes. |
561 | 7.5 |
Steve Stewart-Williams @SteveStuWill Psychology, evolution, science, etc. Author of "The Ape That Understood the Universe" (2018) and "Darwin, God and the Meaning of Life" (2010). |
562 | 7.5 |
born/raised in MN, now honing my exquisite sensibilities and awaiting my first Georgetown cocktail party invite in DC. interested in politics, sports, culture. |
563 | 7.5 |
Terry Teachout @TerryTeachout1 Critic, biographer, playwright, director, unashamed Steely Dan fan, ardent philosemite. "Any minor world that breaks apart falls together again." |
564 | 7.5 |
I defend myself, therefore I am. |
565 | 7.5 |
Editor and social media person, formerly of @WSJBankruptcy. Runner, yogi, karaoke lover. Sweet dreams are made of cheese (and puns). Can I pet your dog? |
566 | 7.5 |
The magazine that wants to change the world as well as report on it. For humanism, democracy and freedom. Donate:… |
567 | 7.5 |
Super smart. How often I skip words is evidence of fast my brain works. Same tihng with misspelled words Addendum: Also; grammatical errors |
568 | 7.5 |
The best thing about being a lawyer is that you’ll never be impressed by some arrogant jackass being a lawyer - and that includes me. |
569 | 7.5 |
Ephemeral • Open Mic Bomber • Binary (1/0) |
570 | 7.5 |
Ol’ Skool. Adult Human Male. Satire.🚬🍷You bite? I bite back. My personal, rambling thoughts. Take them, leave them...meh...🖌- Hamilton Agency 🎭- Lou Coulson |
571 | 7.5 |
Linguist, Senior Lecturer @latrobe Gesture/grammar/#lingdata/✨emoji Blog: podcast: @lingthusiasm #ByLingo in @thebigissue She/her (ok with they) |
572 | 7.5 |
Philosophy professor at Kale 🥬 University. Views my own. |
573 | 7.5 |
Michelle Nichols @michellenichols Reuters United Nations bureau chief (far from home in Australia). Retweets are not endorsements. |
574 | 7.5 |
石來民 Lutheran. Husband. Dad. Kentuckian. Demographer. @DemographicNTEL @FamStudies @AEI @NovakFellows doing PhD at McGill. lymanrstone at gmail dot com |
575 | 7.5 |
Natl security correspondent @CNN / Frmr @CBSNews / steep ski slopes, The Alchemist, photo lover / Tips: & |
576 | 7.5 |
Associate Professor of Sociology | Writer | Podcaster If you are reading this you are too close, but objects on Twitter are usually closer than they appear. |
577 | 7.5 |
578 | 7.5 |
27th SECDEF to the @DeptofDefense. Proud husband, father, and Gulf War veteran. |
579 | 7.5 |
Exec Director @AllianceInit. Contributor to @FreeBeacon and other publications. Born & raised in VT. Israel, DC, now LA. Car guy. School @uvmvermont & @Yale |
580 | 7.5 |
Hi. I work at the American Economic Liberties Project. Also, I wrote the book Goliath, and I write a monopoly-focused newsletter BIG: |
581 | 7.5 |
Robert P. George
McCormick Prof. of Jurisprudence, Princeton University + Bluegrass Banjo Picker + Co-author: *What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense*. unWoke/uncancellable |
582 | 7.5 |
Senior Editor Liberty Island Books | Senior Research Fellow @TheIsraelGroup | Judeo-Christian mystic/occultist 🐍🍎 | Freelance Writer | Troublemaker | My Views |
583 | 7.5 |
Project Management,2D Animation Director & Producer, Illustrator, Design. CROCS Model,Love my Weims! ...Opinions are my own |
584 | 7.5 |
Reporter. Have written for places — buzzfeed, slate, new york, the nation, n+1, the new republic — and would like to write for you. |
585 | 7.5 |
Writer, Curator, Art Historian, Educator (Recovered from Covid in 2020, vaccinated in 2021) |
586 | 7.5 | |
587 | 7.5 |
CEO @thefireorg. #Freespeech lawyer. Author Unlearning Liberty, co-author Coddling of the American Mind w/ @JonHaidt Opinions are mine |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
589 | 7.4 |
co-founder @newzionists | words in @nytimes @tabletmag @haaretz @algemeiner |
590 | 7.4 |
Critic-at-large @NRO, fellow @NR_institute, columnist @nypost & theater critic @NewCriterion. Turned off notifications from those who don’t follow me. |
591 | 7.4 |
Jaimie La Bella @JaimieLaBella Fox Business | @FoxBusiness |
592 | 7.4 |
Whole Mars Catalog @WholeMarsBlog part 24 hour EV news channel / part shitty stand up comedy routine. unofficial fan account. comedy commentary fan parody. Testing Autopilot FSD Beta |
593 | 7.4 |
"Ultra-Orthodox" Jew. Father. Conservative Republican. Happy Cynic. Comms, Columns, Teacher, Torah. Technically a Rabbi. Opinions my own – but usually correct. |
594 | 7.4 |
Co-Founder of @FDRLST, chainsaw bayonet enthusiast, presidential campaign vet, former chief instigator for Sen. Tom Coburn, Wharton grad. |
595 | 7.4 |
Esther TheWonder Pig @EstherThePig I’m a New York Times Best Selling full figured house pig on a mission. #BeTheReasonSomeoneSmiles |
596 | 7.4 |
Connell McShane
Traveling around the country, reporting on the #StateOfTheEconomy |
597 | 7.4 |
curious guy // bookshop owner // observer of the mind // wannabe polymath // sports lover // skeptic // just here for the idiocy🤘🏼 |
598 | 7.4 |
Philip Melanchthon Wegmann @PhilipWegmann White House reporter @RealClearNews | I come across better on paper | Email: | DM for Signal. |
599 | 7.4 |
My name is Kyle and I am a nice boy. Twitter’s biggest Kelly Clarkson stan. He/him/his. Black Lives Matter. |
600 | 7.4 |
Abi Roberts - Woke Zero (Tits/Arse) @abiroberts 👀👂Mondays at 6.30pm on Mark Dolan’s Show @TalkRadio Comedy/writing: Voiceovers: |
601 | 7.4 |
Essayist. Contrarian. Futurist. Words in @NYPost, @CityJournal, @Quillette, @GlobeandMail etc. "A very bright man." - @joerogan 20 long years. |
602 | 7.4 |
Pseudonym. Rastafari. Computer Science PhD. Chess. Dad jokes. Arsenal FC. I love to talk about politics, racism, science, and parenting. |
603 | 7.4 |
Editor/CEO, @thedispatch. Fox News contributor. To sign up, go here: |
604 | 7.4 |
Bo Snerdley the Rush Limbaugh show a/k/a The Official Obama Criticizer. I post stories from all sources including the MSM. They are NOT endorsements! |
605 | 7.4 |
RTs are endorsements. |
606 | 7.4 |
Reporter at CNN's K-File.🎗️Dad fighting childhood cancer for Francesca on Team Beans. 🇦🇱🇵🇱🇮🇹 #TeamBeans |
607 | 7.4 |
Once with The Daily Caller before it went insane. Also once a U.S. foreign service officer and (still) an attorney. Tips? Threats? |
608 | 7.4 |
Figaro, Floofy Butt @JustinARed conservatarian Christian with no influence, frequently sarcastic. I am a majestic cat full of liberty and pie and @officialtrhl is my owner. |
609 | 7.4 |
Staff writer at @thedispatch. Once upon a time @weeklystandard, @BulwarkOnline, @Hillsdale. Christian. Get in touch: andrew /at/ thedispatch /dot/ com |
610 | 7.4 |
⚔️The Dunedain Ranger⚔️ @DunedainRanger9 I refuse to cower at the screech of the Nazgul and will throw sand in the gears of Wokeness. |
611 | 7.4 |
Love freedom! Love free speech. Love my country & Mark. Enjoy politics but not getting 2 political, til 9/11/12. MSM, any objectivity left? |
612 | 7.4 |
Host “Fox Across America” with Jimmy Failla - - - Fox News Radio / Fox Nation Weekdays 12-3 - - - Listen Live @ FoxNewsRadio.Com |
613 | 7.4 |
I am NOT Chris Mortenson; #NYG, NY Giants, #Israel, Politics, Baseball, Hockey |
614 | 7.4 |
Joe Gabriel Simonson @SaysSimonson @freebeacon. Get in touch: DM for Signal |
615 | 7.4 |
Republican operative. 0-1 amateur boxer. |
616 | 7.4 |
(((Jason Epstein))) @Southfive RTs, likes, ┐(ツ)┌ , way more ≠ endorsement. Even great men have to pee. Let’s Go Mets. F*ck cancer. |
617 | 7.4 |
Liam Kofi Bright
Aspiring philosopher; tolerable human; "amusing combination of sardonic detachment & literally all the feelings felt entirely unironically all at once" [he/his] |
618 | 7.4 |
I like PoMo architecture / cancel culture is real & easy to define / I’d eat bugs to save the environment / I have questions and sometimes I’m just asking them |
619 | 7.4 |
DC bureau chief at The Intercept. Young Turks contributor. DM for Signal. Author of We've Got People. Views are my own, not yours. |
620 | 7.4 |
22 | detrans gender apostate 🦎 | 🇵🇱 | there’s a 3% chance ill answer your question |
621 | 7.4 |
Host of Rising w/ Krystal and Saagar. Host of @RealignmentPod Fellow @Steamboat_Inst |
622 | 7.4 | @HumanProgress A @CatoInstitute project. Buy our book:… |
623 | 7.4 |
Thinking about conservatism, civil society, institutions, education. Former staff at White House DPC, USED, US House of Reps, state government. Sr Fellow, MI. |
624 | 7.4 |
Reporter @FreeBeacon. DMs open. Pronouns: he/he. I am only to be referred to in the nominative case; accusatives and datives are inherently objectifying. |
625 | 7.4 |
Asst Prof, Princeton Politics. I study protests, statistics & race: 1/ Agenda Seeding 2/ Race as a Bundle of Sticks… |
626 | 7.4 |
Queen of Snark ~☆~ reader, writer, retweeter ~☆~ friend of Daily Wire ~☆~ creative conservative Christian |
627 | 7.4 |
$ean P. McCarthy @SeanMcCarthyCom @grubstakerspod |
628 | 7.4 |
Erielle Davidson @politicalelle senior policy analyst @jinsadc| ✡︎ | @ClaremontInst & @HooverInst econ alum| Golden Girls groupie| עם ישראל חי | Vol 19 EIC @GeorgetownJLPP | Views are mine. |
629 | 7.4 |
Birgitte A Eiriksson @BAEiriksson Vicedirektør i Justitia og medlem af Dataetisk Råd. Retssikkerhed, udsatte grupper, digitalisering og kunstig intelligens mv. Debattør, oplægsholder + forfatter |
630 | 7.4 |
Pakistani-Canadian author of The Atheist Muslim (SMP/Macmillan). I don't take Twitter seriously. Host of @SecularJihadist podcast. Email |
631 | 7.4 |
Exist Crisis Club ⁜ @ExistCrisisClub A ragtag gang of sub-personalities on an adventure and trying to agree on directions. Interested in the story of the world. We/us |
632 | 7.4 |
Staff Writer, @TheAtlantic Ideas. Preorder THE CRUELTY IS THE POINT out June 29, 2021 here: |
633 | 7.4 |
Politically Independent. Nonbeliever. Reader. Hiker. #rationaldiscourse |
634 | 7.4 |
635 | 7.4 |
American in Australia. I used to believe magical things. Opinions probably not my own. |
636 | 7.4 |
#Actor 🎭 #VictorianLiterature 📖 #Buddhist 🌎 @sgi_info ☮️ #Iloveagoodmezzo 🎼 @chelseafc ⚽️ @NYRangers 🏒 #chess ♟ #mischievous 😈 |
637 | 7.4 |
Not all treasure is silver & gold mate. Dreamer, baker, writer, computer programmer, elusive seraph 💗 Help each other in LIFE cuz no one's getting out alive ☮️ |
638 | 7.4 |
PhD student studying political philosophy at UT Austin. Interested in the origins, philosophy, & science of earthly happiness & morality. Adoro Italia e i cani. |
639 | 7.4 |
Seerut K. Chawla @seerutkchawla Psychotherapist. Liberal. Heterodox. Not in your tribe. Very problematic. Insta: seerutkchawla |
640 | 7.4 |
Unapologetically speaking my mind. Just a trans man trying to make sense of this satirical world. |
641 | 7.4 |
Milton Cromwell 🪤 @fallibleflier Mars is bright tonight. |
642 | 7.4 |
Former NFL now CFA. Fleets are all Hank-content. RTs not endorsements. No advice intended. Faith, family, food & finance. Also librarian of #fintwitbookclub. |
643 | 7.4 |
Article V Convention of States please @philthatremains Not really a joiner. All That Remains @ATRHQ Twitch Partner. Trying, and often failing, to be charitable. Oxford comma stan. #bitcoin |
644 | 7.4 |
I do what I can do to help y’all. But the game is out there, and it’s either play or get played |
645 | 7.4 |
Only marginally compelling and occasionally accurate, sometime writer, engineer, cake-baker. Writes Marginally Compelling newsletter |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
647 | 7.4 |
Berny Belvedere @bernybelvedere Editor in Chief @ArcDigi. Host of Belvyland. Co-host of Arc Digicast. I write a daily newsletter called DiscRep. 👑 of The Discourse™ |
648 | 7.4 |
Matt McDonald @mattjpfmcdonald US Managing Editor, @TheSpectator. Tips: 10 percent off all @TheSpectator subscriptions with the code MATT. |
649 | 7.4 |
Gigi Levangie, etc. @GigiLevangie Mom. Wife. NYT Bestseller: Starter Wife, Maneater, and more! Screenwriter: Stepmom. BEEN THERE, MARRIED THAT on sale now! Buy it or be sad! Love our 1A, baby! |
650 | 7.4 |
Wealth Squad Chris ♻️ @CJ_Johnson17th #WealthSquad | Army Vet | Self Made Multi-Millionaire |
651 | 7.4 |
Will Chamberlain @willchamberlain Lawyer. Co-Publisher of @HumanEvents. Senior Counsel at @The_IAP, the @Article3Project, and @UnsilencedOrg. |
652 | 7.4 |
Levi Boshnack 🦥 @Boshnackttack1 Member of the Tribe studying political science at Yeshiva University. Retweets aren't endorsements. Not on your side. Words in @yu_commentator #GreenGOP |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
654 | 7.4 |
Batya Ungar-Sargon @bungarsargon Deputy opinion editor @Newsweek. Author: "Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy," out October 19 @EncounterBooks. Email: |
655 | 7.4 |
Time failed Constitution @IsItTimeForA I'm a Registered Democrat who can see how obvious it is that Joe Biden has committed felonies. Pronouns: I will block you. |
656 | 7.4 |
Bus Driver Dan @Dan_Christensen #Portland #Oregon Original @Trimet Bus Driving Teller of transit stories. #Busdriver Owner of and the World Wide Bus Show. |
657 | 7.4 |
SAVVY AUNTIE® Founder & WSJ Bestseller / OTHERHOOD® Starred Review / Writer & Contributor / PANK® Data & Insights / AUNTIE'S DAY® 7/25/21 🏠melanie notkin |
658 | 7.4 |
Followed by Pierre Delecto. A RINO is not an elephant. I love my country! MAGA! Blocked by Rick Wilson’s racist wife! |
659 | 7.4 |
🇺🇸🇮🇱🙏 Will Warden 🐦 @truthsayer1989 Patriot, JudeoChristian,IT Consultant, US Navy AT, Air Test and Evaluation Squadron Four, Security and Technology Tech, remember Freeman Dyson. 🇺🇸 |
660 | 7.4 |
NYS politics reporter/ @nypost Albany correspondent | @CapitalTonight alum | @Marist | RTs not endorsements, duh | Tips/pitches to | DM/Signal |
661 | 7.4 |
Kimberley Strassel
Potomac Watch columnist for Wall Street Journal edit page. Please order my new book! Resistance (At All Costs). |
662 | 7.4 |
Senior politics reporter covering elections & voting @thisisinsider. @InsiderUnion hype woman. Bad speller. RTs/likes=👀 not 👍🏼 send tips |
663 | 7.4 |
bon vivant, !@#$ *occasionally paid* political strategist "He seems intent on outclevering everyone." NYT Review Of Bonks |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
665 | 7.4 |
Franklin Leonard
.@theblcklst founder. Film & TV producer. Politics and football (soccer) person. @vanityfair contributing editor. @am_cinematheque board member. |
666 | 7.4 |
Mikael Covey is an American fiction writer and the founding editor of Lit Up Magazine. His published works include two novels, and numerous online short stories |
667 | 7.4 |
the picture is a red radish slice |
668 | 7.4 |
USAF vet. EALAC student @ Columbia University. I like motorcycles, rock climbing, and videogames 🙂 (會中文) |
669 | 7.4 |
Big Tweetin' |
670 | 7.4 |
College traveler for W.W. Norton since 2003. Retweets are what they are; if you can’t figure it out, I win. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
672 | 7.4 |
*When the going gets tough, someone hold my rodent*. RT = *sigo o relator* Most of the time this account is locked. |
673 | 7.4 |
Dad, husband, supporter of UConn Huskies, Boston Sports. Craft beer drinker. Probably not a "real libertarian". Opinions are my own. |
674 | 7.4 |
Perpetual titular councillor |
675 | 7.4 |
Elizabeth Nolan Brown @ENBrown ✨sex, speech, tech, justice, politics, & panic✨ Senior editor @reason magazine. Co-head @feministliberty ☀️ Extreme morning person |
676 | 7.4 |
President, Foundation for Defense of Democracies | @FDD | Foreign affairs columnist, The Washington Times | Host, "Foreign Podicy": |
677 | 7.4 |
Michael C. Moynihan
Correspondent, Vice News Tonight on HBO. Co-host, The Fifth Column podcast. Various other things. |
678 | 7.4 |
JOBS: Author, CNN, NYDN. LIKES: John. RELIGION: Jack. SIGN: The one no one gets along with. SKILLS: @jeopardy winner. |
679 | 7.4 |
News and opinion about print, online, and broadcast media |
680 | 7.4 |
retweets ≠ endorsements ✈️🇺🇸 @mancity |
681 | 7.4 |
I'm a nurse. I knit. No, it's not crochet. |
682 | 7.4 | |
683 | 7.4 |
'One day you're cock of the walk, the next a feather duster’ - Margot Barber. |
684 | 7.4 |
I work as a senior fellow in energy with @RSI, but I speak for myself. |
685 | 7.4 | |
686 | 7.4 |
Managing Director of Global Comms, @AJCGlobal. Prev: @JewishAgency @IDFSpokesperson @HouseForeign. Pretty Jewish. No big whoop. / Views mine |
687 | 7.4 |
Michael J Armstrong Jr “MichaelJ1977” @TheOneGodMade 🔺Illuminated🔻 Entrepreneur. Writer. Model.💡💜Heal the 🌍 let’s be the change the 👁Creator seeks! The gospel: Love Forgiveness Reconciliation & Grace 🌞🌕🦉✨ |
688 | 7.4 |
Dominican-Puertorican. Software developer. Casual gamer. Meat Loaf fan (the guy, not the food). |
689 | 7.4 |
Sr. Elections Analyst, RCP. @osupolisci. @aei. Recovering Att'y. Married to @emytrende, dad to 3. You shall love your crooked neighbor, with your crooked heart. |
690 | 7.4 |
Michael Scott Doran
Sits in a tank and thinks. |
691 | 7.4 |
literal angel |
692 | 7.4 |
I teach philosophy at @oaklandu. |
693 | 7.4 |
Pastor, creator of @LutheranSatire. I tweet about theology, movies, Colts football, and Grover Cleveland. Blocked by Dikembe Mutombo. |
694 | 7.4 |
doing my best |
695 | 7.4 |
Elisha Maldonado @elishamaldonado editorial writer @nypost; senior fellow @iwf. British-American dual citizen. |
696 | 7.4 |
Alfred Sohn-Raytheon @normalohioguy class seductionist. |
697 | 7.4 |
Fox News, Co-anchor of America’s Newsroom, Co-host of The Five, Fmr Press Sec to George W. Bush. Speaking opps: |
698 | 7.4 |
Anang Mittal अनंग मित्तल @anangbhai Storyteller. X-Google, fmr. creative @LeaderMcConnell @SenateGOP @Cavalry | @anangbhai on Clubhouse and Youtube | Fluent in Hinglish |
699 | 7.4 |
Sideline reporter, nemophilist, cycling enthusiast, farm girl, and seasonal leaf peeper. |
700 | 7.4 |
He sits motionless, like a spider in the center of its web, but that web has a thousand radiations, and he knows well every quiver of each of them. |
701 | 7.4 | |
702 | 7.4 |
whorelord |
703 | 7.4 |
International man of history. Author, @HooverInst senior fellow, @bopinion columnist. Latest book, DOOM: The Politics of Catastrophe out May 4. Opinions my own. |
704 | 7.4 |
PM @ Prometheus Macro | avid: trader, investor, secular humanist, swimmer, lifter, rugby supremacist. Blasphemer. Quant. MAppFin. |
705 | 7.3 |
Anglo writer in Poland. @TheSpectator, @UnHerd, @Quillette, @AmConMag, @ArcDigi and others. My newsletter: |
706 | 7.3 |
Widow of Jesus Jimenez, RN and fangirl. #TeamBiden She/Her/Ella |
707 | 7.3 |
A lovely lingual lady who loves to lick lollipops (and alliterate). Adjunct Professor of Spanish/Linguistics. Founder of Lengua Franca (@FrancaLengua) |
708 | 7.3 |
Wine, Music/zak, Politics, Pictures |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
710 | 7.3 |
Perpetual student, incessant baker, jazz fan, book lover, Nice Jewish Girl. |
711 | 7.3 |
Princess Tennis @PrincessTennis9 Hobbies: tennis, writing, music |
712 | 7.3 |
Rebecca Balcárcel
Bi-cultural author of THE OTHER HALF OF HAPPY, Pura Belpré honoree; English prof; TX Latina; popcorn lover; she/her; #Autismparent #lasmusas #scbwi #ownvoices |
713 | 7.3 |
Alexandra D'Arcy
Sociolinguist. Language Maverick. @SLRL1 Director. Author of #800yearsoflike. ADR @UVicHumanities. You talk differently than I do & that makes my day. (she/her) |
714 | 7.3 |
Wife. Founder @Dhillonlaw & @Liberty_Ctr; RNC Member, CA; @TheRepLawyer co-chair. Irony weaponizer. Sue-chef. I hike, sail, knit, write, dream. |
715 | 7.3 |
Editor, writer, lapsed biologist. Tweets on language, books, nature, nonsense. Writes ☞ @MacDictionary, @stronglang, others. |
716 | 7.3 |
Chairman @Spectator, @spectatorUSA, @Spectator Australia, @Apollo_Magazine. Former Editor of The Sunday Times and BBC political presenter. |
717 | 7.3 |
Linguist / lexicographer / @WSJ columnist / @TheAtlantic contributor / @ScrippsBee vocab judge / @beyondwordplay editor / all-around word nut. Pronouns: he/him. |
718 | 7.3 |
Sales and marketing |
719 | 7.3 |
Helping Men Develop Their Minds🧠 Bodies 🦶🏽Emotions 🧘🏼♂️ Spirit 🙏🏼 DO HARD THINGS!! |
720 | 7.3 |
"The world has seen its…silver age, its golden age….This is the age of shoddy." - New York Herald |
721 | 7.3 |
We built it We paid for it It's ours. And we're going to keep it. |
722 | 7.3 |
tsar becket adams @BecketAdams Commentary @dcexaminer. Former @UnfilteredSE. Substack: YouTube: |
723 | 7.3 |
Writer. Illustrator. Joto. ¡Hola Papi! @substackinc. My book with @simonbooks is available for preorder now. Rep'd by @AnnieAHwang |
724 | 7.3 |
Mother of four. Lover of liberty. Journalist: law, politics, & culture. Words: @fdrlst + @washexaminer + @DailySignal |
725 | 7.3 |
Austere meme scholar, with a primary focus on the “Owning of Libs” period. Post Master General. |
726 | 7.3 |
journalist @voxdotcom. On parental leave until June. |
727 | 7.3 |
New York Times best-selling author. Founder of @BLEXIT organization. Black people don’t have to be Democrats— still. |
728 | 7.3 |
Actor, writer, anti-Nazi, anti-supremacist. Cook, Jazz enthusiast, decent armchair quarterback. Films: Avatar, Drag Me to Hell, Inception, Beeba Boys. |
729 | 7.3 |
Editor @ Fox News Digital. Read my book on Big Tech: Catholic. Wife guy. Personal acct, rt=/=endorse, etc. |
730 | 7.3 |
Owner/Public Relations @kaiserPRmedia | Proud @LSU Alum | | | Opinions are real & they’re spectacular. |
731 | 7.3 |
Covering Kentucky basketball, Tennessee Titans for @TheAthletic. On the UK beat since 2011 (first for @courierjournal). Previously: Virginia Tech beat 2004-11. |
732 | 7.3 |
Author of Stand By Your Manhood. The “sticks & stones” guy. Neither left nor right. Opinions are spot-on. |
733 | 7.3 |
Andrew Fleischman @ASFleischman I work on behalf of the wrongfully or unfairly convicted for @rossandpines. Constitutional cultist. Opinions are my own. |
734 | 7.3 |
Founder @TangleNews | Liking tweets to bookmark them | Want bipartisan political news? Try this: |
735 | 7.3 |
“i did not come to bring peace, but a sword” | director: social media/comms at @dailycaller | christian | golfer | ohio native | views my own | |
736 | 7.3 |
Don’t just do something. Stand here. @TheReclaimParty Media enquiries: |
737 | 7.3 |
Skeptic, nerd, the original 7 of 9, enjoying the slippage of time. About: . Audio: I like people from a safe distance. |
738 | 7.3 |
Nick Searcy, INTERNATIONAL FILM & TELEVISION STAR @yesnicksearcy Wrestling fan. Natural Heel. Peabody Award winner. Once Guest Hosted for Rush Limbaugh. Find me & wherever @yesnicksearcy is sold! |
739 | 7.3 |
It’s Ma’am, PhDelightful @ItsGoneAwry Twitter’s resident Valkyrie. Endangered species. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
741 | 7.3 |
Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani
Anchor and producer @NBCNews | Currently on maternity leave | Previously: @VICE @HBO | ✉️ | insta💫caro_mt | aka CMT | 🇬🇧🇮🇷🇺🇸 |
742 | 7.3 | |
743 | 7.3 |
Bruce Philippi @philippijourney Lead pastor of Journey Life Center since 1982 |
744 | 7.3 |
Wife of @andsammiches - SAHM of 2 littles (+1!) - Jesus, Food, Books, Art - Trying to find the humor in motherhood. Mostly succeeding. |
745 | 7.3 |
Husband/Father/Speaker/Author/PhD - Love all things Utah: Jazz, Cougars, Utes, Aggies, Hiking, Skiing, Marathons, and Religion |
746 | 7.3 |
Adam Parkhomenko
Democratic Strategist, Consultant, Political Adviser. Dad. Ukrainian-American. Whatever order, son Cameron's my life. @MooseSimba. Join: |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
749 | 7.3 |
A writer defending the American system at home and the liberal order abroad. |
750 | 7.3 |
Arlene Bynon Show @ArleneBynonShow Host of The Arlene Bynon Show heard LIVE weekdays from 8am-10am ET on #SiriusXM's @SXMCanadaTalks 167 |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
752 | 7.3 |
Richard H. Ebright
Board of Governors Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology @RutgersU |
753 | 7.3 |
Angela GreilingKeane @agreilingkeane Managing Editor, States & Canada @POLITICO, @NPCInstitute president, Fmr @PressClubDC prez, MN made, ❤️@Packers, ⚽️ mom |
754 | 7.3 |
Deputy Director Global Research & Innovation, BEIS. Previously UK Foreign Office. Worked in Kenya, US, Tanzania, Guatemala, El Salvador, Pakistan, London |
755 | 7.3 |
Boston Globe Opinion @GlobeOpinion Provoking progress + showcasing original commentary. Editorials, op-eds, and letters from @BostonGlobe opinion. Tell us what you think: |
756 | 7.3 |
A live-streaming network that puts you, the community, front and center. |
757 | 7.3 |
Benjamin Weinthal @BenWeinthal European Affairs Correspondent at The Jerusalem Post. Research Fellow @FDD. Opinions are my own. RT/follow ≠ endorsement. |
758 | 7.3 |
I write editorials and a column on foreign affairs for The Washington Post |
759 | 7.3 |
30 years old, lives in Brooklyn, NY. Former (’00—’06) and hopefully future resident of Florida. Born Jewish. Anglican Christian. Politically conservative. |
760 | 7.3 |
The hub of research, teaching, and training in international security affairs, environmental and resource issues, and science and technology policy. |
761 | 7.3 |
Adam Rubenstein @RubensteinAdam formerly @nytimes, @nytopinion, an editor and writer @weeklystandard. |
762 | 7.3 |
physician-scientist, author, editor |
763 | 7.3 | |
764 | 7.3 |
Host: REFORM THIS!, Author:Battle for Soul of Islam (S&S),Pres. American Islamic Forum for Democracy, former USNavy Lt Cdr, physician, husband, father, American |
765 | 7.3 |
The journalists who love America. |
766 | 7.3 |
TV @Judgerindertv, Crime Stories and The Rob Rinder Verdict : Barrister, Presenter, Columnist for @TheSun & @EveningStandard |
767 | 7.3 | |
768 | 7.3 |
Klavan Squarebeard, first of his name @SpencerKlavan Associate Editor @ClaremontInst, @theammind. Host @ynghereticsshow ( Bronouns: hey/yo/dipwad |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
770 | 7.3 |
Phoebe Maltz Bovy @tweetertation American in Canada, French lit PhD in American cultural criticism. Senior Editor, @thesignal. Half of @FemChaosPod. |
771 | 7.3 |
Calvin Robinson @calvinrobinson Political Adviser, Broadcaster Commentator @Telegraph @DailyMailUK Columnist @ReactionLife Campaigner #DontDivideUs #DefundTheBBC Educationalist @EducationGovUK |
772 | 7.3 |
“Freedom is a light for which many men have died in darkness” |
773 | 7.3 |
Nicholas Semrad @nicholastsemrad Keyboards for Cory Henry & the Funk Apostles, Knower, Donny McCaslin, Mark Guiliana’s Beat Music Host of the "Grid Kids with Nicholas Semrad" podcast |
774 | 7.3 |
Please send details on issues requiring follow-up to and call 911 for emergencies. Opinions are my own and not City of Miami. |
775 | 7.3 |
Best-selling, news-making, award-winning fiction and nonfiction ✌️♥️📚 An imprint of HarperCollins |
776 | 7.3 |
Proud Brit. Ex Labour. Passionate about making a success of the UK outside of the EU. |
777 | 7.3 |
Philly sports. Arsenal. AS Roma. Son of Ben. Taco enthusiast. |
778 | 7.3 |
probably holding in diarrhea |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
780 | 7.3 |
Proud to serve Wisconsin in the U.S. Senate. |
781 | 7.3 |
Co-anchor, Fox & Friends host, The Brian Kilmeade Show, NY Times Best Selling Author. |
782 | 7.3 |
Director, Editor at large, Host, Fellow, @HarvardIOP. |
783 | 7.3 |
Technology reporter ✨ DM tips on anything related to creators/influencers or the online world✨ FOLLOW ME ON IG: #skobuffs |
784 | 7.3 |
Weird & Wonderful #History 🏛️ |
785 | 7.3 |
@washingtonpost games reporter and waifu war correspondent | Email: | @csuf Titan |
786 | 7.3 |
Exec Dir @electioninnov. @CBSNews Election Law contributor. Formerly DOJ @civilrights. Jeopardy! and Millionaire champ. Double @UCBerkeley grad. |
787 | 7.3 |
FoxNewsInsider @FoxNewsInsider Stay connected with everything Fox - the latest news and analysis, must-see show highlights, exclusive features and what's coming up on the channel. |
788 | 7.3 |
Father of two, @heidiscruz's husband, fighter for liberty. Representing the great state of Texas in the U.S. Senate. |
789 | 7.3 |
Stephen Gutowski @StephenGutowski Founder of Firearms Reporter. Gun-safety instructor. Philly fan. IG:… Contact: |
790 | 7.3 |
Icculus The Brave @FirenzeMike Too much of The Phish from Vermont and all Boston sports |
791 | 7.3 |
Husbandist|Strategist|Militarist|Jurist|Papist~Red Tory~Souths/Richmond/ISTJ/Cars~Basset Hound counsellor~Proverbs 27:17~All tweets & RTs trenchant or sardonic |
792 | 7.3 |
Liberservative political analyst. Mom. Wife. Catholic. Doing a weird challenge #HomegrownYear to live off my farm for a year. @ladybrainscast podcaster. |
793 | 7.3 |
The official Twitter account of @ABC News' This Week, hosted by @GStephanopoulos. |
794 | 7.3 |
Amanda Deibert🏳️🌈 @amandadeibert TV writer: He-Man and The Masters of The Universe @Netflix, NYT Bestselling Comic Book writer: DC Comics, Storm King Comics, Penguin Random McClelland & Stewart |
795 | 7.3 |
Husband. Dad. Catholic. From NJ. Issues & Appeals Co-Chair @WileyRein. Fmr FCC General Counsel. Better half: @_katherinebeck. Personal acct; tweets are my own. |
796 | 7.3 |
GOP Rapid Response + Communications Strategist. Culinary Enthusiast. Former 2020 @TeamTrump + @TrumpWarRoom Rapid Response Director |
797 | 7.3 |
Filmmaker |
798 | 7.3 |
🌍 Scott Newgent 🌍 @ScottNewgent Join Scott’s Army-Transman against childhood medical transition No such thing as a trans child U create trans with synthetic hormones & surgery |
799 | 7.3 | |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
801 | 7.3 |
James Pethokoukis @JimPethokoukis @AEI Fellow. @CNBC Contributor. @Jeopardy! champ. @TheWeek columnist. @NorthwesternU. My newsletter: 🦅🌐 🌎🦄 🤖🚀 🧬 |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
803 | 7.3 |
Host/creator of Award-Winning Eat Travel Rock TV, Blonde Sicilian Chicago/LA gal- lover of tattoos & The Simpsons. |
804 | 7.3 |
International bestselling author, Top Five jazz recording artist, & a leading Canadian human rights activist. Host of The Mark Steyn Show. |
805 | 7.3 |
Clear and Present Danger @CAPD_freespeech Podcast on the history of free speech. From the Trial of Socrates to the Great Firewall. iTunes: |
806 | 7.3 |
Iraq Vet. Sr. Contributor @TPUSA. 📺@TheFirstOnTV. Author: Always a Soldier. Host/EP: Rob Smith Is Problematic. Download and Subscribe👇🏿 |
807 | 7.3 |
🇨🇦 #FullFrontal WED / #TheDailyShow & #Conan MON-THU / #WhoIsChad TUE 10:30ep / #Wipeout THU 10ep / #DoingTheMostWithPhoebe Robinson FRI 11ep |
808 | 7.3 |
Dad; husband; anchor of @TheLeadCNN and @CNNSOTU; author of @TheOutpostbook, @TheHellfireClub, and The @Devil_May_Dance: |
809 | 7.3 |
Black Hand Balding 大老板 @BaldingsWorld Two time winner of Lifetime Achievment awards. Opinions could be yours if you ask nicely. Illegitimi non carborundum |
810 | 7.3 |
Co-host of the Odd Lots podcast and 'What'd You Miss?' on Bloomberg TV. Fan of the Bakersfield Sound. |
811 | 7.3 |
Brandon Morse @TheBrandonMorse Deputy Managing Editor, video creator at @RedState. I do bad photoshops and own dogs. Never tell me the odds. -Send hate mail to |
812 | 7.3 |
Official Twitter for #ALLCAPS Fans |
813 | 7.3 |
Kristen Johnston
actress, writer, recovery advocate & dog freak. |
814 | 7.3 |
Personal Account - GameDev (id software) - Armchair Physics - Twitter Prisoner - Light is too slow - الجنة L |
815 | 7.3 |
Boston and New England's leading source for breaking news and analysis, with coverage from across the world. Visit us at |
816 | 7.3 |
Jefferson Dogsled @Jefferson_Hick I am spectacularly boring. It's an art. #sooners Oklahoma, Texas, Tennessee |
817 | 7.3 |
@dailytelegraph federal politics editor, @skynewsaust Outsiders co-host. "Just trying to have a little fun, folks." - Dean Martin. |
818 | 7.3 |
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera
Proud Latina running to be the next NYC Comptroller. Formerly CNBC. Let’s come together and rebuild an NYC where no one is left behind! |
819 | 7.3 |
Immigrant ESL, BxScience, NYC Parent, dual lang advocate, founding member and co-Pres of PLACE NYC. All opinions are my own. |
820 | 7.3 |
PARODY/FAN/STAN/Potentially-a-MAN account you rascals. I am Bridget Phetasy's discarded id. |
821 | 7.3 |
Exiled researcher. Moderate conservative. Free speech advocate. |
822 | 7.3 |
Reagan Battalion @ReaganBattalion Your source for news, information, and commentary, from a conservative perspective. |
823 | 7.3 |
Songwriter/Performer/Recording Artist/Producer |
824 | 7.3 |
@washingtonpost book critic. Immigrant/Peru. Author of WHAT WERE WE THINKING: A Brief Intellectual History of the Trump Era. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
826 | 7.3 |
Seen @TheWeek, and other places. Tweets deleted on the regular. Journalism will never love you back. |
827 | 7.3 |
#1 Business News anchorwoman in America, passionate journalist. Claman Countdown 3pm ET on Fox Biz. Wife, mom, triathlete, CalBerkeley grad, chocoholic redhead |
828 | 7.3 |
Margot Cleveland @ProfMJCleveland Catholic,conservative,~25 yrs law clerk for 7th Cir., former full-time university faculty, now sometimes adjunct, lawyer, mom to CFer.@FDRLST, @NRO, @DCExaminer |
829 | 7.3 |
The Hill is the premier source for policy and political news. Follow for tweets on what's happening in Washington, breaking news and retweets of our reporters. |
830 | 7.3 |
Laura Rosen Cohen @LauraRosenCohen Uppity Jew, mom, writer, Zionist, history geek. Official In-House Jewish Mother of @MarkSteynOnline at |
831 | 7.3 |
Please Get Vaccinated. Pretty pretty please. @JeremyM72014840 |
832 | 7.3 |
Christopher J. Scalia @cjscalia Academic Programs, @AEI. Co-editor, Scalia Speaks & On Faith. Words in @WSJ, @USAToday, @NRO, et al. Bad teams/good music/great books. m. @AdeleScalia, dad x4. |
833 | 7.3 |
Sports etc. at the Wall Street Journal. Big fan of yours. Complaints only: |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
835 | 7.3 |
Young Americans for Liberty @YALiberty YAL's mission is to identify, educate, train, and mobilize youth activists to #MakeLibertyWin 🇺🇸 Join the greatest grassroots movement in America today! |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
839 | 7.3 |
Super 70s Sports @Super70sSports Store:; Media/business:; Cameo: |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
841 | 7.3 |
National Review Institute - Founded 1991 by William F. Buckley Jr. Learn more at |
842 | 7.3 |
microphone check im 12 what is this |
843 | 7.3 |
David L. Bahnsen @DavidBahnsen Managing Partner, Founder of @BahnsenGroupHT. I breathe the market. Author of #CrisisOfResponsibility. @CNBC @FoxBusiness Guest. Contributor to @Forbes and @NRO |
844 | 7.3 |
Keith Humphreys @KeithNHumphreys Esther Ting Memorial Professor at Stanford University. Public policy advisor, film buff, and native of West by God Virginia. Writing at Washington Post. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
846 | 7.3 |
Conservative conversation and community. And podcasts. Join now and get your first month for free (Coolidge level). |
847 | 7.3 |
Good vibes only. I’ve been called a “growth enabler” for companies. |
848 | 7.3 |
RealGirlReview @ARealGirlReview Just a girl doin' her thing #nofilter 📸 Travel+Lifestyle+#lupuswarrior REAL Talk |
849 | 7.3 |
Cynthia Thurlow, NP @_CynthiaThurlow ➕Nurse Practitioner ➕Intermittent Fasting ➕Everyday Wellness Podcast ➕TEDx2 speaker… |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
851 | 7.3 |
Syndicated radio host and "Hold the Line" on tv. SUBSCRIBE to my PODCAST here ➡️ Writer, American Consequences |
852 | 7.3 |
Co-host of The Backstory on Radio Sputnik. Populist artist tech nerd. In Oliver Stone’s Revealing Ukraine. Re-Crowned King of Sioux Falls. Pronoun: y'all. |
853 | 7.3 |
Charles C. W. Cooke @charlescwcooke President of the Filibuster Appreciation Society. (New members must be approved by supermajority.) |
854 | 7.3 |
Former New Leftist, editor of Ramparts, author of Radical Son |
855 | 7.3 |
Idiot. Storyteller. Colonoscopy advocate. Trying to make more corrections than mistakes. WGAW. |
856 | 7.3 |
Leighton Akira Woodhouse @lwoodhouse Documentary filmmaker |
857 | 7.3 |
Michael R. Strain
Director of Economic Policy Studies at AEI. Columnist for Bloomberg Opinion. Buy "The American Dream Is Not Dead": |
858 | 7.3 |
Senior Ed-at-Large, host @BreitbartNews @SiriusXMPatriot 125, Sun 7 ET. Opinions my own. New ebook: THE ZIONIST CONSPIRACY… |
859 | 7.3 |
Host, @mehdihasanshow on @MSNBC and NBC's @peacockTV |
860 | 7.3 |
Donald Trump Jr.
EVP of Development & Acquisitions The @Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice |
861 | 7.3 |
Scott Greenfield @ScottGreenfield Criminal defense lawyer, blawger at Simple Justice, I'm not on your team. |
862 | 7.3 |
Head Writer/EP of “Yearly Departed” (Amazon) Author of “Nobody Will Tell You This But Me" (@VintageAnchor and @aaknopf) |
863 | 7.3 | |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
865 | 7.3 |
Oldkan, Now White Pilled, Artist @OldKanart Illustrator. Writer. my graphic novel The Advancing Peril… |
866 | 7.3 |
WSJ Editorial Page @WSJopinion Opinion & Commentary from The Wall Street Journal. |
867 | 7.3 |
Subscribe to my sex science & politics podcast: ‘THE END OF GENDER’ is anti-woke, free on Audible & read by me⬇️ |
868 | 7.3 |
Official Twitter account for the Utah Republican Party. Visit us at: UTGOP.ORG |
869 | 7.3 |
Murtaza M. Hussain @MazMHussain Focused on the social applications of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and clean energy technology. Also writes on foreign policy @theintercept. فارسی/اردو/EN |
870 | 7.3 |
the smartest man online @AbrasiveGhost like and retweet my posts please |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
873 | 7.3 |
I'm a PhD candidate in philosophy at Cornell. I'm also a research fellow at @CSPICenterOrg. I write about stuff. "At least he's pretty smart." (@bechhof) |
874 | 7.3 |
Michelle Malkin
875 | 7.3 |
Special correspondent, The Sunday Times |
876 | 7.3 |
Comic, music, podcast, and jiujitsu person.… Host of A Fuckup’s Guide to Self-Help & Rear Naked Radio: |
877 | 7.3 |
Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women records what individuals, orgs & govts worldwide are doing to end violence against women. Managed by @UN_Women. |
878 | 7.2 |
Home for all things curious, including surprising facts; answers to life's big questions; and untold stories from history, science, pop culture, and beyond. |
879 | 7.2 |
(((Katya Sedgwick))) @KatyaSedgwick Mom, wife, grad school dropout. Jewexx. Reactionary. Former legal alien. Personal experience with socialism. Words all over. @Katya on Parler. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
881 | 7.2 |
Individual Sovereignty• Passionately American Playboy Playmate •Writer• Chronically Curious •Jungian Analytical Psychology• ENFP •#BTC• |
882 | 7.2 |
Juliette N. Kayyem
@Harvard prof, @CNN Analyst & CEO of Grip Mobility. Nat'l security expert & former Obama @DHSgov. Author of "Security Mom" and Pulitzer finalist. Mom of 3. |
883 | 7.2 |
Senior editor for @FoxNews. Formerly @FreeBeacon. Pensky material. Ideas/tips: |
884 | 7.2 |
Mostly Calm Margo @MargoCatholic ✨ Trad Catholic ✨ Latin Mass only ✨Fan of @taylorrmarshall & @michaeljknowles ✨ No Mask, No Vax ✨ |
885 | 7.2 |
Company director, product designer, musician, copywriter, Milliner's friend. #DontDivideUs |
886 | 7.2 |
Proud hubby of @ladykilham, white, anti-(capitalist, fascist, racist & TERF) CPA & writer. ADHD - NB 🤍💛💜 & Bi 💖💜💙 - - #BLM - poly💗 (He/They) NSFW 18+ |
887 | 7.2 |
I have no idea what is going on anymore. I just keep drinking tea. I ❤️ Marmite. Zero tolerance to Marmite haters. Yes I have eaten it straight from the jar. |
888 | 7.2 |
The Washington Times @WashTimes Reliable reporting, hard-hitting analysis & breaking news, plus RTs from our writers and reporters. Also at @WashTimesOpEd, @WashTimesLocal, @WashTimesSports |
889 | 7.2 |
Editor of Pluribus, an online project exploring the rising tide of illiberalism and its recent progeny, cancel culture. Also, freelance writer, accountant, etc. |
890 | 7.2 |
she/they. (NC-17) |
891 | 7.2 |
892 | 7.2 |
Political Correspondent @GBNews | Journalist & Commentator | You will agree with me on some things and disagree on others, and that's ok | Contact on my site👇 |
893 | 7.2 |
Anthony L. Fisher @anthonyLfisher Insider opinion columnist writing about politics, culture, civil liberties, NYC in the time of COVID. I just want my kids to go back to school. |
894 | 7.2 |
“People like to invent monsters and monstrosities. Then they seem less monstrous themselves.” --Andrzej Sapkowski |
895 | 7.2 |
Wife of @KaylaPekkala, editor-at-large at @mmfa. Opinions my own, tweets self-destruct. |
896 | 7.2 |
Lover of tater tots. Once upon a time I lived in Hollywood. Alhamdulillah. LXIX 🇺🇸✡️ |
897 | 7.2 |
Clarence Hill Jr @clarencehilljr Cowboys writer since 97: Battle tested, SEVEN coaches, 3 playoff wins, countless scandals, controversies and unfulfilled expectations. Don't blame me though. |
898 | 7.2 |
An auto-generated summary of the stories that US political commentators are discussing online right now. Not human-edited, unlike @Techmeme or @mediagazer. |
899 | 7.2 |
Ainsley Earhardt
Hayden's Mama, Co-Host of @FOXandFriends from 6-9AM ET Mon-Fri on @FoxNews Channel, and author of 3 NY Times best sellers, including The Light Within Me. |
900 | 7.2 |
RealClearPolitics @RealClearNews RealClearPolitics (RCP) is an independent, non-partisan media company that is the trusted source for the best news, analysis and commentary. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
902 | 7.2 |
Just a South Carolinian living his mama’s American Dream. |
903 | 7.2 |
Matthew Marsden @matthewdmarsden Husband. Dad. Actor.… |
904 | 7.2 |
RealClearPolitics White House & Natl. Political Correspondent - The Hill, Roll Call, Wash. Examiner alum. email securely: |
905 | 7.2 |
"Sometimes the greatest adventure is simply a conversation." |
906 | 7.2 |
Geoff Shullenberger @daily_barbarian Marginal academic doing @OutsiderTheory. Contact: gshullenb at gmail. |
907 | 7.2 |
Trying to make sense of this world while becoming the man my mother raised- I give a damn, love my family and country...and making people $$$$ |
908 | 7.2 |
Father, Husband, Professor, Writer, guy with opinions; co-founder of @chkbal; Law before policy before politics; Philly sports always, pro-Gritty; typos-R-us |
909 | 7.2 |
Jeffrey Goldberg
Editor in chief, The Atlantic. |
910 | 7.2 |
Opinion contributor @townhallcom. Poli Sci Professor. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
912 | 7.2 |
Independent Editor, Wicked Son Books. Author of "The Ten Commandments" (Scribner, 2010). Along the way, mag editor, PhD. Messaging is the opposite of learning. |
913 | 7.2 |
Academic | Speaker | Writer | Book Mailing list |
914 | 7.2 |
Mom of 5. Likes: politics, sports, dogs, comedy. Dislikes: hipsters. Love child of Ron Swanson and April Ludgate. I have an itchy block finger. Also, pie sucks. |
915 | 7.2 |
Former Marine, Wife, Underdog. |
916 | 7.2 |
Featuring an ensemble of 4 female panelists & our #Outnumbered guest. We tackle top headlines from all perspectives! Weekdays at 12p ET. |
917 | 7.2 |
Astronomy, astronautics, meteorology, physics. @Coelum_news columnist. Engineer, trying to build the big picture of #science via pics, videos & links |
918 | 7.2 |
A libertarian who ended up on conservative talk radio. Opinions mine, not Zimmer or advertisers. |
919 | 7.2 |
Katrina Gulliver
Historian, writer. Creator of the #twitterstorians. Bylines @spectator @TIMEhistory @reason. Member @hdxacademy. Newsletter: |
920 | 7.2 |
Senior editor, National Review; music critic, The New Criterion |
921 | 7.2 |
writer • poet • reader • taker of photos “A Massey poem is a revelation of place." —NY Times Subscribe to my newsletter. |
922 | 7.2 |
Washington Editor @thespectator, Senior Blankley Fellow @steamboat_inst, Hoya fan & country music lover, |
923 | 7.2 |
So much to do, so little time. One of Sinbad's The What Up Girls along w Kirstie Alley & Kris Stepney! IGNORE THE NOISE via @kirstiealley ... LOVING LIFE! |
924 | 7.2 |
Atheist, humanist, ex-evangelical. Science & Human Rights. Studying Arabic. Secular Rescue volunteer case mgr, former Director @RichardDawkins @RDFTranslations |
925 | 7.2 |
Madison Cawthorn
Conservative • Business Owner • Political Activist • I love people, food and our country • Congressman for NC-11 |
926 | 7.2 |
Global Practice Leader, @alvarezmarsal Transaction Advisory Group; BoD @PowerPlayNYC @answerthecall; Enjoys family & golf; AKA #006; Posts are my own views. |
927 | 7.2 |
Member of @USATODAY’s Board of Contributors, contributor to @TheWeek, editor of The Quotable Hitchens, are you bored yet? |
928 | 7.2 |
inspired by your wish list |
929 | 7.2 |
Jasper Williams-Ward @jasperward94 Staff reporter for The Nassau Guardian, freelance reporter for The Washington Post. RTs don't imply agreement. |
930 | 7.2 |
I am a physics/mathematics student with an insatiable curiosity aspiring to get a PhD in physics. Let's learn from one another. |
931 | 7.2 |
Avi Woolf, Wilderness Conservative🐺 @AviWoolf 3rd class Elder of Zion. Wilderness con. Podcast: Articles:… Open DMs. |
932 | 7.2 |
Lord Wallrose 🇺🇸🇭🇷🇸🇰🏳️🌈🎙📺 @LordWallrose Daytime Emmy® Award-winning broadcaster & entrepreneur. Skeptical of everything. Tell me what I'm missing. ∴ Pronouns: His Lordship/M’Lord |
933 | 7.2 |
Devoted to the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. |
934 | 7.2 |
Michael Benjamin @SquarePegDem NY Post Editorial Bd, OpEd columnist, thought leader, blogger, former state legislator, MMA fan. #54, City & State NY Bronx Power 100. Tweets are my own. |
935 | 7.2 |
Marina 'Wear a Mask' Benjamin @marinab52 Books inc. Rocket Dreams, Last Days in Babylon, The Middlepause, Insomnia etc. Lockdown anthology Garden Among Fires on Kindle. Senior Editor @aeonmag. |
936 | 7.2 |
Gary Kaltbaum,Pres,Kaltbaum Capital,Fox News Business Contributor,host,natl radio show, INVESTORS EDGE, technical analyst, pro wrestling nut! |
937 | 7.2 |
Former road dog - to those still on the job - thank you for your service. |
938 | 7.2 |
Founder, Editor-at-large, The Bulwark; Host, Bulwark Podcast; Contributor, MSNBC; Author, "How the Right Lost Its Mind" Email: |
939 | 7.2 |
1. "[A] constant source of good ideas"… 2. "[L]ike watching old Andy Griffith reruns" @Macoman4u1 |
940 | 7.2 |
Reporter for CNN, fact-checking the president and others. |
941 | 7.2 |
Rhymes w/ Coke. I cover the #Yankees for MLB•com. Penny & Maddie’s dad. My wife danced with @springsteen. 📚: #TheBabyBombers, #MISSION27, #TheBronxZoom. |
942 | 7.2 |
Standpoint Magazine @StandpointMag To subscribe please go to or call 01293 312 194. For digital/app subscriptions go to |
943 | 7.2 |
Heidi, Veterans for Humanity 🇺🇲 @YangVets Mom, Veteran, Cajun, Russian Bot. Opinions are someone else's. Frmr tech bro, #Yang2020 #Unity2020, current student of journalism. #Bitcoin |
944 | 7.2 |
CNBC. Occasionally KFI. More Neanderthal than 79% of you. My funny history podcast:… |
945 | 7.2 |
Stand up comic. CEO of Fake Business. Podcast: The Tim Dillon Show Merch: Insta:TimJDillon |
946 | 7.2 |
The Spectator World @TheSpectator A new World edition from The @Spectator, bringing a quality of argument you won't find elsewhere to America's politics, culture, society and more. |
947 | 7.2 |
Cátedra Vargas Llosa @CVargasLlosa "La razón de ser de la Cátedra es estimular los intercambios culturales, fundamentalmente literarios, entre España y el vasto ámbito de la lengua española".MVLL |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
949 | 7.2 |
Capitalist - Veteran - Golfer - Bourbon |
950 | 7.2 |
White Chocolate @rhodeislander I have the biggest love for the smallest state. Celtics fan. Cybersecurity industry veteran, but not a security Tweeter. Leader of Nicole Lapin's RI posse. |
951 | 7.2 |
I race cars, play tennis, and fondle women. BUT, I have weekends off, and I am my own boss. |
952 | 7.2 |
My name is Jamelle Bouie. @nytopinion columnist. @CBSNews Analyst. Got more juice than Picasso’s got paint. I don’t live in New York. |
953 | 7.2 |
Podcast host/producer. New show: @thisdaypod Past: @30for30 | @fivethirtyeight | @askroulette | @wnyc | everybody has their own thing that they yell into a well |
954 | 7.2 |
Brooklyn College/@GC_CUNY history professor. Former Fulbright professor at @telavivuni Former track announcer at Scarborough Downs & the VT State Fair. |
955 | 7.2 |
Digital Scholarship + Asian Initiatives @hooverarchives @stanford (*views are my own) |
956 | 7.2 |
friends trivia expert • wearer of neutrals • beard aficionado • indoorsy • lover of coffee + cheese • sic semper tyrannis • #taxationistheft |
957 | 7.2 |
Buffy Summers ☕️🧋🩰🚃🗽🏬🏢🌃 @rebeccamhersh We in the shit now, somebody’s gotta shovel it. Climate change, cities, density, art, & @Mets. Views are mine but could be yours. #LGM #Mookie |
958 | 7.2 |
Father, fisherman, motorcycle enthusiast, 56th Governor of New York |
959 | 7.2 |
Opinion editor @Newsweek, fellow, syndicated columnist, counsel @The_IAP, speaker @ISI/@YAF/@FedSoc, member @AmerCompass, alum @ClaremontInst. |
960 | 7.2 |
Smart Brevity worthy of people's time, attention and trust. Subscribe to our newsletters: |
961 | 7.2 |
Curated media + tech + pop interest remix by @JasonHirschhorn. Daily newsletter at… |
962 | 7.2 |
CEO, Blaze Media. |
963 | 7.2 |
“Nobody owns me”. Award-winning Investigative journalist- duPont–Columbia Silver Baton etc. Not a fan of tyranny. Host ‘Lara Logan Has No Agenda’ on @foxnation. |
964 | 7.2 |
Internet Hooligan... |
965 | 7.2 |
Christian. Conservative. Apologetics volunteer. Marvel, SG-1, and SPN addict. Fangirl, cross-stitcher, and just barely a knitter. Hi! |
966 | 7.2 |
Historian of the intelligentsia. Adored by little statesmen & philosophers & divines. VP of Programs @berggrueninst, Deputy Editor @NoemaMag Tweets are my own. |
967 | 7.2 |
The best of our journalism. Subscribe here: Speak to our customer service team: |
968 | 7.2 |
Aurelian of Rome @AurelianofRome Independent. Responsible individualist. Sociology. Cats. ☪️. “Evil must be opposed.” Retweets do not imply endorsement. My one and only account. |
969 | 7.2 |
conservative (NOT a tory 🤢) & proud 🇬🇭 🇬🇧| he/haw |
970 | 7.2 |
“No one is safe. I will be talking about any and everything. Any and everyone.” - @dionnewarwick |
971 | 7.2 |
MasterClass Millionaires @MasterClassMill A community of people helping people learn how to become millionaires. #Bitcoin Investing - Teaching - Connecting |
972 | 7.2 |
#1 Body Transformation Coach For Professionals & Executives 👔 Busy Professionals Fitness Handbook 👉 • FREE Game Plan Call👇 |
973 | 7.2 |
I'm having a laugh, are you.Politically lost, so joke without prejudice. Gooner til I die.Celtic has a place in my heart love my cocker spaniel. No DMs |
974 | 7.2 |
Producing the most hard-hitting and impactful political videos and content. Because truth is golden. Donate… |
975 | 7.2 |
I went from nothing to nothing | Send it |
976 | 7.2 |
Host, @PushbackShow @TheGrayzoneNews. Newsletter: Contact: |
977 | 7.2 |
Writing my first book for Norton; @TheDailyBeast Columnist; Senior Fellow @WStatesCenter & @AuburnSeminary; @TheLavinAgency Speaker; |
978 | 7.2 |
Thomas Massie
U.S. Rep KY4, co-Chair 2A Caucus, greenest member of congress, MIT 93 Bachelor of Science EE, MIT 96 Master of Science #sassywithmassie #PoliticalScienceDenier |
979 | 7.2 |
Roberto Blake 🇺🇸🇵🇦🗽Creative Entrepreneur @robertoblake 🎬 Coach for #Creators - 📷 500K YT 🎤 Podcaster 💡Keynote Speaker. Featured: @Forbes @entrepreneur @blackenterprise |
980 | 7.2 |
Editor: @BearingArmsCom Host #40AcreFool podcast. Goat Whisperer "Cam Edwards doesn't f*** around."- @terryschappert "Gun knowledge ninja"- @Politibunny |
981 | 7.2 |
Sr. Editor @aeonmag; historian, wrote Origins of American Religious Nationalism; formerly- Harvard Society of Fellows, @AUB_Lebanon, @AUC, Wisconsinite |
982 | 7.2 |
Producer. Essentially @RubinReport's personal chef. Penn State Alum. |
983 | 7.2 |
Nicholas Grossman @NGrossman81 International Relations prof at U. Illinois. Senior Editor @ArcDigi. Author “Drones and Terrorism.” Politics, national security, and occasional nerdery. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
985 | 7.2 |
Evan Swarztrauber ⚾ @SayreEvan Tech, telecom, and sport ball. Former staffer and podcast host of @FCC and @TechFreedom. Views are my own. #NYR #SquadUp #TakeFlight #Arsenal🔴 |
986 | 7.2 |
Making Plans for Nigel 🇺🇸🎩🤷🏻♂️ @ecc1989 Burkeian Liberal. FDR-MLK Democrat. More New Deal than New Left. Pro-America, pro-Constitution, anti-China, anti-Islamophobia. Full of unexpected takes! |
987 | 7.2 |
Survivor of FGM. Training Facilitator , Consultancy International & Global Speaker Policy influencer |
988 | 7.2 |
Marco Ballesteros @BadHombreMarcoB Just another Bad Hombre from a shithole country. Woke since 1988. Liberal. American-Mexican. Anti-theist. I am large. I contain multitudes. |
989 | 7.2 |
Senior Advisor to @AndrewYang, Co-Host of #YangSpeaks, Founder of @volunteerSuitUp and @HumanityForward. #BillsMafia |
990 | 7.2 |
#Bitcoin/ / |
991 | 7.2 |
Paul Joseph Watson
"Watson is a brilliant polemicist." The Spectator.....”Popular cutting edge political commentator.” The Jewish Voice. Telegram: |
992 | 7.2 |
Looking for a positive way forward. Critical of toxic elements on both the left and right. Looking for like-minded people |
993 | 7.2 |
AEI Fellow, Fox News, Wash Post columnist, Co-host of "What The Hell Is Going On?"… |
994 | 7.2 |
Content Junkie. Politics. Booted and spurred by the great Lyn Nofziger - JMC Group - RT's Not Endorsements - |
995 | 7.2 |
Former Heavyweight pro boxer (13-1-1). Competitive chess player. Full-time author. I write about how to develop stoic street-smarts and realize your potential. |
996 | 7.2 |
Reporter at @realDailyWire. Retweets ≠ endorsement. |
997 | 7.2 |
Fightin' Texas Aggie '10 & HUGE fan of the San Antonio Spurs. Christian. Lesser half of YouTube's #TheRightBrothers. My wife & kids are my reason for living! |
998 | 7.2 |
Asst. Prof/PhD/JD @StJohnsLaw • @YaleISP • Online speech, governance, law, empirics & cog psych • Co-host @inlieuoffunshow |
999 | 7.2 |
Solving Serious Problems. Chaotic Good. Desperately clinging to the Internet ideals of the 90s. UX, Tech, Politics, Psych, Comedy, Cults. You’re all nuts. |
1000 | 7.2 |
Took a twitter vacation, got my handle stolen. Same hispanic shitlord as always. Might occasionally tweet in spanish or swedish. |
Websites | vs. baseline | influence |
---|---|---| | 89.5x | 0.6% | | 31.8x | 1.8% | | 26.8x | 0.7% | | 14.9x | 1.2% | | 13.1x | 1.0% | | 12.3x | 0.6% | | 11.8x | 1.2% | | 9.2x | 1.0% | | 8.1x | 1.1% | | 7.9x | 1.2% | | 7.5x | 0.8% | | 7.2x | 0.6% | | 5.4x | 0.7% | | 4.7x | 2.9% | | 4.0x | 0.9% | | 3.7x | 0.9% | | 3.6x | 0.9% | | 3.2x | 1.6% | | 2.3x | 1.4% | | 2.1x | 0.6% | | 2.1x | 1.5% | | 2.0x | 1.3% | | 1.8x | 4.2% | | 1.8x | 0.5% | | 1.4x | 1.0% | | 1.4x | 0.6% | | 1.1x | 0.7% | | 1.1x | 0.8% | | 0.8x | 0.7% | | 0.7x | 1.1% | | 0.7x | 2.1% | | 0.6x | 9.1% | | 0.6x | 0.7% | | 0.6x | 0.6% | | 0.5x | 3.3% | | 0.5x | 1.6% | | 0.3x | 0.7% |
Mediums | vs. baseline | influence |
---|---|---| | 26.6x | 2.2% | | 4.4x | 0.6% | | 3.9x | 80.3% | | 0.7x | 4.3% | | 0.6x | 0.9% | | 0.4x | 0.6% | | 0.3x | 1.1% | | 0.2x | 2.1% | | 0.2x | 3.6% | | 0.1x | 1.5% |
Substacks | vs. baseline | influence |
---|---|---| | 39.0x | 0.5% | | 37.2x | 1.6% | | 12.1x | 5.6% | | 11.3x | 2.1% | | 8.6x | 8.7% | | 5.0x | 0.7% | | 4.9x | 15.5% | | 4.9x | 10.4% | | 4.8x | 1.1% | | 3.7x | 19.9% | | 3.6x | 3.6% | | 3.6x | 2.9% | | 0.8x | 14.4% | | 0.7x | 0.7% | | 0.4x | 2.3% | | 0.3x | 1.6% | | 0.2x | 0.8% | | N/Ax | 0.5% |
Patreons | vs. baseline | influence |
newdiscourses | 11.7x | 4.9% |
quillette | 9.1x | 8.3% |
seanmcarroll | 5.4x | 0.6% |
blockedandreported | 2.7x | 19.7% |
habibibros | 2.1x | 4.0% |
wesleyyang | 1.7x | 12.6% |
psychpodcast | 1.5x | 2.3% |
glennshow | N/Ax | 16.9% |
colemanhughes | N/Ax | 10.5% |
parrotroom | N/Ax | 9.3% |
skeptic | N/Ax | 3.6% |
zubymusic | N/Ax | 1.1% |
pangburn | N/Ax | 0.6% |
bretweinstein | N/Ax | 0.6% |
twofortea | N/Ax | 0.6% |
visakanv | N/Ax | 0.5% |
Subreddits | vs. baseline | influence |
/r/natureisfuckinglit | 107.7x | 3.1% |
/r/damnthatsinteresting | 68.2x | 1.4% |
/r/wtf | 44.5x | 0.7% |
/r/portland | 19.9x | 7.0% |
/r/physicsmemes | 13.6x | 0.7% |
/r/distantsocializing | 13.6x | 0.7% |
/r/seancarroll | 13.6x | 1.0% |
/r/outoftheloop | 12.7x | 10.5% |
/r/beamazed | 11.3x | 14.2% |
/r/joerogan | 8.3x | 1.1% |
/r/climateskeptics | 6.0x | 0.8% |
/r/tulsi | 4.9x | 0.7% |
/r/interestingasfuck | 4.4x | 2.2% |
/r/blockedandreported | 4.3x | 0.7% |
/r/yangforpresidenthq | 4.3x | 1.0% |
/r/space | 3.2x | 0.8% |
/r/pics | 2.5x | 2.1% |
/r/dataisbeautiful | 2.0x | 10.1% |
/r/politicalhumor | 1.0x | 0.5% |
/r/asklatinamerica | 0.8x | 0.9% |
/r/mapporn | 0.6x | 1.4% |
/r/worldnews | 0.5x | 2.8% |
/r/nyc | 0.3x | 0.6% |
/r/iama | 0.2x | 1.7% |
/r/politics | 0.1x | 0.7% |
/r/wallstreetbets | 0.1x | 1.4% |
/r/rareinsults | N/Ax | 11.9% |
/r/likeus | N/Ax | 1.2% |
/r/mildlyinteresting | N/Ax | 0.9% |
/r/sciencelaboratory | N/Ax | 0.8% |
/r/toptalent | N/Ax | 0.7% |
/r/natureismetal | N/Ax | 0.7% |
/r/interesting | N/Ax | 0.7% |
/r/naturetimelapse | N/Ax | 0.6% |
/r/samharris | N/Ax | 0.6% |
/r/praisethecameraman | N/Ax | 0.5% |
Apple Podcasts | vs. baseline | influence |
id1532976305 | 23.9x | 23.7% |
id1437447846 | 5.9x | 2.4% |
id1471581521 | 5.9x | 4.7% |
id360084272 | 5.5x | 29.8% |
id1504298199 | 4.2x | 0.8% |
id1524832743 | 4.2x | 2.9% |
id152249110 | 2.8x | 0.8% |
id1493229344 | 1.3x | 0.7% |
id1291144720 | 1.2x | 9.5% |
id1097696129 | 0.7x | 0.5% |
id1467993804 | 0.6x | 0.5% |
id1081584611 | 0.5x | 1.0% |
id1200361736 | 0.5x | 1.4% |
id1508202790 | 0.3x | 3.0% |
id1042433083 | 0.2x | 0.7% |
id733163012 | N/Ax | 7.0% |
id1499880546 | N/Ax | 0.5% |
YouTube Channels | vs. baseline | influence |
pbsnewshour | 16.4x | 1.7% |
chilsonsire | 16.4x | 1.7% |
whisperwaar01 | 16.4x | 1.7% |
drbriankeating | 16.4x | 1.7% |
seancarroll | 16.4x | 18.2% |
netflix | 5.3x | 3.5% |
speakingofai | 5.3x | 3.5% |
leatherzipperlips | 5.3x | 3.5% |
clarkjohn | 5.3x | 3.5% |
nfl | 4.7x | 0.8% |
כאן11-תאגידהשידורהישראלי | 4.2x | 0.8% |
johnwilliams-topic | 4.2x | 0.8% |
disneymusicvevo | 4.2x | 0.8% |
paradiseofbachelors | 4.2x | 0.5% |
dumpster3403 | 4.2x | 0.5% |
q2q4me | 3.7x | 12.1% |
leonardcohenvevo | 3.7x | 6.1% |
thebeatles-topic | 2.0x | 0.7% |
davidpakmanshow | 1.8x | 1.8% |
movieclips | 1.1x | 3.6% |
instituteforjustice | 0.9x | 0.7% |
thefederalistsociety | 0.9x | 0.7% |
senatorbensasse | 0.9x | 0.7% |
foxbusiness | 0.9x | 0.7% |
washingtonpost | 0.4x | 1.9% | | N/Ax | 12.3% |
glennloury | N/Ax | 7.3% |
ksmith | N/Ax | 1.2% |
sapwn666 | N/Ax | 0.6% |
reuters | N/Ax | 0.6% |