Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?

Nicholas H Wolfinger

Nicholas H Wolfinger


Lens Rankings

Culture and Political Economy

#21 0.004738 Heterodox Academy
#735 0.000166 Persuasion Community
#971 0.000111 Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)
#1671 0.000050 Harper's Open Letter
#2600 0.000049 Arnold Kling's Fantasy Intellectual Teams
#4218 0.000017 Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism
#4226 0.000015 Rationality

Think Tanks

#1283 0.000119 American Enterprise Institute
#1283 0.000119 National Bureau of Economic Research
#2120 0.000032 Niskanen Center
#2397 0.000011 Berggruen Institute
#6749 0.000006 Hoover Institution
#7503 0.000013 Brookings


#1479 0.000057 Palladium Magazine
#2120 0.000032 Foreign Policy
#3529 0.000015 Washington Post
#3532 0.000035 The Atlantic


#2861 0.000047 Think Tanks


#8527 0.000004 EconTwitter

Automatically Detected Communities