Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)
Rank | Score | |
1 | 10.0 |
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. Defending #freespeech, #dueprocess, and #academicfreedom on college campuses. |
2 | 9.9 |
CEO @thefireorg. #Freespeech lawyer. Author Unlearning Liberty, co-author Coddling of the American Mind w/ @JonHaidt Opinions are mine |
3 | 9.7 |
Sarah McLaughlin @sarahemclaugh Advocate at @TheFIREorg. Tweets about free expression, dissent, and academic freedom. Campaigning to be the next Gritty Guard. Opinions are my own. |
4 | 9.5 |
Adam Steinbaugh @adamsteinbaugh First Amendment lawyer, @thefireorg. Licensed in PA and CA. Opinions are my own. |
5 | 9.4 |
Founder & CEO @Justitiaorg, Visiting Fellow @thefireorg #Freespeech, #Tech creator of @capd_freespeech, writing book on history of free speech @basicbooks |
6 | 9.0 |
9-5 @TheFIREorg, second runner-up @Jeopardy, runner, Moleskine enthusiast. Now: Cambridge, MA. Then: Philadelphia (2001-2020). Always: Gritty. Opinions mine. |
7 | 8.7 |
Senior Research Counsel, @TheFIREorg. Former anti-hero trying the hero thing; gamer. Opinions are my own, until I abandon them suddenly for no reason. |
8 | 8.6 |
I defend student and faculty rights as Legal Director for @theFIREorg. Interested in civil liberties. Opinions my own. |
9 | 8.5 |
Zachary Greenberg @Zach2Greenberg First Amendment attorney @theFIREorg. President of @PADAorg Board of Directors. I eat parking tickets for breakfast. Opinions are my own. |
10 | 8.4 |
Legislative Counsel, @TheFIREorg. Lawyer. Free speech, due process, freedom of conscience. Proud Hoosier. Soccer fan. Crazy world, a lot of smells. |
11 | 8.3 |
"So to Speak: The Free Speech Podcast” takes an uncensored look at the world of free expression through candid conversations. Created by @TheFIREorg. |
Account Rankings
Rank | Score | |
1 | 9.1 |
Mostly Ken White. I do the RICO. Popehat Report: Podcasts: Make No Law, All The Presidents’ Lawyers |
2 | 8.8 |
Science-based syndicated columnist. Mediator. Latest “science-help” book: Unf*ckology (How to scuttle fear & live w/guts & confidence) |
3 | 8.7 |
Clear and Present Danger @CAPD_freespeech Podcast on the history of free speech. From the Trial of Socrates to the Great Firewall. iTunes: |
4 | 8.7 |
Andrew Fleischman @ASFleischman I work on behalf of the wrongfully or unfairly convicted for @rossandpines. Constitutional cultist. Opinions are my own. |
5 | 8.7 |
Pamela Paresky (Habits of a Free Mind) @PamelaParesky Vstng Sr. Rsrch Assoc, @SIFKnow @UChicago; Sr Scholar @ncri_io; Rsrchr, Coddling of the American Mind; @HabitsFreeMind; Mom; Opinions mine but they often change |
6 | 8.7 |
Alice Dreger, Ph.D. @AliceDreger Author of "Galileo's Middle Finger," the book that documented the birth of cancel culture. |
7 | 8.6 |
Writer, about law especially; @CatoInstitute. Blogged at Overlawyered (1999-2020). Election law and Maryland civic stuff. |
8 | 8.6 |
First Amendment & defamation lawyer. Free Speech Counsel at @techfreedom, doing the #Section230. #Illini, music junkie, oofnik. Tweets/opinions are my own. |
9 | 8.6 |
Students For Liberty @sfliberty Our mission is to educate, develop, and empower the next generation of leaders of liberty. |
10 | 8.6 |
Legal Fellow @knightcolumbia. @ILPFoundry fellow. @BU_Law & @SMPAGWU alum. Fmr w/ @rcfp and @ICFJ. Tweeting about First Amendment & Philly sports. (she/her) |
11 | 8.5 |
Nicholas A. Christakis
Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale. Physician. Author of Apollo's Arrow; Blueprint; and Connected. Luckily wed @ErikaChristakis |
12 | 8.5 |
Scott Greenfield @ScottGreenfield Criminal defense lawyer, blawger at Simple Justice, I'm not on your team. |
13 | 8.5 |
National Coalition Against Censorship @ncacensorship The National Coalition Against Censorship is committed to defending free expression for everyone, every day. REPORT CENSORSHIP ✊ |
14 | 8.5 |
Thomas Chatterton Williams
Words: @NYTMag, @Harpers. Boards: @AmericanAcademy, @JoinPersuasion. Fellowship: @AEI. Speaking: @APBspeakers. Next Book: NOTHING WAS THE SAME: @AAKnopf |
15 | 8.5 |
We turn complex ideas into practical concepts for you to live an individually empowered life and make the world a better place. |
16 | 8.5 |
Russian-Jewish-American. "Voice of reason against the madness." Lover of otters. @ArcDigi @Reason @Newsday @BulwarkOnline @theweek etc. CathyYoung63@gmail |
17 | 8.5 |
Brooklyn College/@GC_CUNY history professor. Former Fulbright professor at @telavivuni Former track announcer at Scarborough Downs & the VT State Fair. |
18 | 8.5 |
now: @nytimes. previously: @voxdotcom. Go Blue. |
19 | 8.4 |
Write, Edit & Podcast @Reason || || || |
20 | 8.4 |
I write/edit @techdirt. I survived for 12 years without a bio on Twitter, but now I've added one. |
21 | 8.4 |
Culture writer, novelist, co-author of Stan Lee's ALLIANCES, and one half of @femchaospod. New book, NO ONE WILL MISS HER, coming 10-12-2021. |
22 | 8.4 |
The only host of the only podcast |
23 | 8.4 |
Free speech and due process lawyer. Partner, Allen Harris PLLC. Opinions here are my own. |
24 | 8.4 |
Professor, author of "Our Own Worst Enemy." Curmudgeon. Cat guy. Democracy enthusiast. Board of Contributors, @USAToday, Contributing Writer, @TheAtlantic. |
25 | 8.4 |
Alvin Y.H. Cheung is unhappily vindicated (again) @ayhcheung Dyspeptic academic. @SSHRC_CRSH postdoc @LawMcGill (on leave as of Apr 2021). Graduate of @jsdnyu. HK Cassandra @usalinyu. Has a long memory. |
26 | 8.4 | @HumanProgress A @CatoInstitute project. Buy our book:… |
27 | 8.4 |
Cognitive scientist at Harvard. |
28 | 8.3 |
Right-minded campus news, powered by student reporters & veteran editors. Join our email list:… |
29 | 8.3 |
Shoshana Weissmann, Sloth Committee Chair 🦥 @senatorshoshana Head digital media @RSI & fellow: Occupational licensing reform, Section 230, SCOTUS, social media regulation. Also in @FedSocRTP. Sewing🧵 #PeakBagger🏔 More⬇️ |
30 | 8.3 |
Andrew Donaldson @four4thefire Mountaineer diaspora | Veteran | #Writer | ME @ordinarytimemag | Words @YonderandHome @arcdigi & elsewhere | purveyor #twittersupperclub | DMs open for inquires |
31 | 8.3 |
Not Brian France @Not_BrianFrance Pound sand, Brian France. Parody |
32 | 8.3 |
average king. "one of the former greats" - paul f tompkins |
33 | 8.3 |
Mark O. Martin @markowenmartin Husband, father, educator, researcher, moderate libertarian, and always a microbial centrist! |
34 | 8.3 |
Omni-American, staff writer at The Atlantic, founding editor of The Best of Journalism–subscribe here:… |
35 | 8.3 |
Astronomer. Writer. Conservaliberaltarian. Heuristic. Algorithmic. Check out first novel at pinned tweet. Have astronomy question? I answer them at the OT blog. |
36 | 8.3 | |
37 | 8.3 |
I build things. Media/business inquiries: |
38 | 8.3 |
Savoyard. 1st Amendment lawyer. Founder of ÞALA. |
39 | 8.3 |
American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) @goACTA ACTA is a nonpartisan national nonprofit committed to academic freedom, academic excellence, and accountability in higher education. |
40 | 8.3 |
Students for Free Expression @Students4Speech Students for Free Expression: students, faculty and alumni from around the world united in supporting free and open exchange of ideas. |
41 | 8.3 |
Lecturer at Acadia University. Judicial politics, authoritarianism, Islamic law. Specializing in Sudan/Egypt. Occasionally free speech on campus issues as well. |
42 | 8.3 |
Senior Counsel at the National Council for Incarcerated & Formerly Incarcerated Women & Girls, Free speech advocate. Aspiring grande dame. Opinions are mine. |
43 | 8.2 |
Philadelphia Flyers @NHLFlyers "Be a _______ Flyer."- Alain Vigneault |
44 | 8.2 |
kilgore trout, junky horse @KT_So_It_Goes turnip shepherd & bad person |
45 | 8.2 |
Christina Hoff Sommers
Resident scholar, AEI. Former philosophy professor. Author of War Against Boys and Who Stole Feminism? Host of YouTube’s The Factual Feminist. |
46 | 8.2 |
Andrea Kuszewski
Cog scientist, behavior therapist, science writer, artist | Intelligence, Creativity, Sociopathy, & X-Altruism are my jam ✉️ |
47 | 8.2 |
Malicious software researcher. Tweets are mine, not my employer’s. He/him. |
48 | 8.2 |
Reason is the monthly magazine and website of “free minds and free markets” published by @ReasonFdn. |
49 | 8.2 |
1 for All — which launched July 1, 2010 — is a national nonpartisan program designed to build understanding and support for First Amendment freedoms. |
50 | 8.2 |
Father, Husband, Professor, Writer, guy with opinions; co-founder of @chkbal; Law before policy before politics; Philly sports always, pro-Gritty; typos-R-us |
51 | 8.2 |
Mostly off Twitter for May. Author, @fsgbooks. Former: @NYMag. Cohost @TheBARPod, the first-ever podcast:… * jesse.r.singal@gmail |
52 | 8.2 |
Justice Correspondent: @thenation Alignment: Neutral Good. Str:12 Dex:8 Con:15 Int:13 Wis:10 Char:14 Class: Paladin. Strong Against: Republicans. |
53 | 8.2 |
Columnist for Insider. Host of KCRW's Left, Right & Center & cohost w/ @popehat of All the President's Lawyers. Instagram: @ joshbarro |
54 | 8.1 |
Columnist at the Washington Post. Opinions my own. Email me: Megan.McArdle -at- Buy my book, The Up Side of Down |
55 | 8.1 |
comms @coincenter—the cryptocurrency policy think tank | | internet censorship substack: |
56 | 8.1 |
Robert P. George
McCormick Prof. of Jurisprudence, Princeton University + Bluegrass Banjo Picker + Co-author: *What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense*. unWoke/uncancellable |
57 | 8.1 |
Scott Barry Kaufman
Cognitive scientist exploring the mind, creativity, and the depths of human potential | Latest book: Transcend 📕| Host @psychpodcast🎙| #neurodiversity 🧠 |
58 | 8.1 |
Me: interests: #scicomm, books, gardening, philosophy, science journalism, photography, #nature, #travel, #DiscWorld, and so on. |
59 | 8.1 |
🇮🇳🇬🇧 🇦🇷Parsi. Editor-in-chief @AreoMagazine. Views purely personal. |
60 | 8.1 |
Rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, author, columnist. |
61 | 8.1 |
The Martin Center @AcademicRenewal The Martin Center seeks to improve higher education by providing research, commentary, and news to policymakers and the public. |
62 | 8.1 |
Opinion journalist, Washington Post. Author of Rise of the Warrior Cop, and The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist. Honorary Duckmaster (3/24/18). |
63 | 8.1 |
James Lindsay, DARPA for the culture war @ConceptualJames Not-NYT Bestselling author. Math PhD. Founder of New Discourses. Apolitical. Against totalitarianism and supremacy of all kinds. For freedom. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 |
64 | 8.1 |
Jeff B. tried to do his best, but he could not @EsotericCD Atty+friendly RINO. Polls, politics, postpunk. Cohost of @Political_Beats at @NRO. Dedicated to you, but you weren't listening. |
65 | 8.1 |
Professor at Georgetown, Visiting Prof at Oxford & Aarhus. Immigrant. Views my own. Administrative burdens guy:… |
66 | 8.1 |
Managing editor/resident Catholic, @reason. Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends? |
67 | 8.1 |
It me. Mascot of the @NHLFlyers. |
68 | 8.1 |
@reason senior editor. 2016 @forbes 30 Under 30 list. Author of "Panic Attack: Young Radicals in the Age of Trump." Available now: |
69 | 8.1 |
A public policy research organization dedicated to individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace. |
70 | 8.1 |
Rui emerges from the ground screaming @rzhongnotes 🇨🇳-🇺🇸 relations, tech, nationalism & painting. tweets here mine. Words in @larbchina @foreignpolicy @techreview @monkeycageblog ;🖼 by @itsjanemahoney |
71 | 8.1 |
Explore the ideas of a free society. Powered by @sfliberty |
72 | 8.1 |
He sits motionless, like a spider in the center of its web, but that web has a thousand radiations, and he knows well every quiver of each of them. |
73 | 8.1 |
Authenticated human. Somewhat addicted to sarcasm. |
74 | 8.1 |
Wife of @KaylaPekkala, editor-at-large at @mmfa. Opinions my own, tweets self-destruct. |
75 | 8.1 | |
76 | 8.1 |
I observe things, and comment. RTs are not necessarily endorsements of views expressed. |
77 | 8.1 |
Dr. Vanessa Miller @VanessaMiller_ J.D. @PennStateLaw | Ph.D. @PSU_EdPolicy | racial & gender equity in the legal profession | future #LatinaLawyer | BLM | @UF & @TeachersCollege grad |
78 | 8.1 |
Courtney Brousseau @cbrewsayso I tweet about dogs 🐕, cats 🐈, civic tech 🏛, biking 🚲, trains 🚇, and plants 🌱 // APM @Twitter // bi 💖💜💙 |
79 | 8.1 |
A non-partisan collaborative of educators who believe open inquiry, diverse viewpoints, & constructive disagreement are critical to research & education. |
80 | 8.0 |
I make beautiful ❄️ 👼. |
81 | 8.0 |
IT guy. Protest photographer on hiatus. Cishomo. He/Him. #MilkTeaAlliace #StandWithHK #HKLeftUnite |
82 | 8.0 |
Culture editor at The Bulwark. Washington Post contributing columnist. Pods: @SubBeacon; Bulwark Goes to Hollywood; Across the Movie Aisle. "Centrist edgelord.” |
83 | 8.0 |
Hanging out on the dairy in Iowa looking for the lil’ treasonous cowpoke. Citizen-Journalist. First Amendment Fan 🐮 |
84 | 8.0 |
The Economist's China Affairs Editor. Formerly media editor. Views expressed may be the opposite of my employer’s |
85 | 8.0 |
Geoffrey F. Miller
Psychology professor; wrote The Mating Mind, Spent, Mate, & Virtue Signaling. Themes: Evolution, sentience, civilization, EA, X risk, crypto. Wife: @sentientist |
86 | 8.0 |
Senior Editor @TheDispatch, Columnist @Time, Co-host, Advisory Opinions podcast, Iraq vet, married to @NancyAFrench. “A real problem” -Rush Limbaugh. |
87 | 8.0 |
Elizabeth Nolan Brown @ENBrown ✨sex, speech, tech, justice, politics, & panic✨ Senior editor @reason magazine. Co-head @feministliberty ☀️ Extreme morning person |
88 | 8.0 |
Covering politics for @washingtonpost., 202-334-7387. @CWAUnion member. Buy my book: (Avatar by @damnyouregis) |
89 | 8.0 |
John McWhorter
Linguist at Columbia, Slate's Lexicon Valley, Contributing Ed. at the Atlantic. Next books: 9 NASTY WORDS, THE ELECT. For hot takes, |
90 | 8.0 |
Criminal justice reporter and FOIA nerd for @reason / cj at reason dot com / DMs open, reach out for Signal |
91 | 8.0 |
Birgitte A Eiriksson @BAEiriksson Vicedirektør i Justitia og medlem af Dataetisk Råd. Retssikkerhed, udsatte grupper, digitalisering og kunstig intelligens mv. Debattør, oplægsholder + forfatter |
92 | 8.0 |
not the darth you are looking for |
93 | 8.0 |
Sr. Editor @aeonmag; historian, wrote Origins of American Religious Nationalism; formerly- Harvard Society of Fellows, @AUB_Lebanon, @AUC, Wisconsinite |
94 | 8.0 |
Editor-in-Chief, @TheDispatch (, LAT columnist. AEI Fellow. Host Remnant Podcast. Majordomo for Zoë and Pippa. |
95 | 8.0 |
Christian, husband, dadx3. VP, Legal & Judicial, @afphq; Sr. Fellow, Free Speech, @CKInstitute. Christmas music czar Barbecue lover, but not NC. |
96 | 8.0 |
Greg Piper #SmilesMatter 😀 @gregpiper Reporter @justthenews. Ex @collegefix @comm_daily editor. Pained @trailblazers lifer. Narrative questioner. |
97 | 8.0 |
1st Amendment Voice @1st_amend Invigorating citizens to #FindTheirVoice & exercise rights espoused in the #1stAmendment #Freespeech #ReligiousFreedom #FreePress #FreeAssembly #Petition #1A |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
99 | 8.0 |
Consultant working with @BetterShowers: terrific shower heads #AmericanBuilt. Semi-retired after 31 years in IT @Cal. Opinions mine alone. |
100 | 8.0 |
We help keep the movement for Palestinian freedom strong by providing legal support and advocacy for activists in the US speaking out for justice. |
101 | 8.0 |
Young Americans for Liberty @YALiberty YAL's mission is to identify, educate, train, and mobilize youth activists to #MakeLibertyWin 🇺🇸 Join the greatest grassroots movement in America today! |
102 | 8.0 |
Write stuff, read stuff, build stuff. Check out my newsletter on politics and current affairs with @ShantMM. Subscribe here: |
103 | 8.0 |
Founder @JoinPersuasion | Associate Prof @SAISHopkins | Contributing Editor @TheAtlantic | Senior Fellow @CFR_org | Sr. Advisor @protctdemocracy | Opinions mine |
104 | 8.0 |
@reason @newsweek @wsj @palomamedia |
105 | 8.0 |
Post-communist Europe, Appalachia, architecture, higher ed. Editor at the Martin Center @academicrenewal , co-founder @expatalachians . |
106 | 8.0 |
Samuel Abrams @SamuelAbramsAEI Visiting Scholar @AEI, Politics Professor @SLC, Proud Dad to David and Natalie, Lover of Vintage Maps and Posters |
107 | 8.0 | |
108 | 8.0 |
Science reporter @voxdotcom. Making Unexplainable, a new podcast on unanswered questions in science. Subscribe! Link below. |
109 | 8.0 |
Generation Opportunity advocates for more freedom, better opportunities, and a brighter future for all young Americans! |
110 | 8.0 |
Staff Writer, @TheAtlantic Ideas. Preorder THE CRUELTY IS THE POINT out June 29, 2021 here: |
111 | 8.0 |
Social psychologist at NYU-Stern. I study moral and political psychology, and business ethics |
112 | 8.0 |
Carissa Byrne Hessick @CBHessick Criminal law professor at the University of North Carolina. Director of the Prosecutors and Politics Project (@ppp_unc). |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
114 | 7.9 |
Matthew Yglesias
Writer and editor, Slow Boring. Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center. Host of The Weeds. Vaxxed and relaxed. These tweets are worth what you pay for them. |
115 | 7.9 |
First Amendment Watch @FirstAmendWatch Project of New York University. We cover threats to the First Amendment freedoms of speech, press, assembly, and petition. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
117 | 7.9 |
Senior reporter, dystopia beat, @NBCNews. |
118 | 7.9 |
HYPNOSARCOPHAGUS @HYPNOSRCOPHAGUS Music, folk punk hard pop rock om jamming. tangling w irrationals, cartoons, stop motion animation, fine and crusty art, glow in the dark, alchemy, freedom. |
119 | 7.9 |
Maggie McNeill @Maggie_McNeill Overeducated and unrepentant whore who talks far too much and writes the popular blog The Honest Courtesan in addition to the usual harlotry. |
120 | 7.9 |
Most recent book: Vigil (; Day job: UCI history prof; publish as "Jeffrey," go by "Jeff"; retweets ≠ endorsements; he/his/ 他 |
121 | 7.9 |
Anthony Michael Kreis @AnthonyMKreis Law professor @GeorgiaStateLaw | Constitutional law, civil rights, employment discrimination, SCOTUS, American political development | ❤️ Georgia | 🏳️🌈 |
122 | 7.9 |
John Locke Foundation @JohnLockeNC The John Locke Foundation is a nonpartisan free market think tank based in Raleigh, NC, dedicated to truth, freedom and the future of North Carolina. |
123 | 7.9 |
Senior correspondent @BuzzFeedNews Based in London. |
124 | 7.9 |
Consumer Choice Center @ConsumerChoiceC 📣 The Global Grassroots Movement for #ConsumerChoice. 🏆 Awarded Think Tank. 🌍 We represent consumers in over 100 countries. 👇 Learn more on our website: |
125 | 7.9 |
N. Bourbaki, Quine apologist @d08890 You may remember me from such shows as ``Buck Henderson, Union Buster'' || ``not a real philosopher'' -- @lastpositivist || gnomic utterances at no extra cost |
126 | 7.9 |
senior political reporter @TheDailyBeast. FEVER DREAMS podcast host. @vikingbooks author. Rolling Stones fan. On Signal, etc. |
127 | 7.9 |
Black and exhausted. 👨🏾⚕️Respiratory Therapist. |
128 | 7.9 |
Psychologist who studies and writes about human nature—including morality, pleasure, and religion (Artwork by MK Wynn: |
129 | 7.9 |
Important journalist |
130 | 7.9 |
Dir. of Litigation, @hamlinclaw. I founded CCAF, which has won over $200M for class members. “Legendary” — Reuters. “The US needs more Ted Franks.” — WSJ. |
131 | 7.9 |
Father of 5. Commercial Litigator. IP attorney. Mafia master. "Far-centrist" fighting the widening gyre. #Jets #Halacha, & #lawtwitter for life. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
133 | 7.9 |
Dean by title. Prof at heart. Scholar of defamation & free expression in traditional & social media. Cancer survivor Self-exams save lives. So do mammograms. |
134 | 7.9 |
Student Press Law Center @SPLC The Student Press Law Center provides free legal help and information to student journalists and educators and advocates for their 1A rights. Not @SPLCenter |
135 | 7.9 |
Senior Policy Analyst, Justice Action Network. Criminal justice policy, prison reform, etc. Proud to be from CLE. |
136 | 7.9 |
Senior fellow @BrookingsInst; Contributing writer @TheAtlantic; Editor @WCrowdsLive; Author of ISLAMIC EXCEPTIONALISM and TEMPTATIONS OF POWER: |
137 | 7.9 |
Tablet columnist, Author Join my corresponding society: |
138 | 7.9 |
Law professor at Cal @BerkeleyLaw.… |
139 | 7.9 |
Oklahoman. Attorney. I write at many places. My husband (the DH) thinks ya'll need to calm down. |
140 | 7.9 |
NY to Madison (via MN and MA) Sports: NY & WI Politics: varies Paralegal Views are my own. |
141 | 7.9 |
US lawyer/geek interested in tech, international law, civil liberties & their convergence. (I like to tweet silly things too. For serious only see @DigitalAgeD) |
142 | 7.9 |
My name is Jamelle Bouie. @nytopinion columnist. @CBSNews Analyst. Got more juice than Picasso’s got paint. I don’t live in New York. |
143 | 7.9 |
i like most of you. fully vaccinated and ready to nap. |
144 | 7.9 |
Philly culture reporter at The Philadelphia Inquirer, covering what makes Philly weird, wild & wonderfully unique. Also, otters are the best. |
145 | 7.9 |
Trial lawyer by day. Cookie monster by night. |
146 | 7.9 |
Phoebe Maltz Bovy @tweetertation American in Canada, French lit PhD in American cultural criticism. Senior Editor, @thesignal. Half of @FemChaosPod. |
147 | 7.9 |
don’t mess with Claire Voltaire! |
148 | 7.9 |
Liam Kofi Bright
Aspiring philosopher; tolerable human; "amusing combination of sardonic detachment & literally all the feelings felt entirely unironically all at once" [he/his] |
149 | 7.9 |
Heterodox, FDR/LBJ/Obama free speech liberal. Sanity, nuance, courtesy, whimsy. 🇺🇸 You're welcome to hang around but don’t be rude. |
150 | 7.9 |
Free the People @freethepeople Liberty is not a spectator sport. Get in it. |
151 | 7.9 |
Em Carpenter but thats hearsay @wvEsquiress Unapologetic Mountaineer, murderino, litigation refugee. Pseudonymous writer/senior editor at #lawtwitter #SSDGM |
152 | 7.9 |
word farmer, cat rancher, legal fellow. pending esquire. words @theappeal, @slate, elsewhere. fussy & difficult. opinions belong to my cats. more weight. |
153 | 7.9 |
#Angels and #Dodgers fan, English Shepherd lover, geek, libertarian, Californian by birth, Arkansan by choice. Occasionally profane. #Masks4All |
154 | 7.9 |
Exiled academic Western Civilization is pretty cool The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream |
155 | 7.9 |
Franklin Harris @FranklinH3000 Professional editor. Don't let the typos fool you. Freelance writer. Pop culture critic. Personal account. Opinions not my employers'. Humean being. |
156 | 7.9 |
Panda Pancake Bernstein @J4Years Dig up, Stupid. |
157 | 7.9 |
Michael Shermer
Author Giving the Devil His Due, Host Science Salon Podcast, Publisher Skeptic Magazine, Presidential Fellow Chapman University. |
158 | 7.9 |
(((Christian JB))) 🐌 @christianjbdev Humanist & secular-liberal. I try to avoid tribal thinking. Fan of narrow-mouthed whorl snail and the kākāpō (fat NZ parrot). |
159 | 7.9 |
Author of Nonzero, The Moral Animal, The Evolution of God, Why Buddhism Is True. EIC @Bloggingheads, @MeaningLifeTV, @NonzeroNews: |
160 | 7.8 |
Have written and said entertaining things for books/radio/TV • Co-host Questionable Material with @jackhelmuth at |
161 | 7.8 |
philosopher on a mission to turn "overthinking" into wisdom + action via @therapybutnot otherwise, New Yorker in Texas with 3 kids and a Miata. |
162 | 7.8 |
Keith E. Whittington @kewhittington William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Politics, Princeton University. Author of Speak Freely: Why Universities Must Defend Free Speech. |
163 | 7.8 |
through meditation i program my heart to beat breakbeats and hum basslines upon exhalation. (works at @facebook, views my own, etc) |
164 | 7.8 |
L.A. writer, @BOpinion. THE FABRIC OF CIVILIZATION, @BasicBooks. #history #technology #textiles POWER OF GLAMOUR, SUBSTANCE OF STYLE, FUTURE & ITS ENEMIES. |
165 | 7.8 |
You’ll be hearing from my lawyer. Not to threaten litigation or anything. Just, you know, to commiserate with you about my behavior. |
166 | 7.8 |
Econ @SamfordU. Senior Fellow @AIER. Contributor to Views expressed are my own. RT =/= endorsement. |
167 | 7.8 |
Senior Reporter for @chronicle. Baseball fan (#NATITUDE), Des Moines, IA native, trombonist. He/Him/His. Tell me your story: |
168 | 7.8 |
Yair Rosenberg @Yair_Rosenberg Senior writer, @tabletmag. Teller of stories, troller of Nazis. Politics, religion, culture. Newsletter: Music: |
169 | 7.8 |
Director, Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University. Formerly Deputy Legal Director, ACLU. This is my personal account. |
170 | 7.8 |
Rebecca Newberger Goldstein @platobooktour Philosopher and novelist; 2014 National Humanities Medal |
171 | 7.8 |
Bela Lugosi's Dad @T_francis_yeah i'm dad i'm dad i'm dad 🏴 |
172 | 7.8 |
El infame Sergacabra @TheeFantomas "Rotten and filled with maggots, but a rare delicacy" Je suis Marxiste, tendance Groucho. Cultural Elite Marxist. He/him. Edgy art nerd variation: @SergPostsArt |
173 | 7.8 |
Attorney at Gallivan, White, & Boyd, P.A. (@GWBLawfirm) in the Carolinas. Awaiting the triumphant return of live music in the world. |
174 | 7.8 |
Professor of journalism. Law-talking guy. Chaotic good. Fan of bad sports teams. Employer wants nothing to do with anything I say here so hush it, trolls. |
175 | 7.8 |
I only speak in Fighting Words. |
176 | 7.8 |
Katherine Keller @sequentialkady Staff Writer, Sequential Tart Card Wielding CBLDF Member My views are my own & not those of any organization I'm associated with. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
179 | 7.8 |
Roman Catholic - Husband - Father - Son - Brother - American - TAMU Vice President for Student Affairs - Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army (Texas) |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
181 | 7.8 |
Compliance lawyer for a major Pharma Company. Former AUSA. Former Biglaw atty. Former Zamboni driver. Autism dad. Opinions are my own. Decisions are my wife’s. |
182 | 7.8 |
Emily Deans MD @evolutionarypsy Psychiatrist, most likely not yours. Cats and dog. Gen-X Wellcare Physicians Group #teamHuman 🦠 |
183 | 7.8 |
Sen. Lemon Gogurt (R - MS) @Ugarles Law talking at @HostilePodcast and the Ghost of Podcasts Past. Law writing at @vice @slate @outline (RIP) and good @deadspin (RIP). |
184 | 7.8 |
Prof @Politics_Oxford of Political Theory & author of Mere Civility (HUP, 2017; paperback, 2019) |
185 | 7.8 |
Terry Teachout @TerryTeachout1 Critic, biographer, playwright, director, unashamed Steely Dan fan, ardent philosemite. "Any minor world that breaks apart falls together again." |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
187 | 7.8 |
I'm just on here to be pointed to interesting topics. Nothing more. Try not to troll or be trolled. Woman/Women. Nothing else is acceptable. 🕊️🙏☯️ |
188 | 7.8 |
Gabriel Noah Brahm 🥯🥯🥯 @Brahmski Senior Research Fellow, Herzl Institute for Study of Zionism @UofHaifa; Institute for Study of Global Antisemitism & Policy, |
189 | 7.8 |
Word fixer @PostOpinions. Steward @PostGuild. Previously @WaPoExpress, @WeAreMel, @insidehighered. This isn’t Cicada Appreciation Week. |
190 | 7.8 |
goofy foreign affairs guy, puns, Америкос |
191 | 7.8 |
CEO, @SafeGraph. fmr CEO, @LiveRamp. geo & GIS nerd. bad teeth. loves: non-obvious ideas, weirdos, and email. my reading at: @AurenReads |
192 | 7.8 |
covering a little of a lot @espn ◦ proud floridian in DC ◦ always yelling, always late ◦ 📧: #MIZ |
193 | 7.8 |
Hillsdale College, National Review, The College Fix, "The First Assassin," "Reading Around," Great Books Podcast, The Bookmonger, &c. |
194 | 7.7 |
we are what we repeatedly tweet |
195 | 7.7 |
#NinozDelValle. he/him. Data Analyst. Online person, born in PHX, PHL appreciator since 2010. Opinions are mine, unless they're good then probably my employer's |
196 | 7.7 |
Writer, Commentator, NCSpin panelist, SVP @JohnLockeFoundation, @NCMA Trustee, Blue ribbon cook. Loves dogs, kids, fights for freedom. Opinions are my own. |
197 | 7.7 |
Columnist @TheWeek / Author: The Theocons; The Religious Test / "To the right of the left & the left of the right" |
198 | 7.7 |
VP of Communications w/ @theFIREorg. Co-Director & Senior Producer @Mighty_Ira_Doc. Host of @freespeechtalk. Opinions my own. |
199 | 7.7 |
Attorney, Advocate, NYT Bestselling Author. Host/producer of @Undisclosedpod @thehiddendjinn Repped by @collectivespkrs @wme contact: |
200 | 7.7 |
Katherine Mangu-Ward @kmanguward Editor in chief @reason |
201 | 7.7 |
basically a blog at this point, bite me. "China's Global Times White Leftist Woke Edition in DC" — RNC official. Jake, he/him. run by @wokeglobaltimes |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
203 | 7.7 |
European Students For Liberty is a student-driven nonprofit organization to educate, develop, and empower the next generation of leaders of liberty. |
204 | 7.7 |
Nicholas Grossman @NGrossman81 International Relations prof at U. Illinois. Senior Editor @ArcDigi. Author “Drones and Terrorism.” Politics, national security, and occasional nerdery. |
205 | 7.7 |
Andrew J. Noymer
Medical/health demography, [historical/social/*] epidemiology. Public health. Arsenal. |
206 | 7.7 |
Lawyer. Mom. Wife. Over-cusser, but underestimate me at your own risk. Texas Fight. #MFFL #GoStars #InHouseTwitter P1 She/Her |
207 | 7.7 |
Local nonprofit newsroom. Part of @whyy. Sign up for our quick morning newsletter — the easy way to stay on top of Philly news. |
208 | 7.7 |
Scott Lincicome @scottlincicome @CatoInstitute Senior Fellow, @DukeLaw adjunct, @TheDispatch newsletter-er. Chief Neoliberal Shill 2020. CH❤️RTS. You didn't read the article, did you? |
209 | 7.7 |
Berny Belvedere @bernybelvedere Editor in Chief @ArcDigi. Host of Belvyland. Co-host of Arc Digicast. I write a daily newsletter called DiscRep. 👑 of The Discourse™ |
210 | 7.7 |
CTO @tabletmag || Korean BBQ enthusiast || Also post things @ and stream @ || opinions always my own |
211 | 7.7 |
Bridget Phetasy
Verified nobody. My tribe is tribeless. Find another hero. |
212 | 7.7 |
Angus Johnston @studentactivism Historian of, and advocate for, American student activism. CUNY prof. |
213 | 7.7 |
law professor content farmer @UCDavisLaw @ucdavis & on @TrumpConLaw | @StanfordCIS @EPICprivacy @CITRISPolicyLab | Tweet too much | RTs ≠ endorsements |
214 | 7.7 |
angry media raccoon | friend of @joinlincoln + @spectatorUSA | Xoogler, TED Resident, @forbesunder30, bleeding heart libertarian | I 🖤 @mouse_org + black cats |
215 | 7.7 |
Michael B. Poliakoff @PoliakoffACTA President of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni @goACTA |
216 | 7.7 |
Signal's Kill everyone if it's moral. @signal11th More Left than a really really left person, Fan of Iran,North Korea, Palestine, He/it/them/her/shabba/they/them/thing/non-binary/binary/neutron/black-hole |
217 | 7.7 |
Free thought lives. |
218 | 7.7 |
Official News feed of Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea |
219 | 7.7 |
Pennsylvania native living in Virginia. Writes @Reason. "Chronologically ambiguous." "Stay hungry, stay free, and do the best that you can." |
220 | 7.7 |
John Wesley Lowery @drjwlowery IUP SAHE Prof & Chair teaching & researching in areas of student affairs history, law, & cont. issues. Rock-star in a bow tie. RT ≠ endorsement or agreement |
221 | 7.7 |
Wife, mother. Chicago-Phoenix Transplant, Retired K-12 Teacher, #NBCT, Investor, Insatiably Curious Hypothesis Tester. |
222 | 7.7 |
Basically what would happen if a Powerpuff Girl became a Public Defender | she/her | must love sloths |
223 | 7.7 |
National politics reporter at The New York Times. CNN political analyst. Real one in these streets. |
224 | 7.7 |
Sabretooth Nietzsche @HaygoodLaw Husband. Lawyer. Outdoorsman. Warrior poet. Philosopher king. Legend. |
225 | 7.7 |
Keith Humphreys @KeithNHumphreys Esther Ting Memorial Professor at Stanford University. Public policy advisor, film buff, and native of West by God Virginia. Writing at Washington Post. |
226 | 7.7 |
Books editor at @reason; author of THE UNITED STATES OF PARANOIA (HarperCollins) and REBELS ON THE AIR (NYU Press). Stoopnocracy is peachy. |
227 | 7.7 |
one of the first people to write about the weeknd @ChrisCaesar politely tweeting good things. hosts the widely celebrated @thisawfulpod w/ @actuallynotmike. leave us a voicemail about who the cute one is at (833) SOY-BOYS |
228 | 7.7 |
Caitlin Flanagan
Thought Crimes for All Occasions. No Charge. |
229 | 7.7 |
I got music on the web // also edit & write stuff @thedailybeast |
230 | 7.7 |
Louise Marie Pothier 🇨🇦 @louern Acadian Montrealer. i have no brand. I have no fear. RIP Papa Simon '19 and Papa Ernie '20. |
231 | 7.7 |
Science comedy writer, Psychedelic educator, ultra runner, noun verber "Firebrand intellectual" @nytimes "Guinea pig" @NewYorker "Very sophisticated" my mom |
232 | 7.7 |
Adjacent Enabler Consciously biased Your offence does not supersede my right to free speech |
233 | 7.7 |
Professor at @FletcherSchool. Contributor to @PostEverything. Co-editor of The Uses and Abuses of Weaponized Interdependence. Shaker of hands with Mel Brooks. |
234 | 7.7 |
Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor and Higginson Professor of Physiology and Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Former Dean of HMS. |
235 | 7.7 |
Dynamite with a laser beam. Guaranteed to blow your mind. Support me: or Amazon Wishlist: |
236 | 7.7 |
Platform Regulation Director, Stanford Cyber Policy Center. Former Google AGC. Been around this particular block a few times. |
237 | 7.7 |
found a new type of widening gyre @Boringstein if it's good enough-- but only if it's good enough. all my bad opinions are mine and mine alone. they/them |
238 | 7.7 |
Pedro Ponciano 🧢 @pedro_ponciano Cearense cabeçudo. Advogado. Leitor ávido de tudo que é interessante! |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
240 | 7.7 |
Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. |
241 | 7.7 |
melanie haber 🧢 🏴☠️ @melsorbit 'What the thinker thinks, the prover proves' (R.A.Wilson) 🪐 THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS 🪐 2+2=4 🪐 I read banned books 🪐 Only dogs hear dogwhistles |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
243 | 7.7 |
I'm just your typical, Zen Buddhist, Conservative, Socrates. And amazed that a large group of Americans can have so much unconditional faith in a politician |
244 | 7.7 |
by grace, through faith / comms @MSLF / editor @RealClearEd |
245 | 7.7 |
Dr. Camilo Ortiz 🤓👨🏼🎓 @DrCamiloOrtiz Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, specializing in parenting, disruptive behavior in kids, adult & child anxiety, encopresis. 💩 Free speech 🇺🇸 🇨🇴 |
246 | 7.7 |
Senior Writer @NRO. Reaganite, Catholic, Mets fan, ex-lawyer. Opinions 100% my own, but you can share them. Not the Cardinals broadcaster. |
247 | 7.7 |
island of misfit poise @misfitpoise Schemer. Day Dreamer. Exiled Princess. Falls hard for mad bomber types. Elegant, well mannered shoulder devil. Endearing weirdo. OOAK. go/screw |
248 | 7.7 |
I write about drinks, public policy, and other vices. Buy my book, The Rediscovery of Tobacco: Subscribe: |
249 | 7.7 |
Nicholas Clairmont @NickClairmont1 Associate Editor @ArcDigi, Word of the Week writer at Washington Examiner Mag, book reviewer. Formerly @TheAtlantic @aminterest. |
250 | 7.7 |
Executive Vice President of The Cato Institute; Author, The Libertarian Mind; opinions are my own. |
251 | 7.7 |
cannot stress enough that I am not the Train guy. | @whatatimepod ( | IG: pattymo | contact: |
252 | 7.7 |
Author of “Alienated America.” Columnist Washington Examiner. Resident fellow, AEI. Husband. Dad of six. T-ball coach. Disclosure: |
253 | 7.6 |
👀 6-time winner of The Internet. I also tweet about Krispy Kreme.🍩… |
254 | 7.6 |
Host, @mehdihasanshow on @MSNBC and NBC's @peacockTV |
255 | 7.6 |
Wannabe political commentator; big time college football/futbol fan; making a living helping companies sell the American dream |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
257 | 7.6 |
Editor at large, @Reason. Co-conspirator, @wethefifth. Books:… Music:… |
258 | 7.6 | |
259 | 7.6 |
Host, The Reason Interview with Nick Gillespie ( Editor at Large @reason. Instagram: gillespienick. |
260 | 7.6 |
@UCILaw ★ former UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression ★ Speech Police… ★ ind chair @TheGNI ★ California snob |
261 | 7.6 |
bring on the dancing horses @inthefade can't you live without the attention |
262 | 7.6 |
America's Sweetheart |
263 | 7.6 |
Now: @msnbc/@peacock. Before: @newrepublic, @motherjones, @deptofdefense, these Huggies, and whatever cash you got. |
264 | 7.6 |
Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich; hosts podcast about the History of Philosophy... without any gaps. |
265 | 7.6 |
Reporter for @latimes · President of @MediaGuildWest · May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house. |
266 | 7.6 |
6’3” 205lbs hyper-carnivorous apex predator. Hunts by biting down on Defendants’ necks then shaking them until money falls out. |
267 | 7.6 |
f bombs you may be blocked already someone out there hates your favorite episode of mst3k |
268 | 7.6 |
Policy Analyst, Host of the Decarceration Nation Podcast, Social Media Consultant, Christian, formerly incarcerated, registrant, He/Him/His. Opinions mine |
269 | 7.6 |
Meredith "Loud Bug Summer" Rose @M_F_Rose Grumpy feminist lawyer. Giant nerd. Senior Policy Counsel @PublicKnowledge. ©, tech, music, gaming, fandom. I talk about stuff. she/her 🏳️🌈 |
270 | 7.6 |
nothings monstered @nothingsmonstrd The handle is from Coriolanus II.ii.84. This account is for whatever I feel like tweeting about. // one-legged juggler // he/him // Black Lives Matter |
271 | 7.6 |
More wrong than right—as you probably are. Trained math/physics. IQ of 193/2.3 — totally inherited. Only RTs those items that include unintended consequences. |
272 | 7.6 |
Independent, critical thinker. Remote business owner and worker. Lover of food, drink and music. Used to travel. Slightly embarrassed to be a human. |
273 | 7.6 |
Cynthia P Garrett @cgarrett101 CA Attorney seeking due process, Co Pres. @FaceCampusEqual; Annoying posters will be blocked. |
274 | 7.6 |
ⓘ Dogs don't have thumbs @MorlockP Two-time Prometheus award-winning hard science fiction author. Libertarian mil-SF with competent men and women, uplifted dogs, AI, and really big guns. |
275 | 7.6 |
(((murgatroyd of appomatox))) @WhlBarrowTestes Nothing is real Except what I feel |
276 | 7.6 |
Listening Ant. The closed ranks And larvae underneath Have never known this chemical. Silence.… |
277 | 7.6 |
In 1982, the DOJ attempted to count the total number of federal crimes. The WSJ said 'Since then, no one has tried anything nearly as extensive.' Until... |
278 | 7.6 |
I like PoMo architecture / cancel culture is real & easy to define / I’d eat bugs to save the environment / I have questions and sometimes I’m just asking them |
279 | 7.6 |
Director of the Cato Institute's Center for Educational Freedom. My views, of course, are my own, especially when talkin' #grilling, #BBQ, or the #Hoyas! |
280 | 7.6 |
Founder: @Counter_weight_ Liberal humanist. Mother. Doglover. Foodmasher. For me: |
281 | 7.6 |
Professor, Evolutionary Behavioral Scientist, Author. Opinions are mine alone. Retweets do not necessarily imply an endorsement. |
282 | 7.6 |
Michael Brendan Dougherty @michaelbd author of My Father Left Me Ireland. Senior Writer, National Review. Visiting Fellow for the Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies division at AEI. |
283 | 7.6 |
Candice H. "Kay" Brown Elliott: wife, foster/adoptive mom, high tech entrepreneur, writer, inventor, pilot, flight instructor, mountain dulcimer enthusiast. |
284 | 7.6 |
Written 7 books since 2007, NONE of them during COVID-19. He/Him/Who? #notthatmcconnell |
285 | 7.6 |
Clean. Articulate. Punching Up @freethinkmedia Punching Down @wethefifth • Sharpening My Oyster Knife #MLIDAIDDS |
286 | 7.6 |
Professor @IowaLawSchool. Views mine only. Interests: administrative law, constitutional law, tax law, politics, jokes, memes, nonsense. (Grey-wall) |
287 | 7.6 |
”Dangerous theocrat.” @FranciscanU alum. Keeping busy @Newman_Society |
288 | 7.6 |
no |
289 | 7.6 |
the List | @habibi_bros |
290 | 7.6 |
Veteran Navy intel officer, China analyst |
291 | 7.6 |
A blog about politics, politics, and politics |
292 | 7.6 |
A doc. Don't trust my inflammatory and occasionally reasonable advice unless I'm your doc. No actual advice. Interior decorated by Cthulhu and Nebraska Man. |
293 | 7.6 |
Institute for Humane Studies @TheIHS Working to advance a deeper understanding of classical liberal ideas, and to promote civil discourse and open inquiry. RT≠E |
294 | 7.6 |
Diana S. Fleischman @sentientist #Sentientist & Evolutionary Psychologist Currently on retreat. Take my Science of Sex Differences Seminar in June… |
295 | 7.6 |
advocacy @freedomofpress / formerly copyright activism @eff / crossword man about town and @cursewordslive co-host / bots:… |
296 | 7.6 |
Jacob T Levy, Tomlinson Prof of Political Theory, McGill. RPF Niskanen American-Canadian; opinions are mine. not McGill's. |
297 | 7.6 |
Screenwriter (Thor, X-Men: First Class, The Flash, Booster Gold, Rim of the World, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous.) Novelist. |
298 | 7.6 |
NBC10 Philadelphia @NBCPhiladelphia Thank you for stopping by @NBCPhiladelphia - the place to go for exclusive local stories, the latest breaking news, weather updates and more. |
299 | 7.6 |
Actually malicious, no actual malice @apark2453 Lawyer, mostly writes articles if I can make a pun out of the title. Is it fair use? We live in a post-Cariou world so who knows anymore. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
301 | 7.6 |
I R A Darth Aggie @IRA_Darth_Aggie Zathras used to being beast of burden to other people's needs. Very sad life, probably have very sad death, but at least there is symmetry. |
302 | 7.6 |
Evolutionary biologist. Managing Editor @Quillette. Lover of whisk(e)y, fitness, cats, and ideas. Newsletter: Gmail: cwright1859 |
303 | 7.6 |
"Hey, you wanna come back to my place and listen to the surround mix of Lark's Tongues In Aspic?" |
304 | 7.6 |
Master Beef Producer @ChristophSouza Husband. Cat dad. Teacher. Moderate SJW. Shademaster General. He/him. |
305 | 7.6 |
With 10 hours of Emmy Award winning #news coverage every weekday, FOX45 is consistently #Baltimore's most honored news operation. RTs are not endorsements |
306 | 7.6 |
Good in a crisis and at no other time |
307 | 7.6 |
Deputy editor @ForeignPolicy. Wrote Bloody White Baron, The Death of Mao, and upcoming Heaven's Empires. Married to @larsonchristina. DC, ex-Beijing. He/him. |
308 | 7.5 |
Kevin Michael Kruse
Historian: White Flight; The New Suburban History; Spaces of the Modern City; Fog of War; One Nation Under God; Fault Lines; Voter Suppression in US Elections. |
309 | 7.5 |
Father of the four Irishest Jewish kids on earth. Executive Editor, Washington Examiner Mag. Previous: @nypost, @Commentary. @bethanyshondark is my better half |
310 | 7.5 |
Philadelphia area news, traffic, weather, politics and sports from WPVI, including breaking news & AccuWeather forecast. |
311 | 7.5 |
Ariel Edwards-Levy @aedwardslevy Polling + election analytics editor @CNN; keeping (cross)tabs on public opinion and the news. LA native, formerly @HuffPost. I like puns. |
312 | 7.5 | @libertarianism Exploring the theory and history of liberty. A project of the @CatoInstitute. |
313 | 7.5 |
Father, Army husband, lawyer, international copyright geek, PhD student, on a quest to become the world's most popular powerpoint streamer. He/Him. |
314 | 7.5 |
Reporter @FreeBeacon. DMs open. Pronouns: he/he. I am only to be referred to in the nominative case; accusatives and datives are inherently objectifying. |
315 | 7.5 |
Women For Popehat @Women4Popehat Women for Ken “Popehat” White who love and support @popehat. Strong, pit bull, sex symbol, no nonsense, and RICO and food truck oriented. Tweets NOT by Ken. |
316 | 7.5 |
Asst. Prof, Cybersecurity Law, U.S. Naval Academy. Author: The United States of Anonymous (forthcoming Feb. 2022); The 26 Words That Created the Internet. |
317 | 7.5 | 📩 |
318 | 7.5 |
Timothy Sandefur @TimothySandefur VP @GoldwaterInst, adjunct @CatoInstitute, contrib ed. @TheObjStd, “Tim the Lawyer” @AandGShow, but here I speak only for myself. Obviously. |
319 | 7.5 |
Atlas Network connects a global network of more than 461 independent, civil society organizations in over 97 countries to the ideas needed to advance freedom. |
320 | 7.5 |
Environment/energy reporter at @TheHill. Cohost of @Stim4Stim. Gradual novelist. Chief of da Autism Police. Heart in Boston, body in pain |
321 | 7.5 |
Policy editor at @NBCNews. I cover elections and their consequences. Take it off Twitter at |
322 | 7.5 |
fritz family fellow at @GtownTechLaw & @GeorgetownCCT; privacy lawyer; tech policy howler monkey. she/hers. |
323 | 7.5 |
I emerged from the primordial soup to become a law prof. My humor is not for everyone. Following me leads only to pain. Run away! RT or like ≠ endorsement. |
324 | 7.5 |
325 | 7.5 |
Roving journalist, friend to all dogs |
326 | 7.5 |
Settler. Third Culture Kid. Intersectional Feminist. Non-Partisan Politico. Personal Account. 🏳️🌈🇨🇦🇭🇰 Executive Director @alliancecanhk (she/her/她) |
327 | 7.5 |
John Tierney is the co-author of "The Power of Bad" and "Willpower." He is a contributing editor at City Journal and contributing science columnist at the NYT. |
328 | 7.5 |
Journalist; Author, "Securing Democracy"; Co-Founder, The Intercept; Columnist, @CartaCapital; HOPE Shelter (@abrigo_hope); vegan; Insta: Glenn.11.Greenwald |
329 | 7.5 |
Award-winning🏅author, award-losing screenwriter. #1 Bestseller—Sci-fi adventure ALEXANDER X. Guy w/ a fake twin. LEAGUE OF AULD (2021) |
330 | 7.5 |
Assoc Prof/MD @UAlberta. Public health specialist. Drugs, drug policy, social justice. Bylines in @GlobeAndMail @TorontoStar @STATnews @VICE @CBC et al |
331 | 7.5 |
PhD | evolutionary social scientist + writer + educator | #HigherEd | typos & opinions mine | subscribe📃: |
332 | 7.5 |
Making Plans for Nigel 🇺🇸🎩🤷🏻♂️ @ecc1989 Burkeian Liberal. FDR-MLK Democrat. More New Deal than New Left. Pro-America, pro-Constitution, anti-China, anti-Islamophobia. Full of unexpected takes! |
333 | 7.5 |
You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. Writer by trade, i. e. I write corporate propaganda for profit and fiction/poetry for me. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
336 | 7.5 |
Joe Tundra Walker @joedieseldodge Skeptical anti extremist. Somewhat toxic. I lean right, because the center ran left. Situational not dogmatic ethics. MSM really is garbage. |
337 | 7.5 |
#FreeJudgeReinhold Single Dad, Beagle Wrangler, GO!SPURS!GO! #LivingLaVidaMija Bill Kristol sings "Onward, Christian Soldiers". Pronouns: Y’all/All Y’all |
338 | 7.5 |
Belief is an Emotion Bennett @NoLongerBennett Don't be too impressed with yourself. I only blocked you for the joy of the thing. |
339 | 7.5 |
Corey A. DeAngelis @DeAngelisCorey National Director of Research, @SchoolChoiceNow; Adjunct Scholar, @CatoInstitute; Senior Fellow, @ReasonFdn; Exec. Director, @EF_Institute; Forbes 30 Under 30 |
340 | 7.5 |
George T. Conway III
Lawyer. Contributing columnist, @WashingtonPost. Aspiring to become an all-Corgi feed. |
341 | 7.5 |
Meenu Krishnan @Meenu_Krishnan Media and First Amendment lawyer @DWTLaw. Formerly @knightcolumbia. East Tennessee raised. Views are my own. |
342 | 7.5 |
The Fund for Academic Renewal is a program of @GOACTA that serves alumni and donors seeking to support higher standards on college campuses via targeted giving. |
343 | 7.5 |
344 | 7.5 |
Senior fellow on Islam & modernity at @CatoInstitute. ♥️ @riadaaa, 🇹🇷 @akyolMustafa ✍️"Reopening Muslim Minds," "The Islamic Jesus," "Islam without Extremes" |
345 | 7.5 |
Democracy is pretty cool. We should try it some time. Working on science, data and elections. Former House staff. Writing at |
346 | 7.5 |
Campaigns @ACLU. Official Tiffany Trump biographer. Tweets mine. |
347 | 7.5 |
Albert Quarant-Sheen @albertsheen vexatious litigant |
348 | 7.5 | |
349 | 7.5 |
the world's foremost demolition man fan. demolition he/him. i do PonderVision at |
350 | 7.5 |
#SaveSheikhJarrah USCPR @USCPR_ Collective power for justice. Join us: |
351 | 7.5 |
Assoc. Prof. of Forest Pathology & Mycology, WVU | @FungiInvam Director | 2021 Nat Geo Explorer | Dad of 3 boys | Newfie Owner | He/Him/His |
352 | 7.5 |
Jessica Huseman @JessicaHuseman Editorial director of @VotebeatUS. Texan who refuses to live elsewhere. 2020 @CNN analyst. Teaching: @IBWellsSociety, & @nyu_oj. Breaking: Every jello mold. |
353 | 7.5 |
Political & Media Historian. Author: Talk Radio's America Editor @madebyhistory. Fellow @penn. |
354 | 7.5 |
Flyers Charities @FlyersCharities Official Twitter page of @NHLFlyers Charities. |
355 | 7.5 |
Asst. Prof/PhD/JD @StJohnsLaw • @YaleISP • Online speech, governance, law, empirics & cog psych • Co-host @inlieuoffunshow |
356 | 7.5 |
"One hard-nosed political commentator." Words in @arcdigi, @dcexaminer, elsewhere. Long-suffering Philly fan. George Lucas' "Star Wars" is the best "Star Wars." |
357 | 7.5 |
Liberal / Christian / "great husband" / "Papa" / "human scum" / #STLCards / phan / helping people @crackoldbooks |
358 | 7.5 |
Assume a perfectly spherical indestructible human in a vacuum. |
359 | 7.5 |
Jennifer Kabbany @JenniferKabbany Writing, editing, watching, reading, praying, working, enjoying, loving. Saved by grace. Joshua 1:9 |
360 | 7.5 |
Avi Woolf, Wilderness Conservative🐺 @AviWoolf 3rd class Elder of Zion. Wilderness con. Podcast: Articles:… Open DMs. |
361 | 7.5 |
Wilfred Reilly @wil_da_beast630 A college professor now, I am a former corporate executive, freedom rider, law student, and poor kid. |
362 | 7.5 |
IT and internet lawyer. Sceptical tech enthusiast. RTs and links are not endorsements. All views my own. No tweets are legal advice. |
363 | 7.5 |
David Friggieri 🇪🇺🇲🇹 @friggieri_david Media Directorate EU Commission @MediaEU Human rights, rule of law. Coordinator on combating anti-Muslim hatred 2015-18.Views mine. |
364 | 7.5 |
resident fellow @dfrlab focused on domestic extremism | podcast @shtpostpodcast | contact + disclaimer: |
365 | 7.5 |
Marc J. Randazza @marcorandazza First Amendment Lawyer. Charb and Lenny Bruce died for your sins. Oliver Wendell Holmes is my prophet. Sea urchins are delicious and I won't share. |
366 | 7.5 |
Eric Weinstein
Math guy. MD at Thiel Capital. Host of The Portal at… YT:… |
367 | 7.5 |
staff editor @reason | brooklyn/austin | find me on clubhouse @ lizwolfe |
368 | 7.5 |
Jennifer C Braceras @J_Braceras Director, #IndependentWomensLawCenter @IWF; lawyer, columnist, political analyst; #conservatarian; #BostonUrMyHome |
369 | 7.5 |
Public intellectual? Something like a politician? Singer and musician, kind of. Philosophically inclined. Hero complex. National ambassador @BraverAngels. |
370 | 7.5 |
BacterialWorld @Bacterialworld A #blog about #bacteria 🦠 from scientific studies to vivid stories for everyone #sciart by @noemiematthey #bacterialworld #sciblog tweets by @DrBommel |
371 | 7.5 |
Professor at the Institute of Biology, Leiden University, Co-director NeCEN |
372 | 7.5 |
Leftish, liberal, occasionally reactionary crank |
373 | 7.5 |
the deadly river Neva @pipandbaby Some may call this junk. Me? I call it treasure. |
374 | 7.5 |
Interested in human nature. Sharing what I learn. | PhD candidate | Veteran | Website: |
375 | 7.5 |
Angel Eduardo @StrangelEdweird Writer | Musician | Photographer | Designer Be kind; we're all first drafts. |
376 | 7.5 |
slightly conservative. slightly liberal. slightly radioactive Will write for dopamine! Writes about pop culture at |
377 | 7.5 |
New York Magazine/HuffPost Contributor Email: Direct Messages Open Text/Call/Signal/Confide/WhatsApp: 310-795-2497. AGENTS: UTA |
378 | 7.5 |
R.J. Lehmann is Editor-in-Chief of @LawEconCenter. Cofounder of @RSI. Newark native. Portuguese citizen. Syracuse Newhouse/Maxwell alum. I know insurance stuff. |
379 | 7.5 | |
380 | 7.5 |
So you want to run a purity-test based society? Cool. Are you perfect? No? Start there. |
381 | 7.5 |
Me?: Drummer, Economist, Professor. Marine & Eagle Scout. Pymts Biz. Displaced Texan. Capitalist, Libertarian-influenced, Schumpeterian. Loves cats. |
382 | 7.5 |
Wirral native. Ex-ocean seismic, now covered in pet hair. Chief lollygagger. Immigrant. boop/bop/beep |
383 | 7.5 |
Curmudgeonly rational since childhood. Elementary school nickname: Mr. Encyclopedia (Look it up kids) #Forestecology #Invasivespecies #Invasiveearthworms |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
385 | 7.5 |
Assistant professor of psychology @Hillsdale All views expressed are my own! Western Civilization. Science. Film. Nature. Birds. @nurturaldis @psyphilopod |
386 | 7.5 |
Philosophy professor at Kale 🥬 University. Views my own. |
387 | 7.4 |
Robert Lufkin MD @robertlufkinmd Med school professor exploring #health, #longevity, #Alzheimers, #LCHF, #fasting, #AI, #consciousness, #healthtech, & #中文. Shout out to all new followers. |
388 | 7.4 |
“A bitter heart will not reveal a spring that love remembers” Catholic|Black Feminist|Proud FLAwoman|Pluviophile|Frank Ocean Fan|@nodehausco|#CJReform|#BLM|🇭🇰 |
389 | 7.4 |
Physician, blogger, writer (author or co-author of 10 books), entrepreneur, golfer, and voracious reader |
390 | 7.4 |
Dad. Economist. Current: @ucabusiness @ucabears @acre_uca. Former: @BuenaVistaUniv @StLawrenceU @MasonEconomics |
391 | 7.4 |
curious guy // bookshop owner // observer of the mind // wannabe polymath // sports lover // skeptic // just here for the idiocy🤘🏼 |
392 | 7.4 |
Ex math and stats teacher, now 1L law student. Aspiring defense attorney. General counsel for r/neoliberal. |
393 | 7.4 |
Speech First is a community of students, parents, faculty, alumni, and concerned citizens fighting for free speech rights on college campuses. |
394 | 7.4 |
Web Developer by day | Digital Forensic Examiner by night | Momma to 3 | Foster Kitten Momma to multitudes | Halloween Life | 🦉 🐈 🦇 👻 |
395 | 7.4 |
The Alex Nowrasteh @AlexNowrasteh @CatoInstitute Dir. Immigration Studies. “Harsh libertarian critic.” Globalist. Elitist. Cosmopolitan. Dadx3. All tweets are peer reviewed. |
396 | 7.4 |
Health Policy/Management @YaleSOM @YaleMed @YaleSPH; M.D./M.B.A.; Former U.S. Senate Staff; #Covid19 🏳️🌈 If you can't find my typos, you aren't trying. |
397 | 7.4 |
Knight First Amendment Institute @knightcolumbia The Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University works to advance the freedoms of speech and the press through litigation, research, and education. |
398 | 7.4 |
Watch FOX 25 at 5 pm, 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. and Good Day OK weekdays from 5 to 9 a.m. and at 11 a.m. |
399 | 7.4 |
Founder, Third Degree Strategies | Comms, @yuhline | Columns: @thedailybeast, @Independent, @NBCNews | Bookings: |
400 | 7.4 |
Abide. Get your vaccine. Food account: @TheFoodAbides |
401 | 7.4 |
What's a name, anyways? @JuvenileBluster Lawyer | Girl dad | (small l) libertarian | Philly sports | Syracuse | LFC | Politically Homeless | I don't care that you don't like the anime avatar | 🇮🇱✡️ |
402 | 7.4 | covers Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania news, sports, politics, entertainment and more. Facebook: |
403 | 7.4 |
Ecrit et traduit - Writes & translates - «The enemy is the gramophone mind», George Orwell, 1945 📚🔬💡🔎☣ |
404 | 7.4 |
(TV) writer. deadly with a butter knife. |
405 | 7.4 |
@BOpinion. Previously NY Daily News, NY Post; comics nerd, improviser, pun-dit, overthinker, undersharer, Trini-Dad jokes, etc. |
406 | 7.4 |
Mostly libertarian things, with occasional pugs. |
407 | 7.4 |
Histoire de la philosophie @Sorbonne_Univ_ |
408 | 7.4 |
Liberté Académique @AcadFreedom Podcast Sciences Esprit Critique & Liberté -- 'Partners In Thought Crime' |
409 | 7.4 |
HistoryPodList @Historypodlist Currently tracking ~450 history podcasts. Listen to one! You have to click through link twice to get to pure audio feed. (… |
410 | 7.4 |
Stoic wisdom for everyday life. Sign up below for our free 7-day course on Stoicism: |
411 | 7.4 |
Dr. Shadi Bartsch @ShadiBartsch Classics prof at UChicago; Director @SIFKnow; Aeneid translator; classics in China; Guggenheim fellow. Be human, fight factory farming! |
412 | 7.4 |
Writer / Ethics, Design, Asia, Tech, Lit, Faith, Poetry #generosity SOLA GRATIA / Whoever is winning at the moment will always seem to be invincible. Orwell |
413 | 7.4 |
CEO @EZPR. EIC @thefuturebuzz British, 2x author, Top 50 @Businessinsider Tech PR 4x - The Joker of Vegas |
414 | 7.4 |
Official FOX 11 Los Angeles account for #LA News. Send news tips to, use @FOXLA or call 310-584-2025. Follow @GDLA, too! |
415 | 7.4 |
My dad likes my tweets | |
416 | 7.4 |
Dad to Ryan, David and Anya Proud husband of @kateashaw1 Host of @allinwithchris on MSNBC, weeknights at 8pm. #WITHPod Host Cubs fan Insta: chrislhayes |
417 | 7.4 |
JVP #SaveSheikhJarrah @jvplive Working for liberation and justice for Palestinians |
418 | 7.4 |
Build 9 foot high fires. Ardent supporter of the strategic ambiguity party. |
419 | 7.4 |
CEO of @dyadstrategies, hazing guru with @tngconsults, recovering higher ed pro, former comms director @tndp. /G\ @alphagammarho #VFL #RTR #BTD |
420 | 7.4 |
Author of "White Shaming: Bullying based on Prejudice, Virtue-Signaling, and Ignorance." (available Jan 2020). Opinions are my own. |
421 | 7.4 |
Sharing thoughts and links about sustainability, barefoot/minimalist running, politics: I am a sociology professor and filmmaker. |
422 | 7.4 |
NYT Best-Selling Author, married to @DavidAFrench |
423 | 7.4 |
Views expressed here only represent myself. |
424 | 7.4 |
Writer. Featured in @TheDailyBeast, @TheAtlantic, @RollingStone, @businessinsider, @NBCNews and elsewhere. I write about politics, tech and science. LGBTQ |
425 | 7.4 |
I like my beats funky @FlyingMezerkis Shirley, you must be joking. |
426 | 7.4 |
JOBS: Author, CNN, NYDN. LIKES: John. RELIGION: Jack. SIGN: The one no one gets along with. SKILLS: @jeopardy winner. |
427 | 7.4 |
Katrina Gulliver
Historian, writer. Creator of the #twitterstorians. Bylines @spectator @TIMEhistory @reason. Member @hdxacademy. Newsletter: |
428 | 7.4 |
Contributing editor @Antiwarcom, writer various. Market anarchist. Feminist. Toy collector. History nerd. Send me tips/outrage: |
429 | 7.4 |
Even a now expanded 280-character limitation seems entirely too short to make an effective argument, especially if you have lots and lots of things to say. |
430 | 7.4 |
Founder @Quillette. Contributor @Australian. |
431 | 7.4 |
Benjamin🪤Boyce @BenjaminABoyce Agreeable contrarian • Producer of agenda-fluid homebrew media • Mostly here for the sentences • |
432 | 7.4 |
Welcome to @NBCLA, the place for news, weather and everything SoCal! #NBCLA |
433 | 7.4 |
Carolina Journal @CarolinaJournal Print and online news site covering N.C. politics and policy from a free-market perspective. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
435 | 7.4 |
Author of NYT bestseller “Unmasked”:… Editor-at-large @TPostMillennial. |
436 | 7.4 |
Historian of 20th century science, reef hobbyist, amateur rocketeer, general all-around geek. |
437 | 7.4 |
Associate Professor @USC_marine, microbe hunter, co-host of @MicroSeminar, yogi, surfer, diver, dad, husband. I hear some people think I'm a bot. |
438 | 7.4 |
Zetetic Advocate @ZeteticAdvocate YouTuber (new). Pro-Free Speech. Classical Liberal, and against all those who would prevent free speech & open debate. |
439 | 7.4 |
Medicine, health care, science, technology, food, animals, travel. Genealogist, crafter, gardener. Passionately pro-vaccine and anti-pseudoscience. 💉🩺 |
440 | 7.4 |
Relentless Optimist • Music Reactions Sidekick on YT:… |
441 | 7.4 |
Context Variable @ContextVariable I'm not as funny as I think I am. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
444 | 7.4 |
Actor. And other things. Happily married. |
445 | 7.4 |
I’m Genya, and I make Elections better. Proud owner of 90s brows. Contributor for @PostEverything and @Elections_Daily. Goddess of #ElectionTwitter #ENTP |
446 | 7.4 |
𝚄𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝙳𝙲 𝙼𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚘 @unsuckdcmetro MetroLoverHater | | founder (RIP) | Contact: unsuckdcmetro @ yahoo | Hee/Haw |
447 | 7.4 |
Earth's virology professor, host, |
448 | 7.4 |
may you live on and know what it means to be human |
449 | 7.4 |
Against the Grain columnist at National Journal. Political reporting & analysis, without fear or favor. (Opinions expressed here are my own.) |
450 | 7.4 |
New York's #1 news, Channel 7 Eyewitness News. WABC-TV. Comments & photos shared here or using #abc7NY could be used on any ABC platforms. |
451 | 7.4 |
@NRO, @Bopinion, @AEI. Husband of @aprilponnuru. Trying not to argue with you here. |
452 | 7.4 | |
453 | 7.4 |
Classically liberal hot takes and other musings. Formerly Capitol Hill, currently think tank. Massachusetts native inside the Beltway. Opinions are mine alone. |
454 | 7.4 |
Xavier Bonilla @xavierbonilla87 Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Family, Music Lover. All views expressed are my own. 😎 |
455 | 7.4 |
staff writer at @TheAtlantic covering health. I also write Material World, a column on consumerism. Georgia native, Georgia Bulldog. |
456 | 7.4 |
Yum! Professor of Law @ukcollegeoflaw, filmmaker &c. @IpseDixitPod “America’s foremost Dadaist professor of law.” -Bruce Boyden |
457 | 7.4 |
Author/thinktanker/@aei. Latest book: Congress Overwhelmed: Congressional Capacity and the Prospects for Reform (2020). Enjoy fishing/dad-ing. Opinions mine. |
458 | 7.4 |
Murtaza M. Hussain @MazMHussain Focused on the social applications of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and clean energy technology. Also writes on foreign policy @theintercept. فارسی/اردو/EN |
459 | 7.4 |
Founder @enchanttheory, the best antiracism training ever. Business inquiries: |
460 | 7.4 |
Senior research fellow at Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). Jihadism specialist with eclectic interests #History #Religion #PoliSci #DataScience |
461 | 7.4 |
Matt Schrader @MattSchrader_DC Occasional tweets about China stuff, not-China stuff. Currently on Capitol Hill. Ex @securedemocracy @chinabriefjt Email: mattmschrader AT |
462 | 7.4 |
Cognitive Anthropologist/Social Psychologist. Norn Irish in Japan. Host of @GurusPod. Interested in conspiracism, radicalization, & religion/ritual psychology. |
463 | 7.4 |
Les Affranchis - Students For Liberty France @SFL_France Découvrir, apprendre, agir. Le pouvoir d'être libre. |
464 | 7.4 |
“the Dalai Lama of shitty leftist cold takes” "isn’t he some herbivore gay Muslim centrist?” “one of the worst irony weirdos" “that guy has brain damage” |
465 | 7.4 |
Jess - 5G Moderna Operated Organism @jsupernor1 If I made a callous statement, there is a 99% chance it was sarcasm. I don't tolerate abusive people. I mute "Now do (x)" people. |
466 | 7.4 |
Lawyer, writer, and critic of a legal system run amok. Thirty year veteran of BigLaw, longtime commentator on legal issues, and now @ Misrule of Law. No trolls. |
467 | 7.4 |
liberty • humility • discovery |
468 | 7.4 |
Sleep Is For Wusses Ego @MyAlteredEgo I'm just not the type to brag about myself in a Twitter bio. Would you do it for me? Tweets are my own views only. |
469 | 7.4 |
Writes for PC Perspective, covers hardware and technology. Full-time dad as well. Mostly tired. |
470 | 7.4 |
Doug Sprei, campus partnerships/multimedia director @GoACTA; college debates leader @BraverAngels; podcast & video producer; Eagle Scout; guitar twanger. |
471 | 7.4 |
Daniel A. Horwitz @danielahorwitz Constitutional litigator and civil libertarian. Public interest/First Amendment/innocence litigation. Nashville politics. Law firm website at: |
472 | 7.4 |
characterizing the world's virome - one virus at a time! Professor at the University of South Florida, but tweets are my own #ocean #phage #virus she/her |
473 | 7.4 |
LawEnforcementToday @LawEnforceToday Owned and operated by law enforcement. Our website is for the law enforcement community, family members, friends and those who support law enforcement! |
474 | 7.4 |
Harold Washington Jr. @whitebison66 They told my dad he could win. |
475 | 7.4 |
ABC News White House correspondent, @WHCA board member, Philly sports fan, Georgetown Hoya, mom of 3 |
476 | 7.4 |
Timothy J. Keller
My son posts here on my behalf as well. Founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church and City to City. Husband to Kathy. Loves New York City and Middle-earth. |
477 | 7.4 |
Husband, Father to the world's best daughter, Criminal defense & Campus Discipline / Title IX attorney, Pilot, and King of tailgating |
478 | 7.4 |
Senior Producer. MSNBC's @TheLastWord. Opinions mine. Suburban women, will you please like me? |
479 | 7.4 |
Managing Director of Global Comms, @AJCGlobal. Prev: @JewishAgency @IDFSpokesperson @HouseForeign. Pretty Jewish. No big whoop. / Views mine |
480 | 7.4 |
Freedom Today @FreedomTodayNet Spreading Liberty to hearts and minds worldwide |
481 | 7.4 |
Law Professor @unc_law (research & writing + judicial clerkship writing). Former appellate clerk & attorney. she/her. Hot button issue: pockets on dresses. |
482 | 7.4 |
FOX 32 News has got you covered for breaking news, weather, traffic, politics, and investigations. Join the conversation: #Fox32News |
483 | 7.3 |
please be my friend! founder of the #cryptosoupgroup |
484 | 7.3 |
Breaking news and local stories from KENS 5 - San Antonio. |
485 | 7.3 |
WFLA News Channel 8 is a news leader in Tampa Bay. |
486 | 7.3 |
resisting the democratisation of truth - nolite te bastardes carborundorum |
487 | 7.3 |
Writing on Substack. Former @nytimes, @WSJ, @tabletmag. Head of @nelliebowles fan club. |
488 | 7.3 |
senior tech reporter @BuzzFeedNews. & DMs open. On Signal--ask for my number |
489 | 7.3 |
jon rosenberg 2.0🦥🌿 @jonrosenberg I make comics 🚀 🐐 ✒️ 🌮 he/him |
490 | 7.3 |
Aubrey Gilleran @AubreyGilleran Episcopalian | English teacher | moderate | North Carolinian | @sdgilleran’s other half |
491 | 7.3 |
@WSJ media reporter | | | Donate to the Juniper Rose Prete Memorial Scholarship 👇🏻 |
492 | 7.3 |
Conflicts of Law @lawconflicts When the facts and law are against you, pound Twitter. Employment Law. Not your lawyer. |
493 | 7.3 |
Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology, Harvard University | Author of “Stumbling on Happiness” | Host of PBS series “This Emotional Life” |
494 | 7.3 |
Charles C. W. Cooke @charlescwcooke President of the Filibuster Appreciation Society. (New members must be approved by supermajority.) |
495 | 7.3 |
Steve Silberman
Author of NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, a NYT bestseller. The Taste of Salt, a history of cystic fibrosis, coming 2023. |
496 | 7.3 |
Raffi Melkonian @RMFifthCircuit Appellate lawyer at Wright, Close & Barger LLP, in Houston, TX with a Fifth Circuit (and Texas) appellate practice. So-called Dean, #appellatetwitter |
497 | 7.3 |
Serving central Indiana with breaking news, sports, weather, community information & more |
498 | 7.3 |
Richard Grenell
I’m stronger after cancer. my dog runs my life. imperfect follower of Christ. |
499 | 7.3 | |
500 | 7.3 |
We cover breaking news in Washington #DC, Maryland & Virginia. NEWS TIPS: 202-895-3000 or Online: Facebook: FOX 5 DC |
501 | 7.3 |
Did The Sixers Win? @DidTheSixersWin Home of some decent Sixers videos. Tweets by @kevtaddei. 1st Round vs. WAS 1-0 /// STORE ⬇️ |
502 | 7.3 |
G. Elliott Morris
Data journalist @TheEconomist. Book about polls and democracy forthcoming @wwnorton. My blog/newsletter on public opinion, data, &c: |
503 | 7.3 |
The Baltimore Sun @baltimoresun Light for all. |
504 | 7.3 |
Alice de Queens 🏳️🌈 @AliceFromQueens HER OWN DEVICES, a Substack, coming soon. |
505 | 7.3 |
Actually Matt Browne, Research Professor in stats and psych IRL. Co-host of Decoding the Gurus @guruspod. |
506 | 7.3 |
Senior Editor, @FDRLST. Senior Journalism Fellow, @Hillsdale. Fox News Contributor. Lots of Babylon Bee retweets. |
507 | 7.3 |
Hong Kong Hermit @HongKongHermit 95% cat GIFs by weight. Shattered jade. Foreign man in a floral shirt. CIA deep cover operative. Antifa super-soldier. Information Mercenary. Commander. He/him |
508 | 7.3 |
Matt Negrin, HOST OF HARDBALL AT 7PM ON MSNBC @MattNegrin @TheDailyShow; blocked by @MeetThePress; mysteriously unblocked by @MeetThePress; here to remind you @seanspicer is a liar. Host of @hardball at 7pm on @MSNBC. |
509 | 7.3 |
Deanna Shullman @freespeechlaw libel, privacy, social media, pre-pub, subpoenas, newsgathering, FOIA, internet, copyright & trademark, fee expert, and a partridge in a pear tree. |
510 | 7.3 |
Frankie Huang 黄秋隐 @ourobororoboruo Beijing儿 American changeling, feminist, writist, artist @theatlantic @nytimes @guardian @mcsweeneys +more @EncoreOrg @TheOpEdProject Public Voice Fellow she/her |
511 | 7.3 |
South Florida's #1 News Station! Your 24/7 source for breaking news, @7Weather & @7SportsXtra powered by our digital team. Breaking news? |
512 | 7.3 |
The magazine for global politics, economics, and ideas 🌎 || Sign up for our newsletters: |
513 | 7.3 |
Political editor of @townhallcom, @FoxNews contributor, @GuyBensonShow (M-F, 3-6pm ET) host, @NorthwesternU alum. Spring 2021 @GUPolitics Fellow. 🇺🇸 |
514 | 7.3 |
SAVVY AUNTIE® Founder & WSJ Bestseller / OTHERHOOD® Starred Review / Writer & Contributor / PANK® Data & Insights / AUNTIE'S DAY® 7/25/21 🏠melanie notkin |
515 | 7.3 |
Southmayd Prof @YaleLawSch and Philosophy @Yale. Editor, @LegalTheory + Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. "Bad for Yale. Bad for America"—@orinkerr |
516 | 7.3 |
African Students For Liberty @AfricanSFL Our mission is to educate, develop and empower the next generation of leaders of liberty in Africa. |
517 | 7.3 |
Complete Bay Area News Coverage. Thanks for following us! If you tweet us, we may use it on our digital platforms and TV. |
518 | 7.3 |
Assistant Director of the Undergrad Research Center—Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences at UCLA. Writing Avidly Reads Poetry for NYU Press. Dog Lady. She/her. |
519 | 7.3 |
Right Wing Geek and Academic (Endangered Species) One of the guys @cutjibnews |
520 | 7.3 |
New York Times columnist, National Review film critic, author of The Decadent Society (2020). |
521 | 7.3 |
@coincenter | @bitcoinbrink | all tweets approved by @neerajka |
522 | 7.3 |
VP & Director, Robert A. Levy Center for Constitutional Studies, @CatoInstitute. Author of Supreme Disorder. I tweet on law, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. |
523 | 7.3 |
Producer of @lrckcrw and All The Presidents’ Lawyers at @kcrw. ctrl+opt+shift+3 |
524 | 7.3 |
Appa. Former US Army infantry person. Current restaurant/wine person. Equality for all, no exceptions. #LFC fan, #CookingForLieutenants purveyor, Oxford comma |
525 | 7.3 |
Federalist PitchBot @FederalistPitch Computerized pitch generator for The Federalist (not affiliated) studying nights & weekends until I pass the Turing Test. Powered by the P.A.R.O.D.Y. engine. |
526 | 7.3 |
Pope Foundation @PopeFoundation An grantmaking foundation committed to North Carolina. Pres @JohnHoodNC. #giving #liberty #northcarolina |
527 | 7.3 |
What Auren Hoffman (@Auren) is reading. |
528 | 7.3 |
deputy editor, @dcexaminer magazine | past: education policy, @aei | read in: @wsj @nationalaffairs @nro @quillette @insidehighered, others | go Hogs 'n stuff |
529 | 7.3 |
Author of *Philosophy and Climate Science* and *Science in the Age of Computer Simulation*. IQ of exactly 99. It's. |
530 | 7.3 |
#FamilyDoc doing #AddictionMed, formerly #FQHC BabyPants (7) + LittleGuy (0)+ 2 moms #cohousing Me: G11P1, my wife: G1P1 |
531 | 7.3 |
Skeptic, PGP-5, genomic tourist, scientist, Darwinian, entrepreneur, conservationist, geosculptor, polyphenic person of pink, beige & brown. 49% Frank Gallagher |
532 | 7.3 |
The Witch Janet Fraser @feministbirther Writer, Gryffindor, women's liberationist, cult leader. One of these might not be true. |
533 | 7.3 |
Editor of Commentary. Columnist, New York Post. Co-Founder of the murdered Weekly Standard. Overuser of the phrase "blithering idiot." |
534 | 7.3 |
writing things in places. former @theappeal. @justice_podcast. atlantan. |
535 | 7.3 |
has a kind of a ring to it, don't you think? |
536 | 7.3 |
Creating a Home Grown Sanctuary through homesteading, small scale farming & living close to the land. 👇👇👇 PODCAST 👇👇👇 |
537 | 7.3 |
Circulus In Probando @Replicantsunite Former world record holder of youngest human alive. Household deadlift contest honourable mention. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
539 | 7.3 |
IBS, UBS we all BS |
540 | 7.3 |
Cranky. pronoun #*%! you. |
541 | 7.3 |
You can annihilate a man simply by robbing him of personal responsibility. Victimhood is a choice, always a bad one. Gratitude is key, and misunderstood. |
542 | 7.3 |
Mike On The Right @Mike_OnTheRight Unapologetically #Deplorable anti-SJW ~ #Postmodernism sucks ~ #Socialism sucks Race (must now be included, apparently): I identify as non-biracial |
543 | 7.3 | @BlogsNewsReview Fantastic website with humor and wisdom guesses of AstroGremlin, blog experimentalist, biped. #humor #bizarre #wisdom guesses |
544 | 7.3 |
🇷🇴🇨🇦 PhD because ofc. Holding on to Ariadne's thread. AKA Vlad the Insulter NEVER any polite words for politicians. "The weak shall perish" - Species 8472 |
545 | 7.3 |
(((Citizen Joan))) @CitizenJoan Ethnography • Documentary • Cinema • Photography • Waterwoman • Sailing Surfing • USC Trojan • Nice Jewish Mother • Venice of America |
546 | 7.3 |
William Haveron @WilliamHaveron Grief Counselor for Buzzards |
547 | 7.3 |
Host of @TheUnspeakPod. Author of THE PROBLEM WITH EVERYTHING, THE UNSPEAKABLE, MY MISSPENT YOUTH, and more. Now in the merch biz. Nuanced AF. (Just like you.) |
548 | 7.3 |
Communications Director, Daily Kos. Comic book lover, oenophile, Virginian. Obsessed with/expert on state politics. carolyn at dailykos dot com |
549 | 7.3 |
Thesis on Quillette:… Related essays on Areo: |
550 | 7.3 |
Georgia Reithal Professor Law, Loyola University Chicago. Mostly, but not entirely, taxes, jazz & cooking Author God and the IRS |
551 | 7.3 |
Jennifer Quinn @swirlgirl31415 Dr. Quinn, Mathematics Woman. She loves math. President of the Mathematical Association of America 2021-2022. |
552 | 7.3 |
NFL analyst @ ESPN, crossword enthusiast, hater of the goal line fade. Wins are not a QB stat✌️ |
553 | 7.3 |
alexandra j. roberts @lexlanham law professor teaching & writing on trademarks, entertainment law, false advertising, influencers, pop culture, & law/literature at @unhlaw & @uofnh. she/her. |
554 | 7.3 |
mother of puppies and actual children also, gen x ftw |
555 | 7.3 |
Cybersecurity reporter at @politico covering federal cyber policy, election security, and all things hackable. @hothtakes co-host. Send tips: |
556 | 7.3 |
Computer science + Biomedicine = Medicine as a Knowledge Processing Discipline @harvardMED @HarvardDBMI #Prof #deptChair MD/PhD |
557 | 7.3 |
Ottawa Writers Fest @Writersfest Canada's Festival of Ideas since 1997- #OIWF #Ottawa #yow #ottbooks #CanLit - Our 2021 Virtual Season is coming soon! Get the details at |
558 | 7.3 |
I am not as dumb as I look. Close |
559 | 7.3 |
Senior Editor @BulwarkOnline | Formerly @Weeklystandard, GOP House & Senate staffer |⛴ Ahoy.GOP | Kentucky Colonel | #LetsGoBlues #GoTribe |
560 | 7.3 |
Annemarie Bridy @AnnemarieBridy IP & tech lawyer. JD, PhD. Fellow @StanfordCIS & @yaleisp. Erstwhile full prof @UIdahoLaw. Tweeting eclectically (and for myself alone). |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
562 | 7.3 |
Subscribe 👇 |
563 | 7.3 |
Dr. Sooner, Esq. @FrozoneAKOKAL Lawyer. He/Him. Picklesexual. Father of the Official Toddler of LawTwitter™️. Pretty OK with Word. |
564 | 7.3 |
Civil rights lawyer. Left libertarianish. I use talk to text so I have a lot of terrible typos. |
565 | 7.3 |
Gothamist is a website about New York City and everything that happens in it. Get Gothamist in your inbox: |
566 | 7.3 |
Students For Liberty UK @SFLibertyUK For a freer future. Student activism in UK: individual & economic freedom. Join the largest pro-liberty student organisation in the world! |
567 | 7.3 |
Reliant Scimitar @ScimitarReliant LGBTQ. Pro-equality/diversity but skeptical of mainstream feminism and liberal orthodoxies in general. Toes in academia/publishing so staying anonymous. |
568 | 7.3 |
See my best selling books here: My special and dangerous content is on Locals: |
569 | 7.3 |
The Hill is the premier source for policy and political news. Follow for tweets on what's happening in Washington, breaking news and retweets of our reporters. |
570 | 7.3 |
Former employee of Milliways and adviser to the 10th circle gone rogue. #BlackLivesMatter |
571 | 7.3 |
Founder, Students for Trump / Ephesians 4:32 📧 / $DOGE |
572 | 7.3 |
Ethical Hacker. Father. Rationalist. Humanist. (Social)Liberal. 2nd-wave Feminist, 3rd-4th wave Anti-Feminist. Colorblind. Privilegeblind. 🌏🌎🌍 |
573 | 7.3 |
Adalah Justice Project @AdalahJustice + Palestinian Advocacy Organization based in the U.S. + Aim to shift policy & public discourse on Palestine + Working towards collective liberation |
574 | 7.3 |
"No, I do not weep at the world—I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife." President @themarkup. Once media lawyer @buzzfeednews @nytimes @mfiatweets |
575 | 7.3 |
Molly Jong-Fast
Editor at large @thedailybeast. podcasting @newabnormalpod & Wife of @Mattgreenfield & mother of @woketeenageson |
576 | 7.3 |
Actor, Author, Attorney at Law. Of Counsel at |
577 | 7.3 |
$ba.d boy til Dennis in jail | Elon Musk thought leader | socialist fintwit politboro | potato lover | accountant | spreadgawd #blm #b2g |
578 | 7.3 |
Voice of the Mid-Columbia. Tips and feedback: 509-582-1502 or email Upload your photos to |
579 | 7.3 |
Anglo writer in Poland. @TheSpectator, @UnHerd, @Quillette, @AmConMag, @ArcDigi and others. My newsletter: |
580 | 7.3 |
WGNO-TV (ABC) New Orleans @WGNOtv We Are New Orleans’ Very Own. Tag Photos & Videos #WGNO For Permission To Share On Air & Online. Download The WGNO News App Now From The App Store & Google Play |
581 | 7.3 |
2014 Pulitzer Prize winner and #Colorado's second-largest newspaper, delivering the news from #COSprings. News tips: |
582 | 7.3 |
Film critic and editor. Contributing writer for @TheAtlantic and Contributor for @Forbes. All opinions my own. RTs are not necessarily endorsements. |
583 | 7.3 |
Writer, lawyer, Dodger fan, idealist, hater. nycsouthpaw18 at gmail. RTs = endorsement or scorn. |
584 | 7.3 |
Author, BETRAYING BIG BROTHER: The Feminist Awakening in China & LEFTOVER WOMEN. Hong Konger in NYC. Adjunct prof @columbia. |
585 | 7.3 |
Comments & photos shared here or using #Fox5NY could be used on any FOX platforms. |
586 | 7.3 |
New England Cable News; NBC Owned Television Stations |
587 | 7.3 |
Drew Savicki 🦖🦕🦖 @SenhorRaposa Formerly: contributor @270toWin . I (sometimes) write about elections. CT-IL-NC. Be prepared for bad food takes #ActuallyAutistic🧙♂️🗺️ He/Him |
588 | 7.3 | |
589 | 7.3 |
I work as a senior fellow in energy with @RSI, but I speak for myself. |
590 | 7.3 |
Bringing you the latest St. Louis news, weather, traffic and sports on your computer or mobile device. For more download the KMOV mobile app. |
591 | 7.3 |
Seattle & Western Washington news, weather, traffic & sports. Q13 FOX (KCPQ) is the official home of the Seahawks, Sounders FC & Storm. Tweet us using #Q13FOX |
592 | 7.3 |
The Post and Courier @postandcourier We’re South Carolina’s oldest and largest news source, with newsrooms in Charleston, Columbia, Greenville and Myrtle Beach. 📰📲 |
593 | 7.3 |
Rachel Fisher @TheRachelFisher HOLLYWOOD CRIME SCENE podcast @hwoodcrimescene |
594 | 7.3 |
The Babylon Bee @TheBabylonBee Trafficking in misinformation under the guise of satire since 2016. |
595 | 7.3 |
Nick Flor-ProfessorF @ProfessorF Very OK Professor, Neanderthal, PhD-Author, AI-Analytics-Visualization-Algorithms, Politics:Logic, Individualist, Views are my own-Not UNM's, |
596 | 7.3 |
The Daily Beast @thedailybeast Independent. Intelligent. Influential. Send tips to Site issues? Please email |
597 | 7.3 |
Christian Vanderbrouk @UrbanAchievr @43ForAmerica, @bulwarkonline |
598 | 7.3 |
The Libertarian Boomer Norm +/- 1 Std Dev @Timberati Retired forester. Humboldt State grad. Water master for a neighbor-water company. Interested in private solutions to public needs. Pro-vax. Pro-GE. Pro-mask. |
599 | 7.3 |
Judicial Thinking Place @lauraevf1968 Lawyer. Wife. Mom. 🍸🍸🍸#BLM “Hell is empty and all the devils are here." -William Shakespeare I need art, poetry, books, photography, music and beauty.🖤 |
600 | 7.3 |
Breaking News in South Florida, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Treasure Coast ▫️ Follow the @WPTV team: |
601 | 7.3 |
Original bornholmer / Vært og journalist / Shuffler rundt ml Egmont, R4dio, LOUD etc./ Tidl. P7MIX / Klummeskribent / BRØNDBY / |
602 | 7.3 |
sometimes esoteric but never subtle |
603 | 7.2 |
Judicial nominations, Federal Courts, the Senate, and politics. | My opinions here are worth what you paid for them. l RTs ≠ endorsements |
604 | 7.2 |
The latest Philadelphia area news, weather, sports and traffic. Home to #CBS3 🖥 |
605 | 7.2 |
Programmer, @adamcarolla superfan, @reason and @wethefifth supporter, amateur baker, F1 fan; and so forth. Not here to argue. |
606 | 7.2 |
Juan José Zuluaga Parra @jzulua41 Me asustan los rayos y las centellas. /Me reservo el derecho a cambiar de opinión. |
607 | 7.2 |
Morten Høi Jensen @MortenHoiJensen Author of A Difficult Death: The Life and Work of Jens Peter Jacobsen, published by @yalepress. Arsenal fan. Atheist. Luftmensch of the mind. |
608 | 7.2 |
@UniofOxford & DU. Research on the First Amendment, freedom of expression, freedom of press, & copyright. Tea, Japanese Buddhism,& video game aficionado. 🏳️🌈 |
609 | 7.2 |
BOJΛN_PΞRKOV 😷🙅🏻♂️ @Bojan_Perkov Policy Researcher @ShareConference | Personal tweets | Veritas scutum meum est |
610 | 7.2 |
la casa de la ética @lacasadelaetica El arte de saber vivir bien | El espacio ideal para aprender a navegar a través de la complejidad y la incertidumbre de los desafíos éticos. #Ética #Filosofía |
611 | 7.2 |
Columbia Global FoE @ColumbiaGFoE Advancing and promoting free flow of information and expression from Columbia University. Director @AgnesCallamard |
612 | 7.2 |
Steffen W. Frølund @SteffenFrolund CMO @Greenmobilityas. Columnist @finansdk. Investor @eatieapp. Former MD @Rainmaking_io. Former Founder & CEO of Bownty. @Berlingske Talent100. |
613 | 7.2 |
Finding great 🎙️ PODCASTS 🎙️ is hard. I can help. A weekly newsletter featuring 5 amazing podcasts. SIGN UP HERE - |
614 | 7.2 |
Promotes civil liberties, women's rights, liberalism, atheism. Views own, obviously. |
615 | 7.2 |
Dealing with #mediafreedom & #mediapluralism within @EU_Commission, @DigitalEU #media. |
616 | 7.2 |
“Black Lives Matter” Berni Wasser, CIH, MSc @BurnWater13 Mom, Scottish Terrier manager, MSc Environment, Safety, & Health Management, CIH, Lean/Six Sigma Blackbelt, Manager. Snark. WEAR A MASK & WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS! |
617 | 7.2 |
* notice * pause * choose * #CatOwnedCoOp #kindness #MaskUp #transblacklivesmatter |
618 | 7.2 |
🏳️🌈 Starts w/a C 🏳️🌈 @christopherink Very possibly an evil queen. #BLM #justiceforbreonna #writinglife he/him/his |
619 | 7.2 |
Dr. Matt Esq, 2 Time Academy Award Winning Viewer @MatthewGalanty HR and Diversity Trainer at Oberlin |
620 | 7.2 |
Technology reporter ✨ DM tips on anything related to creators/influencers or the online world✨ FOLLOW ME ON IG: #skobuffs |
621 | 7.2 |
#TeachingFreedom since 1967 #TFAS |
622 | 7.2 |
Associate Professor of Sociology | Writer | Podcaster If you are reading this you are too close, but objects on Twitter are usually closer than they appear. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
624 | 7.2 |
MPower Change #SaveSheikhJarrah @MPower_Change MPower Change is a grassroots movement of U.S. Muslims working to build social, spiritual, racial & economic justice for all people #FreeThemAll |
625 | 7.2 |
Director @catoinstitute Project on Emerging Technologies. "I'm a liberal and I'm against this sort of thing."🚀🗽🤝💡☮️🇺🇸🇬🇧🇳🇿 |
626 | 7.2 |
Author #ChinaUnbound. Journalist @TorontoStar. Chair @NuVoices. Repped by @carlywatters — Pre-order my book: 📚 @houseofanansi |
627 | 7.2 |
Cornell Law ‘14. Finance, law, politics, България. “Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring fable.” |
628 | 7.2 |
RevTimChristopher @RevTChristopher Founder/President of Shepherds Works, Proud Black Gun Owner/ Reverend/ Husband/ Father/ Grandfather/youth minister. |
629 | 7.2 |
I like to post and see posts. Director of Research @FutureNowUSA, all views my own, RTs aren't endorsements, the tweet you got mad at was a joke, I swear. |
630 | 7.2 |
Jesse Dougherty @dougherty_jesse Nationals for @washingtonpost. he/him. Author of BUZZ SAW with @SimonBooks. Order here:… |
631 | 7.2 |
Bloomberg Opinion writer. Writes about economics, tweets about rabbits. Newsletter: |
632 | 7.2 |
Matthew Schafer @MatthewSchafer Media lawyer; Adjunct Media Law Prof @FordamLawNYC; Chair Media Law Committee @NYCBarAssn 🏳️🌈 Fmr: newsroom counsel @BuzzFeedNews; media lawyer @LSKSLaw. |
633 | 7.2 |
Priest of the Congregation of Holy Cross. Rector, Zahm House, University of Notre Dame. Thomas More Fellow, ND Center for Ethics & Culture. |
634 | 7.2 |
Asst Prof @HarvardDBMI. Microbial evolutionary genetics, antibiotic resistance, algorithms. Find me on Google Images under “floating dumpster fire” |
635 | 7.2 |
National Association of Scholars @NASorg Scholars and citizens working together to reform higher education | | Newsletter sign-up: | Podcast: |
636 | 7.2 |
NBA aficionado. never seen a college bball game in my life and I hope 2 keep da streak alive. |
637 | 7.2 |
Flyers Broadcast Network @FlyersBroadcast Flyers Broadcast Network is a comprehensive suite of @NHLFlyers-focused digital audio content available to fans. Subscribe at |
638 | 7.2 |
vanessa a. #fartbee 🐝✌🏾 @Vanessa_ABee she & her | on hiatus from @curaffairs & other writing | book HOME BOUND (2022) via @astrahousebooks |
639 | 7.2 |
Unreliable narrator. Unrepentant storyteller. |
640 | 7.2 |
I write Galaxy Brain, a newsletter about tech and culture. formerly @nytopinion. charliewarzel@gmail DMs open. ig for dog pictures: cwarzel |
641 | 7.2 |
I used to write laws… then I invented Knee Defender. ex-HPSCI, ex-Senate trade, tech, telecom, taxes, antitrust… crime & even reputed parliamentarian 🙃 |
642 | 7.2 |
Official account of the American Society for Microbiology. With over 30,000 members, ASM's mission is to promote & advance the microbial sciences. |
643 | 7.2 |
China Law Translate @ChinaLawTransl8 CLT is a crowdsourced, crowdfunded translation project making Chinese law accessible to English speakers, and run by Jeremy Daum, Yale Law Tsai Center Fellow. |
644 | 7.2 |
Old Guy, geek, co-creator of the RailCore2 3d printer, thinking and joking |
645 | 7.2 |
This Twitter is about the Machines. |
646 | 7.2 |
Oliver Bateman Does the Work @MoustacheClubUS doing the work | here for it | you love to see it | 1/2 of the @whatsleftcast ♉ |
647 | 7.2 |
Voter, MBA, volunteer, evidence-based science & medicine supporter. #IWillBeVaccinated |
648 | 7.2 |
Co-host of the Odd Lots podcast and 'What'd You Miss?' on Bloomberg TV. Fan of the Bakersfield Sound. |
649 | 7.2 |
NYU Journalism @nyu_journalism Official Twitter of the NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute #NYUJournalism |
650 | 7.2 |
Promoting commonsense school reform from the White House to the schoolhouse. |
651 | 7.2 |
Violence prevention researcher, Advocate for survivors of sexual assault, Advocate for those falsely accused. |
652 | 7.2 | |
653 | 7.2 | |
654 | 7.2 |
@TechEdgeJD @santaclaralaw 21' | Govt. Affairs & Public Policy @Google | Tweets=mine. | Yes, the tattoo is real | Ask me about #Section230 🤓 |
655 | 7.2 |
Steve Stewart-Williams @SteveStuWill Psychology, evolution, science, etc. Author of "The Ape That Understood the Universe" (2018) and "Darwin, God and the Meaning of Life" (2010). |
656 | 7.2 | |
657 | 7.2 |
Writer/producer/author/lazybones. IG: @rcbl. Shoutout: @southfoodways @mfpla |
658 | 7.2 |
Scientist @Yale in @NAChristakis lab. #genomics of #socialnetworks, #evolution of #cooperation, #sociobiology, #biosocial, #datascience #iPSC #RNA |
659 | 7.2 |
Cookie Monster @MeCookieMonster Me official. Me love cookies! Me officially love cookies. |
660 | 7.2 |
I am Danish, I am Scandinavian, I am European, I am a citizen of the world, I am all of those things all of the time at the same time. |
661 | 7.2 |
Pradheep J. Shanker @Neoavatara Radiologist and Public Health Policy. CEO @Neoavatara Foundation Occasional contributor to @NRO, @Ricochet, @AmSpectator |
662 | 7.2 |
Wells Fargo Center @WellsFargoCtr Philadelphia's premier sports & entertainment venue. Proud home of the @NHLFlyers, @Sixers & @NLLWings. |
663 | 7.2 |
Writing my first book for Norton; @TheDailyBeast Columnist; Senior Fellow @WStatesCenter & @AuburnSeminary; @TheLavinAgency Speaker; |
664 | 7.2 |
Psychology prof @NYUPsych, author of @PowerOfUsBook, Director of @vanbavellab, columnist @scicareersltys, & Newsletter: |
665 | 7.2 |
Director of @CatoInstitute's @Libertarianism. Co-host @FreeThoughtsPod. Free Market Buddhist (@MarketBuddhist). Mystery and horror writer. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
667 | 7.2 |
668 | 7.2 |
Samuel Hammond 🌐🏛 @hamandcheese Director of Poverty and Welfare Policy. Pluralist. The world is second-best, at best. shammond [at] niskanencenter [dot] org |
669 | 7.2 |
Senior writer, @NRO. Also, @nypost. Syndicated columnist. Author. Music snob. |
670 | 7.2 |
Programming and fixing computers is my job. Gay, Furry. politics to me is about learning and taking a stand, not drinking the kool-aid and taking a side. |
671 | 7.2 |
Director of Criminal Justice, @NiskanenCenter. |
672 | 7.2 |
Currently: Staff writer @theatlantic. Formerly: Columnist @nytopinion; daily book critic @nytimes. Plus: Mrs @markhorowitz; mom to R; author, All Joy and No Fun |
673 | 7.2 |
Living with my feet on the ground, and my heart in the cosmos. | She/Ella | Caribeña 🇩🇴 |
674 | 7.2 |
Writer/editor with @MSNBC Daily. Previously: @buzzfeednews. I make dumb jokes for smart people. As such, my tweets vary in quality. He/him. |
675 | 7.2 |
Anthony L. Fisher @anthonyLfisher Insider opinion columnist writing about politics, culture, civil liberties, NYC in the time of COVID. I just want my kids to go back to school. |
676 | 7.2 |
Brandy Zadrozny
Senior Reporter @NBCNews — Internet, Platforms, Politics. I used to be a librarian ❤️ DMs open / Signal 5512470630 / |
677 | 7.2 |
John Faithful Hamer @john_f_hamer Local man seen walking in the woods aimlessly whilst listening to audiobooks and looking for salamanders. |
678 | 7.2 |
Retired NBA Superstar |
679 | 7.2 |
Ethan “Wooper-Looper” Kocak @Blackmudpuppy NY Times Best-selling illustrator of DOES IT FART? & others. Science Twitter’s avatar-maker. He/Him. |
680 | 7.2 |
Dr. Kim Dill-McFarland @kdillmcfarland Bioinformatician @UWMedicine and @BRIautoimmune. Pro cats, scifi, wine, and open source science. she/her |
681 | 7.2 |
President Durinn McFurren @DurinnM Mathematician (#topology), #atheist, #vegan, anti-SJW, pro-2A, #libertarian, 'Like a mathematical Deadpool.' #FuckBiden |
682 | 7.2 |
Covering political money and influence at @Axios. // // DM for Signal. #LGD 👹 |
683 | 7.2 |
I eat. My 4 basic food groups are foie gras, sweetbread, truffle, & pork belly. All posts are solely the thoughts of my 5th personality. I am offensive. |
684 | 7.2 |
Writer @nytimes, @slate, @foreignpolicy, etc. Author of SEX WITH SHAKESPEARE (HarperCollins/WilliamMorrow). PCT thru-hiker. |
685 | 7.2 |
@NYTclimate | This Is the Year I Put My Financial Life in Order | Galveston BOI | Goofball | tips: |
686 | 7.2 |
@FreeBeacon journo, fmr Rapid Response Director @CLFSuperPAC/@AAN, @BruceRauner, @CarolineGlick, Chicago’s 5th Ward Committeeman @UChicagoGOP Pres for Life |
687 | 7.2 |
Charles Foster Johnson
Guitarist w/ George Duke, Stanley Clarke, Al Jarreau & more. Founder/developer of Little Green Footballs. Zero tolerance for Trumpism. Hele on, braddah. |
688 | 7.2 |
journalist @voxdotcom. On parental leave until June. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
690 | 7.2 |
how the cookie crumbos @daniel_j_crumbo Potater familias. Former doctor of philosophy. Anti-anti-Shandean. Elite VO2 max |
691 | 7.2 |
Award-winning Flosser | Probably tweeting about real estate or East Lansing. |
692 | 7.2 |
Aging hardscrabbler. Lives lean, leans left, grows food, burns wood. Eats weeds. Writes/edits: human/environmental health, social/environmental justice. |
693 | 7.2 |
Dad, was E-5 13B/E, now CPU architecture and firmware guy; sometimes profane, rarely profound. Support the Fistula Foundation today. Did cancer. |
694 | 7.2 |
Elitist Semicolon @EliteSemicolon Legitimately terrible. Occasionally a YipYip. #toastietwitter |
695 | 7.2 |
Priscilla Jensen @offhandmanor1 Assistant Editor emerita, Weekly Standard * Don’t say “lay down” unless it’s the burden of sin * Ne jetez aucun objet au dehors * |
696 | 7.2 |
Rebecca Christiansen 🍋 @rebeccarightnow Mostly a novelist. Author of WE MAKE MAYHEM on @wattpad. Wattpad Star. Loves One Direction. Pretty left. Canadian. Agent: @RebeccaPodos. She/her. |
697 | 7.2 |
Dr. Robert Greene II @robgreeneII Bk Reviews @ideas_history Lead Assoc. Editor @blkperspectives bylines @thenation @dissentmag @jacobinmag @madebyhistory elsewhere history prof. @claflinuniv1869 |
698 | 7.2 |
Roc (The Most Compassionate Leader) @TheRocsWorld SUBSCRIBE TO PODCAST Itunes: GooglePlay: YouTube: Book: |
699 | 7.2 |
Independent reporter working to change the news business. Previously: tech and econ for @washingtonpost, @voxdotcom, @arstechnica. Subscribe to my newsletter! |
700 | 7.2 |
Benjamin Wittes
Senior Fellow at the @BrookingsInst. Editor in Chief of @lawfareblog. Cohost of @inlieuoffunshow. I will block you for any reason or none at all. |
701 | 7.2 |
politics is a more boring and less visually pleasing version of pro wrestling. |
702 | 7.2 |
Mississippi Center for Public Policy @mspolicy Follow our team on Twitter as we fight for liberty in Mississippi: @douglascarswell @AaronRRice @realHunterEstes |
703 | 7.2 |
Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ @realchrisrufo Writer, filmmaker, rabble-rouser. Senior fellow, @ManhattanInst. Married to @skprufo. Watch my new film for free: |
704 | 7.2 |
Senior Staff Writer and Columnist for the @TheAthletic. Author of New York Times Bestseller The Best Team Money Can Buy. DM for signal # |
705 | 7.2 |
Jewish Voice for Peace Action #SaveSheikhJarrah @JvpAction We're a multiracial, intergenerational movement of Jews & allies working towards justice and equality in Palestine/Israel. Political & advocacy arm of @jvplive. |
706 | 7.2 |
Novelist. Professor & Director of Creative Writing @brynmawrcollege. 2x National Jewish Book Award winner. BOOMER1, out in paperback from @picador. |
707 | 7.2 |
@washingtonpost games reporter and waifu war correspondent | Email: | @csuf Titan |
708 | 7.2 |
The Capitol Insurrection of January 6, 2021 was an event on par with the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Donald Trump made it happen. He had help. |
709 | 7.2 |
God's Ventriloquist @godsven3loquist God's not mysterious, he's my puppet. Science enthusiast, fallibilist, engineer, 'black' anti-racIALIST (1 human race), anti-identitarian politics of all kinds. |
710 | 7.2 |
Managing Editor @dcexaminer Mag | Past: Dallas Morning News Editorial | Seen in The Atlantic, Daily Beast, NRO. | “Oligarch apologist” |
711 | 7.2 |
Devin Nunes' Alt-Mom @NunesAlt Not-so-proud alt-mom of prolific Libel Tourist, and part-time Congressman, Devin Nunes. (Yes, it's parody) Probably hammered. Blocked by @Applebees |
712 | 7.2 |
Midwest expat living on the east coast. Really gay. Completely wrong takes only. she/her/hers #BlackLivesMatter #LawTwitter |
713 | 7.2 |
Heather Heying
Evolutionary biologist. Seeker and communicator of truths. Visiting Fellow at Princeton. Spends time in the Amazon. Rhymes with flying. |
714 | 7.2 |
A New Radical Centrism @a_centrism Data, culture, realism. I'm against PC, blank slate, and dogma. I'm for free speech and cognitive decoupling. "IDW's most unimportant but provocative tweeter." |
715 | 7.2 |
physician-scientist, author, editor |
716 | 7.2 |
Here for the articles. |
717 | 7.2 |
Immutable money, infinite frontier, eternal life. #Bitcoin |
718 | 7.2 |
Reporter for CNN, fact-checking the president and others. |
719 | 7.2 |
Christian Schneider @Schneider_CM Author, @1916theBlog, Senior Reporter, @CollegeFix. @USATODAY Board of Contributors. Sole proprietor, @zerostarreviews. VaTech, Utah, Marquette. LinkedIn model. |
720 | 7.2 |
New Yorker staff writer and Houston Rockets fan; formerly a staff writer at Slate and senior editor at The New Republic. |
721 | 7.2 |
Assoc. Prof. 🔜 @TulaneLaw Fall '21. @berkeleylaw alum. Assembled in 🇺🇸 from 🇨🇷 & 🇳🇮 & 🇯🇲 ingredients. |
722 | 7.2 |
Staff writer, @TheAtlantic. Lecturer, @Yale political science. Once upon a time: @CFR_org, @newrepublic, @perryworldhouse, @DeutschePostDHL |
723 | 7.2 |
lvl 46 dog-faced pony potus @thetomzone 'an upperclassman who had been researching terrorist groups online' -WaPo. member of @gmgunion. also known as 'notorious scumbag Gizmodo freak' or 'Dopus Tom' |
724 | 7.2 |
Emmy winning former Senior news Correspondent & former professional Baseball Player. Husband,Father, Food,Wine,Friends,Family. 50 countries 44 states |
725 | 7.2 |
Retsordfører samt udlændinge- og integrationsordfører. Folketingsmedlem for @radikale. Byrådsmedlem, Fredensborg. Telefon: 61 62 36 76. Cand.jur. |
726 | 7.2 |
Angela Rasmussen
Excessively direct virologist. PI @VIDOInterVac. Affiliate @georgetown_ghss. Emerging virus host responses. 1X Jeopardy! loser. Rep: @anniescranton. she/her |
727 | 7.2 |
Michael Hobbes @RottenInDenmark Co-host of @yourewrongabout and @maintenancepod. Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short. |
728 | 7.2 |
Schrödinger's Sneech Belly @RTodKelly Longform journalist, regular contributor for @TheDailyBeast, executive producer of @7DeadlySinsShow at PDX's Mission Theatre. |
729 | 7.2 |
DarkHorse Podcast. Professor in Exile. Evolutionary Trade-Offs. Telomeres. Emoticons imply irony. Reluctant Radical. Game~B/Fourth Frontier #Unity2020 |
730 | 7.2 |
Donna Martinez @freemktmartinez John Locke Foundation, radio talk show host with husband Rick on 680 WPTF, 3 to 6 pm weekdays. Opinions are my own. |
731 | 7.2 |
@AmPhilanthropic consultant, @NRO Contributing Editor, former Publisher. Buckley conservative. Bronx-born Catholic. Sharon's husband. 5 kids. Wanna-grandpa. |
732 | 7.2 |
@edwriters' public editor, dog person. #EWARadio podcast host. Past: Knight-Wallace Fellow, Las Vegas Sun. She/her. |
733 | 7.2 |
Eudaimonia Institute @WFEudaimonia Academic institute @WakeForest studying the nature of—and the institutions that support—genuine human flourishing. |
734 | 7.2 |
Founder @EconAmericas #Finance #Economics Born 🇳🇿 live 🇺🇸 of 🇬🇧🇮🇪 🚣♂️🏃♂️🏋🏻♂️ |
735 | 7.1 |
Andrea Helfrich @Andrea_Helfrich Host of @NHLFlyers 🏒 & @ULTRA💿🎤 |
736 | 7.1 |
Katrina Christakis @katrina_PC Lawyer, mom, optimist. Liberal married to a Republican. Sometimes a “like” is just a “hmm.” |
737 | 7.1 |
Shane (Hey Mr.) Scott @shanescott829 Christian. Widow of Kristi. Preacher. #BBN Fan. Barbershop singer. 1/3 Michael Scott, 1/3 Jack Donaghy, 1/3 Homer Simpson (the worst parts). IG: shanescott829 |
738 | 7.1 |
Covid19Crusher @Covid19Crusher "I do not believe in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." Thomas Carlyle |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
740 | 7.1 |
Personal Account - GameDev (id software) - Armchair Physics - Twitter Prisoner - Light is too slow - الجنة L |
741 | 7.1 |
Anne M. Carpenter @catholickungfu Associate Professor at Saint Mary's College of CA. Theological Aesthetics | Metaphysics | Monasticism | Ressourcement | Balthasar, Thomas, Blondel, Péguy |
742 | 7.1 |
Rabbi Bill Hamilton @ravbillhamilton Rabbi Bill Hamilton has been rabbi at Brookline's Kehillath Israel since 1995. |
743 | 7.1 |
@ksvesq’s husband; father of daughters; Charles Alan Wright Chair in Federal Courts @UTexasLaw; @NSLpodcast & @inlocoparents co-host; @CNN’s #SCOTUS nerd; #LGM |
744 | 7.1 |
Journalist @SpectatorUSA + Managing Director @IdeasB2 + Advisory Board @FAIRForAll_org Email: |
745 | 7.1 |
Contrib Editor, @Washmonthly @Washingtonian. Alum @Time, @Newsweek. @CondeNast. Bylines galore. Lover of humanity and '70s films. Contact info In pinned tweet. |
746 | 7.1 |
Senior Counsel, Justice Program at @BrennanCenter; anti-mass incarceration, pro-fountain pens & history of Late Antiquity. @NassauDA Appeals alum. Views my own. |
747 | 7.1 |
Mom to Harris, Pres & ED of @USJusticeAction, GOP vet happy to work across the aisle, fmr lawyer but now mostly play one on tv. 💙KY b-ball, horses & bourbon. |
748 | 7.1 |
Editor Emeritus,, host of "The Ben Shapiro Show,” NYT bestsellers "The Right Side of History" and "How To Destroy America In Three Easy Steps" |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
750 | 7.1 |
Writer, infant |
751 | 7.1 |
Tech, Media, Travel & OpenTable power user. building @SafeGraph |
752 | 7.1 |
Apple Alumnus. Public Speaker. 3D Graphics. Data Visualization. iOS Dev. JS Dev. Journey: NYC. Amherst. Chapel Hill. Cupertino. Reykjavik. Boston. |
753 | 7.1 |
Kristen Soltis Anderson
Cofounder @echeloninsights. Author, The Selfie Vote. @siriusxm host. Florida woman. Polls, peppers, football, #dailywally. Go Gators. |
754 | 7.1 |
Disabled. Masters student Hort & Ag, UC Davis. Carob, almond bud development. Founder @AccessUC She/her #SpotTheAccessibilityFail #BikeParkingAudit |
755 | 7.1 |
Writes Sinocism China Newsletter Co-founded in a different era, investor in Substack |
756 | 7.1 |
Krista Stryker @12minuteathlete Writer. Reader. App creator. Lover of psych, handstands, HIIT, boxing, adventures. Author: THE 12-MINUTE ATHLETE. App: |
757 | 7.1 |
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at @UF specializing in emerging infectious diseases and vaccine study design. @HarvardBiostats PhD. Tweets my own. |
758 | 7.1 |
Founder and Editor-in-Chief, @liberalcurrents |
759 | 7.1 |
Writer/co-EP, Desus & Mero. Make My Day podcast. Tells jokes out loud. Previously, Last Week Tonight. Year round iced coffee drinker. Nice Try available now! |
760 | 7.1 |
I hold the microphone like a grudge |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
762 | 7.1 |
Karessa Wheeler 🏳️🌈 (she/her/they) WEAR A MASK! @karessaw environmentalist, mother, liberal (she,her/they). I reside on the ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg. |
763 | 7.1 |
Information ℹ️ wrangler 🌾 | Social/behavioral 🧠 sciences 👥 @Bayer4Crops | @GenomeCanada | grandma 👵🏻 |#SpringHillFarmMO |
764 | 7.1 |
jamaican NOPsled team @Theophite Pronouns in bio. 🚰, more or less. |
765 | 7.1 |
i’m just the note taker. she/her. the cop reading this is wasting tax dollars |
766 | 7.1 |
This account's tweets composed by GPT-69 |
767 | 7.1 |
Ethan Van Sciver
ALL CAPS COMICS. ComicArtistPro Secrets on YouTube, Pronouns: -Ist/-Phobe, Human Sunbeam, MR. MAIN EVENT!… |
768 | 7.1 | |
769 | 7.1 |
Reporter. Have written for places — buzzfeed, slate, new york, the nation, n+1, the new republic — and would like to write for you. |
770 | 7.1 |
Correspondent @60Minutes+/@CBSNews, Sometimes writer @GQMagazine and elsewhere, Contributing editor @MarshallProj // |
771 | 7.1 |
katharine larsen @katharinelarsen chief counsel @reuters news • defending public interest journalism globally • #JournalismIsNotACrime • married into #academicEM • native iowan + oci 🇮🇳 |
772 | 7.1 |
Bailey Stan Account @kevinjamesnew A 6 in Philly, a 4 in LA, but a 10 in any Walmart. Future Participation Trophy Husband. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
775 | 7.1 |
AZ Internet & Business Lawyer | ❤️ Educating & Speaking | Not💰 or ⚖️ advice or endorsements | ❤️ #Dogecoin 💎 🙌🏼 Do Only Good Everyday |
776 | 7.1 |
Journalist/educator. Dean, @TUKleinCollege. Chair, @LenfestInstitute and @TheMarkup. Board, @SolJourno, @RCFP. Former editor of @seattletimes. Sixers. |
777 | 7.1 |
Reporter/Writer @thephillyvoice. Host of the Bad Things Happen podcast/Locker Room (@lockerroomapp). Editor/Founder of The Sports Zone. Opinions are mine. |
778 | 7.1 |
I love/hate it here. Social media @ESPN. Former Wizards stuff @NBCSWashington. @davidsoncollege. @holtonarms 10-year girl. #DCorNothing |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
780 | 7.1 |
economic policy and technology @washingtonpost. contributor @msnbc. rabid philly stan. tony.romm(at)washpost(dot)com |
781 | 7.1 |
American. Anti-feminist. Champagne capitalist. 🥂 @IWF // @FDRLST // @ClaremontInst Lincoln Fellow. @JarrettStepman's wife. My tweets. |
782 | 7.1 |
I’m an opinion columnist at the New York Times. DMs open. signl: 415-604-2709 they/them/he/him. |
783 | 7.1 |
director, digital at @nbcsphilly • • formerly @voxmedia, @sbnation, @broadsthockey |
784 | 7.1 |
Scribbler, @nytimes. Come for the news, stay for the Philly hype. Professional Stevie Nicks stan, amateur photog. ISO tips & dog pics ➡️ |
785 | 7.1 |
Host & Reporter for @NBCSPhilly. Host of @NHLFlyers Pre/Postgame Live. Former Sports Anchor & Reporter for @HawaiiNewsNow. SJ bred. @RutgersU educated. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
787 | 7.1 |
Rabid Capitalist • @FEEonline Brand Ambassador • Host of BASED • Contributor @DCExaminer @Newsmax • Jesus Follower • Opinions mine |
788 | 7.1 |
Public Defender @WisconsinSPD. She/her. @IowaLawSchool and @DrakeUniversity alumna. MN-born/IA-grown. Formerly @ACLUKansas and @SCIOWA. Opinions are my own. |
789 | 7.1 |
Writer, lecturer & broadcaster. Columnist for the Observer & International New York Times. Latest book: The Quest for a Moral Compass (Atlantic). |
790 | 7.1 |
Mario A. Machado @Mario_A_Machado Criminal Defense & Immigration lawyer from Miami. Former Contributor & Editor @faultXlines, a criminal law online news & commentary magazine. Allons travailler! |
791 | 7.1 |
Jurist, medstifter af, forfatter til SEJE MOR, foredragsholder og samfundsdebattør #dkhandicap #retssikkerhed #dkpol #enmillionstemmer |
792 | 7.1 |
WISE, a @qf initiative: Building the Future of #Education @WISE_es 📣 Our 2021-2022 Edtech Accelerator Call for Applications: |
793 | 7.1 |
Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian
China reporter @axios. Writing a book on China for @HarperCollins. Previously, lead reporter @ICIJorg’s China Cables. 中文. Send me your secret documents. |
794 | 7.1 |
Dad. Writer @ Vox. Sisyphus stan. Email: |
795 | 7.1 |
Poli Sci prof. Career non-partisan, professionally. Defend democracy against Republican authoritarians. Defend free inquiry against leftist authoritarians. |
796 | 7.1 |
Bottom rail on top, this time. __________________Avatar is me. |
797 | 7.1 |
your friend, Dracula @Remember_Sarah 🌸🐀 Co-host @YoureWrongAbout & @WhyAreDads / Writing @BelieverMag &c / Very big in Sheboygan |
798 | 7.1 |
The Legal Watchdog @LegalWatchdog Michael D. Cicchini, MBA, CPA, JD |
799 | 7.1 |
Дочь Маминой Подруги @belarusacka Peaceful Belarusachka |
800 | 7.1 |
Culpability Jones @ShineboxHukster Bourgeois pastoralist, puer aeternus & rent-seeking solipsist. Liberal center extremist. Block me baby, block me all night long. My snowflake is fragile & rare. |
801 | 7.1 |
Dr. Karen Stenner @karen_stenner Political psychologist & behavioral economist, best known for long ago predicting the rise of Trump-like figures under the kinds of conditions we now confront. |
802 | 7.1 |
I run a newsletter called Volts, about clean energy & politics. Subscribe & join the community at! |
803 | 7.1 |
President of @FAMMFoundation; #girldad; editor of Scalia's Court: A Legacy of Landmark Opinions and Dissents; former Hill rat and lobbyist; @SyracuseU |
804 | 7.1 |
Software Engineering Lead at @NavaPBC, proud former troublemaker at @18F and @nytimes. Data scold. Personal account: @harrisj_self. Views solely my own. |
805 | 7.1 |
Managing editor, Carolina Journal. Author STILL & BARREL: Craft Spirits in the Old North State (Blair 2017). Whiskey blogger. Tweets are my own. |
806 | 7.1 |
Hudson River Croc @HudsonRiverCroc NYC. Finance. Globalist. Cats. |
807 | 7.1 |
Kentuckian relocated to South Carolina. We’re all a bunch of sinners, but we do the best we can. |
808 | 7.1 |
skullsinthestars - Black lives matter @drskyskull Professor of optical physics, blogger of physics, history of physics, and pulp fiction. Falling Felines & Fundamental Physics, now available! (he/him) |
809 | 7.1 |
Thomas W. Smith Fellow @ManhattanInst. Contributing Editor @CityJournal. Author of The War On Cops and The Diversity Delusion. Media: |
810 | 7.1 |
This Is a Godzilla Fan Acct @HaleyMancini I’m a ghost! A ghost who writes and acts on some shows. I ate a hot dog at the Emmys. #BlackLivesMatter #BlackTransLivesMatter Co-host of @zero_godzilla |
811 | 7.1 |
NY Times Bestselling author. Top Podcast with over 350 million downloads (15 million monthly). Former pro athlete. |
812 | 7.1 |
LB™️ “𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘧𝘧” 🛢 @LydiaBurrell I post stuff I like that makes me feel good |
813 | 7.1 |
Bethany Mandel
Wife to @sethamandel | SAHM homeschooling momma to 👩🏻🦰🧑🏻🦰🧑🏻👶🤰 + 🐕 | Editor @Ricochet | Contributing writer @DeseretNews / @DeseretMagazine |
814 | 7.1 |
Mild-mannered professor by day. Astrophysicist by night. Methodist, Smoky Mountain hillbilly. Observational research on active galaxies and galaxy evolution. |
815 | 7.1 |
Transsexual man with a female past/Human Rights /Innovator/Pride Wellness cannabis company-#FORBES #love #tranpa #gratitude #freedomfighter 18+ |
816 | 7.1 |
"The Writing Guy" | I tweet about writing, learning and business | My writing school: | My writing: |
817 | 7.1 |
Mostly photos of my puppy Birch, but also other things that are not nearly as exciting. (And if you want to talk about sobriety, my DMs are open.) |
818 | 7.1 |
Miami Herald investigative reporter. Philly born. Eagles/Phillies/Flyers/Sixers. Author of "Perversion of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story" @harpercollins |
819 | 7.1 |
ID Epi & infection prvntn | Asst Prof @ScharSchool | Adjunct @UAZPublicHealth | @georgetown_ghss affiliate | @FAScientists COVIDTaskforce | ELBI |alea iacta est |
820 | 7.1 |
your own personal jesus @Kappa_Kappa i am very important but i don't like to talk about how important i am because even though i am more important than most people all people are equal in my eyes |
821 | 7.1 |
Journalist, Disaffected Liberal, Commentator, Filmmaker, Skateboarder, Musician | Former VICE, Fusion |
822 | 7.1 |
constant migrant | @FT Beijing deputy bureau chief & tech corro | co-founder @RethinkEcon | not British-Chinese, Yorkshire-Sichuanese | 我讲普通话 | |
823 | 7.1 |
Ashe Chair Professor GA State, author of Supreme Myths: Why the Supreme Court Is Not a Court and Originalism as Faith,Supreme Myths Podcast-Personal Site/he/him |
824 | 7.1 |
The Guy From Action Comics #1 @mrliparota Okay but did you SEE that guy with the car or what |
825 | 7.1 |
See you after Easter! |
826 | 7.1 |
Marco Ballesteros @BadHombreMarcoB Just another Bad Hombre from a shithole country. Woke since 1988. Liberal. American-Mexican. Anti-theist. I am large. I contain multitudes. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
828 | 7.1 |
Joel D. Anderson @byjoelanderson Writer, @Slate. Host, Seasons 3 & 6 of Slow Burn + Hang Up and Listen + The Last Last Dance. Don't be too familiar. |
829 | 7.1 |
*The opposite of play isn't work. It's depression.* Get my NYT bestsellers SUPERBETTER and REALITY IS BROKEN! (powered by the science of games) |
830 | 7.1 |
Maverick Philosopher King @KirkSeriousFace Editor-in-Chief My dog, Huck. My kid. Chiefs. DC by way of Coppell, TX and Pepperdine I once willed Luka Doncic to the Dallas Mavericks |
831 | 7.1 |
16th president @Wesleyan_u, father, husband, author, professor. Opinions are my own. Advocate of #LiberalArts around the world. #LiberalEducationMatters #GoWes |
832 | 7.1 |
#Bitcoin/ / |
833 | 7.1 |
rifftrax, mst3k, other stuff. RINGHEADS podcast: |
834 | 7.1 |
Tweeting about Taiwan & its (post)colonial present. Striving for a good brain & kind heart. In real life, an assistant professor of early modern British history |
835 | 7.1 | |
836 | 7.1 |
Dip Me. |
837 | 7.1 |
Rapper. Author. Podcaster. Coach. Oxford Uni Graduate. 💪🏾 'Strong Advice' fitness eBook | All links 👉🏾 |
838 | 7.1 |
Batya Ungar-Sargon @bungarsargon Deputy opinion editor @Newsweek. Author: "Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy," out October 19 @EncounterBooks. Email: |
839 | 7.1 |
NYT tech reporter. tell me stuff at or |
840 | 7.1 |
beach baby |
841 | 7.1 |
A microbiologist gently heading into retirement by still doing a little science writing, speaking, and workshop facilitation; just enough to keep myself amused. |
842 | 7.1 |
Beronda Montgomery, #LessonsFromPlants April 2021 @BerondaM Living my purpose via B_Index #Writer—#LessonsFromPlants @PlantLessons #Science|#Leadership|#Mentoring|#EquityReadingList Rep’d by @tissetakagi Thoughts MY OWN |
843 | 7.1 |
An English butler who endeavors to demonstrate a dignity in keeping with my position. |
844 | 7.1 |
A gentleman shares his opinions on motoring, space, food, beer, and other entertaining pursuits. Words: @CTBites, @ConnecticutMag, @Jalopnik, @TTAC, @ArcDigi... |
845 | 7.1 |
Human, physician, writer, gamer, occasional entertainer, mostly harmless. Degrees in medicine, public health, psychology and studies in religion. |
846 | 7.1 |
Honored to be a @cityofel councilmember, but views are my own. Attorney, volunteer, gardener, Great Lakes lover. Never going to actually finish that novel. |
847 | 7.1 |
Professor, madman, and father...not in that order. I'm here to learn from y'all, and to advocate for the #underprivileged #ocean #STEM and #BLM |
848 | 7.1 |
Margaret Russell, MD @Margaret1473 Family Physician at FQHC. #HIV Specialist #LGBTQ Ally #BlackLivesMatter #ImmigrantRights #bioethics #MedicalHumanities. She/her/hers. Opinions my own. |
849 | 7.1 |
Dr. Anne Estes @MostlyMicrobes #MicrobialDiplomat, #scimom sharing stories of our #microbe world. Assistant Professor @TowsonU! @microbialTowson #microbiome #scicomm. #GirlScoutAlum #GSleader |
850 | 7.1 |
Ornithologist, evolutionary biologist, ecologist, lover of Bananaquits. Assistant Professor at Kenyon College. She/her |
851 | 7.1 |
"Ut!" - The Flaming Carrot Bylines at @bulwarkonline and @ebertvoices and @oscopelabs |
852 | 7.1 |
author of Iris Has Free Time & Dating Tips for the Unemployed… |
853 | 7.1 |
Politics. Hoyas. YMMV. Views expressed are mine alone, obviously. @TheLobbyShopPod |
854 | 7.1 |
Re-Tweeting America's #1 NEWS MAKER. "...and I'm all out of bubblegum." |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
856 | 7.1 |
Author of Tell Your Children. Revolting. Who's zooming who? |
857 | 7.1 |
Soledad O'Brien
working mom |
858 | 7.1 |
Rukhsana Sukhan @RukhsanaSukhan A strange Lovecraftian Creature with a penchant for olives, cats & punk music. Oh Bondage, Up Yours! Asperger's Autist. Ret’d RN. Words @Quillette @UGMediaLtd. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
860 | 7.1 |
Håndplukkede nyheder siden 1749. Men stadig utroligt frisk. // Berlingske is one of the leading newspapers in Denmark. Published in Copenhagen since 1749. |
861 | 7.1 |
Ideas person. World citizen. Pessimistic tweets on freedom of religion & belief and free speech. Occasional distractions. |
862 | 7.1 |
Tech+human rights+languages • Research+ @rankingrights • Ex: @Stanford_GDPi • @theGNI • @EU_Commission • PhD @UofA'18 • Translator by 🌕light |
863 | 7.1 |
Journalist @Berlingske Opinion & editorial staff writer. Former Germany correspondent. Tweeting own pieces as well as noteworthy reads on politics & culture. |
864 | 7.1 |
cognitive scientist @Harvard & @WellingtonUni studying music and audition (PI @_themusiclab) (he) currently in 🇨🇦 |
865 | 7.1 |
doctor @brighamwomens @harvardmed | next @stanford division of infectious diseases & geographic medicine |
866 | 7.1 |
Chairman IT-Political Association of Denmark (@itpof, member of @edri). #ePrivacy #GDPR #dataretention #PNR #netneutrality #SaveYourInternet |
867 | 7.1 |
I'm Rob Harbin and my Avi is a picture of Rob Harbin but not of me. |
868 | 7.1 |
Award-winning call-in show exploring current affairs, arts, science and more. Airs Mon – Thurs from noon – 2pm CT & Fri from 1-2pm CT on @keratx @keranews. |
869 | 7.1 |
Sr. Elections Analyst, RCP. @osupolisci. @aei. Recovering Att'y. Married to @emytrende, dad to 3. You shall love your crooked neighbor, with your crooked heart. |
870 | 7.1 |
Nikole Hannah-Jones
Reporter @nytmag//Slanderous & nasty-minded mulattress//Co-founder //smart&thuggish//Creator #1619Project// |
871 | 7.1 |
Op-Ed columnist, @nytopinion. Author of The Road to Character, The Social Animal, and Bobos in Paradise. |
872 | 7.1 |
Sara Benincasa
hi I am from NJ hello * she/her * Writing & acting: RBEL & Artists First * Books: Mendel Media * Talks: @collectivespkrs #BlackLivesMatter #StopAAPIHate |
873 | 7.1 |
Liberal, Not Lefty @liberalnotlefty Amanda-Ellen🇨🇦. 23. Catholic. Libertarian. Feminist & feminine🌷. Love family, God, capitalism, guns, free speech/trade/press. Views mine,not employer.🏳️🌈 |
874 | 7.1 |
Views are mine alone. Prying open Overton Windows. Social science here:… |
875 | 7.1 |
make things. make sense. |
876 | 7.1 |
twitter punished me for my sins but I will never repent |
877 | 7.1 |
Sharing random stuff from 1800 to 1920s: fashion, stories, art, and a compilation of faces and cultures that coexisted then ✨ run by @HelenaDiGiusti |
878 | 7.1 |
Drew Van Voorhis @DrewVanVoorhis Breaking News Reporter @epochtimes, covering Southern California’s biggest political and news stories. |
879 | 7.1 |
Lawyer & computer scientist. Was chief technologist @FTC, now @CKInstitute & @Stand_Together where I evangelize innovation & connect people who do the same. |
880 | 7.1 |
Advocate for gifted children. Founder & ED at Gifted Support Center, LYSFE, and Past-President at California Association for the Gifted. Opinions are my own. |
881 | 7.1 |
Communications @UNC_System. Coffee, dogs, cats, and Taylor Swift. RTs not endorsements. |
882 | 7.1 |
Jacqueline Pfeffer Merrill @JPfefferMerrill Director, Campus Free Expression @BPC_Bipartisan Former professor @williamandmary @stjohnscollege and ED @RenewHigherEd. Follow/RT ≠ endorsement. |
883 | 7.1 |
economist and urbanist among other things |
884 | 7.1 |
Faculty, Carnegie Mellon University & the Santa Fe Institute. Runs the Laboratory for Social Minds. |
885 | 7.1 |
Holy Father of the Double-Dutch First Reformed New Atheist Church. Word play journeyman. He/him/his. Always fight the bullies. Save everyone. |
886 | 7.1 |
North American Baptist missionary who grew up in Kansas City, used to serve as a pastor in rural South Dakota, and has a PhD in Theology (Calvin Seminary). |
887 | 7.1 |
dsa queens. AOC in 2018 |
888 | 7.1 |
Art,Astronomy,Theology,History, Baseball,Mets,Film,Pizza. Pro-Life. John 14:6 |
889 | 7.1 |
angry feminist • disabled queer #adhd • she/they • lit crit • theory • politics • words • images • equity & access • freelance writer, researcher, editor |
890 | 7.1 |
@Militarydotcom's most cromulent staff writer. Ohio's 25,789th favorite son. Seen on @BusinessInsider, @MilitaryTimes, @SkillsetMag, @CoffeeOrDieMag and more. |
891 | 7.1 |
That's right! |
892 | 7.1 |
phantom thread head 🍄 bylines ➤ @ibdinvestors @nytimes @thecut |
893 | 7.1 |
Writer | Independent conservative | Contributor: @dcexaminer @ArcDigi, others | Wife | Mom of boys 👦🏼👶🏼| ➡️ Not in your tribe. |
894 | 7.1 |
Comfortably Smug @ComfortablySmug My Interests: Finance, Whiskey, Politics, Books, Food, Meeting Strangers #altcenter Instagram: ComfortablySmug |
895 | 7.1 |
Miguel Nogueras @MiguelNogueras Criminal Defense Attorney #Resistance |
896 | 7.1 |
Lawyer for people given extreme sentences when they were young. Person in long-term recovery. Founder and Director, @secondlookDC. Texan. |
897 | 7.1 |
Ruler of D’Hara, Seeker of Truth, Fuer grissa ost drauka, Caharin, War Wizard. |
898 | 7.1 |
That Anonymous Coward - Immortal Sociopath @That_AC Sociopathic Immortal. Designed to be distrusted. Still the gay one with a trendy avatar. |
899 | 7.1 |
Mike Rutherford @CardChronicle Founder/manager of, college hoops writer for hire, author of 100 Things Louisville Fans Should Know and Do. I fear change. |
900 | 7.1 |
Flagrantly mediocre. Self-appointed grilled cheese ambassador. I've somehow appeared in @thepoke and @huffpost |
901 | 7.1 |
VH (Vaccinated Head) @BigHeadBS My favorite teams haven’t won a championship in over 20 years. Which is, coincidentally, around the time I met my wife. Is divorce justified? |
902 | 7.1 |
Comedy writer for some TV shows, Netflix/Comedy Central/Tru/TNT etc. Guy who has rage fits during mini golf. |
903 | 7.1 |
Corey Rayburn Yung @CoreyRYung Professor @KULawSchool, former Fellow @RadInstitute. I primarily write about criminal law, sexual violence, empirical research, equity, and basketball. He/him. |
904 | 7.1 |
Rethink your world with @karaemiller. Grab our podcast at From @gbh and @prx. 📞: (617) 684-5839 ✉️: |
905 | 7.1 |
Students For Liberty Italia @SFLItalia EDUCATE. DEVELOP. EMPOWER. #SFLItalia ha l'obiettivo di promuovere i valori della libertà individuale negli atenei e nei licei italiani. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
907 | 7.0 |
More worried about the jokers than the clowns at the moment. EIC of Ordinary Times. Got something to say? My DMs are open. |
908 | 7.0 |
Be seeing you. |
909 | 7.0 |
bitcoin cultural attaché |
910 | 7.0 |
Civil Rights Litigatior/Airborne Infantry/Culinary History Nerd Whatever political leanings you assume I have, I bet you're wrong. |
911 | 7.0 |
Aussie struggling with °F & online speech stuff. Lecturer @Harvard_Law Words @lawfareblog Affiliate @BKCHarvard RT=endorsement of all possible interpretations |
912 | 7.0 |
Dad, Linux SRE, opinionated nerd, wannabe rationalist. Opinions courtesy of me, not my company. |
913 | 7.0 |
Married father of two amazing children. The guy on that show and in that game. Also in some movies. #PromisingYoungWoman #CallsTV #SpongeBobMovie #Dexter |
914 | 7.0 |
Author, Paris banlieue resident, swing jazz violinist, NYT Ed Board alumna. Auteure, banlieusarde, violoniste, ex éditorialiste NYT. |
915 | 7.0 |
Student atholete 🚳 |
916 | 7.0 |
Charles Fain Lehman @CharlesFLehman Fellow @ManhattanInst • Contributing Editor @CityJournal • Former @FreeBeacon • Opinions my own |
917 | 7.0 |
Inside Higher Ed @insidehighered The latest news, opinions, jobs, & resources for all of higher ed. Send #highered news & tips via DM. Like us on Facebook:… |
918 | 7.0 |
Tech journalist. Author of 25+ books. Maybe you should drive. I'm a Bott, not a bot. Facts matter. He/him. Header image: 17th Street, Birmingham, AL. |
919 | 7.0 |
Director of News @TheBlock__. Previously reporting @BusinessInsider, comms @Nasdaq. I cover bitcoin, DeFi, and market structure. Host of @thescooppod |
920 | 7.0 |
Writer/Critic w/ work at @nytimesarts and @ebertvoices. Author of “Made Men: The Story of ‘Goodfellas’” out now from @Hanover_Square |
921 | 7.0 |
Scientist, safecracker, writer, professor. 280 is the new 140 is the new 1536. He/him |
922 | 7.0 |
Host of the podcast Culturally Determined. Prominent minor Twitter personality. |
923 | 7.0 |
Chris McCullough VO @GrigLager Voice Actor/Comedian/Streamer. Foxy the Pirate -#FNaF Subscribe to Business/Convention Inquiries - |
924 | 7.0 |
Nation’s preeminent tweeter of Dinosaur Train themed jokes |
925 | 7.0 |
Old Ch💉 💉na Bland (香港) @OldChinaBland Pith helmets are essential for tropical exploration. Social distancing by hiking away from u |
926 | 7.0 |
"A while longer still in this business." |
927 | 7.0 |
I'll be here in the back. |
928 | 7.0 |
We don't read and write because it's cute. We read and write because we're human, and the human race is full of passion. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
930 | 7.0 |
Writing on Free Speech & Intellectual Debate. Former cabbie, tenant organizer & doorman. Brooklyn w 2 boyz. Author of "Canyon Dreams" |
931 | 7.0 |
Associate Professor of Law @GeorgetownLaw, Lawyer, Lover of Liberty, Advocate for #CJReform, and Author of Law Man | Into #SecondChances |
932 | 7.0 |
taco truck enthusiast, bad tweeter with bad opinions, fan of whiskey and dogs, your mom's favorite tweeter |
933 | 7.0 |
Journalist på Berlingske. På Twitter mest om dansk og international politik. 27 26 42 33, |
934 | 7.0 |
Jim OShaughnessy @jposhaughnessy Founder, Chairman & Co-Chief Investment Officer, OSAM LLC. Author, "What Works on Wall Street," Host 🎙 |
935 | 7.0 |
Perpetual titular councillor |
936 | 7.0 |
Peter Van Valkenburgh @valkenburgh Director of Research @CoinCenter | Board Member @ZcashFoundation | JD @NYULaw | My opinions are not my own; they are byproducts of a complex iterative system. |
937 | 7.0 |
My username is dumb. Pics or it didn't happen. President of Pearl Clutchers Anon. Stop retweeting bad messages you just expose them to more ppl. |
938 | 7.0 |
US editor, @newstatesman. Writer, THE INFLUENCE OF SOROS, out now, & BAD JEWS, out '22, @harperbooks. I now delete my tweets. |
939 | 7.0 |
Science writer at The Atlantic. Pandemic reporter. Polk Award winner. Author of I CONTAIN MULTITUDES. Married to Liz Neeley. (he/him) |
940 | 7.0 |
Leighton Akira Woodhouse @lwoodhouse Documentary filmmaker |
941 | 7.0 |
Hablas ciencia? Environmental functional genomics PI interested in all things microbial symbiosis. Prof at IUBloomington she/her |
942 | 7.0 |
Jessie L. Mannisto @jlmannisto Editor in Chief @ThirdFactorMag, looking to have deeper convos than Twitter allows. Feed lightened with occasional tweets about weather, wine tasting, and #LGRW |
943 | 7.0 |
Dr Laura Sanchez @DrLauraSanchez I am a Scientist. #imaging #massspec #biofilms 🧫 #microbialcommunities 🧀 #ovariancancer 💊 Associate Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry @ucsc she/her |
944 | 7.0 |
Read more at and at Reach me via |
945 | 7.0 |
Professor @pennlaw. Teaching & writing & tweeting mostly about contracts. Against et al. Pro legal jargon. Neutral on legal process. |
946 | 7.0 |
Seth R. Bordenstein
Scientist & Centennial Professor: Microbiome, Symbiosis, Genetics, Evolution, Wolbachia, Phage WO. Biotech education: @WolbachiaProj Microbiome center: @VuBiome |
947 | 7.0 |
We fight against oppression. We stand with social justice activists and communities under threat. We use the power of the law to achieve justice for all. |
948 | 7.0 |
Swashbuckling #highered & #workforce communicator @WhiteBdAdvisor. Purveyor of deadpan humor. Registered #BullMoose. Est. in Upstate NY, DC since 2008. |
949 | 7.0 |
The latest political news and analysis from The Washington Post. |
950 | 7.0 |
Richard Sainte-Marie @rickstem [reluctant]“future politician with firm convictions…a quiet man except when arguing”(High School YB). “Homeless Liberal”. Dog lover. Software developer. |
951 | 7.0 |
Senior Editor @RealDailyWire. Married to @PoliticalShort. Senior Political Columnist @Observer. Senior Contributor @FDRLST. Send tips |
952 | 7.0 |
my followers are of the highest quality |
953 | 7.0 |
Unapologetic American. Lousy cook. Lawyer. Cancer survivor. Probably your sorority sister. Occasional internet humorist. I do true crime threads, too. |
954 | 7.0 |
Debunker guy, seen/heard on CNN, NPR, NYT, WaPo, BBC, Peacock. Media requests: My book on QAnon, THE STORM IS UPON US, is out 6/22. |
955 | 7.0 |
XIRAN *Preorder Iron Widow! @XiranJayZhao Author (IRON WIDOW Sept 21 @penguinteenca; ZACHARY YING Summer '22 @simonKIDS) | YouTuber | History Posts: | ☪ Hui Chinese | They |
956 | 7.0 |
Burrito Justice @burritojustice SF is a fractal; we contain multitudes. Taco en Paz, Burrito en Guerra. NPR: 'a little bit of a burrito thought leader' @here, viva @mapzen, 📸 el caminos |
957 | 7.0 |
1. Substacker: 2. Columnist, The Nation 3. email: jeetheer1967 at gmail dot com 5. Twitter essayist 6. Drawn by Joe Ollmann |
958 | 7.0 |
Executive Director @aspendigital focusing on media, tech, cybersec for @Aspeninstitute. Scott Trust. Former @Twitter @NBCNews @NPR @NYTimes @Discovery @CNN |
959 | 7.0 |
Benjamin Haddad @benjaminhaddad Director Europe Center @AtlanticCouncil • Adjunct @Georgetown • Views my own • Auteur :«Le Paradis Perdu» (Grasset 2019) 🇪🇺🇫🇷 |
960 | 7.0 |
Nicholas H Wolfinger @NickWolfinger Professor at the University of Utah. Written some books about marriage & divorce. NAGA winner. Pot-bellied pig owner. |
961 | 7.0 |
Journalist & historian. Pub musician. Dad. Husband. I also do dishes. My book: #TheBrightAges Subscribe: |
962 | 7.0 |
Yale prof. Forerunner. Author of “Humane,” Sept. 2021 from @fsgbooks: “I didn’t expect it to gain immediate acceptance.” |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
964 | 7.0 |
ISI's Collegiate Network @collegiatenet For over 40 years, ISI’s Collegiate Network has supported independent college newspapers and magazines that report on stories the mainstream media ignores. |
965 | 7.0 |
I work @UMich @VAAnnArbor to help patients + their loved ones heal from critical illness, incl #COVID19 I mentor clinicians to become exceptional scientists |
966 | 7.0 |
Little, Brown Spark @lbsparkbooks Books that spark an idea, a feeling, a change. An imprint of @littlebrown |
967 | 7.0 |
"The world has seen its…silver age, its golden age….This is the age of shoddy." - New York Herald |
968 | 7.0 |
Kenmore dryer/ Audi antilock brake controller repair specialist |
969 | 7.0 |
Danmarks juridiske nyhedsmagasin, der giver perspektiv og dybde på de emner, der påvirker retssikkerheden og den juridiske branche |
970 | 7.0 |
We are RSA Events, part of @theRSAorg. We unite people and ideas to resolve the challenges of our time. Inspirational talks. Award-winning animations. |
971 | 7.0 |
David Bernstein @ProfDBernstein Lawprof @georgemasonlaw. Check out my books at Check out my articles at…. |
972 | 7.0 |
Lead writer at | Writer/lecturer on Russian influence & information warfare | Senior Adviser @SURfdn #defusingdisinfo | |
973 | 7.0 |
Only marginally compelling and occasionally accurate, sometime writer, engineer, cake-baker. Writes Marginally Compelling newsletter |
974 | 7.0 |
Investigative Journalist. @theintercept email Views here are my own. Send tips to me directly by email or Signal at (202) 394-9170 |
975 | 7.0 |
thank you |
976 | 7.0 |
Franak Viacorka
Senior Advisor to Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya Contact: |
977 | 7.0 |
Lance Houston, J.D., LL.M. @lancehouston Founder @universityeeo | Harvard A.L.B. | J.D., LL.M., S.J.D. Candidate | Research Focus: The Emerging Intersection of Title IX, Due Process & Academic Labor |
978 | 7.0 |
British Conservation Alliance ⛰ @BCA_eco A non-profit, non-partisan org committed to giving a voice to the next generation of environmentalists • Pro-Planet • Pro-Market • 🌍 ✉️ |
979 | 7.0 |
Jevon, thinks you're going to want to buckle up. @JevonConroy Lawyer, Blue Devil. Anti-Authoritarian Popularis. On a long enough Twitter timeline, everyone will be blocked by Nassim Taleb. Views entirely my own. |
980 | 7.0 |
Dedicated to the principle that conclusions drawn and decisions made should be based on hard evidence and verifiable facts. More about me at |
981 | 7.0 |
Photographer / Filmmaker / Art deserves an audience.. |
982 | 7.0 |
Hartford City Councilor Josh Michtom: dad, husband, public defender; artist, writer, & musician; he/him/él. |
983 | 7.0 |
Three-time stimulus check recipient 🏆🏆🏆 |
984 | 7.0 |
Ethan Winters' Death Scream @UweBollocks Socialist farmer. Mid-90s Memphis rap historian. Horror movie lover. I've never been owned online. |
985 | 7.0 |
Jakob Sorgenfri Kjær @Jakobsorgenfri Journalist at Politiken. Current focus on #covid19dk & also digging #infrastructure #dktech #offdig #itpol #digdk |
986 | 7.0 |
Husband, father, social scientist, writer, Madisonian. Or maybe right-wing ideologue, pseudoscientist, evil. Opinions differ. |
987 | 7.0 |
Staff writer at @theatlantic, covering all things space. Views expressed here are like black holes: they don't reflect anything. / DM me |
988 | 7.0 |
i make @today_explained / sean at vox dot com / you can’t be a friendly neighbourhood spider-man if there’s no neighborhood |
989 | 7.0 |
Podcast host. Past President of @mygacdl (Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers). Adjunct Professor at @MercerLAWSchool. Trial and appellate lawyer. |
990 | 7.0 |
Director of @BUTechLaw, a @BU_Law clinic for MIT & BU students who need help in IP, data privacy, cybersecurity, & media law. He/him |
991 | 7.0 |
Sharon Kuruvilla 🌹✝️ @Sharon_Kuruvila Anglican. Left internationalist politics, academics, programming, and theology. 🏳️🌈 + ⚢ Bylines: @ELaborInstitute @ForeignPolicy @LiberalCurrents |
992 | 7.0 |
Editor @newbloommag, writer @popula, chaos @lausanhk. Words @washingtonpost @thenation @Diplomat_APAC. ㄎㄧㄤ man in a ㄎㄧㄤ world in ㄎㄧㄤ times. Screaming void, 醉生夢死 |
993 | 7.0 |
jd not-vance, an actual lawyer @jdsanctioned lawyer, probably not yours. he/him, wasp-ish, chicago-ish. all culture is cancel culture. your pet is cute, your art is good, and your food takes are trash. |
994 | 7.0 |
Brett "Unions 2021" Banditelli @banditelli Eagle Scout. Breathing class war like a dragon breathes fire. As long as it takes IS a promise. Overwhelmed. Stay hydrated. Organize. We will win. IG has photos |
995 | 7.0 |
Jounalist/writer. Head of coms and press @justitiaorg and @SpeechFuture - 2011 @columbiajourn - co-author of “Mod til at tvivle” by Ahmed Akkari. Views=own. |
996 | 7.0 |
Jonas Parello Plesner @jonasPplesner working for democracy at @aoDemocracies, author of ‘China’s Strong Arm’, w/ @gmfus on #China #US #EU Hyphenated European. Danish Enarque. |
997 | 7.0 |
Former congressional lawyer |
998 | 7.0 |
Stay at home dad of two daughters. Peace activist. Leading with Love but some of y’all really are trying to test me. 🙏 |
999 | 7.0 |
Official site contributor, content manager for Flyers Alumni Association (, blogger for |
(Temporarily missing user profile) |
Websites | vs. baseline | influence |
---|---|---| | 831.2x | 12.0% | | 14.3x | 0.8% | | 10.7x | 3.1% | | 9.5x | 0.7% | | 6.8x | 0.6% | | 5.3x | 1.5% | | 3.8x | 2.6% | | 2.4x | 0.6% | | 2.0x | 1.0% | | 1.8x | 4.3% | | 1.8x | 1.1% | | 1.5x | 1.0% | | 1.4x | 1.1% | | 1.2x | 0.5% | | 1.1x | 0.7% | | 1.1x | 0.7% | | 0.9x | 0.6% | | 0.7x | 0.9% | | 0.7x | 0.6% | | 0.6x | 0.7% | | 0.6x | 2.3% | | 0.5x | 6.7% | | 0.4x | 3.1% | | 0.4x | 1.2% | | 0.4x | 0.5% | | 0.3x | 0.7% |
Mediums | vs. baseline | influence |
---|---|---| | 4.4x | 90.4% | | 0.4x | 1.6% | | 0.1x | 0.9% | | 0.1x | 1.2% | | 0.1x | 1.2% | | 0.1x | 1.8% |
Substacks | vs. baseline | influence |
---|---|---| | 24.7x | 18.9% | | 17.9x | 0.8% | | 13.5x | 1.1% | | 12.2x | 2.3% | | 8.0x | 0.6% | | 6.3x | 2.9% | | 4.3x | 0.7% | | 4.2x | 13.2% | | 4.0x | 0.7% | | 3.0x | 3.0% | | 2.0x | 2.0% | | 1.4x | 1.5% | | 1.4x | 3.0% | | 1.3x | 6.9% | | 1.1x | 0.6% | | 0.9x | 16.9% | | 0.7x | 0.6% | | 0.7x | 4.2% | | 0.6x | 3.0% | | 0.3x | 0.6% | | 0.2x | 0.5% | | 0.2x | 1.2% | | N/Ax | 3.6% |
Apple Podcasts | vs. baseline | influence |
id1438157174 | 37.8x | 2.1% |
id1366430955 | 23.7x | 1.5% |
id1504298199 | 22.4x | 4.2% |
id1524832743 | 22.3x | 15.5% |
id1437447846 | 19.7x | 7.9% |
id1206951103 | 15.3x | 0.7% |
id152249110 | 15.1x | 4.3% |
id1273580812 | 13.9x | 0.7% |
id1469999563 | 8.1x | 0.7% |
id1515136246 | 4.2x | 1.3% |
id1198765424 | 3.2x | 0.6% |
id1081584611 | 2.6x | 5.3% |
id1291144720 | 1.9x | 15.1% |
id1493229344 | 1.9x | 1.1% |
id1412236217 | 1.6x | 2.2% |
id1042433083 | 1.5x | 4.9% |
id1467993804 | 1.4x | 1.2% |
id1532976305 | 1.4x | 1.4% |
id1382983397 | 1.0x | 1.8% |
id360084272 | 0.6x | 3.0% |
id1508202790 | 0.3x | 3.0% |
id1056200096 | 0.3x | 1.9% |
id1237781005 | N/Ax | 3.5% |
id1531266667 | N/Ax | 1.1% |
id300973784 | N/Ax | 0.7% |
Patreons | vs. baseline | influence |
femininechaos | 14.2x | 2.1% |
newdiscourses | 8.5x | 3.6% |
blockedandreported | 7.3x | 52.7% |
bribesbyshoshana | 3.9x | 3.1% |
psychpodcast | 3.8x | 5.8% |
wethefifth | 3.3x | 1.9% |
arcdigi | 3.0x | 0.8% |
marijuanamoment | 2.4x | 0.6% |
johnrobb | 1.6x | 0.5% |
wesleyyang | 1.2x | 8.8% |
habibibros | 0.9x | 1.6% |
highlightreel | 0.8x | 1.0% |
bethbourdon | 0.3x | 1.3% |
shivramdas?fan_landing=true | 0.2x | 1.7% |
lubchansky | 0.2x | 5.5% |
twofortea | N/Ax | 1.9% |
skeptic | N/Ax | 1.0% |
elisabethbik | N/Ax | 0.9% |
YouTube Channels | vs. baseline | influence |
tombetgeorge | 22.2x | 1.7% |
thebeatles-topic | 12.8x | 4.7% |
bojanjovanovski | 12.8x | 2.3% |
zynukthoom | 12.8x | 2.3% |
mark | 12.8x | 2.3% |
tompetty-topic | 12.8x | 2.3% |
saturdaynightlive | 9.6x | 7.0% |
micheleland | 9.3x | 0.8% |
instituteforjustice | 9.2x | 7.0% |
thefederalistsociety | 9.2x | 7.0% |
senatorbensasse | 9.2x | 7.0% |
foxbusiness | 9.2x | 7.0% |
therealbradneely | 8.1x | 1.4% |
miguellancaster | 8.1x | 1.4% |
netflix | 7.2x | 4.9% |
speakingofai | 7.2x | 4.9% |
leatherzipperlips | 7.2x | 4.9% |
clarkjohn | 7.2x | 4.9% |
movieclips | 1.8x | 6.0% |
seancarroll | 1.4x | 1.5% |
aleutiandream | 1.1x | 0.8% |
q2q4me | 0.7x | 2.2% |
leonardcohenvevo | 0.7x | 1.1% |
sweepmoon | 0.1x | 0.5% |
chrisfleming | 0.1x | 0.5% |
gravitasventures | N/Ax | 1.3% |
discosaturdaynighttv | N/Ax | 0.7% |