Epidimiology Twitter
Rank | Score | |
1 | 10.0 |
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Director-General of the World Health Organization. Retweets are not endorsements |
2 | 9.7 |
physician-scientist, author, editor drerictopol.com |
3 | 9.6 |
Angela Rasmussen
Excessively direct virologist. PI @VIDOInterVac. Affiliate @georgetown_ghss. Emerging virus host responses. 1X Jeopardy! loser. Rep: @anniescranton. she/her |
4 | 9.6 |
Helen Branswell
Sr writer, infectious diseases @statnews. 2020 Polk Award winner. Niemen '11. Conspiracy theory free zone; I block rude, racist. She/her #Covid #Ebola #flu 🇨🇦 |
5 | 9.6 |
Scott Gottlieb
Resident Fellow @AEI. Partner @NEA. Contributor @CNBC. 23rd Commissioner @US_FDA 2017 to 2019. Boards: @Pfizer @Illumina @AetionInc @TempusLabs |
6 | 9.6 |
Science writer at The Atlantic. Pandemic reporter. Polk Award winner. Author of I CONTAIN MULTITUDES. Married to Liz Neeley. edyong.me (he/him) |
7 | 9.5 |
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at @UF specializing in emerging infectious diseases and vaccine study design. @HarvardBiostats PhD. Tweets my own. |
8 | 9.5 |
#BlackLivesMatter Information flow in bio, society, & science. Book *Calling Bullshit*: tinyurl.com/y7ekfkhx I love crows and ravens. he/him |
9 | 9.5 |
ID Epi & infection prvntn | Asst Prof @ScharSchool | Adjunct @UAZPublicHealth | @georgetown_ghss affiliate | @FAScientists COVIDTaskforce | ELBI |alea iacta est |
10 | 9.5 |
President & CEO @ResolveTSL | Sr Fellow @CFR_org | Former Director @CDCgov & Cmish @nycHealthy | Focused on saving lives | COVID-19 pandemic response & recovery |
11 | 9.5 |
doctor | mom | she/her/hers | @Equity_Quotient |
12 | 9.5 |
science journalist. molecular biologist. curious. contributing correspondent at @sciencemagazine part of @pandemiapodcast, all things #blue |
13 | 9.4 |
Infectious disease epidemiologist and microbiologist, aspirational barista. mlipsitc@hsph.harvard.edu Director @CCDD_HSPH |
14 | 9.4 |
Craig Spencer MD MPH @Craig_A_Spencer NYC ER doctor | Ebola Survivor | Director of Global Health in Emergency Medicine @ColumbiaMed | Teach Public Health @ColumbiaMSPH | @MSF_USA Board of Directors |
15 | 9.4 |
Florian Krammer
Viruses, viruses, viruses and vaccines. V2=vaccinated twice Professor at the Department of Microbiology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai |
16 | 9.4 |
Executive Associate Dean for Emory at Grady; co-Director of Emory CFAR. Foreign Secretary of NAM. Posted opinions are own. RT not endorsements. |
17 | 9.4 |
Scientist @fredhutch, studying viruses, evolution and immunity. Collection of #COVID19 threads here: bedford.io/misc/twitter/ |
18 | 9.4 |
Infectious disease epidemiologist. Faculty at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (@JHSPH_CHS). |
19 | 9.3 |
Professor & Chair of Global Public Health, Edinburgh Uni Med School. Director of @GlobalHealthGP. Views own. ☀️ |
20 | 9.3 |
Physician, researcher, advocate for the notion that an ounce of data is worth a thousand pounds of opinion Views here surely my own Professor, Dean @Brown_SPH |
21 | 9.3 |
uché blackstock, md @uche_blackstock c & e’s mama • founder & ceo, advancing health equity • @msnbc medical contributor • speaking: @ccmntspeakers • media: @cse_TraciWilkes • ig: @ucheblackstockmd |
22 | 9.2 |
virologist. husband. dad. reader. writer. fixer. bad typist. learner. in no order. facts referenced. opinions mine alone. not medical advice or endorsement. |
23 | 9.2 |
Adam Kucharski @AdamJKucharski Mathematician/epidemiologist at @LSHTM. @WellcomeTrust fellow and @TEDFellow. Author of The Rules of Contagion. Views own. |
24 | 9.2 |
Akiko Iwasaki
We study innate and adaptive immunity to #viruses and #cancer. #COVID19 #immunology #vaccines @HHMINEWS @YaleIBIO @YaleMed @YaleEMD @YaleSPH. |
25 | 9.2 |
Assoc Prof at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and Gooner. Currently cosplaying Dr Rieux in some weird re-enactment of La Peste. Tweets are personal |
26 | 9.2 |
Epidemiology asst prof @BUSPH | Assoc editor for SoMe @amjepi | cohost @casualinfer podcast | @epiCOVIDCorps | #epitwitter | github.com/eleanormurray |
27 | 9.2 |
I fix problems and promote health. ER doc @Brown_Emergency🔸️ Director @BrownDigiHealth🔸️ Cofounder @researchaffirm @getusppe #ThisIsOurLane |
28 | 9.2 |
Vaccine Scientist-Pediatrician-Author-Combating Antiscience, Prof Dean @BCM_TropMed @TexasChildrens, Univ Prof @Baylor, Hagler Inst @TAMU, Founding Ed @PLOSNTDs |
29 | 9.2 |
Jason Kindrachuk, PhD @KindrachukJason Assistant Professor|Canada Research Chair|@umanitoba @UM_RadyFHS|contributor @Forbes|#emergingviruses #COVID19 #Ebola|Outbreak prep/resp|🇨🇦🇸🇱🇬🇦🇸🇿 |
30 | 9.1 |
Gregg Gonsalves @gregggonsalves I work @Yale focusing on operations research/epidemiology for infectious disease. In the real world: been an AIDS activist for ~30 yrs. Assoc. Prof YSPH. |
31 | 9.1 |
Epidemiologist, Immunologist, Physician, Harvard Public Health/Medical School. Discuss vaccines, immunity, infectious diseases, public health, and tests |
32 | 9.1 |
Professor, infectious disease epidemiologist, writer, K & teen wrangler. Antibiotic resistance, zoonotic disease, scicomm, zombies. She/her. No one's sweetie. |
33 | 9.1 |
Robert M. Wachter
Chair, UCSF Dept of Medicine. Career: What happens when a poli sci major becomes an academic physician. Author: "The Digital Doctor". Hubby/Dad/Golfer. |
34 | 9.1 |
Infectious Diseases / Virology Clinician & Scientist @univofstandrews • publichealth, TB, HIV • #vegan🌱• #FaceTheClimateEmergency • RT ≠ endorsement • she/her |
35 | 9.1 |
Krutika Kuppalli, MD FIDSA @KrutikaKuppalli ID, Global Health, VHF, Pandemic Prep, Emerging Infections, & Health Policy MD| U.S. Congress COVID-19 expert witness x 2 | ELBI 2020 @JHSPH_CHS |
36 | 9.1 |
Physician, Mom, Wife and Daughter. Native Brooklynite who never left. Tweets are my own. she/her |
37 | 9.0 |
⚕️Health Policy/Public Health @BrighamWomens @HarvardMed Editor @brief_19 @foampodcast 🎵Director @longwoodchorus jsfaust@bwh.harvard.edu Tweets=explicit orders |
38 | 9.0 |
doctor @brighamwomens @harvardmed | next @stanford division of infectious diseases & geographic medicine |
39 | 9.0 |
Professor of Molecular Evolution | University of Edinburgh | FRSE |
40 | 9.0 |
Infectious Diseases physician and scientist, with thoughts on Infectious Diseases, Tropical Medicine, HIV Prevention, Public Health, and Global Health issues |
41 | 9.0 |
Senior Advisor for COVID Response @HHSGov. Background - infectious disease, public health, policy, preparedness for epidemics. Personal account. |
42 | 9.0 |
Virology. Vaccinology. Vagina-ology. Vino-ology. My tweets are my own. My science is the world’s. |
43 | 9.0 |
Neil M. Ferguson
Infectious disease modeller/epidemiologist. Director of J-IDEA and the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis |
44 | 8.9 |
Creator of yolostocks.live and covid19-projections.com. Presenter of unbiased takes. Realist. Data scientist. @MIT '15. |
45 | 8.9 |
Dr. Oni Blackstock @oni_blackstock Black • womxn • queer • O’s (👦🏾) mom • Primary care & HIV physician • Equity & Justice Consultant • Founder & Executive Director, #HealthJustice• she/her(s) |
46 | 8.9 |
virology lab tech (pipette jockey/well-dressed cryptid) @YaleEMD. ornery anticolonial arbovirologist; opinions own. started #BiInSci. BS Bio, UGA ‘19. (she/her) |
47 | 8.9 |
Alexandra Phelan
Asst Professor @Georgetown_GHSS | Adj Prof @GeorgetownLaw | Pandemics, Infectious Disease, International Law, Planetary Health, Human Rights 余雪莲 She/Her 🏳️🌈 |
48 | 8.8 |
ID Epi/emerg mgmt▪️Sr Dir SpecialPathogens @NYCHealthSystem▪️Faculty @TheNETEC▪️Fellow @BelferCenter ▪️COVIDTaskforce @FAScientists▪️Featured #Pandemic @Netflix |
49 | 8.8 |
Professional non-expert embracing delusions of adequacy. Perpetual student of microbiology, infection, and outbreaks. Devoted to @Turneeps5 |
50 | 8.8 |
Pediatrician, Public Health Advocate and Scholar. Co-developed THE CONVERSATION. BetweenUsAboutUs.org I write and teach about racism and health. (she/her/hers) |
51 | 8.7 |
Real-time tracking of pathogen evolution |
52 | 8.7 |
journalist | covering Covid-19 @WIRED bit.ly/WiredMMcK | senior fellow @EmoryCSHH | books, TED, MOOCs linktr.ee/marynmck | mmck@protonmail.com | She/her |
53 | 8.7 |
Dr. Maia Majumder @maiamajumder Faculty at @harvardmed & @Bos_CHIP. Alum of @MIT (PhD/SM), @HPDSLab, @healthmap, @TuftsUniversity (MPH/BSEng), & @icddr_b. Married to @imran_malek. She/They/Dr. |
54 | 8.7 |
Science magazine staff writer on infectious diseases, outbreaks, immunology, vaccines, global health, genomics, CRISPR, primates, surfing. Views mine. |
55 | 8.7 |
♿️🕉♀ Bioethicist; co-founder @RogueBioethics. Public & global health ethics; biosafety, security, biorisk; syn/DIYBio, tech, & AI ethics. Married to @neva9257. |
56 | 8.7 |
Jennifer Nuzzo, DrPH @JenniferNuzzo Epidemiology and global health security policy. Here: outbreakobservatory.org coronavirus.jhu.edu/testing linkedin.com/in/jennifer-nu… |
57 | 8.7 |
Medicine / Infectious Disease / Epidemiology / NYU prof / @BellevueHosp doc / Host @AmericanDxFm & @EpidemicPodcast / @CNN Medical Analyst / Husband @GrantWahl |
58 | 8.6 |
Zulma M. Cucunubá
Infectious Disease Epidemiologist, MD PhD | Assistant Prof @UniJaveriana @MRC_outbreak |Previously @vaccineimpact @INSColombia @universidaduptc| Own views |
59 | 8.6 |
Christophe Fraser 💙 @ChristoPhraser Infectious disease epidemiologist. Professor @ Oxford BDI. Pathogen dynamics and evolution. HIV. AMR. Outbreaks. |
60 | 8.6 |
Prof. Dr. Benhur Lee, MD 🦠🧬🔬 @VirusWhisperer Viral Emergence|COVID19|Viruses are the best cell biologists|Mentor|🏳️🌈Husband|#LoveVirology #DiversityInSTEM #ViralLeeLab|COVID19 Comms Blog on lab website |
61 | 8.6 |
Alessandro Vespignani
Network & Data Science, Computational Epidemiology, Complex Systems |
62 | 8.5 |
Cedric Dark, MD, MPH, FACEP @RealCedricDark "The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable." - James A. Garfield | ER Doc | Writer | Influencer | Shaker of Fists |
63 | 8.5 |
Microbiologist & Associate Professor at the University of Auckland. Loves Lego. She/her. TEDx talk: bit.ly/1AOBrpO Kids show: youtu.be/MpfycVd0huM |
64 | 8.5 |
Infectious disease MD (also CCM & EM)working on pandemic policy, emerging infections, preventing bioterror centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-people/Ada… |
65 | 8.5 |
Mother | Emergency Med Doc | Humanitarian | Wife | Assistant Prof. @Columbia Uni | Special Advisor at Ministry of Health 🇪🇹 | Tweets, solely my own view |
66 | 8.5 |
Husband, dad and infectious disease scientist. Lucky to work with great people at universities, in governments and in NGOs... but all views here are my own. |
67 | 8.5 |
A Marm Kilpatrick @DiseaseEcology Disease Ecology, Population Biology |
68 | 8.4 |
Dr. Joel C. Miller @joel_c_miller Applying Mathematics to Disease Control and to Networks. Mostly math & infectious disease, but some politics, especially when these intersect. US&AUS |
69 | 8.4 |
Timothy P Sheahan
Coronavirologist @UNC. #Antivirals #COVID19. Recently featured in @GQMagazine My kids are not ready for Minor Threat but appreciate The Pixies = makes me happy |
70 | 8.4 |
Physician (IM/Peds). Epidemiologist. Wife. Mom. #EIS (15) and #ELBI (17) alum. Public health, biosecurity & medicine. Tweets rep only me. RT ≠ endorsement. |
71 | 8.3 |
the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota |
72 | 8.3 |
Julián A. Fernández-Niño @JFernandeznino Profesor, investigador Universidad del Norte, Interesado en Salud Global, Equidad en Salud y Epidemiología Social. |
73 | 8.3 |
Asst Professor at WSU. Maker of artisinal, small-batch simulation models for the discerning infectious disease consumer. WoW and zombie epidemiology. He/him. |
74 | 8.2 |
Doctor, scientist, dad, husband. Dean, professor @BUSPH. Immigrant. Weekly thoughts at The Healthiest Goldfish: sandrogalea.substack.com/p/welcome |
75 | 8.2 |
Est. 2006- We are a 501(c)(3)non profit charity of volunteers from many countries who document disease & human rights. Following does not imply endorsement. |
76 | 8.2 |
@HKUMed dean, global health advocate, epidemiologist & family doctor |
77 | 8.2 |
Steffanie Strathdee
#Infectiousdisease #epidemiologist. Associate Dean of #GlobalHealth; Co-director @IPATH 🦠😷 Author. Pitching my new thriller, The Virosphere. Rep: @ToEllen |
78 | 8.1 |
Assoc Prof @McGillEBOH | Canada Research Chair-Infectious Disease Prevention | PI @BastaLab @TrackVaccines | @UMNews @Princeton @UW @Cambridge_Uni @HealthyFla |
79 | 8.1 |
Associate Prof of Immunology & Infectious Diseases at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. Studying infectious diseases & how pathogens evolve and spread. |
80 | 8.1 |
Rosalind Eggo: Assoc Prof @LSHTM, co-Director @cmmid_lshtm. Dynamic models, resp viruses, EHRs, severe outcomes, vaccine optimisation. Made @IDDconf & @IDDjobs |
81 | 8.1 |
Associate Director Global Health @KFF. @SAISHopkins Prof. U.S. & International Health Policy, Health Security, Infectious Disease Epidemiology |
82 | 8.1 |
Utibe R. Essien, MD MPH @UREssien Physician | Asst. Professor @PittTweet | Alum @HarvardChanSPH @MGHMedicine @EinsteinMed | 40u40 @NMQF | Health equity | Antiracism @CPSolvers | Opinions mine |
83 | 8.1 |
UMass professor, biostatistician, public health and infectious disease researcher, data scientist, juggler, puzzler, English major. Tweets are my own. |
84 | 8.1 |
Postdoc; Infectious Disease Modeler (Views are mine) |
85 | 8.1 |
Director, @CIDIDteam, Center for Inference and Dynamics of Infectious Diseases; Director, SISMID |
86 | 8.0 |
Sharmila Dissanaike @DissanaikeMD Chair of Surgery, Trauma, Burn, Critical Care Surgeon Sri Lankan-American Buddhist LifeLong Learner & Explorer of Ideas |
87 | 8.0 |
Justin Lessler is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health @JohnsHopkinsEPI |
88 | 8.0 |
The Menachery Lab @TheMenacheryLab Lab chasing low hanging pebbles and shiny fruit #coronavirus #SARSCoV2 #SARS #COVID19 |
89 | 8.0 |
Dr. Emily Ricotta 💉😷🧼 @Iplaywithgerms #InfectiousDisease #epidemiologist and #DataScientist. #ELBI. #epitwitter. She/her/Dr. All opinions are my own. Study website: tinyurl.com/3n8avak5 |
90 | 8.0 |
ID Doc. Public health response & integrated research. @ISARIC1 @GOARN @GlopidR Jer29:11-13. Community engagement is key to a successful response. Retwe ≠ endor |
91 | 8.0 |
CIS faculty @PennEngineers studying algorithmic (un)fairness, esp in criminal justice | Statistician at heart | @FAccTConference OG | Formerly @hrdag | she/her |
92 | 7.9 |
Maria Sundaram, PhD @mariasundaram ID epidemiologist, postdoc @ICESOntario. Respiratory viruses, vaccines, & mat/child health. As heard on @bbcos, @cbcnews, @theindicator, etc. |
93 | 7.9 |
Director, @MGHCAREResearch, focusing on quantifiable equity in clinical research. Let's improve science by ensuring it's accessible and accountable. He/him. |
94 | 7.7 |
Epidemiologist @UCLGlobalHealth & @AHRI_News. Focus on data collection, social networks & health. Mostly in sub-Saharan Africa. Currently working on #COVID19 |
Account Rankings
Rank | Score | |
1 | 9.6 |
We believe in the power of advocacy & communications to ↑ health & wellbeing around the 🌍, leaving no one behind. Views = ours. Tweets from all offices. |
2 | 9.5 |
@WHO Director of Communications. All foolish opinions are mine alone. |
3 | 9.5 |
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO We are the #UnitedNations’ health agency - #HealthForAll. ▶️ Always check our latest tweets on #COVID19 for updated advice/information. |
4 | 9.3 |
Apoorva Mandavilli
Reporter @nytimes on mainly #covid19 Winner 2019 Victor Cohn Prize. Before: Founding EIC @Spectrum, co-founder @CultureDish DMs open OR Apoorva@NYTimes.com |
5 | 9.3 |
Operated by nurses and leading nursing internationally, ICN works to ensure quality nursing care for all and sound health policies globally. |
6 | 9.3 |
Start your morning with Joe Kernen, Becky Quick, and Andrew Ross Sorkin - Monday through Friday from 6-9a ET. |
7 | 9.3 |
Face The Nation @FaceTheNation Moderated by @margbrennan of @CBSNews, we are America's premier public affairs program | 📸 IG: @facethenation |
8 | 9.2 |
Jeremy Konyndyk @JeremyKonyndyk Dad, baker, beer snob. COVID-19 @USAID. Personal account. 🏊♂️🚴♂️🏃♂️ |
9 | 9.1 |
CEO of @Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Medical doctor specializing in infectious disease epidemiology and global health. |
10 | 9.1 |
Assistant Director General @WHO for Data, Analytics and Delivery for Impact. Ensuring global health data is credible and has an impact. |
11 | 9.1 |
Dr. Peter A Singer, OC @PeterASinger Special Advisor to @DrTedros @WHO. Co-founder @gchallenges 🇨🇦 & @utjcb. My views. He/him. Bio: linkedin.com/in/peter-singe… |
12 | 9.1 |
Official twitter account for the World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa - WHO/AFRO |
13 | 9.1 |
Kristian G. Andersen
Infectious diseases & genomics. Immunologist in (voluntary) exile. Minimal sarcasm. Fierce HOA (Hater of Acronyms). |
14 | 9.0 |
White House Sr Advisor for COVID Response - Let’s Work Together to Defeat COVID-19. Past head of Medicare/Medicaid for Obama/Biden. Personal account. |
15 | 9.0 |
United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) facebook.com/UNGeneva instagram.com/ungeneva linkedin.com/company/united… In French: twitter.com/ONUGeneve |
16 | 9.0 |
Women In Global Health @womeninGH Challenging #Power & #Privilege for #GenderEquity in health | #GenderTransformativeLeadership | #womeningh |RT/follows≠endorsements | #COVID5050 #GenderEqualHCW |
17 | 9.0 |
Die Virenjägerin! ☣️🏹🧬 Co-developer of @nextstrain at @ISPMBern @unibern! Using programming & phylogenetics, I study & track viruses. I like ✈️ & 🐈 |
18 | 9.0 |
Nurse & CEO International Council of Nurses, Geneva |
19 | 9.0 |
Health Policy Watch - Global Health News Reporting @HealthPolicyW Independent global health policy news by accredited journalists. Free reporting by non-profit media. Sign-up 4 daily email news alerts @ healthpolicy-watch.news |
20 | 8.9 |
Oncologist serving ppl w/ #cancer in #bcsm clinic, #MedEd, #PublicHealth, #Regulatory & #COVID19. #ASCO20 Ed Chair. #OslerPride. Equity activist. Go high. |
21 | 8.9 |
Secretary of State for Health & Social Care and MP for West Suffolk |
22 | 8.9 |
Complex systems, wicked problems. Society, technology and more. @UNC professor. Word in @TheAtlantic & @NYTimes. My newsletter is @insight: theinsight.org |
23 | 8.9 |
Expanding liberty. Increasing individual opportunity. Strengthening free enterprise. All in a day's work for the scholars at AEI. |
24 | 8.9 |
Brief19, your daily roundup of SARS-CoV-2. @Brief_19 A daily roundup of SARS-CoV-2 / covid-19 research & policy. Created by doctors @Reverendofdoubt, @KimiChernoby, @JeremyFaust + more. In translation @brief19_itl |
25 | 8.9 |
Maria Van Kerkhove
Infectious Disease Epidemiologist; COVID-19 Technical Lead @WHO, WHO Health Emergencies Programme. Mother of 2. Opinions are my own |
26 | 8.9 |
Molly Jong-Fast
Editor at large @thedailybeast. podcasting @newabnormalpod & Wife of @Mattgreenfield & mother of @woketeenageson |
27 | 8.9 |
Let’s transform #lifelonglearning for #health impact. #WHOAcademy Lead @WHO. Former @Working4H Lead. Optimist & feminist. Zola's mum. #Kiwi. Tweets=own. |
28 | 8.9 |
Annette Kennedy @AnnetteMKennedy President of @ICNurses , Commissioner of the @WHO Independent High-Level Non communicable Diseases and Board Member of @NursingNow2020 |
29 | 8.9 |
Infectious diseases doc. Founding Director, Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases Policy & Research (CEID) @BUCEID. Associate Director, @NEIDL. South Paw. |
30 | 8.9 |
Founder, Aledade. Former National Coordinator for Health IT NYC Health Dept CDC EIS Officer |
31 | 8.9 |
Director of the Wellcome Trust (@WellcomeTrust). |
32 | 8.8 |
Reporting on this terrible pandemic for Nature @naturenews and former fellow @KSJatMIT. Views are my own. She/her. Email: amy.maxmen at us.nature. com. |
33 | 8.8 |
Associate Prof @UMassLowell (9/2021). Bio & military ethics; health security. Co-founder @roguebioethics. Martial arts & mountain bikes. Married to @rocza. |
34 | 8.8 |
Eli Perencevich, MD MS🧼 😷 @eliowa Dad | ID doc & Epidemiologist | Prof @IntMedatIowa | @JAMANetworkOpen | #HandHygiene #antibioticsEOL #AntibioticResistance | #BLM | my opinions | he/him |
35 | 8.8 |
Virologist - PhD ☣️ | @IbeidLabex S2I Fellow | @Vignuzzilab 🔍 @InstitutPasteur | 🇩🇪🇪🇺🇺🇳 | typos are part of the plan |
36 | 8.8 |
For an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa. Official page of the AU. |
37 | 8.8 |
PERSONAL ACCOUNT of a Hoosier in DC. Married to @monicamedinadc; Dad of 3 adults. Tweets are my personal views. |
38 | 8.8 |
Marion Koopmans
virology; public health microbiology; global pathogen surveillance; preparedness and respons; syndromic diagnostics, human animal interface |
39 | 8.8 |
Co-Founder of Building Minorities Through STEM • ST{E}M • NCATSU Alumna |
40 | 8.8 |
Professor, interested in plagues, pestilences and politics. I am, literally, a Fish who needs a bicycle. |
41 | 8.8 |
CNN Philippines @cnnphilippines News you can trust • Free TV channel 9 |
42 | 8.8 |
Psychiatrist.Freelance writer. College & Physician Mental Health. Hate is not a mental illness. #MentalHealth is health. Gif enthusiast. Opinions=My Own |
43 | 8.8 |
Assistant Director General for UHC/Communicable & Noncommunicable Diseases @WHO tweeting in personal capacity. |
44 | 8.8 |
Stephanie Nebehay @StephNebehay Senior Reuters reporter in Geneva mainly covering the U.N., including crises, health and human rights, as well as Swiss news. Tweets my own. |
45 | 8.8 |
Director - World Health Organization Global Tuberculosis Programme @WHO. I am passionate about and committed to ending TB - the world's top infectious killer. |
46 | 8.8 |
Aleksandra Kuzmanovic @KuzmanovicA Social media manager @WHO HQ 👩🏻💻. Social good enthusiast. 🇷🇸 . Views my own. 🤜 #COVID19 infodemic |
47 | 8.8 |
Journalist & Publisher. Admirer of Trees. Mum. 'Flâneuse'. GLOBAL HEALTH. Alum @NYUniversity @IHEID Founding Editor, Geneva Health Files @FilesGeneva |
48 | 8.8 |
Making NCD prevention & control a priority, everywhere. #NonCommunicableDiseases = #NCDs. #ActOnNCDs |
49 | 8.8 |
“The Olympics of tech” - Politico 😎 Join us in Toronto in 2022 🇨🇦 |
50 | 8.8 |
Advocacy 4 Women Empowerment,Gender Equality, clean environment. Former VSO volunteer. |
51 | 8.8 |
Health Policy/Management @YaleSOM @YaleMed @YaleSPH; M.D./M.B.A.; Former U.S. Senate Staff; #Covid19 🏳️🌈 If you can't find my typos, you aren't trying. |
52 | 8.8 |
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance @gavi Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, helps vaccinate half the world’s children against deadly and debilitating diseases. #VaccinesWork |
53 | 8.8 |
Global Citizen Impact @GlblCtznImpact Global Citizen is a movement of engaged citizens who are using their collective voice to end extreme poverty by 2030. |
54 | 8.8 |
Epidemiologist & Health Economist. Health Policy & Social Justice. Senior Fellow, FAS. Former 16 yrs @Harvard. COVID updates since Jan 2020. |
55 | 8.8 |
Ilona Kickbusch @IlonaKickbusch Professor Ilona Kickbusch PhD contributes to innovation in global health and health diplomacy. Now engaging in digital health. Always a feminist. |
56 | 8.8 |
Networks, Complex Systems, Epidemiology, Evolution. Faculty @Northeastern, External Faculty @sfiscience & @uvmcomplexity, Co-founder @globaldothealth. he/him. |
57 | 8.8 |
Interested in innate immune modulation by dengue virus and other viruses of human health interest. Family, Friendships, Mentoring and Science. Views my own |
58 | 8.8 |
Carlos Alvarado Quesada @CarlosAlvQ Presidente de la República de Costa Rica, 2018–2022 🇨🇷 Escritor, periodista y politólogo. @presidenciacr |
59 | 8.8 |
WSJ Editorial Page @WSJopinion Opinion & Commentary from The Wall Street Journal. |
60 | 8.8 |
European Commission 🇪🇺 @EU_Commission News and information from the European Commission. Social media and data protection policy: ec.europa.eu/info/social-me… |
61 | 8.8 |
Laurie Garrett
Former Sr Fellow @CFR_org. Recipient of Pulitzer Prize, Polk (2Xs) and Peabody Awards. Author: IHeard theSirensScream, TheComingPlague, Ebola & BetrayalofTrust. |
62 | 8.7 |
☣️ Michael Ç̸̠͎͉̹̼̠͔̗̓̐̐̓̓̀͝͝. Bazaco ☣️ @MCBazacoPhD Infectious Disease #Epidemiologist #Zoonotics, #Hokie and @PittPubHealth grad, @UMDPublicHealth, Tweets-mine, #epitwitter, #IDtwitter he/him #SmashFascists |
63 | 8.7 |
Pradheep J. Shanker @Neoavatara Radiologist and Public Health Policy. CEO @Neoavatara Foundation Occasional contributor to @NRO, @Ricochet, @AmSpectator |
64 | 8.7 |
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope”. MLK. |
65 | 8.7 |
Malcolm Chisholm @MalcolmChishol1 Former MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith |
66 | 8.7 |
United Nations Foundation @unfoundation Connecting people, ideas, and resources with the United Nations to solve global problems. |
67 | 8.7 |
Professor of Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics @unibirmingham, Genomics Adviser @PHE_UK - mainly tweet about pathogen genomics, epidemiology, bioinformatics |
68 | 8.7 |
Dr SkiingProf, PhD @SkiingProf Researcher in human health, mother to precocious kindergartener, wife to sarcastic #t1d, XC skier in a snowless land. On the #TT she/her |
69 | 8.7 |
Nasty, brutish, short. My podcast: buzzsprout.com/337985 She/her/hers/bitch |
70 | 8.7 |
Dr Nisreen Alwan 🌻 @Dr2NisreenAlwan Associate Professor @unisouthampton Public Health. Epidemiology. MBE PhD FFPH MRCP MSc MPH. My words are my personal view. RT≠endorse. #CountLongCovid💙 |
71 | 8.7 |
Deputy Director, Surveillance, Data, & Epidemiology @gatesfoundation (malaria), science TV presenter @cbcdocs, & kids science writer. 🇨🇦 in 🇺🇸. She/her. |
72 | 8.7 |
Bloomberg Quicktake @Quicktake Live global news and original shows. Streaming free, 24/7. |
73 | 8.7 |
Breakthroughs that change patients' lives. Visit Pfizer.com to learn more. on.pfizer.com/CGs |
74 | 8.7 |
Paediatric Registrar | Clinical Research Fellow Paediatric Infectious diseases @southamptonCRF | @DFTBubbles #COVID19 evidence review lead | Husband and dad |
75 | 8.7 |
Founder & CEO of LiminalCreations.com Speaker/trainer/scholar in #science, #communication #sensemaking #scicomm #stories. She/her. Married to Ed Yong. |
76 | 8.7 |
I am humbled to participate and to serve: #WorldHealthOrganization Goodwill Ambassador |
77 | 8.7 |
take action today 🌍💉🌳🖤👭💧public engagement @resultscda - my tweets, my opinion. (she/her/elle) |
78 | 8.7 |
Head of @GHS Europe. Tweets mainly #COVID19, health, politics, business and Leeds United. Thought origins difficult to pin down. |
79 | 8.7 |
K. Taylor, Ph.D., M.S. is vaccinated @KYT_ThatsME Post-doc| (she/her) | virologist| #AcademicMama | #BlackInMicro| #BlackandSTEM| BlackInMicrobiology.org |Views are my own. KishanaTaylor.com |
80 | 8.7 |
Mrigank Shail, MD @mrigankshail Art, Medicine & Political Sci lover. Data storyteller. Purpose of life is to be a collective learner and contributor @WHO. Opinions = my own. |
81 | 8.7 |
Human being Prof #GlobalHealth @UCGHR, @UmeaUniversity Chief #Editor @GlobalHealthAct Advisor @WHO Cares about better #health #data in #LMICs Tweets personal |
82 | 8.7 | |
83 | 8.7 |
menno van hilten @mennovanhilten 🇺🇳 Cross-cutting Lead Strategy (#NCDs) @WHO 🇨🇭. Former @ITU @UNDP @UNODC @UNRWA-er in 🇫🇯🇨🇺🇦🇹 🇵🇪 🇵🇸. @UniLeiden 🇳🇱. #ResolutionNerd |
84 | 8.7 |
Speak Up Africa @SpeakUpAfrica1 Speak Up Africa is a Policy and Advocacy Action Tank that contributes critically to the dialogue and strives to form the blueprints for concrete action. |
85 | 8.6 |
IAS - International AIDS Society @iasociety IAS is the world's largest independent association of HIV professionals. Together we advocate and drive urgent action to reduce the global impact of HIV. |
86 | 8.6 |
Siddharth Chatterjee 常启德 @sidchat1 Resident Coordinator @UNinChina 🇺🇳 🇨🇳. Ex Red Cross, @Princeton 🇺🇸 alum. #GenderEquality #Marathoner #Writer #Dad #Yoga #LeaveNoOneBehind. Wear A Mask 😷. |
87 | 8.6 |
As the EU bank, we provide finance and expertise for sustainable investment projects that make a strong impact on people’s lives in Europe and beyond. |
88 | 8.6 |
Bundestagsabgeordneter aus dem Rhein-Kreis Neuss. Member of the German Parliament. Stellv. Vorsitzender der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion und der KAS. |
89 | 8.6 |
Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa
President of the African National Congress. President of the Republic of South Africa. Chairperson of the African Union 2020. |
90 | 8.6 |
Nathan D. Grubaugh
Assistant Professor @YaleEMD. Studies 🦟🦠 transmission, evolution, and emergence. Will sequence for 🍺 (and funding). |
91 | 8.6 |
Colin J. Carlson, Ph.D. @wormmaps Biologist, assistant prof @georgetown_ghss, PI @viralemergence, IPCC & IPBES author. I write about viruses, health, biodiversity, & climate adaptation. 🏳️🌈 |
92 | 8.6 |
Dr. Bertha Hidalgo @berthahidalgo Genetic epidemiologist + Science Communicator @uabsoph. Emoji enthusiast. She/her. BA @Stanford MPH @USC PHD @UABnews Views = own #epitwitter #scicomm |
93 | 8.6 |
The World’s Opinion Page, featuring exclusive commentaries by political and business leaders, scholars, policymakers, practitioners, and civic activists. |
94 | 8.6 |
"WE RISE BY LIFTING OTHERS" ~R.Ingersoll #320ChangesDirection #MakeChesterProud |
95 | 8.6 |
Tracking vaccine rollout with @VermontDFR and @ariadnelabs. Reporting on and researching the pandemic and its effects on higher ed since January 2020 in China. |
96 | 8.6 |
Father, fisherman, motorcycle enthusiast, 56th Governor of New York |
97 | 8.6 |
Aaron E. Carroll
@IUMedSchool HSR Researcher/Policy wonk/Author/Pediatrician. I make videos @HCTriage & write for @NYTimes @NYTOpinion. Tweets represent me and me alone. |
98 | 8.6 |
Virologist, Associate Professor @LSUHS. I study cytomegalovirus. SARS-CoV-2 dilettante. (he, him). Opinions my own, not my employer's. #LoveVirology |
99 | 8.6 |
Senior health & science reporter @CNBC Co-host @statnews’ the Readout Loud podcast |
100 | 8.6 |
science journalist, currently covering the #COVID19 #coronavirus pandemic as an independent reporter for @WIRED, @NatureNews and @NYTimes. roxanne.substack.com |
101 | 8.6 |
Writing and events at STAT. This is biology's century; Every data point has a face. |
102 | 8.6 |
Off Twitter for a bit. Co-founded @covid19tracking. Data cicada. Prev. @opennews @contents, tech/culture orgs. Mutual aid + liberation. |
103 | 8.6 |
Michael R. Strain
Director of Economic Policy Studies at AEI. Columnist for Bloomberg Opinion. Buy "The American Dream Is Not Dead": amzn.com/159947557X. |
104 | 8.6 |
Global VC firm 🌎 Making the world better by helping founders 🧑🏾🔬🧑🏼💻 build great companies that improve the way we live 🏘 work 💻 and play ▶️ |
105 | 8.6 |
Prof at @HarvardChanSPH; Commissioner + Chair Task Force on Safe Work/School/Travel for The Lancet COVID19 Commission. Coauthor of "Healthy Buildings" (HUP) |
106 | 8.6 |
Lab studying molecular evolution of proteins and viruses. Affiliated with @fredhutch @HHMINEWS @uwgenome. |
107 | 8.6 |
Statistics PhD student @Harvard. I tweet funny, interesting things about data science and statistics. Some of it is educational. |
108 | 8.6 |
Martin Enserink @martinenserink Science journalist. International News Editor, Science magazine. Infectious diseases, global health, science policy. |
109 | 8.6 |
Richard A. Neher
i am a biologist/physicist at the @biozentrum in Basel trying to understand how microbes evolve. views are my own, RT!=endorsement. |
110 | 8.6 |
Harvard/Brigham Infectious Diseases doctor, writer, editor, educator. Prefer baseball to football, pizza to sushi, dogs to cats, Beatles to Stones. |
111 | 8.6 |
Retired biochemist & bereaved mother. Person with epilepsy & only 1 remaining amygdala after laser brain surgery. Physics aficionado @ucsf, @UniSurreyBioSci |
112 | 8.6 |
Sexually transmitted infections epidemiologist, but Covid-19 has changed everything. Contact tracing the common thread |
113 | 8.6 |
'Don't live for pleasure, Make life your treasure' +++ Black Sabbath: The Sign of the Southern Cross +++ |
114 | 8.6 |
Ilan Schwartz MD PhD @GermHunterMD Infectious diseases @UofA_ID #emergingfungalinfections, #TxID, #IDTwitter, #covidandfungus. Edu Co-Chair (#SoMe) @msg_erc; cofounder @idjclub (He/Him) |
115 | 8.6 |
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security @JHSPH_CHS The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security works to protect people’s health from the consequences of epidemics and disasters. RTs not endorsement. |
116 | 8.5 |
Professor & Canada Research Chair of Epidemiology & Global Health @McGillU. Associate Director, @McGill_TB. Editor-in-Chief @PLOSGPH. Tweets: own views. He/him. |
117 | 8.5 |
Howard Liu, MD MBA @DrHowardLiu Psychiatrist. Professor. Chair @unmcpsychiatry. President @admsep. #HeForShe #MentalHealth #Leadership #Equity #StopAAPIHate. Tweets don’t represent my employer |
118 | 8.5 |
cardiologist, trialist, outcomes researcher, former FDA Commissioner, trying to solve the health, healthcare, tech challenge |
119 | 8.5 |
Writer. Lesbian. Veteran. Texan. Hoya. She/Her. Rep: @lynnjohnstonlit Alum: @HRC | Email: cmclymer@gmail.com | Subscribe: charlotteclymer.substack.com #BLM |
120 | 8.5 |
HCP ally. Filmmaker @unrestfilm. @MEActNet co-founder. Disability rights activist. Harvard PoliSci/Stats Ph.D dropout. #MEspine, #longCOVID, #MCAS |
121 | 8.5 |
On maternity leave. Health-tech investor @OMERSVentures/ author of “Second Opinion.” Former journalist. Londoner living in CA. Angel investor. Mum 👶 🐱 🐱 |
122 | 8.5 |
MD + Epidemiologist + Journalist | Fmr Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer| Teach: sci journalism Direct: Stanford Health Comm Initiative| Study: infodemics |
123 | 8.5 |
Sharing insightful reactions and analysis from @AEI’s Economic Policy Studies scholars. AEI does not take institutional positions on any issues. |
124 | 8.5 |
Aetion is a health care technology company that delivers real-world evidence to determine which treatments work best, for whom, and when. |
125 | 8.5 |
Chief Data Scientist @UofCAHealth・Director, Bakar Computational Health Sci Institute @UCSF_BCHSI・Distinguished Prof @UCSF・Entrepreneur・He/him・Opinions ⇨ my own |
126 | 8.5 |
Monica McLemore PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN #Blaccinated @mclemoremr Badass thinker, RN, scientist, geek, wino. Repro Justice. Tweets mine. GenX she/her @aphasrh @actionsprogram @prioritystudy @cerish_ucsf @blkmamasmatter #FIVE |
127 | 8.5 |
@WashingtonPost reporter who investigates health policy and politics - including the nation’s covid response. Proud POLITICO alum. Got tips? DM me for Signal. |
128 | 8.5 |
Pancreatic cancer researcher and GI pathologist. Striving to improve the lives of patients with cancer. |
129 | 8.5 |
Alex John London @AlexJohnLondon Author of: For the Common Good: Philosophical Foundations of Research Ethics (OUP forthcoming) & Clara L. West Professor of Ethics & Philosophy at CMU. |
130 | 8.5 |
Erin C. Sanders, MSN, WHNP-BC (She/Her/Hers) @ErinSandersNP Mama | wife | #WomensHealth Nurse Practitioner @CellStanford @Immunofever | Prev @StanfordPelvic @StanfordCancer | #SexDimorphism #LongCovid #Lyme |Tweets mine |
131 | 8.5 |
Kimberly Prather, Ph.D. @kprather88 Distinguished Professor, @UCSanDiego, Director, @NSF @CAICECCI; ocean microbiology, aerosol-clouds-climate, mass spec, airborne viruses,@theNAEng @theNASciences |
132 | 8.5 |
Science/health journalist • mom • feminist • teacher • photographer • author • @Forbes • kid lit • #MBL • #AHCJ • #binder • Gryffindor • Texan • she/her |
133 | 8.5 |
Head of Insights @Cartainc • Data Viz Lead @COVID19Tracking • previously @CovidWh, @PublicRelay |
134 | 8.5 |
First in business worldwide. |
135 | 8.4 |
MD/PhD (Immunology/Microbiology), innovator. RWE & AI, pharmaIT, EDC, RCT, Past:CEO of OptumLabs, founder/CEO Phase Forward, CMO Humedica. Not medical advice |
136 | 8.4 |
Director of @IMIBirmingham. Prof of Microbiology and Infection: microbial genomics, metagenomics & evolution of antibiotic resistance. All opinions mine. He/him |
137 | 8.4 |
Doc @harvardmed @BrighamWomens & CA. I work on epidemics & primary health systems in LMICs & helped manage Guinea's Ebola response as advisor to @President_GN |
138 | 8.4 |
Researcher in Virus Tropism and Evolution. Opinions are my own... but should be yours too. Avatar: Joshua Chamberlain. RT = Reverse Transcriptase |
139 | 8.4 |
Evolutionary biologist by training, a rogue & a villain by nature; -ssRNA virus geek, matplotlib wizard, Lithuanian. Social media manager @Virus_Evolution. |
140 | 8.4 |
Emmy winning Producer; Author, #InnocentSpouse; Booker, @FacetheNation; Host, The Q&A Cafe™; yes, owned Nathans. Proud solo parent. CarolJoynt@cbsnews.com |
141 | 8.4 |
Angriest Black Woman in Minnesota @sayansi2020 Watts, Los Angeles, CA born #bornacrime in the #USA #vaccinated Police kill Black people everyday in the #USA🇺🇸 🤦🏾♀️ #thisisAmerica |
142 | 8.4 |
staff writer at @TheAtlantic covering health. I also write Material World, a column on consumerism. Georgia native, Georgia Bulldog. |
143 | 8.4 |
The Midnight Library. How to Stop Time. A Boy Called Christmas. The Humans. etc. The Comfort Book is coming soon. |
144 | 8.4 |
Previously a neuroscientist, now I write stuff in industry. Most of my tweets are about science, some are personal and, hopefully, some are funny. |
145 | 8.4 |
Julia Marcus, PhD, MPH @JuliaLMarcus Infectious disease epidemiologist • Associate prof @harvardmed • HIV prevention researcher • Words @TheAtlantic (bit.ly/2QPALVv) • no $COI • she/her |
146 | 8.4 |
Evolving better E. coli for over 70,000 generations. Prof at MSU. Opinions tweeted are my own. (Ok, I also speak for billions -- er, TRILLIONS -- of E. coli.) |
147 | 8.4 |
Edward C. Holmes
Virus spotter 🤓You're twistin' my melon man. |
148 | 8.4 |
Health care reporter @ProPublica, adjunct @Columbiajourn, 2021 fellow @peripluscollect. 香港人. Reach me at caroline.chen@propublica.org, by Signal, or DM. |
149 | 8.4 |
Nationally Certified School Nurse I believe in science, democracy, vaccines & power of community #WearAMask #JNJFellow #SesameHero #LockYourGuns |
150 | 8.4 |
Research in evolution, epidemiology, and infectious disease from Oliver Pybus and colleagues @OxZooDept and @RoyalVetCollege |
151 | 8.4 |
Infectious diseases physician and researcher. Níl ionam ach fear. But not a man to eat trifle with. Is as Jersey dom. |
152 | 8.4 |
Professor of Biochemistry @UW cell bio · infectious disease · med ed ☣️ 🧬🧪🔬 🏳️🌈 ✊🏿 🗽 🇺🇸 Coincidences between my opinions and UW's are coincidental. |
153 | 8.4 |
soon: @businessinsider • past: @qz, @cjr, @globeandmail, @todayintabs • posting reminders at @doomscroll_bot •🇨🇦• she/her |
154 | 8.4 |
Health and medical news from The NYT's Health & Science desk. Sign up for the Science Times email, in your inbox every Tuesday: nyti.ms/2EKZcNt |
155 | 8.4 |
Duncan MacCannell @dmaccannell Molecular epidemiology and public health. Pathogen genomics, clin micro, AMR, emerging (bio)tech, diagnostics and data. Opinions/bad jokes are my own. 🔬🦠🧬😷 |
156 | 8.4 |
Sachiko Koyama, Ph.D. @sachiko_koyama Influences of odors/pheromones/aromas/tastants on physiological conditions and behavior; image PDGFR-gfp;;K14 primary cells #WomenInStem |
157 | 8.4 |
Vinay Prasad MD MPH @VPrasadMDMPH Prof, Progressive, Physician, @vkprasadlab @ucsf_epibiostat, Podcast @Plenary_Session, book: Malignant (2020); Ending Medical Reversal (2015); Views obv my own |
158 | 8.4 |
Prof. Debby Bogaert 💙 @DebbyBogaert Professor of Paediatric Infectious Diseases at the Centre for Inflammation Research and consultant paediatric ID at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children |
159 | 8.4 |
Vice Principal & Professor @EdinburghUni. Fae Dundee, and other places. Helping great people do great things, all around the world. Views mine. |
160 | 8.4 |
Director General, Nigeria Centre for Disease Control @NCDCgov |
161 | 8.4 |
Trisha Greenhalgh
Prof of Prim Care, Oxford. Alert me if someone needs unblocking scholar.google.co.uk/citations?sort… |
162 | 8.4 |
Evolutionary virology postdoc @ Univ of Utah. Previously Penn Medicine. Coronaviruses and the Wasatch. |
163 | 8.4 |
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health @JohnsHopkinsSPH @JohnsHopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. • jhsph.edu/covid-19 🦠 • @PublicHealthPod 🎧 • @GHN_News 📧 |
164 | 8.4 |
“do you have stars in your mouth. yes I tell him, come see. Will i die, he asked. yes i tell him, every time” - Jude Goodwin |
165 | 8.4 |
Policy Editor @BBCNewsnight. I cover politics, policy, economics and government in the UK and beyond | Author: Left for Dead. Buy here- bit.ly/3ezOK9q |
166 | 8.4 |
@FacetheNation Moderator, #FacingForwardPod host, @CBSNews Sr Foreign Affairs Correspondent, Mom of 2 boys, USMC wife, @UVA alum, retired 🇮🇪 dancer |
167 | 8.4 |
JohnsHopkinsEHE @JohnsHopkinsEHE Making the world a healthier place through improvements to our environment - one student and one project at a time. |
168 | 8.4 |
🧠Emily Willingham🦑 @ejwillingham PHALLACY: Life Lessons from the Animal Penis🍆. THE TAILORED BRAIN🧠, 2021. Journalist. PhD in gonads. BA, English literature. Frequent gremlin. She/her.🌪 |
169 | 8.4 |
VP at Ginkgo; former In-Q-Tel, USG science & tech advisor - White House OSTP, HHS/BARDA, DoD; viz from the great @jburnmurdoch ...views my own... |
170 | 8.4 |
Minister, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia; Wife and Mom |
171 | 8.4 |
Jim Gaffigan Ano Sucio
Text me (646) 980-6600 Male Model. My first wife is @jeanniegaffigan. THE PALE TOURIST is now on AMAZON PRIME! I'm posting daily videos on youtube. |
172 | 8.4 |
Semi-retird CMPSC/tech exec-Bell Labs,UNIX,MIPS,SGI;Big Data ~1994;AGU,AAAS,APS;Invstgtv reporting~$ climate&tobacco anti-science,politics;block Dunning-Krugers |
173 | 8.4 |
Staff writer @TheAtlantic. Senior Fellow @SAISHopkins and @SNFAgoraJHU. My new book is Twilight of Democracy: the Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism |
174 | 8.4 |
PhD/MHS Infectious Disease & Digital Health Epidemiologist |#SciComm| @AAAS_STPF, @JohnsHopkinsSPH,& @BrandeisU alum | @500womensci |she/her/hers/Dr |
175 | 8.4 |
Prof. Gavin Yamey MD MPH @GYamey Professor of Global Health & Public Policy @DukeU. Director, Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. TIME magazine columnist. DJ @wxdu. Views are my own |
176 | 8.4 |
Feminist, co-captain #TeamHannah, historian of science 👀 disinformation @PunahaMatatini. Everyone here is smart, so distinguish yourself by being kind. She/her |
177 | 8.3 |
Alexis Madrigal
co-host @KQEDForum | contributing writer @TheAtlantic | book @mcdbooks | board @chptr510 @leaders_up | co-ran @covid19tracking | Earthseed, 🇲🇽, 🇺🇸, he/him |
178 | 8.3 |
I study how flies are made & how fungi control their behavior. I fight to make science open and fair. EIC of eLife. He/him. My conflicts bit.ly/2uC3FNF |
179 | 8.3 |
I've worked on all of science, from B cells to T cells. |
180 | 8.3 |
Epidemiologist. Writer (Guardian, Observer etc). "Well known research trouble-maker". PhDing at @UoW Host of @senscipod Email gidmk.healthnerd@gmail.com he/him |
181 | 8.3 |
Martyn Pickersgill @PickersgillM Professor of the Sociology of Science & Medicine Co-Director @one_phd I Co-Director of Research @EdinUniUsher I Associate Director @BiomedSelfSoc |
182 | 8.3 |
Iraq War Vet & ER doc interested in public health crises - COVID, Gun Violence, Drug epidemics, Crimes against Humanity, Climate: fire, flood, drought, disease |
183 | 8.3 |
Tressie McMillan Cottom
For kicks, assume that I know what I am talking about. Subscribe: tressie.substack.com Before you DM, do one of these: tressiemc.com/contact/ #MacFellow |
184 | 8.3 |
C4 News, Unreported World and Ways to Change the World podcast. Links/clips tweeted only indicate they’re interesting not agreed with. krishnan@channel4.com |
185 | 8.3 |
Professor of Law, UC Hastings, teaches torts, administrative law, etc'. Writes about vaccines and the law. Vaccine advocate. Mom. Political statements my own. |
186 | 8.3 |
Gene editor + Professor @berkeleyMCB + Director @igisci + Beatles fan = #dreamlifestatus |
187 | 8.3 |
Senior reporter for @BLaw covering medical research. Tweets are mine; quotes, RTs are *not* endorsements.// jbaumann at bloombergindustry dot com |
188 | 8.3 |
🇦🇺 Translational Scientist - Director, Early Translation Branch @ncats_nih_gov @nih . Tackling #COVID19. Dad, husband, taphophile. Retweets ≠ endorse, &c. |
189 | 8.3 |
James E. Rogers Ph.D. @DrJamesERogers Microbiologist | Director, Food Safety Nutrition & Testing at @ConsumerReports | Passionate about #PublicHealth & healthy eating | All my tweets are my own. |
190 | 8.3 |
Virologist, infectious disease physician, Chief of Infectious Diseases, University of Colorado School of Medicine |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
192 | 8.3 | |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
194 | 8.3 |
architecture | creative direction | BArch | MArch | instagram.com/annedereaux |
195 | 8.3 |
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology @UMassSPHHS Infectious disease epi & surveillance • Global/public health (all tweets & views my own) loverlab.io |
196 | 8.3 |
𝙸𝚜𝚑𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚕 𝙰𝚋𝚍𝚞𝚜-𝚂𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚛 @IshmailSaboor Genes and neural circuits for pain & touch behavior • Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences @ZuckermanBrain @Columbia (July). |
197 | 8.3 | |
198 | 8.3 |
scientist-turned-science-communicator @UWproteindesign (📝📷🎥). Occasional freelancer. @AAASMassMedia alum. A better world is possible. he/him |
199 | 8.3 |
Dr. Kelly Henning @drkellyhenning Public health lead at @BloombergDotOrg | Physician | Epidemiologist | Focus areas: tobacco control, road safety, #NCDs & more. Newsletter sign up ⬇️ |
200 | 8.3 |
Former bureaucrat disguised as educator; now an educator disguised as writer |
201 | 8.3 |
UC San Francisco is the leading university exclusively focused on health. |
202 | 8.3 |
Scientist (metabolism) & Cardiologist (prevention) @UCSF; @UCSFcardiology; 2 girls, 1 wife (@PalmerWeiss), 1 puppy; relearning to be a sports fan |
203 | 8.3 |
Loves family, friends, art, music,politics,humour,reading, old movies, cycling ,the #ABC and #SBS . Life never ceases to amaze. |
204 | 8.3 |
A highly opinionated virologist who dabbles in molecular farming and vaccinology, science fiction and red wine. Sometimes all at once. 🇿🇦🇿🇲🚀🍷 |
205 | 8.3 |
Canadian Paintings @CanadaPaintings Above all, we loved this country and loved exploring and painting it. ~Lawren Harris |
206 | 8.3 |
on the uncharismatic microfauna beat • gay volcanoes for @blacklawrence • essays about sea creatures for @littlebrown in some future • they/them |
207 | 8.3 |
Science reporter @voxdotcom. Making Unexplainable, a new podcast on unanswered questions in science. Subscribe! Link below. |
208 | 8.3 |
Adrienne LaFrance
Executive Editor @TheAtlantic adrienne@theatlantic.com |
209 | 8.3 |
Contributing editor, Daily Kos. I'm a recently retired doctor who tweets about politics, and sometimes, being a doctor. Personal account, reflecting my own view |
210 | 8.3 |
Now strictly an index of top anti-crypto threads/articles. A legit expert should steal/recreate and I'll delete. A novice-friendly springboard is sorely needed. |
211 | 8.3 |
Public health infectious disease clinical academic at Imperial. REACT-2 and REACT Long Covid studies, inequalities, involvement. |
212 | 8.3 |
Frank Yiannas @FrankYiannasFDA Deputy Commissioner, Food Policy & Response, U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Past President of IAFP, author, food safety futurist, & advocate for consumers. |
213 | 8.3 |
Robert R. Redfield
Director, @CDCgov Note: Tweets prior to 1/20/21 were from former CDC directors. Privacy policy: bit.ly/2MhQ6Hp #publichealth #science #government |
214 | 8.3 |
JD, MPH, @AUWCL law prof, @HealthAUWCL Director, tweeting about health law, health policy, public health, global health, social epidemiology, legal epidemiology |
215 | 8.3 |
Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo @KBibbinsDomingo Scientist-Physician-Teacher | Professor & Chair @UCSF_EpiBiostat | Vice Dean Population Health & Health Equity @ucsfMEDICINE | Co-Founder @ucsfCVP | she/her |
216 | 8.3 |
Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako, MD, MS @MaxJordan_N IM PGY0 @BrighamMedRes, Equity 👨🏾⚕️, @Forbesunder30, @YaleMed’21 @HowardU’13 Alum, @FlipScriptPod Host. maxjordanwrites.com #BlackLivesMatter🎾🏃🏾♂️🚴🏾 |
217 | 8.3 |
I'm former Prime Minister of #NewZealand & former @UNDP Administrator: passionate about human & sustainable #development world-wide. |
218 | 8.3 |
US Senator for Maryland. Chair, #SmallBiz Cmte. Wear a mask. Get your shot. Be smart. #TeamMaryland facebook.com/senatorbencard… |
219 | 8.3 |
David Gorski, MD, PhD @gorskon Surgeon/scientist promoting science in medicine and exposing quackery. Editor of Science-Based Medicine. My opinions do NOT represent those of my employers. |
220 | 8.3 |
Immutable money, infinite frontier, eternal life. #Bitcoin |
221 | 8.3 |
Research Associate Scientist @UNC studying HIV, oncoviruses, and SARS-CoV-2. International AIDS Society & AIDS Malignancy Consortium Fellow. |
222 | 8.3 |
Franklin Leonard
.@theblcklst founder. Film & TV producer. Politics and football (soccer) person. @vanityfair contributing editor. @am_cinematheque board member. |
223 | 8.3 |
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King |
224 | 8.3 |
Assoc. Prof. Tao Lin, DVM, MSc @TaoLin95520266 Assoc. Prof. @BCMHouston | Former Assoc. Prof. @McGovernMed, @MDA_UTHGrad,CDC,WHO Res.Center |Assoc. Editors @PLOSNTDs, @FrontCellInfect | Working on ID&Microbe |
225 | 8.3 |
Not so new Associate Professor at UMB focusing on viral pathogenesis and therapeutics for SARS/MERS Coronavirus, Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 (AKA @newprof1) |
226 | 8.3 |
COVID19 vaccinated physician who loves dogs, enjoys Indian vegetarian cooking, politics, & randomness...my own pretty strong opinions...#wearamask #vaccinated |
227 | 8.3 |
All things Washington for pharma/biotech, health care & science news - 'The pharma diviner' - Senior Reporter, News Tweets are mine, not employer's |
228 | 8.3 |
Biological Anthropologist & Assoc Prof studying social behavior, child growth & development, & parental investment; mom into running & coffee; NJ-CA; she/her |
229 | 8.3 |
NYC Healthcare. Public Health, Hospital Strategy, Operations, & Quality Improvement. Interests: HC policy, pathogens, and Brahms |
230 | 8.3 |
Physicist, teacher, analyst & advocate in tech, arms control & human security. Idea man. Your broken Overton window is blighting the neighborhood. Dr./Dude/Dad |
231 | 8.3 |
Erin Bromage Ph.D. @ErinBromage Associate Professor: Comparative Immunology. All season surfer. Coach. Vaccine advocate - bring facts. He/Him. Tweets are my own opinions. |
232 | 8.3 |
Bloomberg Opinion writer. Writes about economics, tweets about rabbits. Newsletter: noahpinion.substack.com |
233 | 8.3 |
Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General @Surgeon_General 19th & 21st U.S. Surgeon General. Dad, husband, doctor, author. Dedicated to building a healthier, kinder, more connected world. hhs.gov/privacy.html |
234 | 8.3 |
Book author, science journalist, publisher of Undark, and director of the Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT. |
235 | 8.3 |
Infectious disease & genomic epidemiologist | Northern PH | Adjunct prof @UofT_dlsph | Postdoc'd @CCDD_HSPH @TheDohertyInst | RN | En/Fr/Es | Speak for myself |
236 | 8.3 |
Incoming assistant professor at @HarvardHPM (she/her/Michigander) |
237 | 8.3 |
Dr Bec Szabo 💦🧼✋🏼🤚🏼🛑🦠➡️🏡😷 @inquisitiveGyn Music & markets | Pragmatic idealist | #ObGyn #MedEd #Sim @thewomens @unimelb |#HealthAdvocacy #GenderEquity | Perpetual student | @MedEdStuffNN | Tweets my own |
238 | 8.3 |
Nicholas A. Christakis
Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale. Physician. Author of Apollo's Arrow; Blueprint; and Connected. Luckily wed @ErikaChristakis |
239 | 8.3 |
Vinny Arora MD MAPP @FutureDocs Tenured Professor/Hospitalist @uchicago improve care & learning in teaching hospitals. Advocate @IMPACT4HC @costsofcare, @jhospmedicine #JHMChat. Tweets own. |
240 | 8.3 |
Field-Epi-Micro¦@rodekorsnorge¦DRMU¦Lead PH&Surveillance¦Hum. Health Emergencies¦Ops Research¦Hon. assist. Prof. @LSHTM, ID Epi|Pres. @EANboard|personal tweets |
241 | 8.3 |
ASCINA Chapter Greater New York Area comprises of Austrian scientists & scholars from the tristate area around NYC. Chapter heads: @CMarizzi and @claudiawultsch |
242 | 8.3 |
Proud wife.. Proud Mom Cancer Survivor BRCA 2+ I trust God has a plan. Not❤️or💙. OSU Buckeye Nut |
243 | 8.3 |
Joi Ross-Moore,M.Ed. 😷she/her 🗳💙 @JoiofMovement Counselor. here 2 listen. wish I’d paid attention in science classes. ally. passionate abt supporting others. #wearamask #BLM 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ |
244 | 8.2 |
Rachel Levinson-Waldman @RachelBLevinson Deputy Director, Liberty & National Security Program, @BrennanCenter (DC). Native Austinite. Views are my own. |
245 | 8.2 |
Sumon Chakrabarti @TorontoIDDoc Infectious Diseases physician @ Trillium Health Partners in Mississauga. Jays, Habs and Rafa Nadal fan. Proud husband, nerdy dad. |
246 | 8.2 |
preferences are complete and transitive |
247 | 8.2 |
Husband-Retired Pediatrician-Berkeley Grad- I Resist, I Persist |
248 | 8.2 |
Please get #BetterMasks and, when it’s your turn, get the #CovidVaccine. |
249 | 8.2 |
Benjamin J. Davies MD @daviesbj Professor of Urology : University of Pittsburgh: Program Director Urologic Oncology Fellowship: Chief of Urology, Shadyside H. I do not eat sentient life forms |
250 | 8.2 |
VP @itsbodypolitic 🦠 #LongCOVID Mar ‘20✊🏽activist 👶🏽👶🏾👶🏿advocate ⚖️analyst | Chicana | policy-systems social wrkr | she.her | Los Angeles 🐦🙋🏻♀️ |
251 | 8.2 |
Building things that matter. Product Management, Developer Relations, Data Science, Communities. he/him. Opinions my own. |
252 | 8.2 |
Delta husband. Winner of the 2019 Pulitzer Prize. Let’s take it nice and smooth - I’m in a Philly mood. |
253 | 8.2 |
Nikole Hannah-Jones
Reporter @nytmag//Slanderous & nasty-minded mulattress//Co-founder idabwellssociety.org //smart&thuggish//Creator #1619Project// |
254 | 8.2 |
Publisher, Pantheon & Schocken Books. Extracurriculars: Board @Nationalbook / Trustee @ThirteenWNET / National Council @Graywolfpress |
255 | 8.2 |
Committed to advancing research, learning and teaching medicine and health, for the betterment of humanity. #medicalresearch #medicaleducation @hkumed |
256 | 8.2 |
Working to improve the future for those who follow us... |
257 | 8.2 |
Vice Chairman & Founding CEO @ GRAIL (@GRAILbio) | earlier: Google Ads, Apps, Maps & [x] | board @ EA | motorsports | f*ckcancer | Per aspera ad astra |
258 | 8.2 |
CEO @Illumina. Working to improve human health by unlocking the power of the genome. |
259 | 8.2 |
Soledad O'Brien
working mom |
260 | 8.2 |
Tunnel, Light. |
261 | 8.2 |
Law prof @BU_Law & ExecDir @CARB_X Married to Marya 3.4 decades and counting. 4 daughters, 1 son-in-law & 3 wonderful grandkids. Tweets & RTs entirely my own. |
262 | 8.2 |
Keith Humphreys @KeithNHumphreys Esther Ting Memorial Professor at Stanford University. Public policy advisor, film buff, and native of West by God Virginia. Writing at Washington Post. |
263 | 8.2 |
Prof of Population Medicine & Veterinary Public Health Policy; President of European College of Veterinary Public Health. Deputy Director EPIC; Views own. |
264 | 8.2 |
Heather Lander, PhD @PathogenScribe Writer-Virologist. Expertise in arenavirus pathogenesis; Scientific writing/editing. #Querying first novel-biomedical thriller; views strictly my own. She/Her |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
266 | 8.2 |
Dedicated to improving health and decreasing health disparities at Scripps Research @ScrippsDTC - views my own #DigitalHealth and #BehavioralScience |
267 | 8.2 |
Associate Producer @FaceTheNation @CBSNews / @Illinois_Alma alum & Chicago native |
268 | 8.2 |
Christopher A. Longhurst @calonghurst Assoc CMO, CIO, pediatrician, and professor @UCSDHealth. Formerly @StanfordChild. Views=mine, RT≠endorsement. #pinksocks #VaccinesWork #COVID19 |
269 | 8.2 |
Managing editor @statnews, ex @washingtonpost editor. Contactable: jason.ukman@statnews.com Washington / Boston |
270 | 8.2 |
Latest news and updates from @CBSNews Communications |
271 | 8.2 |
Paige Williams @williams_paige Staff writer @NewYorker | Paige_Williams@newyorker.com | Williams_Paige@protonmail.com |
272 | 8.2 |
Immunologist & Bioengineer, Investigator @NIH @NIBIBgov || #ForbesUnder30 || @TEDFellow || PhD @HopkinsMedicine, Postdoc @MIT (views≠employer) |
273 | 8.2 |
Kathryn B. H. Clancy
Associate prof at the U of IL. Harassment, discrimination, stress, and menstrual cycles. @periodpodcast2 in spare time. She/her/hers. Survey: is.gd/pd_vax |
274 | 8.2 |
Jillian Carmichael @ViralCarmichael Postdoc @IcahnMountSinai • Virologist & mom of 2 • I talk about herpes a lot • She/her • #ViralLeeLab |
275 | 8.2 |
CCDD at Harvard Chan @CCDD_HSPH Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics. Research on mathematical modeling of ID | Funded opportunities for students/researchers from under-represented groups |
276 | 8.2 |
Kendra Pierre-Louis
Now @Gimletmedia @slevittslevitt past @popsci @MIT_sciwrite Anti mayo. Pro The Expanse. Saying the quiet part out loud. All my tweets are subtweets. |
277 | 8.2 |
Frankie Huang 黄秋隐 @ourobororoboruo Beijing儿 American changeling, feminist, writist, artist @theatlantic @nytimes @guardian @mcsweeneys +more @EncoreOrg @TheOpEdProject Public Voice Fellow she/her |
278 | 8.2 |
Editor in chief of @SciAm. Past president of National Association of @ScienceWriters. Formerly @washingtonpost @NatGeo @Slate @SmithsonianMag @NewsFromScience |
279 | 8.2 |
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine @LSHTM News, comment and events from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. |
280 | 8.2 |
Tracy Faustermann @TFaustermann I come in peace. Truth seeker. Scientist. Bye COVID19! Supporter of liberty, American flags and rainbows. Conundrum. Who dat! Geaux Tigers. NOLA girl in Texas. |
281 | 8.2 |
Policy and Advocacy Lead, Mental Health Priority Area @WellcomeTrust. Previously @SaveChildrenUK. Flying Trapeze Addict. Doomscroller. She/her. Usual disclaimer |
282 | 8.2 |
Faculty @JohnsHopkinsSPH. Co-Host of @PublicHealthPod. Author: Public Health Crisis Survival Guide (2018). Tweets mine alone, even RE: Orioles. |
283 | 8.2 |
Computational biologist: Pathogens, genomics, genome graphs, antibiotic resistance, global surveillance of bacteria. |
284 | 8.2 |
NYC Councilmember, Dist 7 (Wash. Hghts, W. Harlem, UWS). Chair of Health Cmmte. Running for Manhattan borough president to #ImagineABetterManhattan. (he/él/הוא) |
285 | 8.2 |
Infectious disease epidemiologist interested in bacterial genomics, phylogenetics, and the evolution of antibiotic resistance. |
286 | 8.2 |
Annenberg Professor of Natural Sciences, University of Pennsylvania |
287 | 8.2 |
#bitcoin Multidisciplinary angel investor. Funded 8 companies. Independent researcher. Energy, InfoSec, biotech, cryptocurrency, IoT... |
288 | 8.2 |
Steven Pergam, MD, MPH @PergamIC ID clinical research @fredhutch|@UW|@SeattleCCA| @hutchidscience in the immunosuppressed host | #IDtwitter #infectionprevention 💊💉#vaccines #TxID #HeForShe |
289 | 8.2 |
Assistant Professor in Global Health Policy @ London School of Economics; co-lead @gender_COVID19. @LSEHealthPolicy @LSEGlobalHealth @LSE_LACC |
290 | 8.2 |
Paediatrician. Interested in how vaccines work & communicating that to other people. |
291 | 8.2 |
Jack Turban MD 🏳️🌈 🧠 @jack_turban Child psychiatry fellow @stanfordmed | #Samoyed dad | #Trans youth mental health research | Some @nytopinion | Views mine & not med advice | jackturban.com |
292 | 8.2 |
Phylogeneticist. Work for @trvrb & @nextstrain. Behind RAMPART (@NetworkArtic) & Phandango. PhD Cambridge. New Zealand is home. |
293 | 8.2 |
Global team builder & biologist working to make the world a better place. My own views. @GHSAgenda |
294 | 8.2 |
HIV Researcher, Global Health Advocate, Cantabrigian. Associate Faculty Director @harvardGH. Associate Professor @HarvardMed. @brighamWomens @globalhealthMGH |
295 | 8.2 |
Prof @EmoryChem, proud member of @HeemstraLab. Working to grow leaders, fight inequity, embrace failure...and make the world a better place. Tweets mine. |
296 | 8.2 |
former math professor, current math and ultimate frisbee enthusiast. Love making fun math videos with my kids. |
297 | 8.2 |
Assoc Prof of Epidemiology at Yale; Research on vaccines, respiratory disease dynamics, bacterial ecology. Taking a break from Twitter for a while... |
298 | 8.2 |
Visiting Professor @GWPublicHealth. Author of Lifelines. Contributing columnist @WashingtonPost. @CNN medical analyst. Frmr Baltimore Health Commissioner. Mom. |
299 | 8.2 |
Endocrine surgeon/researcher determined to improve care for thyroid cancer pts; Chair, UCSF Surgery; Editor in Chief, World Journal of Surgery; She/her/hers |
300 | 8.2 |
Nandita “Wear A Mask” Shenoy @NanditaShenoyNY Actor-playwright who loves food, friends, and shirtless men! |
301 | 8.2 |
#Chemistry Blackademic in the Ivory Tower. #BLACKandSTEM. She/they. Left Coaster in DC. Sarcastic & silly. Tweets = personal ≠ professional. In @CurlyHairMafia. |
302 | 8.2 |
Peter B. Bach, MD @peterbachmd Health Outcomes researcher @sloan_kettering. Pulmonary and ICU Physician, Tweets about health policy and grammar. Viewpoints my own. drugpricinglab.org |
303 | 8.2 |
Personal account/views. Infectious diseases consultant & researcher. Emerging & high consequence infections, at University of Oxford & the Royal Free Hospital. |
304 | 8.2 |
Executive Editor @TheLancet, former @PLOSMedicine @BMJ_latest @icddr_b. Canadian in London. Adjunct professor @UofTMedicine Founder #CWIGH | views my own. |
305 | 8.2 |
Write about sports for a living for The Canadian Press. |
306 | 8.2 |
Research, generative music, machine learning/AI, anti-bias in datasets. #longcovid advocate @patientled, admin @itsbodypolitic. She/her. |
307 | 8.2 |
Science editor @theatlantic. Enthusiastic about plants, cities, and other strange things. slaskow at theatlantic dot com |
308 | 8.2 |
viral immunologist |
309 | 8.2 |
Isaac Florence @IsaacATFlorence Epidemiology data science @PHE_uk - Civil servant - #Rstats - Tweets in personal capacity 🏴🇬🇧 |
310 | 8.2 |
statistician; professor at UW-Madison; genetics and genomics, open science, programming, interactive data visualization; he/him |
311 | 8.2 |
Alfred Landecker Professor of Values and Public Policy, Blavatnik School of Gov Oxford. Tweeting on my own behalf. |
312 | 8.2 |
Professor of Public Health 🏴🇨🇦behavioural science, policy, cancer prevention. Consortia: @GCRF_TCCP and @SPECTRUMRes |
313 | 8.2 |
Susan Desmond-Hellmann
Fan of science, running, cycling, reading, skiing, @sfgiants. Instagram @ suedesmondhellmann |
314 | 8.2 |
Hearts & kidneys are tinker-toys! I'm talking about the central nervous system! - Dr Frederick Frankenstein |
315 | 8.2 |
Emily Silverman, MD @ESilvermanMD creator of @thenocturnists | writer | IM doctor @zsfgcare | assistant prof of med @ucsf. tweets mine. |
316 | 8.2 |
Former Irish MEP 2009-19. Psychotherapist. Psychoanalyst. Social Democrat. Mother. RTs ≠ endorsement. #WeCanBeZero |
317 | 8.2 |
Professor in genomics at KTH, SciLifeLab, New York Genome Center. Popular science, policy etc. here, sometimes in Finnish. Hard core science at @tuuliel_lab. |
318 | 8.2 |
I must decline, for secret reasons. she/her |
319 | 8.2 |
Host, CNBC's Halftime Report. Author of “When the Wolves Bite,” Dad, Lesser half of the Han-Wapner dynasty. Lover of food and DC sports. Fan of the truth. |
320 | 8.1 |
Study genetic conflicts professionally. Try to avoid conflicts in personal life (with mixed results). @OfficialSMBE @HutchBasicSci @fredhutch @HHMINEWS. He/him |
321 | 8.1 |
World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Africa |
322 | 8.1 |
Executive Director of the Food and Society policy program at the Aspen Institute, Atlantic senior editor, James Beard Award-winner. |
323 | 8.1 |
Surviving journalist @THR @KCRW Peabody Board of Jurors. I mute or block bigots. |
324 | 8.1 |
Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School, in love with a red-haired beautiful woman, his kids... and immunology. 🇮🇹 🇺🇸 Views my own. |
325 | 8.1 |
A world leader in health care, we're proud to rank among the Top 10 hospitals in the U.S. Follow our children's hospitals @ucsfchildrens @UCSFBenioffOAK. |
326 | 8.1 |
A microbiologist gently heading into retirement by still doing a little science writing, speaking, and workshop facilitation; just enough to keep myself amused. |
327 | 8.1 |
Broadcaster, writer, proud mom, animal lover, Red Seal Chef. she/her instagram: bit.ly/3o6n2oF * spam me, or get nasty, and I will block * |
328 | 8.1 |
@WellcomeTrust Director of Strategy. ex-No10, HMT. 🏳️🌈,He/Him. Health, science, politics, Leeds, and my band- open.spotify.com/artist/08NHit4… |
329 | 8.1 |
NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Medical Microbiology @UCL. Interested in immune responses to TB & other infections, and in preservation of our antibiotic resources. |
330 | 8.1 |
Charlie Pierce
Feed from The Politics Blog with Charles P. Pierce, Retweets don't (necessarily) mean endorsements. Grand-Da to John Victor. Aging epee hack. Ringsend Cowboy |
331 | 8.1 |
Isabel Rodriguez @isabelrodbar Infectious disease epidemiologist at UCSF |
332 | 8.1 |
Fiona Lowenstein @fi_lowenstein 📣 speaker, writer, producer ✏️ @nytimes @voxdotcom @guardian @USAToday @TeenVogue @Eater @Elemental @Bustle @cjr ✨ founder + prez @itsbodypolitic 🌈 they/she |
333 | 8.1 |
Founder, EIC @FiveThirtyEight. Author, The Signal and the Noise (amzn.to/QdyFYV). Sports/politics/food geek. Not a virologist. |
334 | 8.1 |
emergency doc @NorthwesternEM | Digital Media Editor @JAMANetworkOpen | opinions ≠ my employers' or med advice |
335 | 8.1 |
Ellen MacKenzie @EllenJMacKenzie The 11th dean of @JohnsHopkinsSPH. Bloomberg Distinguished Professor (@JHU_BDPs). Director of the Major Extremity Trauma Research Consortium (METRC). |
336 | 8.1 |
Writer, @TheAtlantic. Fellow, @NewAmerica. Native southerner. Pre-order The State Must Provide (out in August from @eccobooks): bit.ly/33MiU4B |
337 | 8.1 |
Nipo-peruvian author of Disrupting the Bystander -- what neuroscience can teach us about confronting harm. Words: LA Times, Village Voice, and Gizmodo. |
338 | 8.1 |
Health Economist with Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Boston Univ., and Harvard Univ. • Editor-in-Chief @HSR_HRET • Contributor to @nytimes • Trumpeter 🎺 |
339 | 8.1 |
Maggie Koerth-Baker
Sr Science Reporter at @FiveThirtyEight. Nieman Fellow '15. @sciencewriting board member. Chaos muppet. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
341 | 8.1 |
Probabilistic optimist | Infectious disease, decision science, policy modeling, global health | Professor @StanfordMed | Director ppml.stanford.edu |
342 | 8.1 |
Writer at @TheAtlantic. Host of podcast CRAZY/GENIUS. Author of book HIT MAKERS. Talker on NPR's @hereandnow and @CBSNews. derek[at]theatlantic[dot]com |
343 | 8.1 |
Ron Kampeas is JTA's Washington bureau chief. rkampeas@jta.org RT="People who follow a JTA reporter might find this interesting/amusing, nothing more." |
344 | 8.1 |
I write about New York schools for The New York Times. Snow days don't matter. eliza.shapiro@nytimes.com |
345 | 8.1 |
@EcoHealthNYC President. @theNASEM Forum on #microbialthreats Chair. Zoologist. Parasitologist. Ecologist. British. American. |
346 | 8.1 |
Professor of International Politics @QMPoliticsIR #Globalhealth politics expert & author + BAFTA nominated film producer Tweets #globalhealth #feminism #film |
347 | 8.1 |
I listen to people who tell the truth |
348 | 8.1 | |
349 | 8.1 |
Ian Hanomansing @ianhanomansing Journalist. On vacation. |
350 | 8.1 |
press secretary - @LeaderMcConnell |
351 | 8.1 |
Chairman and CEO of @Pfizer. Father. 🇬🇷🇺🇸 Working every day for breakthroughs that change patients’ lives. |
352 | 8.1 |
Official Twitter account of Norman E. “Ned” Sharpless, MD, Director of @theNCI. Follows & retweets are not endorsements. Privacy: go.usa.gov/xyJZF. |
353 | 8.1 |
she/her/hers Digital Strategist • Comms Dir @WeJoinFrontline Hire/Book: lesliemac.com/contact |
354 | 8.1 |
𝐏𝐚𝐨𝐥𝐚 𝐂𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐬 𝐌𝐃 🇨🇴🇨🇦 @drpaolandmd Medical Cannabis research | M.D (@Urosario) N.D. #MedicalCannabis #Research (@CannaClinicians) #Colombia #Canada. Founder @Procannacol | VIEWS MY OWN. |
355 | 8.1 |
Alex Azar was the 24th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Privacy policy: hhs.gov/privacy.html This account is retired. |
356 | 8.1 |
🇨🇦🇸🇪, MD, MPH. Public Health(FRCPC) & GP(CCFP) & 🏳️🌈ally. ID Epi @JohnsHopkinsSPH (my views). No $COI. Papers: bit.ly/37nPMlX, COVID talk: bit.ly/3h1cpmH |
357 | 8.1 |
Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor and Higginson Professor of Physiology and Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Former Dean of HMS. |
358 | 8.1 |
Asst Prof @HarvardDBMI. Microbial evolutionary genetics, antibiotic resistance, algorithms. Find me on Google Images under “floating dumpster fire” |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
360 | 8.1 |
Retired college teacher & persistent writer (journalism, science fiction, fantasy, regional history, education). Also blogging on too many subjects. |
361 | 8.1 |
blackness everdeen 🐺🏞 @traceyecorder Righteous Fighter. Fringe anti-capitalist. 1/2 of @whatshesaidpc. |
362 | 8.1 |
Mario Peña-Hernández @marioph13 First Year Virology Ph.D. Student at @Yale. 🇲🇽 #LoveVirology |
363 | 8.1 |
Jeneen Interlandi
naturalized U.S. citizen. editorial board @nytimes & staff writer @nytmag. mostly public health. |
364 | 8.1 |
🇺🇸🗽Staff writer for The New Yorker. “I Like to Watch: Arguing My Way Through The TV Revolution.” emilynussbaum.com |
365 | 8.1 |
Trial lawyer and rebbetzin. Former SDNY prosecutor. Manhattan residence, Vermont roots. |
366 | 8.1 |
Resa #MaskUp Lewiss MD @ResaELewiss Doctor and Professor of emergency medicine + radiology | #POCUS | #HealthDesignNow | Educator | Writer Speaker Podcaster | Views my own rt≠endorsement | she|her |
367 | 8.1 |
Governor Larry Hogan @GovLarryHogan 62nd Governor of the State of Maryland. Husband, Dad, and Granddad. |
368 | 8.1 |
Journalist & historian. Pub musician. Dad. Husband. I also do dishes. My book: #TheBrightAges bit.ly/3x8L8nP. Subscribe: patreon.com/lollardfish. |
369 | 8.1 |
Chief Data Scientist @thepubhealthco. Data science for infectious disease. 🧬 🖥 🧬 |
370 | 8.1 |
Francisco Marty, MD @FranciscoMarty_ Infectious diseases doctor who specializes in treating transplant and cancer patients, forged at @UCV_noticias, @EinsteinMed, @BrighamWomens and @DanaFarber |
371 | 8.1 |
alissa ambrose @alissa_ambrose Dir. of photography & #multimedia at @Statnews, snr. producer The Readout LOUD & First Opinion podcasts #houseplants everywhere. All opinions are my own. |
372 | 8.1 |
Associate Prof. @UMBCPubPolicy. Formerly @UMichSPH. Econ PhD @UMich. Health and economic policy to fight HIV, TB & COVID19. All my takes are evidence-based. |
373 | 8.1 |
All math and no trousers |
374 | 8.1 |
Associate Prof Global Health Epidemiology and Evaluation, UCL Institute for Global Health. retweets ≠ endorsements. Views my own. |
375 | 8.1 |
Dr Christine Cheng 鄭穎茵 @cheng_christine War Studies, King's College London. I study war, but fight for peace. Devoted to politics in UK, Canada, Africa, US. Gender #equalpolitics champion. Mum. |
376 | 8.1 |
Yoni Freedhoff 🟣, MD @YoniFreedhoff Associate Professor of Family Medicine at University of Ottawa/Dad/Author of The Diet Fix/Co-owner Bariatric Medical Institute & Constant Health/(He/Him) |
377 | 8.1 |
Daniela Witten
dorothy gilford endowed chair and prof of stat/biostat. statistical learning. all views my own. |
378 | 8.1 |
Senior correspondent at Kaiser Health News. I normally cover the quality of medical care for seniors. Now, I cover COVID-19. She/Her RTs aren't endorsements. |
379 | 8.1 |
Angus MacNeil
Islander, Crofter, Na h-Eileanan an Iar MP, Chair of Int Trade Comm - Gaidhlig & Beurla og smá Islensku & Cúpla Focal RTs not endorse #UpTheDeise🏴 |
380 | 8.1 |
Correspondent, Channel 4 News ciaran.jenkins@ITN.co.uk [DMs open] |
381 | 8.1 |
Chemiker, Wissenschaftsjournalist, Redakteur spektrum.de & Scilogs. Seuchenhipster: kannte Pandemien schon, bevor sie cool wurden. Team Quokka. (Foto @hk |
382 | 8.1 |
Editor, Blood Cancer Journal; Professor, Mayo Clinic; Married to @PSampathkumarMD; COVID threads @CovidThreads Opinions=personal views bit.ly/3f4TnJl |
383 | 8.1 |
Worldwide Speakers Group @WWSGconnect The leading global #speakers bureau and professional services firm providing distinctive performance and innovative solutions in the global lecture industry |
384 | 8.1 |
MD,PhD; exec/investor, Founder, Astounding HealthTech a digital health advisory, pharma to fitness. Not engaged on twitter/broadcast only (via @Buffer). |
385 | 8.1 |
Former hospital doctor; writer of Line of Duty, Bodyguard, Bodies, Cardiac Arrest; co-owner @htmtelevision #WearAMask |
386 | 8.1 |
ID physician, epidemiologist/statistician. Current President @ASIDANZ. Opinions my own. RT ≠ endorsement |
387 | 8.1 |
Bernard P. Chang MD PhD @bernardchangMD Emergency Physician and Psychologist |Vice Chair Research @columbiaEM |Neurologic and Mental Health Emergencies |Upright Bass Purist | Nautical Enthusiast |
388 | 8.1 |
Elaine Hernandez @e_hernandez8 Medical sociologist & health demographer (PhD, MPH) @IndianaUniv Structural/social determinants of health & h policy. Views mine. bit.ly/2UmDjtk |
389 | 8.1 |
Prasad Jallepalli, MD, PhD @jallepap Prof & Lab Head @sloan_kettering. Research: cell division, genome integrity, cancer. mskcc.org/research/ski/l… |
390 | 8.1 |
'Never confuse education with intelligence, you can have a PhD and still be an idiot.' Richard P. Feynman |
391 | 8.1 |
friendly | Developmental Paediatrician FRACP | PhDing epidemiology | writes | Board @parentingplace | backseat philosophy w @mathesonrussell | mum |
392 | 8.1 |
Sina Booeshaghi @sinabooeshaghi I develop single-cell genomics technologies at Caltech in @lpachter’s lab, have a B.S. degree from MIT in ME & Math, and enjoy drinking tea and riding bikes. |
393 | 8.1 |
Charles Ornstein
Managing editor/local at @ProPublica, past prez of @ahcj, hopeful Detroit Lions fan, Columbia journ prof. Signal: 818-679-9363. charles.ornstein@propublica.org |
394 | 8.1 |
Isabella Eckerle @EckerleIsabella Prof at Geneva Centre for Emerging Viral Diseases - Virologist, MD, DTM&H, mom - interests: emerging viruses, tropical medicine, bats & birds. Views are my own. |
395 | 8.1 |
Stephanie McGann Jantzen @stephjantzen Communications PRO/Slayer of Misinformation/Mentor/Business/firesidechat.com/stephaniemcgan… |
396 | 8.1 |
Midwest Correspondent for @KHNews. Former @HuffPost reporter. @Georgetown alum. STL @Cardinals fan. The HP stands for health policy. LaurenW@kff.org |
397 | 8.1 | |
398 | 8.1 |
Microbiology & epidemiology @UMCUtrecht. Blogs on AMR, Infection Prevention & more. All opinions my own. |
399 | 8.1 |
Violencia de Género, Trata, Salud, Seguridad , Vivienda, DDHH .No tienen Partido . Periodista |
400 | 8.1 |
Calling Bullshit: Examples and opinions from instructors @CT_Bergstrom and @JevinWest at the @UW. Book now available: tinyurl.com/callingbsbook |
401 | 8.1 |
Dr Theaspirane Nitters @mnitabach Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, of Genetics, and of Neuroscience; Yale School of Medicine. He/him/his. I speak solely for myself not for Yale. |
402 | 8.1 |
Dr. Pirtle wants Cops Off Campus @thePhDandMe Sociologist. Loves coffee and some good shade. Family is my everything. #BlackFemSoc-based praxis #BlackLivesMatter-always. Sometimes tweets w/ @citeblackwomen |
403 | 8.1 |
Dr. Theresa Chapple @Theresa_Chapple Public health geek, maternal and child health advocate, social justice seeker, mother of three. Motto- "In God we trust, everyone else must show data" |
404 | 8.1 |
Arturo Casadevall @ACasadevall1 Professor and Chair, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health |
405 | 8.1 |
The Nap Ministry @TheNapMinistry We examine the liberating power of naps. We believe rest is a form of resistance & reparations. We install nap experiences. Founded 2016. IG:thenapministry |
406 | 8.1 |
Consultant - AH Datalytics (@ahdatalytics). NOLA kid. Longhorn. Former CIA officer. Byline at @fivethirtyeight, @upshotnyt & more. JAsher@ahdatalytics.com |
407 | 8.1 |
Maureen Taylor @maureentaylor31 Physician Assistant in Infectious Diseases, Medical Journalist, Advocate for Medically-assisted Dying. RT not endorsements. |
408 | 8.1 |
@BuzzMachine; prof @CUNY's Craig Newmark J-school; books: Public Parts, What Would Google Do?, Gutenberg the Geek. This Week in Google. Views are mine |
409 | 8.0 |
Carrie Byington, MD, FAAP, FIDSA😷 @carrie_byington EVP – University of California Health @UofCalifornia + pediatric ID MD @UCSF, translational scientist, systems thinker--battling COVID-19 Oakland, CA |
410 | 8.0 |
Aaron Richterman, MD @AaronRichterman infectious diseases, health equity @PennMedicine. prev @BrighamWomens @GlobalHealthMGH. “His horoscopes were especially popular because they were often right” |
411 | 8.0 |
The story of dogs. Author of NYT Bestseller, THE DOGIST, and PUPPIES, available now. |
412 | 8.0 |
Lecturer. Lover of all things green 🌿. Celiac tweeting ocean science (especially phytoplankton), SoTL & #SciArt. ⚽️ fan. Birder. She/her |
413 | 8.0 |
Single Dad to 3 boys w/#autism. Multiple-award-winning writer/advocate and #podcaster #GetVaccinated #WearAMask #Science #BLM venmo.com/theautismdad |
414 | 8.0 |
Professor of Economics, Carnegie Mellon. Former Director, Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission. All views are mine alone. |
415 | 8.0 |
Curious. |
416 | 8.0 |
Tempus is advancing data-driven precision medicine through the practical application of AI in healthcare. It’s About Time. |
417 | 8.0 |
angelicalavito @angelicalavito Health reporter @business | Tips? alavito@bloomberg.net | DM for Signal | Opinions my own |
418 | 8.0 |
Juliette N. Kayyem
@Harvard prof, @CNN Analyst & CEO of Grip Mobility. Nat'l security expert & former Obama @DHSgov. Author of "Security Mom" and Pulitzer finalist. Mom of 3. |
419 | 8.0 |
Infectious disease epidemiologist. Prof at Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health, University of Oxford. |
420 | 8.0 |
Seema Verma served as the CMS Administrator, March 2017-Jan 2021. This is an archived account. |
421 | 8.0 |
former WHO senior pandemic influenza comms advisor (for better or worse) 2005. WHO & FAO risk comm training 2003-2020; FedSoc member; U. of Penn Med '80 |
422 | 8.0 |
Rosie the Patriot Pug @pug_rosie dog/canine wake me up when you all wake up. K? bish pug #OPENUPKANSAS |
423 | 8.0 |
Pablo Martínez @pmartinezsilva Algo tenía que decir de mi, pero se me olvidó qué era. Inexperto. Fracasomano. |
424 | 8.0 |
Associate Prof @LSHTM & @royalsociety Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow, researching the impact of environmental change on infectious diseases @LSHTM_Planet @cmmid_lshtm |
425 | 8.0 |
Michael Bloomberg
Entrepreneur, philanthropist, mayor of NYC, father, grandfather, and data nerd. |
426 | 8.0 |
Deputy Director General of EMBL and Director of EMBL-EBI. I have an insatiable love of biology with my research group. I also work with ONT, Dovetail + GeL. |
427 | 8.0 |
Eugenia (Gina) South, MD MS @Eugenia_South Emergency Medicine. Scholar. Activist. Neighborhood environment interventions. Urban Nature. Structural Racism. Vice Chair Inc/Div/Equity. Mama. Psalm 23. |
428 | 8.0 |
Professor of Medicine, Infectious Diseases Specialist, works at Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, married with one child |
429 | 8.0 |
John Burn-Murdoch @jburnmurdoch Stories, stats & scatterplots for @FinancialTimes | Daily updates of the coronavirus trajectory tracker | john.burn-murdoch@ft.com | #dataviz |
430 | 8.0 |
Researcher on germs & gas for @WMDCenter. Occasional #1972BWC diplomat. @NDUPEL Director. @fletcherschool @dukeu alum. DMV native. Petter of dogs. |
431 | 8.0 |
Wife of @KaylaPekkala, editor-at-large at @mmfa. Opinions my own, tweets self-destruct. |
432 | 8.0 |
Leigh-Ann Webb MD, MBA @Leighwebb_MD ER doc @UVA // Founder, The Get-Well Company // @DardenMBA // Co-Creator, COVID-19 Children’s Book, “We’re Going to Be O.K.” // Wifey @drcameronwebb // AVAMO |
433 | 8.0 |
Brazil-UK Centre for (Arbo)virus Discovery, Diagnostics, Genomics and Epidemiology | funded by @MRC and @FAPESP #vacinacaocovid19 |
434 | 8.0 |
Sanjat Kanjilal @SanjatKanjilal Lecturer @DeptPopMed @harvardmed | ID physician & Associate Medical Director of Microbiology @BrighamWomens | I study AMR / next gen dx using real life data |
435 | 8.0 |
Chief Health Equity Officer @Humana. Mom. Wife. God’s. Born 2 win, raised 2 lead. Dreaming bigger. Buckeye. Rep 🇳🇬🇺🇸. #BlackLivesMatter. Tedx speaker. |
436 | 8.0 |
Physiker || Wissenskommunikation || Proud member of @fachwerkstatt || Privat hier |
437 | 8.0 |
Assistant Professor of Infectious Disease Modelling at LSHTM. Former @AXAResearchFund and @4womeninscience fellow. Currently on maternity leave. |
438 | 8.0 |
Presenter, The Great British Radio Show @LBC. Author, How Not To Be Wrong: waterstones.com/book/how-not-t… |
439 | 8.0 |
Puzzle solver, bacterial genome wrangler, antibiotic resistance fighter. Prof at Monash Uni & London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. BSc, MEpi, PhD. |
440 | 8.0 |
Immunology Prof, Ed at OUP Oxford Open Immunol, associate ed Vaccine. ICL Research group with RJ Boyton. Science, policy, society, literature. Opinions my own |
441 | 8.0 |
Attorney, Grammy, Black Lives Matter |
442 | 8.0 |
Guha Arunkumar @Guha_Arunkumar PhD Candidate @GradSchoolSinai (2021) | Vaccine & antibody development against Influenza in @Florian_krammer's lab | M.Biot at @Penn (2016) | @SpursOfficial Fan |
443 | 8.0 |
Resolve to Save Lives @ResolveTSL A global health initiative led by @DrTomFrieden with @VitalStrat that aims to save 100 million lives from cardiovascular disease and prevent epidemics. |
444 | 8.0 |
Fmr U.S. Senate Majority Leader, Heart Transplant Surgeon, Weekly Podcaster @ASOpodcast, NashvilleHealth Founder @nashhealthorg, Builder of Healthcare Companies |
445 | 8.0 |
Health Policy Editor, The Economist. 💉 Host on The Jab podcast. Opinions=own. #covid-19 #vaccines #origins 🦇 |
446 | 8.0 |
Staff writer at the @newyorker; author of “Lost & Found," out 1/11/22: penguinrandomhouse.com/books/589143/l… |
447 | 8.0 |
Nicolette Louissaint @DrNLouissaint Executive Director, Healthcare Ready (@HC_Ready) Biomedical scientist | science/health policy | health prep & response | baker, yogini, cycler (tweets my own) |
448 | 8.0 |
André Picard is the health columnist at The Globe and Mail. Author of the bestselling book "NEGLECTED NO MORE". |
449 | 8.0 |
Dr. Jessie Abbate, PhD 🦠 @jessieabbate Infectious disease ecologist & epidemiologist | Data wrangler @Geomatys @theGRAPHnetwork @TransVIHMI (tweets my own opinions) She/her/Mama🇺🇸/Maman🇲🇫 |
450 | 8.0 |
Pathogen genomics, genomic epidemiology, NGS and big data biology. Husband, catslave, gamer. Biosciences, Cardiff Uni & Public Health Wales. Views my own. |
451 | 8.0 |
Brian A. Anderson @thebanderson Midwestern. Doing the best he can. Editor @voxdotcom's Down to Earth Before: @TheAtlantic @VICE brian.anderson1@vox.com |
452 | 8.0 |
Every time a conspiracy theory absorbs energy, a moron is emitted. PCR should be at 1,100. He, Him, Us, We, Ours. If you're an idiot, it's not an ad hom.... |
453 | 8.0 |
Geneticist, anthropologist, martial artist, science writer. Anthropology and Indigenous Studies. Ham and occasional SWL. Agent: @zcosini. she/her |
454 | 8.0 |
SVP In-Q-Tel, Senior Fellow for Global Health CFR, fmr NSC Director for Medical & Biodefense Preparedness, fmr FDA Acting Chief Scientist (views are my own) |
455 | 8.0 |
Columnist. Novelist. J-prof. Author of NYT/IndieBound bestseller The Daughters of Erietown. Won Pulitzer, but my dogs don’t care. P.S. I love @SenSherrodBrown. |
456 | 8.0 |
Samantha Power @SamanthaJPower Personal Account. @USAID Administrator: @PowerUSAID. Mother, writer (“The Education of an Idealist”), former US Ambassador to UN, & married to @CassSunstein. |
457 | 8.0 |
Epidemiologist. Fmr City Health Director. Author incision.substack.com, HealingPoliticsBook.com, & MedicareforAllBook.com. Host #AmericaDissected. Comment @CNN. |
458 | 8.0 |
Med Sch Professor and Researcher. PhD Biomedical Engineer. Brain physiologist and data scientist.@HopkinsMedicine alum |
459 | 8.0 |
Sarah “get vaxxed!” Despres @sarahdespres Public health, #vaccines (I am pro) politics, and food. tweets are my own |
460 | 8.0 |
Dr. Teresa Swanson 🏳️🌈👩🔬 @SciSwany Advocate, activist, PhD. Tiefling Monk. Mental health, ADHD, social justice, academia & some science. Snark & typos are mine. 🏳️🌈👩🔬✊🦔🪴she/hers |
461 | 8.0 |
Washington Editor, BioCentury. Author: Bureau of Spies & Engineering Communism. |
462 | 8.0 |
Laurie McGinley @lauriemcginley2 Washington Post health reporter; formerly with WSJ, LAT; Kaiser Health News. Neil Young fan. laurie.mcginley@washpost.com |
463 | 8.0 |
Expert insights from Dr. Adam J. Fein on pharmaceutical economics and the drug distribution system. Contact me at afein@drugchannels.net |
464 | 8.0 |
Dⓐniel Chen 🐍🏴☠️ @chendaniely PhD student @virginia_tech. MPH @cuepidemiology. @swcarpentry. Former @rstudio intern. #OpenScience. #rstats. #pythonista. cave diver. author. NYC. |
465 | 8.0 |
Husband of @slo_lab, dad, slow but dogged runner. @UW-Madison Professor. Head of @dho_lab, studying HIV, Zika, COVID-19, Disease X, and genomics. |
466 | 8.0 | |
467 | 8.0 |
Father, physician, public health advocate. Former IN Health Commissioner/ Associate Professor of Anesthesia/ 20th US Surgeon General |
468 | 8.0 |
The podcast about healthcare innovation and improving healthcare delivery. Hosted by @kwadwo777. In association with @ResourceOptNet |
469 | 8.0 |
UMN Vice Prexy for Research. Annual expenditures, $1B. Economic impact on state, $8.6B/yr. Oh those 🍏🍎, and so. much. more! |
470 | 8.0 |
Adam Feuerstein
Senior Writer at @statnews. I am the Night King of biotech. Data Are. Dogs rule. #COYS Said one analyst: The likes of Adam Feuerstein attack viciously. |
471 | 8.0 |
Health Policy Attorney. Nurse. I care about United Kingdom and States |
472 | 8.0 |
Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney: infectious diseases; hepatitis C; hepatitis B; health for people who use drugs |
473 | 8.0 |
David Steadson 🇦🇺🇸🇪🇪🇺🌍 @DavidSteadson Digital Health Startup. Public health epidemiologist and former Uni researcher. Kyokushin aficionado. Mostly vegetarian, moving to mostly vegan. #longcovid |
474 | 8.0 |
ER Doc. Perpetually tired. |
475 | 8.0 |
Jennifer Sullivan MD MPH @confectionsmd Mom of boys. @FSSAIndiana Secretary. EM/Pediatric Emergency Medicine physician. Building strong foundations for wellbeing and baking cupcakes. |
476 | 8.0 |
Dr. Brianne Barker @BioProfBarker I heart viruses. I research immune responses to viruses and teach and mentor undergrads at #DrewU. Female scientist and huge Duke basketball fan. She/her |
477 | 8.0 |
Exec Director of @AAMCtoday Research and Action Institute; Clin Prof of Medicine @GWSMHS & Assoc @JohnsHopkinsSPH Walker of #Jasmine Opinions not yours, yet |
478 | 8.0 |
I work on virus evolution & genomic epidemiology. Also: building open-source sci tools, data viz & equity in science. 🏳️🌈🐱🌱 💬 from me, not my employer. |
479 | 8.0 |
sex & culture critic repped by @jacarrr at @thebookgrp. romance enthusiast. Wesleyan '14. join my patreon: patreon.com/brosandprose |
480 | 8.0 |
I run the Cell Biology of Infection lab @TheCrick. Flu, SARS-CoV-2, autophagy, immunity etc. Nephrologist. Lost without @flossieteacake. Own views (plenty). |
481 | 8.0 |
(((Charles Fishman))) @cfishman Journalist. Author. Historian of the race to the Moon in the 1960s: 'One Giant Leap.' • Also water & Walmart. • 'A radio sensation.' |
482 | 8.0 |
MD, PhD 🦠, mom. Views are my own |
483 | 8.0 |
Dr. Zeynep Hülya Gümüş @ZeynepHG Assistant Professor of Genetics and Genomics @IcahnInstitute & @SinaiImmunol in NYC. Tweets mostly on genetics, cancer, data science and data visualization. |
484 | 8.0 |
Rachel Alter, MPH @RachelAlter007 MS2. @ColgateUniv '13. @ColumbiaMSPH '18. Interests: Neurosurgery/Infectious disease, vaccine hesitancy. A healthy dose of science, dogs, and antivax tears. |
485 | 8.0 |
Virologist, sequencer, studying evolution patterns in MERS-CoV, Ebola, SARS-CoV-2, RSV, Norovirus, Rotavirus, HIV and others. Occasionally painting. |
486 | 8.0 |
Rochelle P. Walensky
Nominee for CDC Director, Chief of Infectious Diseases @MGHMedicine, Decision science researcher, Mother of boys |
487 | 8.0 |
Chief Medical Officer Angstrom Bio, Austin, TX Comments and opinions my own. COI: Our company is developing high throughput diagnostics for COVID-19 |
488 | 8.0 |
2x Olympic medalist with my sister, @MaiaShibutani (@ShibSibs). Author. Photographer. Sports Envoy. He/Him. |
489 | 8.0 |
As the world is getting smaller small things take up all my time ❄️ weapon of mass construction ❄️ she/her |
490 | 8.0 |
Brittney C. Cooper
Associate Prof. Authoress: Beyond Respectability (May '17) |Eloquent Rage (Feb '18) | Co-Editor: The Crunk Feminist Collection (Jan '17) |
491 | 8.0 |
Public policy advocate, Houstonian, & fan of “good trouble.” Director of Govt Relations for @sylvesterturner. One time contributor to @Astroscounty. #fortheH |
492 | 8.0 |
#OscarsSoWhite & #ReignyDayJobs Creator. Co-Founder of @SistaSCOTUS. @Sephora Equity Advisor. Diversity & Inclusion Advocate, Culture Commentator. #SheWillRise |
493 | 8.0 |
Dr. T.R. Raju (I Wear Mask and I am vaccinated) @TRRaju1 Neuroscientist with a heart for ALS patients and a mind for Mental Health . Travelled through JIPMER, ANU, Harvard, Sydney Uni and NIMHANS. Loves cruising. |
494 | 8.0 |
Public Health and ex-GP, U of Birmingham @UoB_IAHR. Student of epidemiology for 40 years. Once upon a time set up General Practice unit at Peking University. |
495 | 8.0 |
Lecturer of Race, Ethnicity and Health in the Usher Institute at the University of Edinburgh. Areas of study include Medical Sociology, Race, and Gender. |
496 | 8.0 |
Consultant @WHO HQ, Policy Researcher @globalhealthgp, member of DELVE @royalsociety, project lead @ISC, and in recent past consultant @TheIndPanel |
497 | 8.0 |
Professional Tennis Coach and Strength and Conditioning Coach; Tennis, Track and Field, Hockey, Running Disciplines, Mountaineering and Triathlon Events. |
498 | 8.0 |
Science communicator, Gaeilgeoir and a full-time nerd. All opinions are my own, as far as I'm aware. |
499 | 8.0 |
Some time... Doctor, Global health strategy adviser, Dad joke teller. Ex @NHS @WHO @UKGov @ChathamHouse |
500 | 8.0 |
Asst. Prof, University of Colorado Boulder CS and @BioFrontiers. Math, infectious diseases, networks, and computational social science. larremorelab.github.io |
501 | 8.0 |
Kimberly D. Manning, MD @gradydoctor Internist, mom, teacher, thinker, doer | @EmoryDeptofMed AVC for #DEI & Professor | 'Bout that #DEI, #MedEd, #medhum, & #GIM life | #HBCUMade | she/her/ma’am🔺 |
502 | 8.0 |
Dr Gabriel Scally @GabrielScally Public health physician, Visiting Prof of Public Health at the University of Bristol and member of @IndependentSage. |
503 | 8.0 |
My new book, How to Fight Inequality, is out now. politybooks.com/bookdetail/?is… |
504 | 8.0 |
Prof of European Public Health LSHTM/ Director Research Policy European Observatory. Past President @EUPHActs |
505 | 8.0 |
Wordglobber SciFi TwitFic: #TheHumanArchives Art Inspired Globs: #ArtTwitFic Stories: reddit.com/r/PerilousPlat… Media | Startups | Games | Law |
506 | 8.0 |
storm at home 🏴☠️🇪🇺🇫🇷🇩🇪🇺🇸🇬🇧🇺🇳 @stormyseas212 hardcore conservative ab human & constitutional rights/horsedogcatwoman/widow/lover/friend/spoonie #MECFS #SAPHO/fiercely loyal/outspoken/ #BLM #ANTIFA |
507 | 8.0 |
Steve Silberman
Author of NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, a NYT bestseller. The Taste of Salt, a history of cystic fibrosis, coming 2023. |
508 | 8.0 |
thelonevirologist @thelonevirologi Virologist.Likes history, hiking & a good movie.Favourite viruses? Coronavirus,Emerging & Oncogenic Viruses. Job seeker.Favourite country? UK. Dad. Bibliophile. |
509 | 8.0 |
Anthony Costello
Doctor, Speaker, Author The Social Edge. Ex-Director, WHO. Professor, UCL. Co-chair Lancet Climate Countdown. On Independent SAGE. Tweets/RT≠endorsement |
510 | 8.0 |
Aaron Neinstein, MD @AaronNeinstein Digital Health Transformation @UCSFCDHI @UCSFHealth. Endocrinologist @UCSF. T1D: @tidepool_org (Co-Founder/Advisor) & @steady_health (Advisor). Tweets my own. |
511 | 8.0 |
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
Special Investigations @BylineTimes \ Technology & Systems Change @RethinkX \ Research Fellow @SchumacherInst \ Global System Trends @VICE // nafeezahmed.net |
512 | 8.0 |
Media officer @wellcometrust, prev. @LSHTM 💫 Mostly here for science & health 🧬 But also for #MUFC & generally complaining... often together 😅 Views own. |
513 | 8.0 |
Jonathan Ashworth
Labour MP for Leicester South | shadow Health & Social Care Secretary | Marathon Runner 🏃🏻♂️ |
514 | 8.0 |
Dr Leila Luheshi @leilaluheshi Director, Applied and Clinical Markets @nanopore. All views my own. |
515 | 8.0 |
'One day you're cock of the walk, the next a feather duster’ - Margot Barber. |
516 | 8.0 |
Toronto Star assignment editor focused on crime and justice and COVID-19 data. etubb@thestar.ca (Partly greyhound content) |
517 | 8.0 |
Christian Schwägerl @chrschwaegerl journalist, co-founder @riffreporter, book author / priors: FAZ, Spiegel correspondent / #Anthropocene #biodiversity #climate #digital #politics #science #war |
518 | 8.0 |
HSR PhD candidate @busph. Doggy foster dad. Former health policy at Harvard SPH. Former @ManhattanInst. Wannabe economist. Opinions my own. #neoliberal #zionist |
519 | 8.0 |
University of Chicago professor, RTs not equal endorsement. Index card book at: tinyurl.com/o354gj2 tinyurl.com/obutcw4 |
520 | 8.0 |
artist - grassroots organizer - free black woman - scaled 30ft flagpole & removed sc confederate flag in protest on june 27, 2015 - Psalm 27 |
521 | 8.0 |
Christina Hendriks @renissance_1 Student ‘23. Tweets are my own. NA/Latina. Mom of 3 boys. Married. #vaccineswork #history #science #med #tech are my interests |
522 | 8.0 |
Liam Kofi Bright
Aspiring philosopher; tolerable human; "amusing combination of sardonic detachment & literally all the feelings felt entirely unironically all at once" [he/his] |
523 | 8.0 | |
524 | 8.0 |
she/her, mwana wevhu, fallist | writer, medical sociology PhD from @UCSF studying the Herero + Nama genocide, research fellow at @PRAEyesRight & @research_SPIN |
525 | 8.0 |
PhD (microbiology), Assistant Professor at Bowie State University, virologist, general science nerd, educator, cake artist, feminist. BLM. (she/her) |
526 | 8.0 |
I am Stupendous Man! @movinmeat Father, Emergency Physician, karateka, pilot, Apple fanboy, and fiddle player. 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ |
527 | 8.0 |
First Generation Physician-Scientist, & many other things. This account is Private - opinions and tweets do not represent any of the organizations I work with. |
528 | 8.0 |
Economist at @AEI by way of @EmoryUniversity and @UWMadison “Non-menacing” - @RepAnnaEshoo |
529 | 8.0 |
An Indiana Hoosiers fan, news junkie, health care journalist @PharmaPinkSheet, @IUBloomington alum, and soon a novelist. Opinions are my own. |
530 | 8.0 |
Partner at Avoro Ventures investing in biopharma. Prior NEA. I post advice for biopharma exec's & views on innovation, drug pricing/access, & #diversity in VC. |
531 | 8.0 |
Firing Line with Margaret Hoover @FiringLineShow Reviving the tradition of Firing Line for a new generation. Host @MargaretHoover Catch us on @pbs Now on @Youtube bit.ly/2QXPPya PBS App bit.ly/2LgN5LY |
532 | 8.0 |
Auntie Chelle has Independent Practice Authority @iamn0tthe1 Nurse, Midwife, Public Health professional. Activist. Executive Director @FamilyUbuntu #DecolonizeBirth #DecolonizeHealthcare |
533 | 8.0 |
Married to @JanetMatsen. Proud dad. Professor @fredhutch. Run @phyloseminar, @bcr_tcr, and @phylobabble. ♥ immunology, math, computers, evolution. |
534 | 8.0 |
Assistant professor of epidemiology @UCBerkeleySPH interested in infectious diseases, vaccines, cacti, and opera |
535 | 8.0 |
Dr. Glaucomflecken @DGlaucomflecken Ophthalmologist. Comedian. Speaker. Tiktok. Cameo. Contact: drgcomedy@gmail.com Donate: support.firstdescents.org/fundraiser/318… |
536 | 8.0 |
Senior Fellow & SVP, Google AI (Research and Health). Co-designer/implementor of software systems like @TensorFlow, MapReduce, Bigtable, Spanner, .. |
537 | 8.0 |
JuanCamiloCardenas @jccardenas1965 Aprendiz de twitter |
538 | 8.0 |
Stacey Schultz-Cherry @SSCLabQuips Studies the pathogenesis and evolution of influenza and astroviruses in high risk populations in order to develop better therapies |
539 | 8.0 |
Roberto Angulo @RobertoAnguloS economista | lector de literatura | columnista | socio fundador de la firma Inclusión SAS |
540 | 7.9 |
First Indian Radiologist_General of the USA |
541 | 7.9 |
Computational epidemiologist, cyclist and citizen. Views are my own. @INPUTBern @ISPMBern @unibern |
542 | 7.9 |
detroit native. senior front page editor @huffpost. |
543 | 7.9 |
🙋🏻♀️ Journalist, speaker, coach🎙Creating @TWC_pod 📝 @nytimes @techreview @nymag @theatlantic + |
544 | 7.9 |
Dr. Jennifer “Got Vax, Still Mask” Brokaw🗽 @JenniferBrokaw Supervising Physician SF Fire. Mother to amazing women. Proud daughter and wife. Why wouldn’t you wear a mask now? Tweets my own. |
545 | 7.9 |
Not an economist. Settler. |
546 | 7.9 |
Virologist, Epidemiologist, Outbreak Responder, Advisor to Governments/Industry. Kentuckian. Views are my own. |
547 | 7.9 |
Vaccine scientist. Immune system scientist. Professor, La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI), a non-profit scientific research institute. |
548 | 7.9 |
I temporarily live at Mr. Peeble's Pet Shop, but I am hoping to get a permanent home soon. I'm a focused gorilla detective. Tick, Tock Manitowoc. Tick, Tock. |
549 | 7.9 |
Research Associate, @briandanielsli Lab, Rutgers. @ruaaup Local 6323. Socialism, dogs, virology, books, music, sports. he/him. |
550 | 7.9 |
Geek. Liberal. Secular Humanist. Trekkie. Browncoat. Tweets are personal , RTs are not endorsements |
551 | 7.9 |
Nat’l Book Award Finalist. NYT 10 Best Books. Guggenheim & Radcliffe. FFFM development at Netflix. Writing NAME RECOGNITION & AMERICAN HAGWON. Late Bloomer. |
552 | 7.9 |
FluSCIM Lucas Gonzalez @lucasgonzalez We might still work together to mitigate this severe-enough pandemic & climate & poverty. Wrote resiliencemaps.org/files/fluscim. |
553 | 7.9 |
journalist covering cybersecurity/AI/VR/robots/neuroscience. @KSJatMIT 19/20. Speaker: speakerinnen.org/en/profiles/ev… Signal: +16172309531 |
554 | 7.9 |
AFP correspondent, Berlin-based since '95. Angela Merkel watcher, feature writer, film festival sprinter, city walker. #memoryculture |
555 | 7.9 |
100 JournalistInnen, 1 Genossenschaft, 0 Werbung | #Wissen, #Umwelt, Tech, Gesellschaft, International | Grimme Online Award | Abonniert uns! |
556 | 7.9 |
Arrianna Marie Planey, MA PhD @Arrianna_Planey Medical Geographer & Health Services Researcher \ Asst Prof @UNCpublichealth \ social theory, health justice \ @Cal @UChicago @Illinois_Alma alum \ Tweets mine |
557 | 7.9 |
WonderWomansBoss @ZophiaSeason you wont respawn.pain hurts. blood is sticky. your friends die. get your shit together and find your humanity before its gone forever, and we're all in chains. |
558 | 7.9 |
Student & Researcher. Interested in harm reduction and disease prevention. Let's collaborate to improve health with technology. Affil: CPHA I UofT I UHN |
559 | 7.9 |
🍦 Kelly Pawlak, Ph.D. 🍦 @KellyPawlak Theoretical Condensed-Matter Physicist. Unapologetic frequentist. ILG @ UCSB Physics. Rock Climber, Dog Lover, Amateur Bread Baker. 🇵🇷 O/H: @n_b_noll |
560 | 7.9 |
chemistry, microbiology, and bioinformatics. Work at Lodo Therapeutics but tweets are my own. |
561 | 7.9 |
Matt Douglas-Vail @MattDouglasVail Emerg Resident @EMResUBC via @UofT & @SchulichMedDent | Fellowship Candidate @WildMedSociety | Global emergency medicine, climate health, point-of-care echo |
562 | 7.9 |
Kevin Maringer 🏳️🌈🔬🦟🦠 @MaringerLab Academic #virology group leader studying molecular biology of #dengue #arbovirus. Passionate about #diversity #scicomm #scipolicy. Views my own. |
563 | 7.9 |
Mads Albertsen @MadsAlbertsen85 Dad | DNA Sequencing Nerd | Prof. AAU | Co-founder DNASense |
564 | 7.9 |
UBC prof, sciencegeek, & writer. I run a science literacy lab & tweets are mostly science, art, & Chewbacca. He/Him IG: instagram.com/ng_dave |
565 | 7.9 |
I run Schema.org, work at @GoogleOSS. Technologist. he/him |
566 | 7.9 |
Fred Hutch is pushing cancer and disease research forward — because every discovery is another step toward better, longer lives. #CuresStartHere |
567 | 7.9 |
Epidemiologist & Data Scientist at @LIDA_UK & @turinginst. #EpiTwitter, #CausalTwitter, #AcademicTwitter, #MentalHealth, #Neurodiversity. Own views. |
568 | 7.9 |
Epidemiologist and biostatistician, Neue Deutsche Härte fan, avid reader of sci-fi, contrarian. Get vaccinated if able. Opinions my own. Blog: drzoehyde.com |
569 | 7.9 |
The Lincoln Project @ProjectLincoln "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” – Abraham Lincoln 🏴☠️ |
570 | 7.9 |
Views my own. Vaccine advocate. Anti-COVID-19. Compliments not accepted; constructive criticism from qualified individuals strongly preferred. he/him |
571 | 7.9 |
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ahrq.gov |
572 | 7.9 |
Sachin H. Jain, MD, MBA @sacjai CEO SCAN Group and @ScanHealthPlan. Adj Prof. @StanfordMed. co-editor-in-chief, @hc_thejournal. |
573 | 7.9 |
Economics, Brown University, emilyoster.substack.com. Author of Expecting Better and Cribsheet. Get them at amazon.com/-/e/B00DX5G1A2! |
574 | 7.9 |
Kelly Lepley ✈🌍👩✈️✈️👩👧👧 @kclepley TED Alumni, Public Speaker, B747 Captain Continual student, fascinated by life and the world I live in. |
575 | 7.9 |
Computational ecologist (he/him) @PoisotLab @OEcosystemes @viralemergence @_bios2 @ArmchairEcoBlog - epistemological and garden variety anarchist. |
576 | 7.9 |
Pavitra Roychoudhury @pavitrarc Bioinformatics, viral evolution, math models | @UWVirology @fredhutch | Tweets about science, tech, dogs |
577 | 7.9 |
“Those who stand for nothing fall for everything.” - a fellow immigrant. 🌊 #FBR. |
578 | 7.9 |
💛🐝JewelHunter🇵🇷🇹🇹🇻🇮🏳️🌈 @CrystalCipriani Boricua Trini Crucian mom to 5 |AfroLatinx|Taino|IndianSouthAsian #VoteLikeBlackWomen #BlackLivesMatter #PayBlackWomen 🌈 Venmo Crystal-Cipriani |
579 | 7.9 |
Scientist, communicator, educator. Fan of logic, born to be awesome, often described as weird but in a good way. My opinions are my own. Expect typos. She/her |
580 | 7.9 |
Grant Jacobs 🧬🔬💻✍️📚🇳🇿 @BioinfoTools Computational biologist & science writer. Available internationally, enquiries welcome. See pinned thread for more details. sciblogs.co.nz/code-for-life/ |
581 | 7.9 |
David Caldicott @ACTINOSProject Urgentiste / Emergency Doctor / Handyman to the Human Body. Parent of many. Anti-Viral Agent. Bad typist. Twitter is to keep notes. All opinions are your own. |
582 | 7.9 |
Autism/Rare Disease Advocate, Grant Writer, Public Speaker, Program Consultant, Rare Disease Warrior - CVID, EDS, MG, SLE, Mito. All views are my own. |
583 | 7.9 |
Find me on Etsy Keeper Scraps! Believer in Science, Mother of 3, wife to Chio of WOKQ 97.5 New Hampshire |
584 | 7.9 |
Joshua P. Cohen @JoshuaPCohen1 Health economist, healthcare policy & drug pricing/reimbursement analyst, political junkie (allergic to extremes), weather nut, diehard Red Sox & Bruins fan. |
585 | 7.9 |
Prof of Pediatrics and Biomedical Sciences Cedars Sinai Medical Center. Los Angeles. Director, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology |
586 | 7.9 |
Jake Kushner MD @JakeKushnerMD Physician-scientist. Biotechnology early stage private equity. Type 1 diabetes, developmental biology, and cancer. ❄️🌨🏔🚠⛷🚵♂️🏃🏻♂️🥾📷🌄🥾🎧☮️❤️🎸 |
587 | 7.9 |
A Mountain Momma Bear on Flat Land 🐻 😷 @MntnMommaBear If u prick us do we not bleed? If u tickle us do we not laugh? Full time mom and wife. USMC Vet. I RT a lot. I despise Trump. #Rule303 #Resist |
588 | 7.9 |
Dr. Lipi #Covid19India Roy @lipiroy Featured in @TopDoctorMag | Speaker | Media Personality | Medical Director, COVID Isolation Sites @HousingWorks | NYU | IG: @lipiroyMD | 💙 Leafs 🏒|Tweets mine |
589 | 7.9 |
Senior data science engineer at @InsightRX. Mostly #rstats and my pets. she/her |
590 | 7.9 |
Microbiologist&Immunologist studying innate immune signaling and host-pathogen interactions. Husband, father, immigrant. (he/him) #BlackLivesMatter |
591 | 7.9 |
Director, @Yale Institute for Global Health | Vaccine Researcher | Infectious Disease Epidemiologist | Opinions, while plentiful, are my own. |
592 | 7.9 |
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai @IcahnMountSinai An international leader in medical and scientific training, biomedical research, and patient care. It is the medical school for @MountSinaiNYC. |
593 | 7.9 |
Research ethics, pediatric ethics, cancer ethics, genomethics, science policy @ UPenn. Grateful immigrant. Speak only for myself. R/Ts≠likes. He/him. |
594 | 7.9 |
Betz Prof. Environ Eng @DrexelCAEE Disinfection, #risk assess., #QMRA #COVID19 #water. Class of 2021 @TheNAEng usual disclaimers. Trolls blocked. |
595 | 7.9 |
Dr. Rebecca Christofferson 😷 @RC_Epi Disease transmission scientist and all the stops in b/t. Jazz, 🐈, puns, Oxford comma is critical. Mom/wife/fluent in sarcasm. Views mine. RT/like != endorse. |
596 | 7.9 |
Rasu Shrestha MD MBA @RasuShrestha Physician, informatician, pragmatic futurist. Chief Strategy & Transformation Officer @AtriumHealth. In pursuit of value-based intelligent healthcare. |
597 | 7.9 |
Postdoc in Lipsitch & Hanage Labs @Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. ID Epi & Bioinformatics. Not only models! #WomeninSTEM #BlackLifeMatters |
598 | 7.9 |
Epidemiologist at LSHTM with keen interests in polio, other viral diseases, math modelling and statistics. And a healthy obsession with cycling. |
599 | 7.9 |
Donald Verger Fine Note Cards & Postcards @Donaldverger Search my name on AMAZON. Sea Glass Postcards & Note Card’s. #SeaGlass Heart Posters, & 3 📚’s . Founder of The Discovery Museums |
600 | 7.9 |
Emmy Betz, MD, MPH 🇺🇲🩺🔬🤝❤️ @EmmyBetz @CUEmergency doctor/researcher * Director CU Firearm Injury Prevention Initiative bit.ly/35D6GwG * Co-founder coloradofirearmsafetycoalition.org |
601 | 7.9 |
Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman
Try Jesus, not me. 🇬🇭. she/her. @kennedy_school • Hot takes, my own. Pre-order: #TheBlackAgendaBook👇🏿 |
602 | 7.9 |
Yarimar Bonilla 👩🏾💻 @yarimarbonilla Political Anthropologist |Professor at @Hunter_College and @GC_CUNY | Co-founder @prsyllabus she/her/ella | SanJuan 🇵🇷 /Brooklyn🗽 |
603 | 7.9 |
Humanitarian crisis comms pro. Deployed on a DART a time or two. Tweet in personal capacity & RT ≠ endorsement. |
604 | 7.9 |
biotech/pharma editor @cenmag. bit 'o science, bit 'o business. drug discovery, rare diseases, R&D, med chem, Covid-19, #diversityinSTEM opinions=mine She/her |
605 | 7.9 |
Feminist humanitarian - tweeting on #Healthcare #Refugees #Protection #MineAction & +. Personal account. She/her. PP par la merveilleuse @anisamakhoul |
606 | 7.9 |
DrAlfredoTorres @DrAlfredoTorre1 Professor, Microbiology and Immunology. My laboratory is performing innovative work developing bacterial vaccines |
607 | 7.9 |
Molecular ecologist & outdoorswoman • DNA whisperer • into botany, evolution, space, sci-comm, skiing, Outlander, climate justice & human rights • she/her |
608 | 7.9 |
David Eckstein deserves his own section of the Hall of Fame. I don’t like the shift. Go Padres. |
609 | 7.9 |
Professor of Epidemiology/Global Health. Caring about kindness in academia. @busph Free Associations podcast co-host pophealthex.org/fa |
610 | 7.9 |
shiny epi people podcast @ShinyEpiPeople @lisabodnar chats with epidemiologists about anything but epi. connection, vulnerability, empathy, laughter. personal beats professional. more heart, less smart |
611 | 7.9 |
Live updates from the team behind BNO News. Currently covering coronavirus. For other news, follow @BNONews |
612 | 7.9 |
Infectious Diseases Physician at St. Joe's Hamilton / Associate Professor at McMaster University. Views are mine alone and don’t reflect institutions. |
613 | 7.9 |
#DecisionScience & risk assessment for public health emergencies @JHSPH_CHS. Wife, Mom, #ELBI staff, Assistant Professor @JohnsHopkinsEHE |
614 | 7.9 |
UMN School of Public Health @PublicHealthUMN The University of Minnesota School of Public Health: shaping a future of health #UMNDriven #UMNproud @UMNews |
615 | 7.9 |
single molecule microbiology, surfing, and, decreasingly, American politics |
616 | 7.9 |
UCSF School of Medicine @UCSFMedicine Striving to advance human health through a fourfold mission of education, research, patient care, and public service. |
617 | 7.9 |
Ice Age ecologist in a warming world. Associate Professor at @UMaine’s Climate Change Institute. Host of @ourwarmregards. #TeamMuskOx She/her 🏳️🌈 |
618 | 7.9 |
My son's Outdoor School name is Dragon. I stand by our Vets Medicine, Musician & Martial Arts. Act like a bot= blocked |
619 | 7.9 |
Speech/Language Pathologist; special interest in bilingual assessment/therapy. |
620 | 7.9 |
Scientist , virologist interested in virus-host interactions, innate immune responses, a Foodie and Travel enthusiast |
621 | 7.9 |
PhD (Epidemiology), writer @PLoSBlogs, @Senators fan and photographer, but *not* a skin doctor :) Tweets my own. More: goo.gl/nFgbUr |
622 | 7.9 |
Professor Microbial Evolutionary Genomics @IMIBirmingham. Institute Director @Unibirm_MDS. Overseen a few Covid-19 PCR tests........ |
623 | 7.9 |
Psychiatric Epidemiologist | Associate Professor of Epidemiology @BUSPH and Psychiatry @BUMedicine | Visiting Associate Professor @dceaarhus | AE @AmJEpi. |
624 | 7.9 |
Biologist, science + public health communicator @Columbia, organizer @MarchForScience, climate justice activist #Grist50, host of #LetsGetFACTSinated on YouTube |
625 | 7.9 |
Hospitalist. Host/Producer of Explore The Space Podcast. TEDx Speaker. |
626 | 7.9 |
Helen Burstin, MD, MPH, MACP @HelenBurstin CEO, Council of Medical Specialty Societies @CMSSmed, Clinical Professor IM @GWSMHS, mom to 2 teens, child of Holocaust survivors. Tweets are my own. |
627 | 7.9 |
UC Davis Public Health Sciences | healthcare policy, structural inequities | MD-PhD = student for life | she her hers |
628 | 7.9 |
Chef Kendra Nguyen @chef_kendra Chef & host of Cooking Shows on YouTube. Feminist, Lesbian, Decent Human Being 🌈✌🏿 Blocking stupid people immediately. Youtube.com/chefkendranguy… |
629 | 7.9 |
physician. potty mouth feminist. #blacklivesmatter everything is political. views are my own. she/her |
630 | 7.9 |
A Burden Has Been Lifted @DurangoEagle1 Worker's rights attorney in CO. Yogi. Amateur meditator and Dharma fan. Attended Robert E. Lee High School in Texas. Embrace change. Black lives matter. |
631 | 7.9 |
Weaving the threads of teacher, nurse, primary care provider, mom and science geek into a life. Opinions expressed are solely mine. She/Her |
632 | 7.9 |
Dapper in a PAPR, RN @MurseWordsworth EmergencyNursing. Wore camo. Rode ambulances. I teach how to put it in like a bat 🦇 | #NurseTwitter ❤️🖤💚 *Views are my own & do not represent any employer.* |
633 | 7.9 |
Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP @ChomiloMD medPeds doc▪️Cofounder @md4healthequity ▪️MN #Medicaid Medical Director @MDChomiloMNDHS▪️Adjunct faculty @umnmedschool▪️he/him▪️Views mine |
634 | 7.9 |
Author/Actor 🏳️🌈Bi Icon🏳️🌈 Sam’s Super Seats (fall 2022) The Pretty One(2019)lit rep: @abuckslater created #disabledandcute film/tv: @RachMiller she/her |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
636 | 7.9 |
Professor Fleming @alwaystheself Critical race sociologist. YA author. My latest: RISE UP! coming fall ‘21 from Henry Holt. Rep’d by @outspokenagency🎙+ @MichaelBourret 📚 My tweets, my choice. |
637 | 7.9 |
(((Charles))) #GetVaxxed! 💉 @charles_gaba Healthcare policy data analysis, advocacy & snark. If you find my work of value, please support it at ACASignups.net/support |
638 | 7.9 |
Doctors for America @drsforamerica Mobilizing doctors & medical students to be leaders in putting #patientsoverpolitics on the pressing issues of the day to improve the health of our nation |
639 | 7.9 |
Highly melanated. @WNYC editor, health & science | Past: @NatGeo science editor; @NewsHour sci producer | PhD pathobiologist | YNWA | Got tips? DM for Signal |
640 | 7.9 |
Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado Prof. Chemistry, CIRES, Univ. Colorado. Highly Cited, Fellow AAAR & AGU. Aerosols, air poll., MS. tinyurl.com/faqs-aerosol & tinyurl.com/covid-estimator |
641 | 7.9 |
Jason Overstreet @JasonOverstreet Author. Beneath the Darkest Sky. The Strivers' Row Spy. Currently typing.... |
642 | 7.9 |
Joshua D. Powell. Ph.D. @joshpowellphd molecular virologist in Iowa. Researching inter-species transmission of influenza at swine, canine, avain and human influenza. |
643 | 7.9 |
Mom, spouse, UNE med school professor of Micro & ID, amateur chef, taco enthusiast, #speaker #SciComm #VaccinesWork #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #EmergingViruses She/Her |
644 | 7.9 |
👋 Welcome to our grassroots movement! We’re fighting for big, structural change up and down the ballot. Official @ewarren campaign account. |
645 | 7.9 |
Mathematician, @Cambridge_Uni Lecturer, American expat still full of midwestern good cheer |
646 | 7.9 |
Largely retired geriatrician. Love medicine, pts, comms skills & teaching. Curious about too much for my own good; (usu) incorrigible optimist! |
647 | 7.9 |
Danielle Fuentes Morgan @mos_daf Asst Prof at @SantaClaraUniv. Little Black girl from Durham. LAUGHING TO KEEP FROM DYING: African American Satire in the 21st Century (@IllinoisPress). she/her |
648 | 7.9 | |
649 | 7.9 |
Investor. Healthcare. Fintech. Emerging Markets. Arts Aficianado. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
651 | 7.9 |
ScD Epidemiologist | Postdoc | Perinatal Epi | #EpiTwitter #ADHD| alum: @harvardepi @northwesternU | Tweets own. | She/Her/Dr | #Covid19 | Anti-racism |
652 | 7.9 |
Sociologist, Ethical AI @Google Lecturer @BerkeleyISchool Roller derby athlete/announcer @BayAreaDerby 🇪🇬⚧ She/her ✏️@TheCovatar (inspired by @willtoft) |
653 | 7.9 |
Epidemiology PhD. Medical devices & predictive models fellow. Regulatory science & #SciComm. @urochestermed alum. she/her #epitwitter |
654 | 7.9 |
Nadia Abuelezam, ScD @nabuelezam Epidemiologist (infect disease - @HarvardChanSPH), interested in race+immigration+health, teacher (@BC_CSON), storyteller, + human |
655 | 7.9 |
rural doctor,love my family & dream of how to make things better . #Delta7. Goodbye Loretto , keep flying |
656 | 7.9 |
She/Her || Aspiring Rheumatologist || Passionate about SDOH, Rural health, MedEd, Antibodies || I eat 🍩🍬🍭 || |
657 | 7.9 |
CEO @VerveTx via cardiology @massgeneralnews, human genetics @broadinstitute, professor @harvardmed; Pittsburgh sports |
658 | 7.9 |
Husband of Helen. Old-fashioned farmer. And writer of books - The Shepherd’s Life (2015) and English Pastoral (2020). All enquiries to jgill@unitedagents.co.uk |
659 | 7.9 |
political scientist, author, teach at columbia sipa, columnist at time, president @eurasiagroup, @gzeromedia. if you lived here, you'd be home now. |
660 | 7.9 |
Clinician-scientist at McGill University. Fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Co-inventor of medsafer.org |
661 | 7.9 |
Boghuma Kabisen Titanji
Physician(MD)-Scientist(PhD),She/Her, EmoryID🇺🇲 via 🇨🇲/(LSHTM & UCL)🇬🇧. Loves viruses, TED talks & Global Health. Blogger at theiddoc.net |
662 | 7.8 |
Vice-president and general internist @unityhealthto, associate prof @uoftmedicine, and very fortunate husband and father. |
663 | 7.8 |
Clinical Pharmacist, General Internal Medicine, @UHN - TGH site. Interests: #CardioTwitter, #GIM. Keeping the HARM out of "pHARMacy". All views my own. No COI. |
664 | 7.8 |
Author, writer and broadcaster, mostly about science. Books include The Music Instinct, Curiosity, Critical Mass, and the latest: The Modern Myths (2021). |
665 | 7.8 |
Lady Nikki of the Underground @AuroraBirdialis Sea witch. Part bird. Biology BS, MEd in progress. Goblin princess. Teacher of science and story and The Youth. Cosmetics and Crocs enthusiast. She/her. ♊♋♋ |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
667 | 7.8 |
Professor, author of "Our Own Worst Enemy." Curmudgeon. Cat guy. Democracy enthusiast. Board of Contributors, @USAToday, Contributing Writer, @TheAtlantic. |
668 | 7.8 |
José Luis Castro @JLCastroGarcia President and CEO of @VitalStrat. Tweets are by me and by my team. |
669 | 7.8 |
Virologist and Infectious Diseases physician at the University of Michigan. Proud father of 3. Opinions are my own. |
670 | 7.8 |
Yale School of Public Health @YaleSPH Official Twitter feed for the Yale School of Public Health | We catalyze health for all through innovative and collaborative science, learning and action. |
671 | 7.8 |
#childhoodcancer survivor, cancer research scientist, science writer, #Forbes30under30, @TEDFellow. Co-founder @CancerSurvSM Own views. PhD not MD. Go Leafs! |
672 | 7.8 |
We envision a world where every person is protected by a strong public health system. |
673 | 7.8 |
Dad. Husband. Son. CEO @gatesfoundation. Impatient optimist working to reduce inequality. He/Him/His. @Springboks + @RedSox |
674 | 7.8 |
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids @TobaccoFreeKids Taking on the Toughest Fights for 25 Years. |
675 | 7.8 |
A doctor, manager and civil servant now enjoying life after full time work. Personal tweets |
676 | 7.8 |
Fighting for the people. Wife, Momala, Auntie. She/her. Official account is @VP. |
677 | 7.8 |
WHO Afghanistan @WHOAfghanistan Official Twitter account of the World Health Organization country office in Afghanistan |
678 | 7.8 |
Toronto Star columnist, father of four, TSN contributor. We can be good, and we’re gonna make it. DMs open, or barthur@thestar.ca |
679 | 7.8 |
Charlie M. Wray, DO, MS @WrayCharles Asst. Prof of Med @UCSF | Hospitalist Educator & #HSR Investigator @SFVAMC | #SoMe Editor & Director of @JHospMedicine Editorial Fellowship | opinions=mine |
680 | 7.8 |
Estudiante de pregrado en la carrera de ciencias físicas @UNMSM_, divulgador científico. |
681 | 7.8 |
Prof.Dwij Raj Bhatta @drbhatta Professor Microbiology TribhuvanUniversity,Ex: ResistrarFWUniversity,Head of TUMicrobiologyCDM, boardmembrNepalWatersupplycorp(1995). PhD(PuneUniversity,India) |
682 | 7.8 |
Prof. Santa Fe Institute. Origin of life, Evol Biology + Physics Since March COVID-19 @ covid-19.tacc.utexas.edu |
683 | 7.8 |
Caltech/MIT. Black/Scottish. She/her. Check out what I'm working on at: ZeroDivZero.com |
684 | 7.8 |
Professional data wrangler and Twitter’s official fact checker. Older and crankier than you are. |
685 | 7.8 |
Dr. Stan Yoshinobu @stanyoshinobu Personal acct, all thoughts are my own... Soon to be math prof at U of Toronto, he/him, IBL, math ed, prof developer, landscape photos, #AsiansForBlackLives |
686 | 7.8 |
Dona Kim Murphey, MD PhD @dunkindona Neuroscientist | Neurologist | Organizadora comunitaria | Historian of science | race | immigration | poverty | health. She | Her | Ella. Clubhouse: @dunkindona |
687 | 7.8 |
Health & education for all. #StopAsianHate #BLM #Climate #Biodiversity #Water "Attention is the rarest & purist form of generosity."–– Simone Weil. Tweets mine |
688 | 7.8 |
Stella Safo, MD MPH @AmmahStarr HIV primary care physician, NYC | Passionate about healthcare redesign, equity and civic engagement | Proud Ghanaian-American | she/her |
689 | 7.8 |
Has 2 rare diseases: CVID, a #PrimaryImmunodeficiency & Sweets syndrome. Patient advocate, advisor, and consultant. #RareDisease #genomics #immunology #dogs |
690 | 7.8 |
Mrs. Betty Bowers @BettyBowers TITHE: paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr… patreon.com/MrsBettyBowers Americasbestchristian@gmail.com |
691 | 7.8 |
Geneticist & Chief Community Scientist @BioBus. #DNAbarcoding #BioArt #SciArt #STEAM #STEM #SciComm #CommunityScience #CitizenScience 🔬 she/her |
692 | 7.8 |
Davida Smyth (She/her/hers) @ProfSmyth Assoc. Prof. of Natural Sciences at The New School, Deputy Director NCSCE, SENCER Leadership & PULSE Ambassador, Co-PI REMNet, PALM Mentor #TinyEarth #ASM #SFAM |
693 | 7.8 |
#Cellist asking how #CultureConnectsUs "Hope Amid Tears" - New Album Coming June 4 yoyoma.lnk.to/hopeamidtears |
694 | 7.8 |
World Health Organization (WHO) Western Pacific @WHOWPRO World Health Organization @WHO in the Western #Pacific Region, 🏠 to 1.9B in #Asia & #Oceania. See new tweets for updated #COVID19 advice. ➡️ RD @takeshi_kasai |
695 | 7.8 |
@FoxNews Co-Anchor "America Reports". Fmr Chief White House Correspondent. Husband to the amazing @KyraPhillips 👩❤️💋👨ABC correspondent #MarryingUp |
696 | 7.8 |
LaShyra “Lash” Nolen @LashNolen A jubilant young woman on a mission to fight injustice through healing and education. @HarvardMed Class Pres. ‘23 | Founder @wegotusproject | she/her | my views |
697 | 7.8 |
Elizabeth Goitein @LizaGoitein Co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, erstwhile oboist, mom of seriously cute twins. Opinions are my own. |
698 | 7.8 |
Dr. Rob Davidson #GetVaccinated @DrRobDavidson Dad, husband, ER doc, #publichealth student, and Executive Director of the @cmteetoprotect because ALL Americans deserve affordable Health Care. |
699 | 7.8 |
Maarten van Smeden
Statistician, asst prof epidemiological methods @umcutrecht • research, medicine, prediction, diagnosis, prognosis, missing data, measurement • own views |
700 | 7.8 |
Official Twitter account of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. instagram.com/globalfund |
701 | 7.8 |
microbial genetics, BW/CW disarmament, responsible conduct of science, opera, cello; in-between positions and comments my own (obviously) |
702 | 7.8 |
Silvana Zapata Bedoya EPI-SIG-DS @solsilvanazb MSc Epidemiología 📊, Esp en GIS 🌍, Epi FETP Salud, Salud Pública, Prevención, Modelamiento, Análisis espacial, #Epidemiología #DataAnalytics |
703 | 7.8 |
Nicholas Bagley
Law professor at the University of Michigan. Contributor at the Incidental Economist. Co-star of Brothers in Law. |
704 | 7.8 |
Laughing, language, health(MPH), equity, data-driven policy. I traffic in analogies, dot connecting. Population Health at @ourhospitals, but tweets my own |
705 | 7.8 |
Paris “AJ” Adkins-Jackson @pbaJackson i am community-based multidisciplinary researcher dedicated to helping others enjoy the lives they intend to lead. |
706 | 7.8 |
Every day is a new opportunity to discover a facet of ourselves & others... Dog & Boxer Fan! Smile in the face of adversity. Whole Foods/Plant Based |
707 | 7.8 |
Margaret McCartney
evidence sunshineuk.org/doctor/6/activ… |
708 | 7.8 |
Jason McDermott @BioDataGanache Somewhat unclear on the concept of endorsement. Biological data candy man focusing on computational biology. RTs are retweets. @redpenblackpen |
709 | 7.8 |
Journalist, podcast host (Our Mothers Ourselves), Internet historian, author of 6 books. #Healthcare & #obits for @NYTimes. Proud mom of @UCSF med student |
710 | 7.8 |
Fungai Chanetsa, PhD, MPH. @AmaiFungai Unbossed epidemiologist with nothing to lose but my chains. Doctor, gogo or moyo mugomo. My ❤️ resides in 🇿🇼. I am not bossy, I am THE boss. |
711 | 7.8 |
Author of The Intelligence Trap (Hodder/WW Norton) Science writer for @BBC @TheAtlantic @TheGuardian @NewScientist @Aeon and more. Literary Agent: @PlittyC |
712 | 7.8 |
Fútbol with Grant Wahl Pod. Sports Illustrated. NYT Best Selling Author. @Octagon rep: @sixof11. IG: grant_wahl |
713 | 7.8 |
David McAdams @games_to_change Game theorist and economics professor; author of Game-Changer; working to make the world a better place, one game at a time |
714 | 7.8 |
Alice Chen-Plotkin @alicechenp Neurologist-neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania. Mom (of two), wife (of one). |
715 | 7.8 |
Betsy Shapiro ATR-BC @BetsIsArt Art Therapist, Mental Health Professional,Volunteer:Survivors Empowered survivorsempowered.org Human Rights Advocate,Happily Married |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
717 | 7.8 |
Navy Vet, Newly left handed artist. Fierce blue wave. Anti- Racist aging with grace hippy |
718 | 7.8 |
Joseph Petrosino @JosephPetrosino Chair, Dept of Molecular Virology and Microbiology; Dir, Alkek Center for Metagenomics and Microbiome Research, Baylor College of Medicine; Opinions are my own |
719 | 7.8 |
Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, To all the people you can, As long as you ever can. |
720 | 7.8 |
𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚢𝚍 𝚓𝚊𝚌𝚘𝚋𝚜𝚘𝚗 👨🏻💻 @HOUmanReporter Founding twit @HOUmanitarian and @UH_MVP — MSW, Policy Wonk, Community Advocate, Nonprofit Communications. Tirelessly working for truth, justice, & peanuts. |
721 | 7.8 |
Dr. Lynn Zechiedrich @LynnZechiedrich 🧬 explorer and Prof @BCMHouston; Founder, Twister Biotech, Inc.; @astros @HoustonRockets @ArkRazorbacks; Flutist @TMCOrchestra; makes photos; She/Her |
722 | 7.8 |
LaToya Washington, M.Ed @L_D_Washington Louisiana girl (she/her) in TX | Science Teacher | @LSU & @LamarUniversity alumna | 🧜🏾♀️🧘🏾 |
723 | 7.8 |
Jason in the Wild @JasonInTheWild IT guy, photographer , backcountry guide, wilderness advocate, adventurer, hiker, jeeper, foodie & survivalist. |
724 | 7.8 |
Mennonite pastor, activist, and author from Houston, TX. Let's make peace together, for everyone. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
726 | 7.8 |
Psychotherapist, author ”How About You?”, adoptee, retired attorney, veteran's wife. Kindness counts. 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 |
727 | 7.8 |
If it’s a heavy and it’s a Boeing freighter, I’ve flown it, the #DreamLifter too. #B767 Captain. @kiaherlich’s other half -Views are my own- @flying_PostIt!! |
728 | 7.8 |
Analyst @JHSPH_CHS & PH Genetics PhD student @UW. Biosecurity | Viral Pop Gen | Science Policy. intersectional feminist. BLM. ❤️is❤️.she/her. Thoughts my own |
729 | 7.8 |
Pediatric Surgeon, Trauma Surgeon, #InjuryPrevention Advocate. #EagleScout #Science #Data. @thisisourlane #PreventTheBleed (tweets are my own) |
730 | 7.8 |
#WomensHealth expert, advocate, MediaCommentator, spokesperson, writer & consultant. Podcast: #InTheLadiesRoom with Dr. Donnica. AskDrDonnica@gmail.com |
731 | 7.8 |
Andrea Gilmore Bykovskyi @andrealgilmore PI @GilmoreLabUW | Committed to improving the lives of those affected by dementia + #healthequity in #cogaging | Personal account with professional content |
732 | 7.8 |
Humor And Animals @humorandanimals Media/News |
733 | 7.8 |
Council on Foreign Relations @CFR_org The Council on Foreign Relations is a resource for foreign policy news and analysis. CFR takes no institutional positions on policy. Follows, RT ≠ endorsements. |
734 | 7.8 |
Brittany Packnett
less than occasional tweeter these days. Black. saved by grace. activist. #UNDISTRACTED host. @MSNBC contributor. @kidnoble’s +1. she/her. Ferguson forever. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
736 | 7.8 |
I´d call myself a renaissance woman if it wasn´t for the fact that I´ve only been born once. |
737 | 7.8 |
Writer @Healthmagazine @YahooLife @WomensHealthMag @PreventionMag @ParadeMagazine @Shape_Magazine SEO nerd. millerkorin@gmail.com |
738 | 7.8 |
aquatic & disease ecologist | professor @UMich | writer @dynamicecology | mom | Daphnia evangelist | she/her | bad at email | avatar = infected Ceriodaphnia! |
739 | 7.8 |
Mucosal immunologist and respiratory physician, working on lung infections (esp. RSV and influenza) at Imperial College London. |
740 | 7.8 |
HIV doctor | Campari lover | slow knitter | British HIV Association chair | THT trustee | BASHH trustee | views mine | #HIVtwitter |
741 | 7.8 |
Dr Rageshri Dhairyawan @crageshri Sexual Health & HIV Consultant @NHSBartsHealth | Honorary Senior Lecturer @SHAREEastLondon @QMULBartsTheLon | Health equity | Book worm | she/her |
742 | 7.8 |
Dr. Swapneil Parikh @swapneilparikh Caffeine powered physician-scientist. Author #TheCoronavirusBook. Co-founded DIY.health. Doctor for @mipaltan @IndSuperLeague👨⚕️☕️💊💉👨🔬🔬🧬🦠📚🏏⚽️ |
743 | 7.8 |
Michelle Cardel,PhD, MS, RD @MichelleCardel #Obesity, #nutrition & health disparities scientist & registered dietitian • #Equity advocate • mom • #SciComm • Puerto Rican • She/her Opinions own |
744 | 7.8 |
Bren Professor of Computational Biology at Caltech. Blog at liorpachter.wordpress.com. #methodsmatter |
745 | 7.8 |
César Muñoz-Fontela @CesarMFontela Spanish with American kids, living in Germany and working in Africa...Trying to understand viral hemorrhagic fevers. @BNITM_de and @WHO. Opinions are my own |
746 | 7.8 |
Faculty @HopkinsIHHS at @JohnsHopkinsIH | Board @H_S_Global | Work on #HealthSystems #HealthEconomics #GlobalHealth #LatAm | English & español | Personal views. |
747 | 7.8 |
Non-governmental individual (NGI) |
748 | 7.8 |
Surgeon, Writer, Researcher, Vaccinator. ariadnelabs.org lifebox.org NewYorker.com cic-health.com |
749 | 7.8 |
Author and Mathematical Biologist at the University of Bath. My book The Math(s) of Life and Death is out now amzn.to/2MkmdcM he/him |
750 | 7.8 |
Cardiologist |
751 | 7.8 |
Dr. Lynda Coughlan 🔬 @Virusnerdette Irish virologist/vaccinologist @UMmedschool @UMCVD, newPI, viruses, adenoviral vectors, influenza, vaccines, immunology, scicomm, STEM, equality |
752 | 7.8 |
Father & Husband, MD/MBA Medical Director in Innovation @Masshealth, Pulm/Crit Care @CHAlliance, Instructor @harvardmed, Creator @CritCareGame! Views my own. |
753 | 7.8 |
Rahul Rajkumar @RahulRajkumar11 Transforming health care to make it better, safer and more efficient. Chief Operating Officer @Optum Care Solutions. Views my own. |
754 | 7.8 |
Lecia Sequist, MD, MPH @LeciaSequist Lung cancer oncologist & early cancer detection researcher @MGHCancerCenter Views are my own. #MaskUp #Equity #HerTimeIsNow #ScienceIsBack #Beagle She/her |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
756 | 7.8 |
👨🏻💻 machine learning engineer 🐦 math and programming jokes 🤫 @doyouplayball, @your_old_tweets, @current_moon, @ShouldYouGetPhD |
757 | 7.8 |
Speaker | Educator | Unifier. Demystifying stuff, bridging gaps, countering misinformation via conversation & dialogue. Visit MuslimMarine.org. Member @CFR_org. |
758 | 7.8 |
Infectious Disease Modeller @rivm | Visiting Researcher @MRC_Outbreak | COVID-19 | influenza | vaccines | #Runner and #peanutbutter enthusiast. Views are my own |
759 | 7.8 |
Distinctive independent publisher of inventive books, fearless writing, powerful voices. Join us: bit.ly/profilenews |
760 | 7.8 |
A global network of trailblazers, changing the world. |
761 | 7.8 |
Boshamer Distinguished Professor & Vice Dean for Research, SOM, UNC-CH. She/Her. Lab’s Research Interests: Virology/Microbiology, Cancer Biology, Immunology. |
762 | 7.8 |
@thelilynews @washingtonpost contributor. Words/photos in @guardian @natgeo @nymag. Fmr @ABC @reuters @nydailynews. Thoughts expressed may or may not be mine. |
763 | 7.8 |
Amy Barnhorst, MD @amybarnhorst Vice Chair @UCDavis Psychiatry BulletPointsProject.org Mental illness | Suicide | Gun violence @nytopinion @psychtoday Mom, surfer, ultra-half-marathoner |
764 | 7.8 |
Stealing Buddha's Dinner; Short Girls; Pioneer Girl @VikingBooks @penguinrandom. MFA prof. Former refugee. Forthcoming: Owner of a Lonely Heart @scribnerbooks |
765 | 7.8 |
Clinical Associate Professor @StanfordMed. Gravity @wmnmedia.🎙 Still writing epilogue to When Breath Becomes Air ❤️ (she/her) |
766 | 7.8 |
Proud Dad to Gabriele and Isabella. Columbia University, New York City. Alumnus MP (South Africa). |
767 | 7.8 |
Santiagφ Perez Patrigeon @ppsantyago ID physician Queen’s University and KGH, Kingston, Ontario 🇨🇦🇲🇽 🇫🇷 runner, 🌈🏳️⚧️🦄. Instagram: nadjagop opinions are my own |
768 | 7.8 |
Slownalist, Podcaster, Storyteller Creator @PlastispherePod | #LifeintheSoil w/@mrillig Alum @KSJatMIT | Member @riffreporter she/her | Tweets English+German |
769 | 7.8 |
#El™ con los #s 🇵🇷 @AmericanNumbers #WearMasks CTO Sportsgrid Data Science. Opinions are 100% American made. 6 for 24. #Him™ Just my Charts: @DataStrictly Tips: paypal.me/AmericanNumber… |
770 | 7.8 |
Synthetic Biology, Genetic Circuits @BilkentUniv @sekerlab @synbiotik1 Previously @MIT @NTUsg @UW @itu1773 @Hacettepe1967 tweets in ENG/TUR |
771 | 7.8 |
Also known as Heinz Beans. Twitters dog. Shih Tzu. @andyleeman91 |
772 | 7.8 |
#HealthSecurity = #NatSec. @JohnsHopkinsSPH Health Security DrPH student. #ELBI2019 fellow. @SEMissouriState @Mizzou & @NPS_Monterey alum. Views=my own. #STLFly |
773 | 7.8 |
HIV doc, researcher, policy wonk, mom of Jax, wife of Amy. PI, AIDS Research Consortium of ATL Past Chair, HIV Medicine Association (@HIVMA) #HIVTwitter |
774 | 7.8 |
My Dog Is Cutest @mydogiscutest ★★ Showcasing the world's cutest dogs ★★ Follow on Instagram for more cuteness! #mydogiscutest |
775 | 7.8 |
Brigham and Women's Infectious Diseases physician. ID in MFM. HIV. Celtics fan married to Lakers fan. Opinions my own. #IDTwitter #WomenInMedicine 🏃🏽♀️🦮 |
776 | 7.8 |
Bethany Hedt-Gauthier, PhD @BHedtGauthier biostatistician and health systems researcher | committed to use research as a tool to address health inequities and to fight inequitable partnerships in GH |
777 | 7.8 |
Rebecca Berman @rebeccabermanmd Internal Medicine Residency Program Director @UCSF, Mother of Three, Thoughts are my own |
778 | 7.8 |
Chris Moriates, MD @ChrisMoriates Hospital Medicine physician who cares about making systems that better serve our patients |
779 | 7.8 |
Athalia Christie @AthaliaChristie Career in global health @cdcgov in outbreak response, disease control, and policy. Mid-life crisis @JohnsHopkinsSPH doctoral program. Opinions are my own. |
780 | 7.8 |
Professor & Chair @UMichSurgery. Working to redesign surgical care and redefine surgical culture. Past President @AcademicSurgery. |
781 | 7.8 |
Associate Prof at the UArizona interested in genomes,microbes,adaptation, pigs, donkeys, etc.... he/him Tohono O'odham lands #BLM |
782 | 7.8 |
Foxy Lustful Cheesecake @FoxyLustyGrover “Go then, there are other worlds than these.” See also secretsanta.nz @SecretSantaNZ #SecretSantaNZ2020 #SecretSantaNZ2019 #MidWinterSecretSanta |
783 | 7.8 |
"Dynamite with a Laser Beam" Profile pic Kris Anka's She-Hulk |
784 | 7.8 |
CDC's official Twitter source for daily credible health & safety updates from Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. Privacy policy: bit.ly/2MhQ6Hp |
785 | 7.8 |
Jaedyn Ruli 吴茹莉, B.Sc. @JaedynRuli MSc Ecology student at Penn State University in @aveamphibious Lab. I like 🐸🦎🐢. they/them 🏳️🌈. Currently work at a vaccine POD. |
786 | 7.8 |
Virologist and Assistant Professor at UCR. Host responses to viral pathogens. Urban gardener. |
787 | 7.8 |
Anna Fore Waymack @annawaymack Literature, digital humanities, aging, disability. #MeTooPhD tweets at @AFWaymack. Loves Catullus 4; loathes Horace Od. 2.10. she/her/hers |
788 | 7.8 |
Infectious disease epidemiologist focusing on tuberculosis. Associate Professor at BUSPH. Parent of two. |
789 | 7.8 |
The most successful news magazine in TV history, offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news. |
790 | 7.8 |
A very clever name @anamanuensis Science communications, public health/environmental health, regulatory toxicology. She. ADHD. 🌈 @BUSPH @busphEH @EpiCOVIDCorps |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
792 | 7.8 |
Associate Prof @LSHTM Senior Lecturer @ImperialCollege Founder of @reconepi Outbreak analytics, stats, genetics, #rstats, extreme metal vocalist. |
793 | 7.8 |
Dr Aalisha Sahukhan @AalishaSahukhan Head of Health Protection @MOHFiji, doctor, public health specialist, infectious disease epidemiologist #Fiji #FijiCDC #Fulbright Views my own |
794 | 7.8 |
Founder & CEO @Plume_Labs, working to help us all breathe a little better. Veteran of the good fights for #climate & #opendata @MITIDSS @TEDFellow @Etalab. |
795 | 7.8 |
Professor James Logan 💙 @ProfJamesLogan Dad, Scientist, Head of the Department of Disease Control @LSHTM, Entrepreneur, Presenter (grainne@sirentalent.co.uk) instagram.com/profjameslogan/ |
796 | 7.7 | |
797 | 7.7 |
Exploro preguntas y respuestas en @el_pais & @esadeecpol. De Politikon. "Never be so kind you forget to be clever, never be so clever you forget to be kind" ~TS |
798 | 7.7 |
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). We want to stop future epidemics by developing new vaccines for a safer world. |
799 | 7.7 |
Whitney R. Robinson @WhitneyEpi Epidemiologist, health inequalities 👩🏾💻 #EpiTwitter #CausalInference #SDOH #GynHealth #datanerd #SARSCoV2 👨👩👦👦 🎧Co-host, @AcaDamesPodcast |
800 | 7.7 |
Dr. Letisha E. C. Brown, PhD. @letisha122 #BlackFemSoc assistant professor. speaker. thinker. reader. traveler. capricorn. McNair Scholar Alum | she/her 🇦🇴 🖖🏾✊🏾 🇺🇸 #amwriting a 📖 |
801 | 7.7 |
Theo Allen - Universal Masking + Vaccinate Fast @UniversalMaski2 Stop the spread of coronavirus. Wear a mask indoors and get the vaccine. Tweets do not constitute professional advice. Rt / likes are not endorsements. |
802 | 7.7 |
Micah Still @ Home @LetMicahDown Ex-grad student learning how to write |
803 | 7.7 |
Ed-in-Chief @plosbiology. Ex-Chief Ed @naturemicrobiol, editor @naturemicrobiol @nature @emboreports. Virologist. Feminist. Spaniard in the UK. Views my own. |
804 | 7.7 |
Julia Steinmetz, JD, MA @JuliaSteinmetz working on my shot 🏒🥅 |
805 | 7.7 |
Patrick C. Wilson @PatWilsonLab B Cell Immunologist |
806 | 7.7 |
@CEIRSInfluenza @ceirsinfluenza Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research & Surveillance| NIAID funded network of scientists studying influenza viruses| Run by members independent of NIAID |
807 | 7.7 |
Virologist, cook, globe trotter, eonophile, fitness enthusiast and partner 🏳️🌈. |
808 | 7.7 |
Happiest when moving. Passionate about orthopedics/biomechanics, all things running related, & art! she/her. #oisellevolee 🏃♀️ |
809 | 7.7 |
Dr. Jessica Taaffe @JessicaTaaffe RENAISSANCE WOMAN: Biomed PhD|Singer|Global Health Scientist| 1/2 Paraguayan| Dancing queen|@IfThenSheCan Amb| Couture lover|German Shepherd mom|Gypset|My Views |
810 | 7.7 |
Neuroscientist in the analytical chemistry sales world! Extroverted. Run and coffee-addicted. @RecoveringAcad co-host. she/her 🇧🇷🇨🇱🇺🇸 |
811 | 7.7 |
America’s foremost technologist named after a Great Lake. Consumer protector. |
812 | 7.7 | |
813 | 7.7 |
The official Twitter of Boston University School of Public Health. #ThinkTeachDo |
814 | 7.7 | |
815 | 7.7 |
Husband to @AmberSalyers8, Father x2, Project Apollo Junkie, TEDx Talker & Coach, Forbes Leadership Contributor, Former Prosecutor. #GoAvsGo #BroncosCountry |
816 | 7.7 |
Programmer, mom of 3 adorable kids, bilingual, pro-life, Catholic. Dabbling in graphics, special needs, & education apps. #asl #autism |
817 | 7.7 |
Sh✨t show in the WH finally forced me to learn how to use my Twitter acct #FBR |
818 | 7.7 |
Senior Associate at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security @JHSPH_CHS, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health @JohnsHopkinsSPH, @JohnsHopkins |
819 | 7.7 |
. I live in Hyderabad. have written a book DoWe Care?India's Health System |
820 | 7.7 |
Professor and Chair of Biostatistics, Brown University School of Public Health // Deputy Director, Data Science Initiative, Brown University |
821 | 7.7 |
Used to work in tech and think about business. Now I have a blog and am writing a novel. I try not to be a jerk. Member #WFWA, Princeton alumna, happily married |
822 | 7.7 |
Father/husband, Microbiologist, Protein Biochemist, Craft beer lover, Home-brewer, K-State Wildcats fan, EMAW, Viruses aren't exosomes |
823 | 7.7 |
prof of global health @georgetown | director, global health policy & politics initiative @oneillinstitute | health, law, politics | PhD PoliSci |
824 | 7.7 |
🍄🧬🔬🧫 PhD in molecular biology, 🧵sewing addict |
825 | 7.7 |
Director of Global Health; Economics & Development @CFR_org. Founder @ThinkGlobalHlth. Law Prof sometimes. Dad (3x); book author (1x). Opinions=me; retweets=not |
826 | 7.7 |
Health correspondent @voxdotcom #publichealth #globalhealth including #covid19 MIT Knight Fellow '14. Contact me securely @ jbelluz on KeyBase or DM for Signal |
827 | 7.7 |
Chief of GIM, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Clinical and Quality Analysis, Partners, Editor, Journal of Patient Safety, dad, birder, climber |
828 | 7.7 |
Chief of Medicine at VA Ann Arbor & Professor at Univ of Michigan. Interests: patient safety, #leadership, hand hygiene, preventing infection & #mindfulness |
829 | 7.7 |
Host of RN’s Health Report, co-host of Coronacast & commentator on ABC TV’s 7.30. New book out in July: pre-order a signed copy now bit.ly/39rFzpp |
830 | 7.7 |
Researching coronavirus pathogenesis since before it was cool. Virologist, not an epidemiologist. Food and travel junkie. #NewPI Opinions definitely my own. |
831 | 7.7 |
the fat girl who dies her hair pink and loves her BLM protests |
832 | 7.7 |
Miranda Yaver, PhD @mirandayaver Political scientist (US law & policy), Health Policy & Management Postdoc @UCLA, bylines at NYT WaPo & The Guardian, @Columbia PhD, Cal bear, @springsteen fiend |
833 | 7.7 |
📺: CP24Breakfast | Mon-Fri | 5-9 AM • 📸 IG: @GurdeepA • 🎤: Public/Motivational Speaker • 🐶:@MoveTheWorldCA Ambassador • 📍: Toronto • Views mine. |
834 | 7.7 |
Women in Statistics and Data Science @WomenInStat Weekly RoCur (Rotating Curator) @AmstatNews Committee on Women in Statistics #WSDS Learn & sign up: bit.ly/wsds-rocur This week: @aditikhullar |
835 | 7.7 |
J Stephen Morrison Senior Vice President & Director, Global Health Policy Center, Center for Strategic and International Studies |
836 | 7.7 |
@nytimes columnist. Author: Life's Edge: The Search for What It Means To Be Alive carlzimmer.com & carlzimmer.carrd.co |
837 | 7.7 |
steak-umm bless us, everyone |
838 | 7.7 |
Data to understand the big global problems and research that helps to make progress against them. • @UniOfOxford researcher • @OurWorldInData founder |
839 | 7.7 |
History, Africana Studies & Black DH at Purdue U.- Author of Pleasure in the News... Exec. Dir. of @COVIDBLK & @BlackPressRC |
840 | 7.7 |
Fully Vaccinated, CHP, Compliance Geek, Published Author, Regulatory Compliance, Content for #dsyfer. #HIPAAQueen #HIMSS #pinksocks #hcldr. Tweets are my own. |
841 | 7.7 |
Rocket Scientist 🚀 turned CEO; Senior Fellow Emeritus @LockheedMartin, @NotreDame Ph.D., Write cool stuff @Forbes & Proud Autism Dad! |
842 | 7.7 |
Remember to be skeptical of anything you learn, even if you heard it on the Skeptics’ Guide to EM. |
843 | 7.7 |
Danil Mikhailov @MikhailovDanil Anthropologist and tech. ED @DataDotOrg. Trustee @360Giving. Ex @wellcometrust and @RoRInstitute. Championing ethical tech & data science for social impact. |
844 | 7.7 |
Science at The Times - Tweets in personal capacity. My book: amazon.co.uk/Get-Ahead-PHYS… |
845 | 7.7 |
National NHL coverage for @BallySports and co-host of @ListenToBrunch. I also play video games sometimes. |
846 | 7.7 |
Epidemiologist + Statistician | @HRBIreland @CRF_Cork @UCCPublicHealth @UCC | #ClinicalTrials #EpiTwitter #StatsTwitter Views mine statsepi.substack.com |
847 | 7.7 |
Grew up on the Iron Range. Now living the dream in Texas. Academic, County ER, hoping for a pandemic of common sense. Tweets are mine. #docswithdisabilities |
848 | 7.7 |
afroboricua. hob. associate professor of english+latinx+afro-diaspora studies @MSUenglish. Author: Decolonizing Diasporas. linktr.ee/yomairaf |
849 | 7.7 |
Marc Mendelson @SouthAfricanASP Professor of Infectious Diseases, University of Cape Town. Co-chair South African Antibiotic Stewardship Programme. Views are my own. RTs are not endorsements |
850 | 7.7 |
Doctors for Biden @DoctorsForBiden Doctors and health professionals across the country organizing to support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris #TeamJoe #VoteEarly #VoteHealth #Rally4Health |
851 | 7.7 |
Skeptic • Medical Doctor • Healthcare IT Exec • Sci Writer • Podcaster • Founder of @yalansavar & @trepanasyon • Beer Brewer • RPG Player • Cat Slave • ENG & TR |
852 | 7.7 |
Dr. April Lockley @ReproHealthDoc Family medicine doctor. Reproductive rights and justice advocate with a side of Black girl magic. Abortion care is health care! |
853 | 7.7 |
Dr Tara McAllister (she/her/ia) @taramcallister4 FUCK WHITE SUPREMACISTS |
854 | 7.7 |
I wanted to have a practical skill for when the zombie apocalypse happens authory.com/EmmaEspiner |
855 | 7.7 |
Director #epidemic and #pandemic diseases @WHO. Mother of 3. Committed to #HealthForAll & #GlobalHealth Retweet ≠endorsement. Views are my own |
856 | 7.7 |
Science Twitter, Beer Twitter, single-cell multiomics. Data are plural. Above all, voting equity and healthcare access for all. |
857 | 7.7 |
Working on conciseness and intellectual discipline next. Ignore or RT ≠ agree. Imperfect observations as I learn. Feel free to unfollow: I understand. |
858 | 7.7 |
The Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER) was established as a forum for sharing the latest in epidemiologic research. |
859 | 7.7 |
Krishna Komanduri, MD, FASTCT @drkomanduri Chief, Division of Transplantation and Cellular Therapy @SylvesterCancer, @ASTCT Past-President, cancer immunology, father of 4, wannabe photographer/pizzaiolo |
860 | 7.7 |
Yes, that's me in the photo. Vaccines, cats, face-paint and bath-ducks. Actual name Magdalen Rose Wind-Mozley She/her We need more kittens! |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
862 | 7.7 |
I work @UMich @VAAnnArbor to help patients + their loved ones heal from critical illness, incl #COVID19 I mentor clinicians to become exceptional scientists |
863 | 7.7 |
Fear Is Not Panic @FearIsNotPanic Poker Player, COVID stuff, Former DOJ I like performance psych, and probabilities. Will call out bad logic even if I agree w/ your sentiment. |
864 | 7.7 |
Long-time small-cap biotech investor & entrepreneur - currently co-founder of biotech startup. Perennial loser in New Yorker caption contest. |
865 | 7.7 |
Alasdair Henderson @hendersonad Research fellow at LSHTM | EHR • Skin conditions • Mental health • Infectious Disease Dynamics • Involvement & engagement |
866 | 7.7 |
C. Brandon Ogbunugafor
Biology, Computation, Medicine, Tech, Culture. Asst. Prof @Yale. Contributing writer @Wired. Views/Tweets are G x E x E x E interactions. |
867 | 7.7 |
Freelance Science Journalist - National Geographic, BBC, Scientific American, NBC News, PopSci, Gizmodo, Earther, Dame, WIRED and others. Fact Checker. she/her |
868 | 7.7 |
Dr. Monica Malta PhD (she/her) @DrMonicaMalta #GlobalHealth | #WomeninSTEM | Latina |mom | Prof @uoftmedicine |Alumni @JohnsHopkinsSPH | Leadership @500womensci | Researcher @CAMHResearch | Views my own🌈 |
869 | 7.7 |
Dad to Ryan, David and Anya Proud husband of @kateashaw1 Host of @allinwithchris on MSNBC, weeknights at 8pm. #WITHPod Host Cubs fan Insta: chrislhayes |
870 | 7.7 |
*We are who we have been waiting for to save us! As real as you get-but b/c there are no rules for online protection my account looks blank & will until resolve |
871 | 7.7 |
Sophie Balzora, MD, FACG @SophieBalzoraMD @NYULangone GI. ACG #DEI Cmte Vice Chair. @AmJGastro Sr Assoc Editor. #DiversityinGI co-founder. President, ABGH. Mom|Wife. 🇭🇹. Marathoner. #BlackinGastro |
872 | 7.7 |
Research: early modern history & sci/tech/colonial projects in Britain, Ireland & Atlantic; blog at memoriousblog.com; views all mine; pronouns in bio: he/him |
873 | 7.7 |
culture & evolution main w/ stats & methods side | beliefs & morality | atheists | how to science better and do other things better too | soft g silent s | him |
874 | 7.7 |
ARCHAEOLOGY FROM SPACE @Global_Xplorer, Professor, Egyptologist, mom, award-winning author, speaking requests @tuesdayagency she/her |
875 | 7.7 |
Just An Ordinary Bloke @Unusual_Times Often inappropriate. Gifted & cursed with autism. I know very little and to be honest at this juncture I care even less. You are now on your own. |
876 | 7.7 | |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
879 | 7.7 |
Dr Jennifer Depold @JennDepold Lover of Jesus. Wife and mom to the best kids ever. |
880 | 7.7 |
AFVet&VirtualPrincipal @airforcevet_mom Mom. Attorney. Air Force Veteran. Arizona Native. Aviation and Weather Aficionado. |
881 | 7.7 |
Trust those who seek the truth but doubt those who say they have found it. -André Gide |
882 | 7.7 |
Get Right Girl ⛸💖 @GetRightGirrl Former Republican, lover of figure skating, sober AF✨ #CoalitionOfTheDecent #CountryOverParty #RVAT #LincolnProject #LincolnVoter |
883 | 7.7 |
Prof Jaana Gold, Public Health Advocate @JaanaGold DDS, PhD, MPH, CPH Professor of Public Health @ATSU and dentistry @UFCD, Dentist, Consultant @FDOH, Evidence Educator, Finnish-American |
884 | 7.7 |
Transpo, both sides of the gurney, different abilities specialist. Likes cycling, fitness, tea. RTs, links, and likes aren't necessarily endorsements. |
885 | 7.7 |
Clinical psychologist, Wife, Mom. Be careful what you set your heart upon- for it will surely be yours. James Baldwin |
886 | 7.7 |
Sarah Mojarad 🌿 @Sarah_Mojarad Lecturer • Social Media Consultant • Puffin Enthusiast • Helping #STEM & #MedTwitter improve their #SciComm • we rise by lifting others 🧡 |
887 | 7.7 |
particle physicist, cat lover, gamer, with a slight obsession with cornhole and karaoke. views my own. she/her. #WomenInSTEM |
888 | 7.7 |
Son of Baldwin (Robert Jones, Jr.) @SonofBaldwin Author of the @NYTimes Instant Bestselling Novel #TheProphets. #JanFam He/Him |
889 | 7.7 |
A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers... Media Consultant•Screenwriter• Director•Musician |
890 | 7.7 |
Joe "Dr. Doomscroller" Bak-Coleman @jbakcoleman Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Washington Center for an Informed Public. I try to understand how technology influences society. Views are mine.He/Him |
891 | 7.7 |
Chief Science Officer @Color, Cancer Biologist, Taekwondoist, Salsera, Bootcamp addict, Mom. |
892 | 7.7 |
.JesusChrist.Music.STEM.Art.Math Onco.Computational Physiology.Scientific Computing. Science Policy. #HLFYoungResearcher #SciComm #Manifest #MUFC |
893 | 7.7 |
Citizen of the World, Evolutionary Biologist, Historian of Science, Seinfeld fanatic. Curator of world's finest "do not disturb" sign collection. |
894 | 7.7 |
How does selection shape information in genomes and networks? Evo theory, info theory, comp sci, dynamics. Covid modeling. Sports analytics. Feathered dinos. he |
895 | 7.7 |
Former public servant now PT *crowtojournalist* & newest board member for PAWS.org. Firm believer in the goodness of people & BLM. Love animals, esp crows.🕊 |
896 | 7.7 |
Ijeoma Nnodim Opara, MD, FAAP @innodim She/Her/Hers. Med-Peds. Joy, Justice & Health Equity. AntiRacism, Decolonization, Liberation. BHN & CAAM. Speaker. Consultant. Problem Solver. Views my own. |
897 | 7.7 |
building @blockpartyapp_ to solve online harassment, cofounder @projectinclude, previously eng @pinterest @usds @quora. instagram.com/exhaustedfemal… |
898 | 7.7 |
Writer, broadcaster, author (TRANSCENDENCE amzn.to/2nSFEyQ; ADVENTURES IN THE ANTHROPOCENE amzn.to/1KKAUc7). Science of human and Earth systems |
899 | 7.7 |
Infectious Diseases & Microbiology, UCLH & HTD. #IDTwitter Fungal Disease. Dad. First person to use the word #Covid according to the Oxford English Dictionary |
900 | 7.7 |
Director, @UChiPolitics. Senior Political Commentator @CNN. Author, Believer: My Forty Years in Politics. Host of The Axe Files podcast. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
902 | 7.7 |
Personal account. For official updates, follow @SecretaryPete. Husband, veteran, writer, South Bend’s former Mayor Pete. (he/him) |
903 | 7.7 |
Christopher David @Tazerface16 Burp. |
904 | 7.7 |
Chief Medical Officer for Scotland, GP; aut viam inveniam aut faciam #RealisticMedicine 🏃🏊🏋🏼🚴🏻🎸🎧 |
905 | 7.7 |
I teach journalism at NYU, critique the press, direct @membershippzzle. PressThink is the name of my subject and my site. Started blogging in 2003. Still at it. |
906 | 7.7 |
Dr. Jonathan N. Stea @jonathanstea 🇨🇦 Clinical Psychologist. Adjunct Assistant Professor @UCalgary. Movement: @ScienceUpFirst. Bylines: @Sciam, @CBCNews, @Slate, @Globalnews, @PsychToday et al |
907 | 7.7 |
Ingeniero civil. MSc en transporte. Planificación, políticas públicas, fútbol y bicicletas. Opiniones personales. |
908 | 7.7 |
ER doc in Toronto. Old fashioned bedside clinical education and almost all sports. My views are my own & do not necessarily represent the views of my workplace |
909 | 7.7 |
Me gusta el cine. |
910 | 7.7 |
Investigative science writer/medical biologist/global health/AAAS Kavli Science journalism Gold Award/NewScientist,Sciencemag/Tweets in English/Dutch:@jopinie |
911 | 7.7 |
Allison Slater Tate @AllisonState Leo • ENFP • P96 🐅 • Mom of 4 • Fiercely GenX • Contributing Writer, @TODAY_Parents & @NBCNews, @OnParenting/@WashingtonPost, @GrownandFlown, @PAWPrinceton |
912 | 7.7 |
New Zealander. Microbiology, genetics. Interested in communities of microbes. Assoc. Prof. UMass Dartmouth. He/his. 🇳🇿🇺🇸silbylab.sites.umassd.edu |
913 | 7.7 | |
914 | 7.7 |
Emergentech RDI @EmergentechRDI Dad. Hubs. tOSU alum. Past: FF/EMS, EM, safe/sec, allied med, auto ins safety research. Current: Logistics safety. Opinions=My Own. Always looking skyward! |
915 | 7.7 |
Chem. Eng. PhD. Process and Manufacturing scale-up. New energy technologies and advanced materials. Born on CO2 year 330 ppm. Opinions and rants my own 🇬🇷🇺🇲 |
916 | 7.7 |
Twitter for TAG's Basic Science, Vaccines & Cure Project, by Richard Jefferys. Primary Treatment Action Group twitter is @TAGTeam_Tweets |
917 | 7.7 |
Independent photographer. NYC. rep by @GettyReportage. New book: tinyurl.com/y2ekbhog |
918 | 7.7 |
University professor. Critical applied linguist. Antiracist, equity-minded, feminist pedagogy. 🏳️🌈⚢🏳️🌈 Inquiry: Blackness in multilingualism. Views=mine |
919 | 7.7 |
Katherine J. Wu, Ph.D. @KatherineJWu staff writer @TheAtlantic, senior producer @storycollider, senior editor @Open_Notebook. was @nytimes. ask me about my cats. she/her |
920 | 7.7 |
Chief, Researcher, Author, Editor @AnnalsofIM, Prof @UMICH 〽️Focus: #ptsafety #vascularaccess #PICCs #MAGIC #Mindfulness #Mentorship #Leadership #GoBlue |
921 | 7.7 |
Gates Foundation @gatesfoundation We are impatient optimists working to reduce inequity. |
922 | 7.7 |
Pneumococcologist (and recent SARS-CoV-2 enthusiast; "Spit Queen"). Kiwi @ the Yale School of Public Health (she/her). |
923 | 7.7 |
Dr Yane Valdez T, MSc PhD *Vaccinated* @YaneValdezT #Mom | #Immunologist | #EDI activist |🇵🇪🇨🇦 | #Empowering #WomeninSTEM through #education & #mentoring |#Health advocate |@ImmunoLatinXs |Humanist| my views |
924 | 7.7 |
founder of @anotheracronym, @fwiwnews + @couriernewsroom. pro-democracy 🇺🇸 @barackobama + @60minutes alum. #yeswecan was always about the we ✊🏼 |
925 | 7.7 |
My obsession is to understand how the brain and the immune system communicate in health/disease. Opinions are my own. #Neuroimmunology #Glia #TcellsMakeYouSmart |
926 | 7.7 |
Dr. Leslie McClure @StatGirlLAM Professor & Chair, #Epidemiology & #Biostatistics and AD Faculty Affairs at Drexel. RCT statistician, w/ some Environmental Epi sprinkled in. Runner. she/her |
927 | 7.7 |
Trauma Surgeon @hopkinsmedicine | Public Health Expert | #GunViolence Survivor | Founder @ThisIsOurLane @docsdemand #ShareAGunViolenceStory |
928 | 7.7 |
Qaali Hussein, MD, FACS @QaaliHussein1 Trauma Surgeon | #Mom of 6 | Wife | Speaker | #BlackLivesMatter | #FreePalestine | Speaking UP despite the Deafening Silence |
929 | 7.7 |
Stanford & Harvard trained MD-Scientist. Chair @XPRIZE Pandemic Alliance Task Force. @AspenInstitute Fellow, Founder @ExponentialMed ExponentialMedicine.com |
930 | 7.7 |
UNC Public Health @UNCpublichealth At the Gillings School, we're on the front lines of public health. From disease prevention to promoting equity and engineering a healthier planet: We're on it. |
931 | 7.7 |
ShriramKrishnamurthi @ShriramKMurthi @BrownCSDept / @BrownUniversity || @BootstrapWorld || @PyretLang || @racketlang |
932 | 7.7 |
Diag Bacteriology @10minus6cosm Dept of Microbiology, Singapore General Hospital. Tweets are our own opinions. We retweet what we find interesting. facebook.com/DeptMicrobiolo… |
933 | 7.7 |
Anaesthesiologist | Previously virology | Cabrini Health, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne | Personal views only | Non-medical account @PieterPeach |
934 | 7.7 |
Computer geek, infection / public health doc, steward, fencer. UQ & JCU Fan of social justice. 'ninja old guy' Doesn't pity the fool. (personal opinions) |
935 | 7.7 |
Omnishambles 2.4 (SP3) |
936 | 7.7 |
💧 Schwarmerei1 💧 @schwarmerei1 Living on Bundjalung land that was never ceded. I support the Uluru Statement. Lover of the moving image and transformative fanworks. |
937 | 7.7 | |
938 | 7.7 |
News & information from the Infectious Diseases Society of America, a community of 12,000+ physicians, scientists & public health experts who specialize in ID. |
939 | 7.7 |
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at Notre Dame. Mathematical modeling of infectious disease dynamics and control. Views my own. he/him/his |
940 | 7.7 |
Lawrence Gostin @LawrenceGostin Director @ONeillInstitute; O'Neill Chair in Global Health Law @GeorgetownLaw; Director @WHO Center on Global Health Law; Global Editor @JAMA_current; @theNASEM |
941 | 7.7 |
Professor at Yale @YaleSPH @YaleSOM @YaleHPM. Operations research. Decision Analysis. Policy modeling. Cost-effectiveness analysis. |
942 | 7.7 |
Co-Founder & Organizer, @R2HAction | STS | Med Soc | Social Movements | Grad Student @BU_Tweets | Tweets on global health equity, sociology, running, music. |
943 | 7.7 |
@UofMaryland & @TeachersCollege Alum | Ph.D. Student @AnnenbergPenn | critical media literacy, critical memory, cultural studies | she/her/hers |
944 | 7.7 |
Parvathi P (P squared) @parper19 Daughter. Friend. Educator. GSD, bird, music, empathy, compassion, ❤️ my Family. homegrown FL 🐊 Physician. Asst Prof Tweets mine not employer’s |
945 | 7.7 |
Kate McCarthy @Healthcare_Kate Healthcare Strategy Analyst, @Gartner | retired @USASwimming | #HIT #publicspeaker #servicedog #rarediseaseadvocate #addisonsdisease - Views my own 😷 |
946 | 7.7 |
"let me use this pain and exploit it for my money" -mitski miyawaki |
947 | 7.7 |
Jessica Malaty Rivera, MS @jessicamalaty Emerging Infectious Diseases|#SciComm Lead @COVID19Tracking|Epi research @BostonChildrens|Pandemics & Infodemics|@USC @GUMedicine Alum|Mama|مصرية|#VaccinesWork |
948 | 7.7 |
EM doc. Health policy. Asst Prof/Med Ed. @AmerMedicalAssn Ambassador. @brief_19 policy lead. Follows, shares, likes & links ≠ endorsement. Views are mine. |
949 | 7.7 |
Associate Professor. Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon. #Girldad. Gun violence prevention advocate. My opinions are my own. he/him. |
950 | 7.6 |
Healer, science nerd, the real is on the rise. 999995 things I haven't done. Views reflect accumulated biases. |
951 | 7.6 |
Postdoc at Harvard Chan School of Public Health using maths and stats to look at immunity to infectious diseases. I like playing outside. |
952 | 7.6 |
Health Officer, Public Health - Seattle & King County, WA; Prof. Medicine/Infectious Diseases, U Washington. EIS '92. Personal account, not representing PHSKC. |
953 | 7.6 |
"You must be bold, brave, and courageous and find a way... to get in good trouble." -John Lewis #TheReidOut ❤️ #reiders. Likes are sometimes just bookmarks. |
954 | 7.6 |
Passionate about all things related to viruses. Professor of Microbiology |
955 | 7.6 |
Jack of all trades, master of some ⭐ Running @mozilla's Insights team, Berlin's @Zebras_Unite Lead. prev. @Wikimedia. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
957 | 7.6 |
Editor of @AMERICAblog & CyberDisobedience, co-host @UnPresidentPod. Gtown JD/MSFS. Past: UN, The Economist, CDF, US Senate. Called wacko by Rush. SP/FR/IT/GR |
958 | 7.6 |
MD: Infectious Diseases, Fungi, Malaria. MSc: Epidemiology. Cycling. 🇪🇺, 🇱🇺, NYC, HH. |
959 | 7.6 |
Since 2006, 700K veterans, military families, & supporters have been electing Veterans to office & fighting for progressive values. (Text VOTEVETS to 88424) |
960 | 7.6 |
Suddenly realized that this bio doesn't have to mirror LinkedIn. Also doesn't have to be a bio at all. Photo by @chrismichel |
961 | 7.6 |
Science journalist • 2016 @KSJatMIT/@Harvard fellow • @WFSJ board member • 📖 #Odorama Historia cultural del olor (Odorama: Cultural History of Smell) • 📩 DM |
962 | 7.6 |
Infectious diseases epidemiologist/scientist at Johns Hopkins University. Proud RHSP/RCCS collaborator. Wife. Mom. Nature lover. Views are my own! |
963 | 7.6 |
yenihallerpodcast@gmail.com |
964 | 7.6 |
Scientist with an interest in cancer biology and immunology, infectious disease, genomic medicine, and indigenous health🤓. My views and opinions are my own. |
965 | 7.6 |
(Formerly Hutton) Knowledge & Learning, Global Health, Research on Research, and Security. At SPRU, Univ. of Sussex Views my own. He/Him |
966 | 7.6 |
Andrew Althouse @ADAlthousePhD Assistant Professor @PittGIM; Statistical Editor @CircIntv; RCT statistician; believer in power of deadlifts, craft beer and good food |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
968 | 7.6 |
PhD researcher in genetic epidemiology @MRC_IEU. Previous research on health equity & Zika @LSHTM. Background in anthropology & int development. 🥝 in 🇬🇧/🇳🇿 |
969 | 7.6 |
Senior VP/Director, Global Health & HIV Policy, KFF. I tweet about health policy, data, & parenting. NYC born & raised, DC-based. |
970 | 7.6 |
Vicki Allen Crabb @crabb_vicki Epidemiologist. PhD candidate. Nurse in a previous life. "Queen of Something to be Determined at a Later Date". Not a COVID-19 expert |
971 | 7.6 |
MSc Env. Chem & Health Nanoparticles & Nano/ecotox Hate pseudoscience. My motto: Have balls, will travel! Retweets ≠ Endorsement #Slytherin |
972 | 7.6 |
PatMac, RN (is logged off) @NursePatMacRN Nurse /Infirmier | NC | Adj Nursing Faculty | Bibliophile | Grad Student @WGUNC | Nerd 🤓 | Citizen Scientist👨🏾🔬 | One part of @DnRNursing |#CHNurseChat | |
973 | 7.6 |
NYC Health + Hospitals @NYCHealthSystem The nation’s largest public health system empowering New Yorkers to live their healthiest life. For appointments, call 1-844-NYC-4NYC. Page not monitored 24/7. |
974 | 7.6 |
Quick! Somebody call an anthropologist! Assoc prof @ Northwestern. MedAnthro. African studies. Pop culture. Politics. She/her. book: goo.gl/fZalMo |
975 | 7.6 |
Infectious Diseases researcher & MD @The_BMC. HIV, addiction, covid, social determinants of health. harm reductionist. never wore t-shirt of band to the concert |
976 | 7.6 |
Molecular Biologist. MSc Infectious Diseases, PhD Microbiology. Doctor pero no médico. Diagnostics, antibiotics, COVID. Citado en el Q'hubo. 🇫🇷➡️🇨🇴 |
977 | 7.6 |
Elliotte Friedman
Trust the Weirdness, and You Are Not Alone -- autismjourney.org. “The best way out is always through.” (Robert Frost) |
978 | 7.6 |
Daniel Gómez Gaviria @dgomezco Subdirector General Sectorial @DNP_Colombia. 🇨🇴 |
979 | 7.6 |
Editorial Director, @TheAppeal. / Columnist, @MSNBC. / Ideas? crgeidner@gmail.com / Sober. Queer. Bipolar. Buckeye. Law Dork. / Tweets are my own. |
980 | 7.6 |
Infectious Diseases PharmD at OSUMC for over 25 years. Global advocate for Antimicrobial Stewardship, TedX speaker, Mentor, photographer, triathlete |
981 | 7.6 |
1. Substacker: jeetheer.substack.com 2. Columnist, The Nation 3. email: jeetheer1967 at gmail dot com 5. Twitter essayist 6. Drawn by Joe Ollmann |
982 | 7.6 |
Executive • Board Member • Investor • Passionate about Public Health • Newlywed forever |
983 | 7.6 |
Camilo Prieto @CamiloPrietoVal Cirujano Reconstructivo @HOMILCOL |Mg en Energía y sostenibilidad|Mg en Filosofía @Unijaveriana| Esp. DDHH @UOCuniversitat| Vocero @mambientalistac |
984 | 7.6 |
🇨🇦 The Chief Public Health Officer of Canada promotes and protects the health of Canadians. Terms of use: bit.ly/pG7JNz Français: @ACSP_Canada |
985 | 7.6 |
Justice Correspondent: @thenation Alignment: Neutral Good. Str:12 Dex:8 Con:15 Int:13 Wis:10 Char:14 Class: Paladin. Strong Against: Republicans. |
986 | 7.6 |
Physician and clinical/translational vaccine researcher |
987 | 7.6 |
Emanuele Capobianco @ecapobianco Director Health & Care, International Federation of #RedCross #RedCrescent Societies (@IFRC) 🐪traveller,🏃🏻(slow) runner, 🤹🏻♂️lucky husband & father of 3. |
988 | 7.6 |
Professional investor. Studied mathematics at Yale & MIT. Lived in Asia for many years. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
990 | 7.6 |
Respects Scientific Expertise | Rejects Political Hierarchy | Plays Animal Crossing |
991 | 7.6 |
Dr. Nancy Mattison #CountryOverParty @NancyTweeets International relations and health care policy ~ I block people without the courage to use their own names. |
992 | 7.6 |
Researcher/educator. PLATO Project, CUNY faculty, Cornell Realism, biological philosophy as an aid to scientific discovery, CABM. Dewey on education. |
993 | 7.6 |
Trustee Norm Di Pasquale TCDSB Ward 9 @normsworld School Board Trustee Ward 9 @TCDSB. Board @afltoronto, Chair @NoJetsTO. Father. Cyclist. Big Bathurst Quay fan. norm@trusteenorm.ca 6479173198 #onted |
994 | 7.6 |
Claudia Conway
taco bell connoisseur |
995 | 7.6 |
Vice Dean, Clinical and Faculty Affairs @uoftmedicine, family doctor, wife, mom, grandma, art and nature lover |
996 | 7.6 |
Media Relations fmr Public Health Ontario |Ontario Ministry of Health |EPCOR | Pol staffer HoC/QP/CityHall #LGBTQ2 #HIV #MentalHealth #TheResistance #BLM |
997 | 7.6 |
OB/GYN, appropriately confident, lasso of truth, Canadian Spice, I speak for no one but me. The Vagina Bible. Menopause Manifesto. Body Talk. NYT contributor. |
998 | 7.6 |
Christie Aschwanden
Author NYT bestseller GOOD TO GO goodtogobook.com @wwnorton co-host EMERGING FORM bit.ly/efwit alum @FiveThirtyEight, Adventurer. My parties have dancing. |
999 | 7.6 |
Internal medicine, clinical pharmacology/toxicology and drug safety research at @Sunnybrook, @ICESOntario and @UofT. Inexplicably fortunate husband. |
1000 | 7.6 |
Lung/ICU doc | Faculty @IHME_UW | Major @USAirForce #CCATT | COVID19 CMO @Amazon | Med Analyst @NBCNews | Policy @atscommunity | Member @CFR_org | views me |
Websites | vs. baseline | influence |
nextstrain.org | 212.0x | 0.9% |
who.int | 60.6x | 0.7% |
biorxiv.org | 39.7x | 0.7% |
covid19-projections.com | 35.8x | 0.8% |
medrxiv.org | 35.0x | 1.9% |
plos.org | 23.9x | 0.5% |
thelancet.com | 23.4x | 2.8% |
cnb.cx | 22.8x | 1.1% |
cell.com | 21.3x | 1.2% |
medscape.com | 20.4x | 1.0% |
nejm.org | 20.2x | 1.8% |
jamanetwork.com | 20.1x | 1.3% |
nature.com | 18.6x | 5.6% |
pnas.org | 17.9x | 0.8% |
sciencemag.org | 16.3x | 3.5% |
cdc.gov | 14.5x | 1.1% |
pscp.tv | 11.3x | 2.8% |
bmj.com | 10.0x | 0.8% |
statnews.com | 7.3x | 2.2% |
economist.com | 5.2x | 1.4% |
scientificamerican.com | 4.3x | 0.5% |
bostonglobe.com | 4.2x | 0.7% |
theguardian.com | 2.6x | 1.7% |
npr.org | 1.5x | 0.7% |
reuters.com | 1.5x | 0.8% |
forbes.com | 1.5x | 0.6% |
google.com | 1.4x | 0.9% |
theatlantic.com | 1.4x | 5.0% |
wsj.com | 1.1x | 3.1% |
cnn.com | 1.0x | 1.2% |
nytimes.com | 0.7x | 9.4% |
medium.com | 0.6x | 0.5% |
washingtonpost.com | 0.5x | 3.9% |
youtube.com | 0.5x | 1.1% |
newyorker.com | 0.5x | 0.5% |
politico.com | 0.4x | 0.5% |
bloomberg.com | 0.3x | 0.9% |
Mediums | vs. baseline | influence |
gidmk.medium.com | 15.3x | 1.1% |
elemental.medium.com | 13.9x | 52.1% |
coronavirus.medium.com | 10.7x | 26.5% |
humanparts.medium.com | 3.7x | 2.2% |
stafflettertosenate.medium.com | 1.9x | 2.9% |
repraskin.medium.com | 0.6x | 5.7% |
onezero.medium.com | 0.2x | 5.5% |
gen.medium.com | 0.1x | 0.7% |
.arcdigital.media | 0.1x | 1.2% |
Books | vs. baseline | influence |
vaccines did not cause rachels autism | 545.3x | 10.4% |
contain multitudes microbes within grander | 53.5x | 25.8% |
twitter tear gas fragility networked | 21.7x | 11.6% |
apollos arrow profound enduring coronavirus | 15.2x | 5.1% |
bad food bible how sinfully | 15.2x | 5.9% |
family firm data driven decision parentdata | 10.9x | 6.9% |
who gets why college admissions | 10.9x | 1.7% |
blueprint evolutionary origins good society | 7.1x | 2.5% |
hot comb ebony flowers | 6.5x | 1.5% |
red famine stalins war ukraine | 6.3x | 1.6% |
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best years science fiction novels | 2.5x | 1.3% |
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japanese street style pat lyttle | 2.5x | 1.3% |
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great influenza deadliest pandemic history | N/Ax | 2.5% |
praise prejudice necessity preconceived ideas | N/Ax | 0.6% |
Substacks | vs. baseline | influence |
amberschmidtkephd.substack.com | 703.7x | 20.2% |
thestefansmith.substack.com | 90.9x | 0.8% |
roxanne.substack.com | 41.4x | 1.3% |
ovsecondopinion.substack.com | 40.8x | 1.4% |
zeynep.substack.com | 30.3x | 2.7% |
messagebox.substack.com | 15.2x | 1.7% |
onemorequestion.substack.com | 14.4x | 0.9% |
charlotteclymer.substack.com | 13.4x | 7.3% |
vicki.substack.com | 12.2x | 1.9% |
emilyoster.substack.com | 11.4x | 12.1% |
karenkho.substack.com | 4.2x | 0.8% |
noahpinion.substack.com | 3.6x | 24.0% |
persuasion.community | 0.9x | 2.8% |
annehelen.substack.com | 0.8x | 1.8% |
taibbi.substack.com | 0.6x | 3.1% |
slowboring.com | 0.2x | 1.0% |
thedispatch.com | 0.1x | 2.4% |
statsepi.substack.com | N/Ax | 1.5% |
Subreddits | vs. baseline | influence |
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/r/ketoscience | 18.8x | 0.9% |
/r/ama | 12.3x | 1.9% |
/r/elizabethwarren | 7.3x | 1.5% |
/r/funny | 6.6x | 1.4% |
/r/science | 6.5x | 17.1% |
/r/dataisbeautiful | 6.1x | 30.5% |
/r/coronavirus | 4.9x | 2.5% |
/r/pics | 2.5x | 2.1% |
/r/ethereum | 1.7x | 1.5% |
/r/testandtrace | 1.6x | 0.9% |
/r/theexpanse | 1.5x | 0.7% |
/r/worldnews | 1.4x | 7.7% |
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/r/iama | 0.4x | 3.6% |
/r/mapporn | 0.4x | 0.8% |
/r/askreddit | 0.1x | 0.8% |
/r/wallstreetbets | 0.1x | 0.7% |
/r/catswhoyell | N/Ax | 7.9% |
/r/skeptic | N/Ax | 3.9% |
Apple Podcasts | vs. baseline | influence |
id1503721630 | 136.7x | 3.0% |
id1460055316 | 54.0x | 28.1% |
id1490354763 | 34.8x | 1.1% |
id1245002955 | 22.5x | 1.0% |
id1504128553 | 11.4x | 32.9% |
id152249110 | 4.7x | 1.3% |
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id1508202790 | 1.4x | 14.6% |
id519582740 | N/Ax | 6.7% |
id1499394284 | N/Ax | 1.3% |
Patreons | vs. baseline | influence |
home | 47.5x | 4.6% |
therednation | 18.6x | 1.6% |
shivramdas?fan_landing=true | 4.2x | 33.5% |
nonamebooks | 2.7x | 4.2% |
freelancingwithtim | 1.4x | 4.3% |
lubchansky | 0.9x | 27.1% |
badfaithpodcast | 0.3x | 0.8% |
blockedandreported | 0.1x | 1.1% |
wesleyyang | 0.1x | 0.9% |
bethbourdon | 0.1x | 0.6% |
duncanleroux | N/Ax | 3.3% |
c | N/Ax | 2.7% |
visakanv | N/Ax | 1.5% |
doubledownnews?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=tyshare2 | N/Ax | 1.4% |
hc | N/Ax | 1.1% |
threadreaderapp?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=creatorshare2 | N/Ax | 1.0% |
foone | N/Ax | 0.9% |
joshuawong | N/Ax | 0.9% |
outbreak | N/Ax | 0.5% |
YouTube Channels | vs. baseline | influence |
audinorge | 380.2x | 27.6% |
universityofmichigan | 36.9x | 8.8% |
andreyukrainskiy | 35.3x | 6.0% |
thebeatles-topic | 24.7x | 9.0% |
bojanjovanovski | 24.7x | 4.5% |
zynukthoom | 24.7x | 4.5% |
mark | 24.7x | 4.5% |
tompetty-topic | 24.7x | 4.5% |
colino'leary | 9.1x | 8.5% |
asiwind | 0.8x | 0.6% |
movieclips | 0.7x | 2.4% |
tedxtalks | N/Ax | 9.5% |