Lens Rankings
Venture Capital
#298 | 0.000625 | Y Combinator |
#1178 | 0.000171 | Homebrew |
#3055 | 0.000031 | Initialized Capital |
#3576 | 0.000015 | Khosla Ventures |
#4468 | 0.000023 | A16Z |
#6823 | 0.000000 | Bessemer |
#7079 | 0.000000 | My Climate Journey |
#7293 | 0.000000 | Sutter Hill Ventures |
#7366 | 0.000000 | Index Ventures |
#7403 | 0.000000 | Standard Crypto |
#7428 | 0.000000 | Founders Fund |
#7644 | 0.000000 | Benchmark Capital |
#7821 | 0.000000 | Accel |
#8181 | 0.000000 | Sequioa |
#8621 | 0.000000 | Village Global |
Culture and Political Economy
#503 | 0.000305 | Bismark Analysis |
#2916 | 0.000029 | The Long Now Foundation |
#6622 | 0.000000 | Environmental Journalists |
#7387 | 0.000000 | Schumacher Circle |
#7431 | 0.000000 | Fair Vote |
#7515 | 0.000000 | Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) |
#7539 | 0.000000 | Social Epistemology |
#7567 | 0.000000 | Extinction Rebellion |
#7584 | 0.000000 | Claremont Institute |
#7595 | 0.000000 | Ecosocialism |
#7603 | 0.000000 | Existential Risks |
#7655 | 0.000000 | Sierra Clib |
#7759 | 0.000000 | RadicalxChange |
#7785 | 0.000000 | Climate Solutions |
#7818 | 0.000000 | Heterodox Academy |
#7888 | 0.000000 | 350.org |
#8034 | 0.000000 | Populist Libertarians |
#8059 | 0.000000 | Environmental Defense Fund |
#8136 | 0.000000 | Works in Progress |
#8618 | 0.000000 | Effective Altruism |
#8648 | 0.000000 | Black Lives Matter |
#9228 | 0.000000 | EFF |
#2247 | 0.000035 | Crypto Infrastructure |
#6440 | 0.000000 | Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) |
#6629 | 0.000004 | IDEO Founder Collective |
#7286 | 0.000000 | Crypto Journalists |
#7319 | 0.000000 | Crypto Angels |
#7333 | 0.000000 | Cosmos |
#7428 | 0.000000 | Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) |
#7509 | 0.000000 | Crypto Political Economy |
#7588 | 0.000000 | Polkadot |
#8275 | 0.000000 | Public Goods Funding |
#8646 | 0.000000 | Decentralized Finance (DeFi) |
#3029 | 0.000029 | Biotech |
#7911 | 0.000000 | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) |
#8319 | 0.000000 | Philosophy Twitter |
#9126 | 0.000000 | Epidemiology Journalism |
#9763 | 0.000000 | Epidimiology Twitter |
#1634 | 0.000016 | Techcrunch |
#6179 | 0.000000 | OANN |
#6201 | 0.000000 | Newsmax |
#6841 | 0.000002 | Reuters |
#7673 | 0.000000 | The Information |
#8151 | 0.000000 | Stat News |
#8367 | 0.000000 | The Intercept |
#8411 | 0.000000 | The Verge |
#8996 | 0.000000 | The Economist |
#9457 | 0.000000 | The Daily Beast |
#9462 | 0.000001 | Foreign Policy |
#9464 | 0.000000 | Palladium Magazine |
#9562 | 0.000000 | CNBC |
Think Tanks
#7751 | 0.000000 | RAND Corporation |
#7813 | 0.000000 | Belfer Center |
#7999 | 0.000000 | Urban Institute |
#8030 | 0.000000 | Asia Society Policy Institute |
#8179 | 0.000000 | Heritage Foundation |
#8323 | 0.000000 | Berggruen Institute |
#8550 | 0.000000 | Cato Institute |
#9380 | 0.000000 | Earth Institute |
#9448 | 0.000000 | Atlantic Council |
#9462 | 0.000001 | Niskanen Center |
Software Engineering
#6340 | 0.000000 | Zig |
#7504 | 0.000000 | Rust |